Crybaby son makes bad movie worse
7 April 2024
Wow, after the fifth time the kid (Richie Bridgestone - who grew up to be assistant manager at a Lum's Restaurant) ran around screaming that his Dad was a werewolf, I was hoping grumpy sheriff Robert Wilke would do a Dirty Harry on him: "Did I fire six shots, or only five?" Unfortunately, nobody bites the kid, and he even outlasts his Dad.

Kerwin Matthews plays the Dad and star werewolf. Matthews had a great career playing Sinbad, Gulliver, and various other hero characters in many action films when he was young, in the 1950s and 1960s.

By 1973, Matthews was 47 years old, and he looked like a paunchy middle-aged father of a teenage boy. He lives by himself in a cabing by the woods, and his son comes out to visit for some parenting time. Their first night going for a walk for some bonding, a werewolf attacks and bites Dad before dying.

The rest of the movie features the worst transformations ever, with all the werewolf effects coming from the Party City clearance aisle. The werewolf mask is laughable. I wonder if this was intended for children, or as an "After-School Special?"

Wolfy has perfectly combed hair with blonde streaks in the mostly brown fur. That is so off the rails! Who is his hair-stylist? That should have been the big mystery that Sheriff Wilke solved! "Who does your hair, deary?"

Robert Wilke plays the sheriff, and he is in super-grumpy angry Wilke mode. Back in the 1950s and '60s, he was in tons of Westerns, usually playing a grumpy, mean-spirited villain. Now he is a lot older (69 years old in 1973), and a lot more grumpy and mean. As he tells one bystander at a crime scene: "Have you seen enough? Are you happy now? Get out of here before I give you a citation!"

While the kid's Dad is out and about causing car accidents and murdering a lot of people, his son is busy telling everyone that Dad is a werewolf. Eventually Sheriff Wilke takes him seriously and all hell breaks loose with the final bloody shootout. At that point the annoying boy says "Couldn't you have just waited until morning?" Ta-Da! What a brilliant son for any Dad to be proud of.
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