Dance, Girl, Dance (1933) Poster

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When Actors Play Against Type....
kidboots1 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers gives the film a bit of interest even though the story was pretty daring for pre-code days!! Obviously when a script called for a "mother alone" the call went out to "get Evalyn Knapp" and having her play the role as dewy eyed as possible made all the sordid details seem like a dream!! She had progressed from shorts to a breakthrough role in "Sinner's Holiday" and she was lovely in it but when your co-stars are James Cagney and Joan Blondell you don't have much of a chance to grab the spotlight. Evalyn was kept busy over at poverty row where she co-starred with the down and out James Murray and was also given her share of "sin" pictures as well!!

Similarly plotted to "Glorifying the American Girl" (Gloria Shea also has a part) one of the surprising things is that Edward Nugent has the "caddish" role. I didn't think he ever played roles that weren't the decent, upstanding hero although his small part in "42nd Street" showed he could be a heel when the occasion arose. Joe and Sally play a tired double act ("Pitter and Patter") in the sticks - from the film's start whatever love there was has long since gone out the window. Joe is belittling and demeaning and always on the look out for a main chance -namely magician's assistant Cleo (Shea). Once again Mae Busch as Lou, the acidic agent steals the show with her constant wise cracks!! She can see the writing on the wall for the soggy duo but didn't predict that Joe would leave Sally holding the baby!!

If you have ever seen one of these early thirties "the show must go on" type films you know the score. With Lou's support Sally goes on to success, thanks to a song she has written (was there anyone watching the movie who really believed that that lilting soprano belonged to Miss Knapp!!) and finds a devoted admirer in producer Wade Valentine. I have seen Alan Dinehart in a sympathetic part ("The Crosby Case" and I think "The Sin of Norah Moran") but more often than not he was the slimiest of killers or the oiliest of blackmaillers. He wants to marry her and even knows all about the baby but she still carries a torch for Joe!!

Where is Joe?? He has been made to eat very humble pie coming to a realization that he is not the bee's knees and after working as a walking billboard has now come up in the world with a job as a drinks waiter!! Joe hasn't shed all his irritating ways but will Sally show some sense and pick the decent guy who has treated her like a princess all along?? I ask you!!! The film is classified as a musical but like a lot of these poverty row musicals the songs are very forgettable, even one performed in top hat and tails by an actress called Ada Mae and called "It Takes a Lot of Jack" etc..
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Bottom of the Barrel Musical With Some Charm
soren-712598 September 2018
It's hard to imagine a more threadbare musical than this one or one with a less satisfying, and more downright irritating ending. The other reviewer has described the plot in detail and it's basically a story about a dreadful vaudeville team of talentless losers played by Eddie Nugent and Evalyn Knapp. Since it is pre-code the chorus girls wear as little as possible and Miss Knapp is a tiny slip of a thing who wears skimpy outfits that don't do a thing for her. And Nugent plays a pompous and annoying ass. What makes this one hold interest is the fine acting of Evalyn Knapp as a strong independent woman who struggles to make ends meet in the very heart of the Great Depression. She was an actress called upon to deliver a solid performance when the shooting schedule was very short and can't allow for multiple takes and she delivers big time in this one even though her singing is dubbed and her dancing is gangly and atrocious. Of course impressario Alan Dinehart is swept off his feet by the mere sight of her but Miss Knapp is so diminutive and utterly devoid of dancing grace that one can hardly understand what is driving the rather ungainly Dinehart into these paroxysms since he is surrounded by fuller figured chorus girls who can actually dance. The ever reliable Mae Busch is on hand to throw out wisecracks and George Grandee, another veteran of the z film, is on hand to match Busch's banter and to play and sing a very nice piano selection. His second banana role here is much pleasanter to me than those sorts of roles played by Frank McHugh or Frank Jenks in many higher budget Warner Brothers films. Then there is also z film venus Gloria Shea who appeared in so many of these lower level films that she earned enough money in real life to put her brother through law school and he became that famous sports attorney and official for whom Shea Stadium was named, the home of the New York Mets baseball team. The several songs were not bad and one has a chance to see vaudevillian and actress Ada May who had a minor career in the footlights sing a tune and do one of her crazy legged eccentric dances. She is, well, just awful, yet managed to appear in 9 Broadway shows with featured roles in four or five. The best thing about this film is the snappy dialogue and the constant references to contemporary things such as the Volstead Act, Al Jolson being at odds with Lee and J. J. Shubert, Nugent working close to New York in vaudeville so he can be nearby when the Palace Theatre will call him for his bigtime shot, and the idea of the differently priced fleabag hotels vaudevillians could stay at which was a measure of their success. The "insider" nature of this script gives a vivid and dark portrait of life on the boards for the dregs of show business, those people who keep trying but will never really make it. The ending of this movie really angered me but it is always a joy to see Evalyn Knapp, even woefully miscast here, planting her feet and standing up to her men. I highly recommend Three of a Kind where she emotes with the crazy vaudeville veteran and genius Richard Carle in a low budget charmer. All in all, this one is above average while at the same time being below the level of a reasonably budgeted film. The sound recording appears to have been rather poor also and the dance numbers ragged although the director tries to manage a sort of Busby Berkeley overhead shot but can't get high enough and has no idea what to do with his dancers. Oh, well. It's goofy fun anyway.
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