Star Trek: Discovery: Will You Take My Hand? (2018)
Season 1, Episode 15
I am curious what will happen
16 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am at the end of season 1 at the moment.

Quite laughable all those reviews. Especially from those know it all's. Extraordinary how many Trekkies find themselves to be the absolute truth about ST.

One of the reviewers here , a self-proclaimed Historian claims STD to be nonsense because in comparison to the bombing of London in WO II it is impossible to win a war with a bomb. OMG ! That the truly heroic British in WO II did not surrender does not mean the Klingons would also not surrender. Did not the Japanese give up after the A-bomb?

Then another one makes reviews of episode 13 etc. While admitting that he did not see it anymore after episode five...what the Freck?

Then the shocked Americans about the F* word. All the killings, sex etc. Doesn't matter but they cannot see it with their children because of the F word. Got news for you: your children on their schoolyard are using more the F word than you can ever imagine.

I am a trekkie myself for a long time. I even went to conventions in the 90s. Dusseldorf Messe 1998 for example. The TNG interior : transporter , bridge , Marina Sirtis meet and greet. Etc.

Indeed I also do not like the Klingons how they look here and also not their "Cannibalism". But they have some years to evolve.

Saru is found quite positive here but I cannot stand the look of him. He is outright Hideous.

There is an andoid with not much lines. What will the development be?

And what is Keyla Detmer ? Not much lines but she look like an dis-assimilated Borg. I am curious if we in next seasons get an answer. And definitly I like her the most.. I hope she will be a tough crewmember like Tasha Yar , Major Kira, B'lanna Torres etc. Female muscle is hot. And she is nice and tall...
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