Christmas Hamper (1985 TV Movie)
Different channel, same rubbish!
29 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
In the '80's, Stanley Baxter's contract with LWT was terminated due to the station being unable to foot the costs of his television specials. Michael Grade, who was a huge fan of Baxter, invited him to return to the BBC. His first show for them was this 1985 special entitled 'Christmas Hamper'. If it had been more similar to the show he did for the BBC back in the '60's, all would have been well, but no! Baxter, obviously not one to learn from past experience indulged yet again in more over-performed, over-budgeted sketches with lavish costumes and just like the LWT shows, it was not particularly funny. One sketch had Baxter as Dorothy from 'The Wizard Of Oz'. I don't know about some folk, but to me it is rather odd and somewhat uncomfortable watching an elderly man prancing about as a young girl! Just as well Operation Yewtree was not in existence back then. Baxter's name would have been a dead cert to be on the list!

Baxter did one more show for the BBC the following year -'Stanley Baxter's Picture Annual' but yet again, his insistence on relying on sketches and songs with lavish sets and costumes proved yet again his downfall and thankfully his contract was terminated yet again!
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