Worth watching just for Cleavon Little!
17 May 2024
Mr. Little shows his excellent "minstrel acting" chops that we will all adore in "Blazing Saddles" here, hilariously actin' the foo' in a little shoe-store back-room banter with "Beloved Character Actor" Simon Oakland (I had no memory of this guy's name, but if you're a fan of '70s TV, you'll certainly recognize him). Also of note is that Linda Dano was a complete smokeshow back then... I think that the producers had gotten wind of the audience's interest in the vehicular acrobatics of "The Rockford Files", because this episode is heavy on the stunt driving, very cool! Really great installment of "The Rockford Files"! I know this review is less than succinct, but IMDB has "Standards" (I.e., minimum character count)...
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