Like a dream...
7 April 2024
This is half the reason I love this movie so much. It's very dream-eqsue. I always secretly wished I could go to Seven Corners.

I showed my friends-with-benefits the movie the other week though, I expected her to not like it but she actually enjoyed it.

Some of Prince's best songs come from this era...Can't Stop, Question of U, Joy In Repetition, We Can Funk...Thieves in the Temple extended version. Anyway, I liked to watch "Graffiti Bridge" every few years and I'm glad it's around now more than ever. Even though "Under the Cherry Moon" is Prince's true cinematic best - so misunderstood and so, so good. GB's problem was people in general wanted another Purple Rain movie. I thought GB was a great movie. Cheeky at times, but thought-provoking and entertaining.

Definitely a Cult Classic. We all knew how funny Prince can be. I felt that if he wasn't already a music superstar, he could have been a good comedic actor.
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