Neither Sexy Nor Thrilling (My Alternative Ending at the Bottom of Review)
9 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The repetitive music made the film sound like a TV ad. It was like a boombox went off without warning, startling viewers. The music overpowered much of the dialogue, like the actors were standing too close to the stage at a jazz concert, or like a street saxophone player was following them around trying to get a few coins. Pay the guy so he'll stop playing!

The wife talked herself into her infidelity way too easily.

The love-struck writer was a terrible writer as evidenced by his uninspired and unromantic dialogue. He asks a married woman out to dinner after just meeting her again in years, then he confesses his love soon after. The woman's first reaction should have been to run.

Woody Allen seems as uncomfortable in French as he is with murder. There wasn't much in the way of emotion. The husband resorts to murder with all the gusto of going to a car wash, just something that needs doing and nothing more.

Another hunter accidently killing a man a second before he was on the point of committing another murder is a probability that makes a lottery ticket seem like a sure thing. Just too stupid. I know what "coup de chance" means in French and it doesn't mean "completely random and stupid."

The ending left me wanting to scream at the screen. Instead, I rated the film down a star. Adding anything to the story would have been an improvement.

An infinitely cleverer ending would have been for the wife to discover that her lover intended to blackmail her, something the husband's investigators uncovered thus justifying (somewhat) the husband's treachery of the lover being disappeared by his hired goons. Then maybe she finds out the the partner her husband allegedly killed wasn't murdered after all.
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