Sunshine (2007)
Brilliant and underrated sci-fi
10 May 2024
Sunshine is a film that maybe slips under the radar a little too much. When people talk about great sci-fi films it rarely gets mentioned, but it should definitely be in those conversations.

It is tense and gripping with a phenomenal atmosphere throughout. I think Boyle is quite hit and miss as a director but for the most part he absolutely nails it with this one (apart from some atrocious camera work in the final act).

Firstly the cast is absolutely stellar. It is a small cast of only 8 or so people and they all have moments where they shine. The characters are also really well written to the point where it all feels quite authentic. Their actions and motivations and emotional beats all feel so real and how people would actually react in this situation. It gives the film a really grounded feel thanks to the writing.

Then there is the plot, which is so simple but so effective. There aren't really any bells or whistles outside of the central premise and the film is all the better for it. It also transcends several tones and genres which is masterfully done. I think any film set in space can easily feel like a horror, but there's a real unease and tension injected into this film before it devolves into more full on horror territory.

Another huge positive of this film is the set design and costuming. It all looks very real and authentic and adds a certain richness to the experience. As a final positive note the score is sensational and fits the movie so well.

As mentioned I do think there are a few missteps from Boyle. The camera work in the final act is so choppy and messy and just not a style I enjoy at all. I do think the runtime is also maybe slightly bloated. Shaving off 10 minutes may have kept things going with a bit more momentum.

That being said these are small blots on an otherwise brilliant film. It is jam packed full of tension, great performances, stunning visuals, and an engaging plot.
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