11 May 2024
Oh dear...this film was the most horrendous excuse for a film ive ever seen... and ive seen some corkers. Its pretty much an island, friends who lost someone, solving it.

Shocking acting, using apparant 'eroticism ' to draw people in..it hasn't even got that going for it. Liz hurley, her acting was atrocious and the cunnilingus scene wasn't sexy but cringeworthy, she was about as convincing as..... actually nothing as bad to compare to. People are saying that this film is on par with 'The Room'...blasphemy!!! The Room is a cult classic...i just dont understand these comments.

I can only presume liz son said i wanna make film...she approved and starred in it hoping that would save it. It didn't liz. Its an embarrassment. Shes never been a good actress, let us be honest and judging by this, her son should pack up the film making too.

I honestly hate giving 1 stars..but sadly, this deserves it.
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