Band of Brothers: Why We Fight (2001)
Season 1, Episode 9
Por Isso Nós Lutamos
16 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Irmãos de Guerra (2001) Series 1st Season Episode Nine - Por Isso Nós Lutamos

Even for me, who wasn't enjoying the series, it's impossible not to cry at the sequence of scenes of them encountering the concentration camp.

I swore that people in the United States already knew about the Concentration Camps and that it was no surprise to find them, I thought that the objective of the war was to free the people in these Camps.

As I said in the first episodes, I know almost nothing about wars and that surprised me.

I don't really believe in heaven and hell, but if there's anything other than death I strongly hope that Hitler and his gang are suffering eternally for all the evil they caused, but the way things are unfair, they might be very happy in the afterlife.

It is difficult to write whether this event was the saddest moment in our humanity, which has seen several atrocities such as other wars, slavery, the Middle Ages, but without a shadow of a doubt it is one of the heaviest things that has ever happened in this world.

I recently saw a podcast by Guilherme Briggs in which he talks about his grandfather who fought in that war and he said that when he visited Auschwitz he felt a very heavy and sad energy, and that for him, without a doubt, it is one of the worst things humanity has ever seen. Already experienced.

The level of badness in human beings is surreal and even worse when that badness comes from a leader.

Episode nine of the first season of the Miniseries Irmãos de Guerra watched on May 15, 2024.

Rating: 8/10.
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