Pure Invention
6 April 2024
This is the manufactured story of Matt Shepherd who was cruelly murdered. But it was not by total strangers as alleged in this episode. Matt was gay and a drug user and drug dealer and HIV+. The man who killed him was one of his lovers--both having been male escorts at times-- and a partner in drug dealing. Matt's partner, McKinney, believed Matt had access to a valuable drug shipment and planned to get his hands on it. That was the motive for the savagery that led to death. The murderer (there were actually two) should have gotten a death penalty. The trial & evidence held by the DA is ignored by those covering up the sad truth which would be a warning to those who live high risk life styles. The true story is more fascinating, nail biting, and sad than this well intended fiction. Read the book, or catch an interview with the DA.
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