The New York Times Presents: Broken Horses (2024)
Season 3, Episode 2
Broken Exhibit
9 May 2024
Really this was a hatchet job as opposed to investigative journalism. It's what The New York Times has been famous for quite a while now. Not only was this show not engaging but it lacked any objectivity. Extremely one sided. Are there a few bad apples in racing. Of course. Are there more in horse racing than in other sports. Certainly not.

Anyone remember Michael Vick?

If you are interested in a program that illustrates some of the horrors, behind the scenes, of "show horses", I would suggest watching Episode 5 from a mini-series Bad Sport. The title is Horse Hitman.

Warning it's tough to watch but that show had me glued to the television with a bad feeling in my stomach.
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