Heist spoof, Italian Style
7 May 2024
It's not as wacky as it tries to be, and it really drags at parts in the first hour. Ut once they actually go into the heat sequence, it becomes much more enjoyable as a plot.

The humor is sometimes forced, sometimes campy and sometimes works. I got a kick out of seeing Edward G Robinson use an easel and picture boards as he briefed the group on the heist he wanted to pull, anyone who has sat through an unnecessary power point presentation at work should enjoy that little bit of satire. Robert Wagner's character is a real heal, something Wagner didn't play very often. There are some funny scenes relating to rivalries among various Italian police forces, but American audiences probably didn't get the jokes on that score.

It took much longer than usual to set up the caper than is usually the case in a heist flick, and that's where it feels like it drags on and on, but once they do actually start pulling the job, I enjoyed the action and liked the plan they had put together. The ending is so very predictable and everybody should see it coming long before it happens.

Best aspects of the film are the fine Italian landscape, the scenery Raquel Welch contributes and Godfrey Cambridge's comedic segments.
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