Review of Furia

Furia (2021– )
A play on double morals
2 May 2024
Just as a general disclamer, I am not a fan of shows that involve police, punishment and investigation. So my review might be a bit biased because of that. Still, I did find what the show was about, nazi groupings in Norway and police going undercover to investigate to be quite interesting.

This show has some good actors coming from other Norwegian shows, and some not so good ones. The main protagonist makes a very convincing performance and suits his role well, the other central characters also do a great job with the exception of the main female protagonist. She had been landing a lot of roles in Norwegian movies and tv in the last couple years after her performance on the well known Norwegian show «Exit» where she played a benzo popping alcoholic housewife. Still a role this demanding shows lot of flaws in her acting skills. Sure she is super beautiful with a nice smile and great body - and it is amazing she looks this good at 37. But tve fact that we love her as a woman, does not change the fact that she does better in less demanding parts in my opinion. Some things she handles well, and some she needs more training to do well. I suppose this is more of a problem with the people hiring her and not caring too much about polishing and perfecting the show - snd making changes like doing more takes or postponing when needed, since in Hollywood for example actors always get proper excercise and nutrition programs for months before a part and learn different fighting styles and choreographies before they start shooting anything at all and also have stuntmen around to learn from. I guess this is not the case in Norway. Not very noticable in season one but becomes quite obvious in season 2. By the way, does anyone have her number? This time I wont be ignored. Or yes I will, nevermind.

This show is like 2 completely different shows between seasons. The first season feels like a beginning to end story and season 2 is like a new show kinda. They could be viewed independently without any knowledge of the other and might even be better viewed that way and I would reccomend starting with season 2 actually, but keep in mind season 1 is much better.

The first season is a very Norwegian type small town show where it first seems like a normal country town but then starts showing its true nature as secrets are revealed. Quite exciting and interesting show. Would give this a 7/10.

The second season is more like a international type spy show that is very similar to the show «24» that involves the interplay between higher powers and different types of international agencies and fictional terrorist groups. It tries to keep up the excitement but they really made a bad choice being to ambitious and putting all their cards on actors that really does not handle the role well enough. The dialogue is lacking in synergistic counterparts wich just contributes more to the season feeling rushed. Of course it could have been done better but a lot of it just really makes no sense. I am failing to see exactly what the issue is. 24 is one of my favorite shows of all time but this one just didnt hit the mark for me this time. 4/10.

Combined it amounts to a 5/10.
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