Star Trek: Enterprise: Kir'Shara (2004)
Season 4, Episode 9
Archer saved Earth and now he is destined to save Vulcan and Andoria - the savior of the galaxy
14 April 2024
With the final season, the showrunners tried to halt the impending decline with double episodes and trilogies to entice viewers to tune in again. Episode 9 now concludes the trilogy about the tensions between Vulcan and the renegade Syrrannites as well as the impending attack on Andoria. And when it comes to Andoria, of course, Shran isn't far away - after all, he seems to be the only high-ranking officer the planet can spare. Although Shran never gets tired of emphasizing that Archer now owes him two, he and all of Andoria actually owe Archer, the Enterprise and Starfleet a lot now. In the end it is Archer again who saves the day and with it all of Andoria.

Archer and the crew uncover a plot within the Vulcan High Command and manage to prevent a military escalation and war between Vulcan and Andoria just in time. Tucker is allowed to play captain for a while and, for a change, has the situation largely under control and makes the right decisions to prevent the Vulcans from launching a major attack on Andoria. Meanwhile, Archer and T'Pol try to hand over Surak's writings to the High Command in order to persuade them to abandon the path of military confrontation and return to logic and reason. Speaking of logic: Why the High Command's henchmen try to stop Archer, T'Pol and T'Pau with fists and archaic-looking weapons instead of simply using phasers set to stun remains a mystery once again. Most scenes and conflicts in Star Trek could be avoided anyway if the phasers were simply used directly instead of long persuasion and hand-to-hand combat. If you don't cause fatal injuries with it anyway, there's actually no reason not to use this weapon directly at any time.

Unfortunately, T'Pol isn't much help during the whole operation. Her drug problems have turned her into an emotional wreck. Her logical conclusions, her rational advice, her cool head... she's just a shadow of her former self. At first, she was the only officer on board the Enterprise who didn't play the bold, trigger-happy cowboy like the rest of the senior officers. But then she became more and more of a sex symbol and her new calling was to give Tucker neuro-pressure massages. And finally the decline: drug addiction and emotional instability.

By the way: There must be many women on Vulcan who have the same name. Given the way of naming with a T followed by a short syllable (T'Pol, T'Pau, T'Les or T'Pring, T'Lyn, T'Rina), creativity in finding a name seems to be quite limited.
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