Angélique (1964) Poster


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The ultimate sentimental cloak and dagger story
radlov6 October 1999
How is it possible that no one before wrote a review of this movie and that less than 30 persons voted on it?

Maybe the predominantly American audience of IMDb is not much aware of French movies. French ladies (and especially young ladies!) and gentlemen, give your comments! The honor of France is at stake!

The movies of the "Angelique" series are the ULTIMATE SENTIMENTAL CLOAK AND DAGGER STORY! A whole generation of French (and not only French!!) teenagers has swooned over these movies. So much adventure, splendid 17th century costumes, romantic love, faith and treason, it is all there! Of course the events often transgress the limits of what is credible, but who cares? Just don't be ashamed of enjoying these movies! And, of course, Michèle Mercier is splendid as the incredibly seductive and courageous heroine "Angelique".
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enjoy romance and adventure
sdlb16 September 2001
Such a pity! It's not possible to buy this movie anymore. I read all Angelique's adventures (there are 14, I guess) on account of this film. I showed the movie to my teenager french niece and she loved it! We can learn a lot about french history,human feelings and have great fun altogether. Find it in your local video store and enjoy romance and adventure...
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Angélique 1: Science and sorcery
unbrokenmetal10 January 2016
The story takes place in France around 1650. Angelique (Michèle Mercier) is in love with the young, handsome, but also poor Nicholas (Giuliano Gemma), yet is forced to marry the rich Count Peyrac (Robert Hossein) who has a stiff leg and bears an ugly scar across his face. After she got to know him better, Angelique recognizes an amazing, strong character behind that face, though, and falls in love with her husband despite his outer appearance, better late than never... After some time of peace and happiness, coming events cast their dark shadows before. The Holy Inquisition mistrusts Peyrac's scientific experiments, and the couple also makes enemies at the King's court. Peyrac is accused of sorcery. Can Angelique do anything to save him at the trial?

Classic costume drama which spawned no less than 4 sequels, though none of them exceeded the qualities of the first part. One reason for its success is most likely that it had a female lead character whereas other movies of the genre, from Robin Hood to the 3 Musketeers, usually had male stars. With a good deal of love story added, it appealed a lot more to a female audience in the 1960s, but the action scenes are also well paced and directed. I voted 8/6/7/6/6 for the 5 movies of the series.
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if you like the book, will really enjoy the movie
yelkina15 August 2001
I have seen this movie, and all the others of the series. They are excellent if you liked the books, and also like the atmospher of adventure, 17th century, royal court affairs, etc. I would advise to see this movie.
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I love it!!!
paulclaassen30 September 2020
Ah, I have such fond memories of seeing 'Angelique' (not in 1964!) when I was young. I still enjoy it just as much today.

And who could possibly have portrayed Angelique better than Michelle Mercier? She is sensational! Whilst in love with Nicolas (Giuliano Gemma), free-spirited Angelique is forced to marry a man she's never met - Count Jeoffrey de Peyrac (wonderfully portrayed by Robert Hossein). Described as "horrible" I actually found Jeoffrey rather desirable...

'Angelique' is fast-paced and exciting, and Angelique's wittiness ensures a good dose of humor, too. The film features beautiful locations and stunning costumes. 'Angelique' is an action-packed, epic film with loads of twist and turns, and interesting revelations. Add conspiracy theories, murder, betrayal, deceit, false accusations... I love it!
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there was a TV series
RavenGlamDVDCollector20 March 2014
Totally lost in time, and not even the Net can help me with this. To all fans of the Angelique films, I pose this question: There was, during the Seventies, a French TV show based on this character. I cannot track it down, as all my efforts boomerang towards the Michelle Mercier movies and the Anne Golan novels. I distinctly remember that while Angelique was being auctioned off at the slave market, there was this heinous auctioneer and a big, burly guy was banging a drum. Now, I have thoroughly watched my Angelique DVDs and this scene does not appear, so it is not as if I am confused by some re-edited TV version. No, it was a TV series, which I saw dubbed into Afrikaans (South African Dutch) + during the early Eighties there was something like a short-lived New Adventures of Angelique French TV series. My lament is that I do not know the titles of these, or the names of actresses, sweet nothing! I doubt if I could find them on DVD anyway, but first order of business is to track down their specifics. Anybody out there who can help?

Oh, and the movie this site is about? My apologies for being a bit off-track here, as I'm just barging in with a related question, but speaking for the entire series of movies as a whole, it is quite something else. Controversial to the extreme, there are obviously people who wouldn't want to even hear about it, yet the majority of the fan base is bound to be women who would clearly see the slave market nudity and the sexual scenes in the proper context. This is the original bodice-ripper saga, and many a young girl of yesteryear remember it fondly. And not just in France. Please try to leave your helpful info on the site.
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Angélique, Mon Amour
Galina_movie_fan16 November 2005
I have not seen this movie for many years but I remember it fondly. I used to be a huge fan in my early teenage years. Along with my friends, we had seen "Angélique, marquise des anges" no less than ten times at the cinema, and we all fell in love with green-eyed, sensual Angelique, her mysterious and brilliant husband, the Count Jeoffrey de Peyrac (Robert Hossein), her sharp and clever friend, Desgrez (Jean Rochefort), with the atmosphere of 17th century's France, its picturesque country sides, splendor of Paris and Versailles and dark secrets of the Lous XIV court. Very French movie at its best. I also would like to mention that the movie is based on the first book in the series by Anne and Serge Golon, and all books are absolutely marvelous.
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Excellent vintage costume drama.
petarmatic3 August 2014
When you watch today old films it reminds us to everything about how excellent those films were made.

Plot is so interesting, I am still not sure was the book and the plot based on a true event. It shows something which was the beginning of the beginning of the French revolution, with remarkable sense for ancien regime.

Acting is really excellent and all of the principal actors would probably get all kind of rewards today, but it looks to me they did not.

All in all it is an excellent film for young girls to watch and get obsessed with finding a prince charming. ;)
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A breathtaking spectacle
Atulur28 April 2000
I really do not understand how it is possible that one of the greatest movie series of 1960`s has got such a small amount of comments on this site. This opening movie of the five-part series is in my opinion one of the best. We can see a successful portrayal of rural France of 17th century, the splendour of the golden age of Lous XIV., the debauchery of the court of Versailles etc. Michelle Mercier is simply beautiful, Toja as Louis XIV. is very good as well. The film features some very well-acted scenes. I can recommend it to anyone who loves historical spectacles. This is one of the best ever filmed, I have doubts whether the present film-makers would manage to match it!
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Try to get the books!
dbdumonteil13 January 2002
Anne and her late husband Serge (Golon) wrote absorbing books,with brilliant depictions,be it the court of the Sun King,the Cour des Miracles or a royal galley.Serge Golon was an engineer,and his unusual culture surfaces in the novels:Descartes and analytical geometry,imaginary numbers.With his wife,they smartly blended fiction (Angelique's adventures) with historical facts(Louis XIV's wedding,the rise and fall of superintendent Fouquet,Madame de Montespan and the poisons affair,you name it.They were wonderful when they wrote pastiches of Madame De Sévigné's letters.The books were translated into many a language and deservedly gained a reputation abroad.(which they rarely have in their native France)

What about the movies?They completely betray the Golon's excellent historical novels.Bernard Borderie gambled on the superficial plot and turned what could have been a mammoth melodrama à la "forever Amber"(Preminger)into a Barbara Cartlandesque saga.Michèle Mercier,a beautiful actress, provides a good-natured eroticism,in the tradition of Martine Carol in the fifties,but what can she do with such a script?Her career floundered after Angélique ,and however she showed some talent in Italian comedies before.Robert Hossein easily outclasses the rest of the cast.This is the kind of movie(s) that's (are) in need of (a) remake(s)!(a) remake(s) which would do the Golon family justice.
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Superb epic saga
academyaward82935 July 2007
I don't know about the rest of the world, but this film saga is considered an absolute gem of European cinema here in the Czech Republic. Angelique marquise des anges - Translated as "Angelique, the marquise of angels" (aka Angelika Markyza Andelu) is the first of a five part historical epic, and might be considered to be the best of the series. The entire saga is about 10 hours long, so it's close to impossible to summarize the plot in one sitting, however, you can take my word for it - This one is really worth it. Although historic and a classic period piece, this is NOT your typical Jane Austen style. While based on a novel and set in 17th century France, this really does have it all. There is politics, intrigue, royal scandals, murder, betrayal, blackmail, torture, Satan worship, and rape. However, in the word's of Baz Luhrman it's about FREEDOM, BEAUTY, TRUTH and above all L-O-V-E. Move over Romeo & Juliet, Angeligue and Jofrey de Peyrac are timeless lovers with what the French call a certain ... "I don't know what".

The character of Angelique herself is unlike much we have seen in modern cinema. Not really categorized as a chic flick, nor does it promote feminism in a "in your face" kind of way, but take my word for it - This is one tough broad. Being blessed/cursed with flawless beauty, the woman has been to hell and back, but she just keeps on going. You cannot beat her. And those who have tried, have failed.

For interest, this splendid story has recently been turned into a magnificent musical adaptation here in Prague. Naturally, I have seen it - Breathtaking.

So to sum up, if you can find it, make the effort - It's different. Michelle Mercier - You go girl. Think of Barbarella in a Baroque gown and without the vacant expression and the questionable visuals. The art directions and costumes are enough to take your breath away.

Oh, I must mention this. The fact that this film was not honored with an Oscar for its musical score is just ridiculous. I can guarantee you, this film has the most magnificent film music you have ever heard anywhere. As much I worship Jerry Goldsmith, John Williams, James Horner, Alan Silvestri or Hans Zimmer, MICHEL MAGNES deserves to be immortalized for writing this score. See for yourselves and then let me know if I was right or if I was right.

VIVA France
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Baguettes are good
As for the movie yeah it is a lot of stuff going on, epic with girl stuff, and just French 'novella' style basically. Great sets.
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Very good movie
Varboro14 December 2004
This movie is old : 1964. Most IMDb users won't never watch it, as it is probably difficult to get a copy in other countries. The whole angelique series is a very very good example of what french cinema could be. My mother was very fond of the books, and I saw the films when I was a child. I liked them as adventure movies, and I watched them again as an adult and wasn't disappointed at all, even if as an adult i understood the adventure is secondary to the romance. But good romance it is ! Great story, good playing and... Well, All good.

IMHO only pirates of Caribbean black pearl reach the level of these as epic adventure watchable by the whole family. Another awesome movie in a very different way, but let's get back to Angelique...

French history of the time is not really acute, but is good enough. Quite good, indeed, even for an historian. Michele Mercier is great and Joffrey de peyrac is THE MAN every woman dreams of ( I mean Joffrey, not Robert Hossein). Underrated for sure, and this (and other following movies of the angelique series) is by far out of reach of nowadays french cinema, and alas, probably forever.
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that is my favorite movie of all times
liss_farouche5 October 2004
Although I'm not French but Russian... who actually lives in Australia but wants to travel around the world and go to France one day to improve her French ;-) But I love this movie... even more than I loved the book... It's absolutely brilliant and always inspires me so much. I think through all the years the main character has influenced my own character so much... that my friends sometimes say I act and even look a bit like Angelique.

So I don't really think that the movie isn't well known... It beats all the modern Hollywood soapy dramas. And I absolutely vote for it!
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Quite enjoyable...
planktonrules10 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I must admit at the outset that I have never read the Angélique books, so I cannot compare this movie to the original character in the Anne and Serge Golon stories. My review is simply that of an American who knew nothing about the films and watched "Angélique, Marquise Des Anges" because one of my students is French and she said these movies are her favorites. Well, after seeing this first film, I can see why. The film was quite adventurous and romantic--exactly the sort of film a teenage girl would probably enjoy. Once I have seen the other four films in the series, I will post reviews for them as well.

The film begins with the vivacious Angélique innocently running about the countryside with her sweetheart. However, you soon learn that Angélique is an aristocrat and the young man is just a poor peasant and their love is doomed. In fact, soon after the film begins, the girl is married to one of the richest men in France and she has very little to say about this arranged marriage.

At this point in the film, in some ways you like Angélique and in some ways you don't. She is sweet and brave--having saved the king's life by stealing poison meant for the royal family. On the other, though, she is rather immature and can't stand her new husband because she is disfigured as a result of his many adventures. While he is a very good and amazing man, all she can see are his huge facial scars and limp. As for this Marquis, he is really cool--sort of an action hero and adventurer. Believe it or not, he's like a 17th century version of 'Buckaroo Bonzai' or 'Baron Munchausen' (without the lying and actually having lived these adventures). Fortunately, over time she learns to love the man underneath and you see her grow as a character. Heck, I too, thought he was a terrific guy.

Their now ideal lives are interrupted now by the king--who in this film is seen as a rather cruel and scheming man (not far from the true Louis XIV). Angélique's husband is imprison on trumped up charges of witchcraft and you eventually learn that the poor Marquis is being persecuted in order to get to his sweet wife. Despite this, Angélique tries her best to get her husband released from prison--only to nearly get killed in the process herself. In the end, it looks like both Angélique and her beloved are going to die. However, given that there are four more films in the series, you know that somehow it works out--though NOT the way I expected!! Though sad, I liked the twists at the end--some may not.

The film has a lot going for it. There is a nice blend of romance, adventure, action and intrigue. All are nicely done and the film definitely keeps your attention. Michèle Mercier is excellent as the title character and she is definitely a tremendous beauty but also did a nice job of acting. I have very few complaints about the film, though because of the nudity (a lot by 1964 standards, not much by today's) it probably isn't a film for young audiences.

Overall, a well-made and quite enjoyable film. I can't wait to see the next one in the series.
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cool_aquo7 April 2006
First time i saw this movie about 10 years ago. I just couldn't take my eyes of the screen. And after first time i was terrorizing my neighbor to give me that VCR again. I was child and i thought that movie was amazing. Well i still think same. Yesterday (really) i finished reading first book "Angelique" and today i almost finished second book. I love the details in book and movie both. Of course now when i first saw the movie Angelique for me is only Michelle Mercie. For me as for person who loved this drama story is hard to say much about movie and book cause i can say just "its wonderful". One of most important thing is that its not only a love story. Its like a lifestyle encyclopedia. Anne Golon described all details so great that you can imagine all clothes, buildings, people, meals and everything. Once more - its wonderful story.
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a timeless romance
melissa-5861624 February 2022
I love this movie. I have started to watch it again. The story is so exciting and romantic. The Chemistry between Michelle Mercier and Robert Hosien is phenominal. You actually believe that she slowly learns to love him for who he is. I watched these movies with my grandmother long ago and now I am planning to read the books again. I can deffinately recommend it. If you love costume drama's this is the saga for you.
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Romantic costume drama
Helma51211 November 2001
From the book by Serge and Anne Golon, a magnificently filmed romantic drama. Michele Mercier as "Angelique" has earned her place in movie history with this series, which is available on video in Europe. I hope the USA will one day claim this series for DVD sales.
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very much underrated for such a high quality story
iconians3 June 2003
These 5 movies(1st few i guess are better than others mostly as we all know rarely u can keep high quality over same series...) are done with such a beauty that once you see it, it reminds you all those classics from usa

The story is such that its reminds me of era of count of monte christo or 3 musketeers, while story here is a lot more prolonged its still very captivating

Most importantly i think that because the era and some parts were truthful to certain extent(you really get the feeling on how it was then, how people acted and such) that you just get lost in that world

i seen this movie in europe maybe 10-12 years ago and yet to see in usa, but i feel that this is 1 of those movies which should get a grand remake with perhaps straight to video type of release(you cant really put this all in 2 hr movie its more like 2 hrs per book)

movie itself gets 4 out of 5 for being very good but not exaclty honoring the movie though
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great movie that Americans didn't see
lcpoat29 December 2006
Whole series of the movies about beautiful ANGELIQUE is a big lost for Americans. Gorgeous movie with great actors, costumes, interesting plots on the Freanch historical backdrop. By the way I'm Russian and don't speak Freanch at all, but I've seen all five movies back in Russia and since moved to US trying to find it with English subtitles or doubled in English. My husband is American and he doesn't speak Russian or Freanch. So, if anybody knows where to find one I would greatly appreciate it. That I would be able to start American introduction to the world of 17th century France from my own family. All and on it would be totally great if American people would know little bit more then Bratt Pitt and Angelina Jolie. There is a whole wide world over there. So, welcome.
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Great entertainment
minamurray10 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
French Angelique novels by Serge and Anne Golon (she apparently made most of the writing, while he took care of research) are quite good entertainment, even though characters, at least in the first books, are rotten to the core, including heroine whose only virtue is her good looks. (She becomes a bit more mature in later books). Films are well-made bodice-rippers graced by rich colours which (unfortunately) you don't see anymore, reddish-haired beauty of the heroine and sumptuous 17th century costumes and scenery. They look fantastic, and colourful plots have intrigue and splendor of Versailles, witchcraft trials, pirates, slavery and more.
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Never forgotten
tigerboy-4519319 April 2017
Pity the Voting did not go to 100. I saw this fist when I was 17 and followed the whole series. Never seen a better love story EVER. Still remember it today as if just seen and I am now 70. The music was phenomenal and at the young age was hopelessly in love with Joffrey. In fact still think he is handsome. Have also loved French History Ever since. Bring back the originals for people to enjoy a decent film these days. Michelle was also perfect for the part as you forgot it was a story and felt the same she did. FANTASTIC
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"La" Marquise
beatrix_kiddo_kills21 April 2009
This movie is just excellent. My mother was 15 years old when she saw the movie for the first time and at that moment she knew if she ever had a daughter she would be named Angélique, and that's me. And I am proud of this.

My mother read all the 13 or 14 books, but she told me that she didn't liked the last ones.

I saw this movie when I was little and it took my heart immediately. Even now in 2009 this movie from 1964 is one of the best, this is my opinion.

This first part of the five movies is the best I think.

The actors make the characters live, and in a magnificent way. I could never imagine Angélique without Michèle Mercier.

The original soundtrack by Michel Magne brings the movie to perfection.

If you ever have the chance to see this movie and you like adventure, love, politics, friendship, drama, comedy..... Just WATCH IT!!!!!
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Wonderful movie
nikka1224 May 2014
Wonderful movie . A very romantic love story , full of mystery , Passion , intrigue. The actress is very beautiful and her husband is very charming . You will be surprised from the first minute until the end of the movie . it' an old movie but it seems like it was made in these days. It's set in the courts of France of the 17 th century but it will take you to a numerous adventures also outside France , from king , to sultans, to Pirates and Indians. Never a boring moment in this movie full of adventures , love and charm. This the first of the series : when you start it , you would like to see also the others ! Don't miss it !!
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Lovely movie :)
numellote_810 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I read the books about Angelique about 3 years ago (I am now 35) and I loved them and will always love them (I knew they existed but never had the time to read them). I was excited learning I would get a chance to see movies too, to see how director managed to get out the atmosphere of 17 century and how actors did they roles. I was a bit worried would everything be exactly as I imagined it when reading the books.

Today it is second movie of Angelique on the TV ( 3 hours and counting), but I still think of the first, it was so nicely done: acting (generally speaking), costumes and jewelry, music.... Of course, not all can be according to the book, but that is a minor set back in this historical drama. Michele is wonderful but her acing skill is poorer than the others, and Robert as a Joffrey de Peyrac is great. I must admit that Joffrey is one of my favorite male fictional characters and had shed tears learning he was killed, which of course, was not true. :) Anyways, I hope I will enjoy the rest of the movies as I was enjoying this.
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