Ten Pound Poms (2023– )
Family connections
5 April 2024
I'd heard about this television programme, and I'm just getting around to watching it, it's got a particular interest to me because, of my brother Murray emigrating to Australia.

£10 Poms works well enough as a drama series, with various character situations of immigrant families, and the local Australians within the settlement area. It was easy enough to get into the differing stories, which were well and engagingly told, the actors certainly took their parts well.

I won't give anything away about the ending, but the way it appeared to me there, would have to be another series, though not all of the possible loose ends, were satisfactorily addressed.

I had heard about the Australian government immigration policy, but I didn't know any of the details, especially of how long it lasted.

Murray joined the merchant navy with a mate in 1967, luckily for him he was a skilled toolmaker, which made him a junior officer, it also enabled him to make, the most of a golden opportunity. The company Blue Funnel Line had a cargo vessel, travelling out to Savannah in the USA, which was stopping off in Australia on route, the vessel was short of one crew member. Normally Murray would have to work up to it, before he could take advantage of the opportunity, but it was the case of the right time and place, and too much of a good chance to turn it down.

He obviously enjoyed the experience, so much that we had no sooner, got used to him being in the merchant navy, that we had to acclimatise ourselves, to him emigrating to Australia.

The strange thing for me about the £10 Pom, was what Murray told us about the Embassy Australia House, I understood from what he said, about his experience that the scheme had ended, before he chose to emigrate. He was informed that the Australian government, was seeking skilled tradesmen and he was, vetted about what skills or trade he could bring, when he replied about being a toolmaker, that appeared to clinch it.

I only know what actually happened, when he got to Australia from what little I can remember, him saying about his experiences there. It sounded as if it was a matter of having to jump through official hoops, in a process of getting settled in Australia.

From what Murray said he had, to live in some form of camp, which operated as a form of settlement area, where he was supposed to stay for a period. Before he was able to apply for citizenship status, as well as to get a chance to look for work, and find out if there were any local families, with available accommodation.
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