Best Movie I've Seen in Ages
20 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the best movies I've seen in quite a while and left me with an even greater appreciation of Michael Keaton as an artist.

Loved Keaton, Pacino, the hooker, the woman cop Ikari and her partner, and the he-died-too-soon Muncie.

What's wrong with the film is the 1h54m runtime, or 34 minutes too much. At 1h30m, it would have been a tight thriller with a good story, at the bloated edit they used, it stalled out many times during the narrative, like the lapses in Keaton's quickly deteriorating mind.

If they want my opinion of a scene to leave out, it would be when the young father assaults the guy for looking at his daughter. It was stupid and confusing. So, what, he's father of the year now? Where was this over-protective behavior when his sixteen-year-old daughter was sleeping with a dude twice her age? I thought the son was the weakest link in the film and the less of him the better.

Leave the abortion clinic scene out.

He has two ph.ds? Sort of over-doing it.

Didn't get it: he tells the hooker she is on the list of the three people getting a cut earlier in the film them she claims not to know about that when she tries to rob him. She says that she doesn't look like his ex-wife. Wouldn't she be curious enough to get him to clarify earlier when he told her she was getting a third share? Or better yet, just cut this earlier scene out of the film as well as everything he tells her about his "cashing out."

Awkward: when the thugs are robbing him, the big guy punches him, kicks him in the stomach, and Keaton falls down into the living room. The big guy falls down the stairs, but I couldn't see how this happened, even after watching it frame-by-frame. It's sort of an important moment and a bit of clarity would have been welcomed. It's a crime drama without a whole lot of action, so let us see it when it happens. Try turning on some lights.
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