Ilsa the Tigress of Siberia (1977) Poster

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From a roar to a meow.
Thom-P4 December 1999
Tigress starts out promising enough with Ilsa as the kommie kommander of a Siberian gulag. Between torturing political prisoners and feeding them to her tiger, the buxom goddess still finds time for some nightly romps with her rowdy guards and the results are often hilarious. Alas, proceedings take a turn for the worse when the scene shifts to a bordello in Montreal. I mean, when you think of all the gruesome settings in the Ilsa series: a Nazi P.O.W. camp, a Middle Eastern slave harem, an asylum in South America and said gulag, a Montreal bordello really pales in comparison. Furthermore, Ilsa's torture techniques are now performed via a (yawn...) mind control chamber. Instead of physically tormenting her victims, she inflicts psychological torture which results in several highly forgettable hallucinatory sequences. But the producers really missed the boat when they decided to play the latter half as a straight action drama with very little of the campy flair which made the series (and the first part of the movie) so entertaining. Another big mistake was to forego Ilsa's classic transformation from cold-hearted vixen to vulnerable lust-bunny. One of the most appealing (and humorous) aspects of her character was the fact that this femme fatale could be brought to her knees and made a love slave when the right "stud" came along. In Tigress, she's just a one-dimensional sadist from beginning to end. Also missing in action are Ilsa's prerequisite pair of lesbian henchwomen, which makes one wonder if the producers even bothered to watch the first two movies! Even the ending, when Ilsa gets her usual comeuppance, seems largely uninspired and comes across as if they simply ran out of ideas. All in all, Tigress is worthwhile viewing only for true fans of the series. To the uninitiated, I'd suggest Harem Keeper or She Wolf for your first taste of Ilsa's whip.
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Definitely the worst of all "Ilsa" movies.
HumanoidOfFlesh14 September 2001
The first half of the movie is set in Gulag 14 in Siberia.Here,Ilsa(Dyanne Thorne)devises grotesque tortures for the prisoners,feeds their pieces to her pet tiger,and gets friendly with the guards.For the second half,it is 24 years later and she is running a chain of high class whore-house with the emphasis on torture."Tigress" is pretty lame-not as nasty as previous installments-and also quite dull.There's some gore,plenty of soft core sex and silly dialogue to keep the viewer entertained,but this is nothing in comparison to "Cannibal Holocaust","Forced Entry" or even "Ilsa-She Wolf of SS".However if you consider yourself a fan of low-budget sleaze you can give this film a look.5 out of 10.
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An Ilsa film with a plot? Whatever next?
Leofwine_draca18 May 2015
ILSA, THE TIGRESS OF SIBERIA, is the third film in the ILSA series I've watched and my favourite yet. That's not to say I particularly enjoyed it, but I am pleased to report that it doesn't just focus on senseless and sleazy torture like the previous movies in this series. Instead, it has an actual plot for once, alongside action sequences to recommend it.

The storyline sees Ilsa now working at a remote Siberian prison camp where the inmates are routinely abused and killed (including by a tiger in one memorable moment). She sets her sights on one particular Russian agent, but he manages to escape her clutches when the camp is overthrown. Later, Ilsa and her chums are holed up in Canada, where she once more runs into the agent she's obsessed with punishing.

There are a few torture and gore scenes in this film but they're relatively tame and if not tame then at least unrealistic. Most of the film seems to have been devised as a softcore flick, with tons of sex scenes involving Dyanne Thorne in various states of undress. She's certainly an arresting beauty, and her charms just about carry the film, at least until an arresting shoot-out at the climax which is handled adroitly. ILSA, THE TIGRESS OF SIBERIA is no classic but at least it's less offensive than the previous outings and has a better story.
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Ilsa the Tigress of Siberia: And so the Ilsa saga ends
Platypuschow1 December 2018
Dyanne Thorne returns for the fourth and final movie in the Ilsa series but she doesn't exactly go out on a high.

Ilsa once again tortures, maims and torments innocents for her own peverse degenerate and evil reasons, all while under the guard of loyal troops whom she keeps in check with her womanly wiles. Arguably all four movies have the same plot, if not they are remarkably similiar.

The previous movies weren't great and this isn't the worst of the bunch, but it's a shame to see a franchise end on a very underwhelming note.

The plot is certainly not polished, the cast are hit and miss, Ilsa never really comes into her own like previous additions and in many respects it feels like it's been downgraded from an exploitation flick to something desperate and unnecessary. Sure you have the customary nudity and quite graphic sex scenes but they feel tacked on, almost pornlike and have no purpose in advancing the plot.

Dyanne Thorne does her best once again but I'd say this is for fans of the series only and even then you're likely to feel a bit let down.

The Good:

Great practical effects

Dyanne Thorne

The Bad:

I still don't get the Ilsa timeline (Or lack thereof)

Much of the technology is plain silly

Very weak finale

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

An electric whisk to the groin is truly the next level of torture

One day someone needs to explain to me what Ilsa is and how she keeps returning throughout different generations
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Ilsa is too cold - Brrrr....
Dr. Gore2 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers

Ilsa. Sweet, voluptuous Ilsa. Large breasted, woman of my dreams Ilsa. She's been a Nazi, a Harem Keeper, and a Wicked Warden. Now she is a Tigress of Siberia...and Montreal? Welcome to the weakest of the Ilsa movies. It's a sad, sad day. I still love her though.

Ilsa runs a gulag in the middle of Siberia. This time she tries to break male prisoners for Mother Russia. My favorite scene was having the two prisoners arm wrestle with two chainsaws on either side of them. Whoever is weakest will lose a hand. That was deliciously gruesome. At the movie's midway point, it shifts gears and moves to Montreal. Now Ilsa is Madam Ilsa, running a prostitution ring. Her past catches up to her in a big battle at the end.

This movie has two big, obvious problems. One, the Ilsa movies are based around Ilsa dishing out torture to FEMALE prisoners. Obviously that allows for more delirious exploitation. The prisoners can be naked most of the time and Ilsa can rip off her clothes as well for the cherry on top. Here, she's running a MALE prison camp and no one wants to see these guys naked. Except maybe Ilsa. This is the movie's fatal mistake right from the get go. The other problem is sticking a prison movie in freezing winter weather. Ilsa is wearing a fur coat through most of the first half and no one wants that. I think the movie realized both of these errors too late. The movie shifts locations to Montreal in the second half so Ilsa can get some naked prostitutes working in the movie immediately. The fact that the second half of the movie isn't even a prison movie anymore is another letdown.

So is there anything good? Yes. Her name is ILSA. She gets naked about three or four times. She also has three short sex scenes. Nothing to get too worked up over but they're still nice. There are a few interesting exploitation scenes along the way too. Worth a look if you love ILSA movies. If they're not your bag, don't bother.

Ilsa is great. The movie is a disappointment.
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Not so good Comrades.
bergma15@msu.edu15 March 2006
This is part of the Ilsa series (I think it's number 3). Apparently, the owners of this film would not sell the rights when the rest of the Ilsa movies were re-released on DVD a while ago. As a matter of fact, the only reason I have it is a friend of mine gave me a VHS copy of it that seems to be vintage (I don't even know if it has been released on DVD or another VHS run in a long time. Finding it may be kind of rare). It has its moments, but isn't as good as the rest of the Ilsa movies. It's basically the same type of story (Ilsa is sadistic and has sex a lot), and wasn't as coherent as the Ilsa stories (which sends it down in my opinion). I think that the writers put two different Ilsa stories they were working on together and decided to release it to make a quick buck.

The plot is that Ilsa is the Commandant of a Gulag in Siberia during the tail end of the Stalinist period. Ilsa enjoys two things, torture and sex (for those of you who have seen the other Ilsa movies, this should come as no surprise). She sets out on "re-educating" an author who has been sentenced there for writing criticisms of the Bolsheviks, but finds that he is a tough nut to crack. All hell breaks loose after Stalin dies and the guards have to destroy the gulag and escape. After this, things get goofy. Fast forward to 1976. The writer is now working as a security guard for the Soviet men's hockey team while they're at the Montreal Olympics. He is recognized at a brothel by Ilsa (who is now the head of an organized crime syndicate) and kidnapped. Ilsa decides to go through round two with the torture, but uses some new technology.

All in all, it was kind of lack luster. The biggest problem was that the script was really weak (the major weakness should have come out through the description of the movie). I also learned from this film that there are two identical lakes in Siberia and Quebec (they used the same damn hole in the ice in two separate scenes). Dyanne Thorne's performance is pretty much the same as in her other Ilsa movies, but this film just didn't live up to the rest. Sure, there's a lot of sex and torture, but somehow it really doesn't soothe the palate. I gave it a 3 because it did have some fun parts.
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Ilsa's final sleazy chapter
Coventry26 April 2004
Dyanne Thorne's last adventure as the busty shrew Ilsa takes place in Siberia anno 1953, during Stalin's dictatorship. She's the heartless and perverted commandant of `Gulag 14' where political prisoners are getting brainwashed and re-educated in favor of Stalin's ideas. When his reign abruptly ends, Ilsa and her closest companions are forced to flee to Canada. More than 20 years later – during the Montreal Olympics of 1976 – she runs into one of her toughest opponents. She runs a chain of luxurious brothels by now and she uses her power to get even with an old enemy. The initial shock-values of `She Wolf of the SS' are long gone and Ilsa isn't half as creepy as she used to. On the contrary, her actions become more and more dreadful and this film is overall lame. There are a few ingenious torturing methods present in Tigress – like a chainsaw/arm-wrestling contest and drowning in ice-cold water - as well as a lot of soft-core action. Ilsa still guarantees a lot of voyeurism and she now even needs two men at the time, in order to be satisfied. The script is filled with unintentionally hilarious lines, like `Your body is full and warm, like Mother Russia itself' But…even a constant series of naked boobs and bloody mutilation becomes tedious after a while. The Ilsa-series sure prove that. These films have a giant cult following and I'm sure the diehard fans will still enjoy this final installment. If you're more like a random cult-film explorer, I advise you to stop after the first Ilsa film
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One for fans of Dyanne Thorne
Red-Barracuda27 October 2011
Some films have great stories. Others have thrills, suspense and mystery. This one has a phenomenal pair of breasts. And I have to admit that, all things considered, that's a pretty good production value. Yes, Ilsa the Tigress of Siberia may very well be an uneven movie in many ways but at the end of the day Dyanne Thorne is the only reason to watch this, right? Ms Thorne has a truly eye-popping physique and she gets naked a lot. And that's more or less it really.

The story is hilariously half-hearted. The cold-hearted and massive-chested Ilsa controls a communist gulag where she dominates a group of male dissidents. After a prisoner rebellion the story cuts to Montreal 1977, twenty-five years later. The gap in time is almost impossible to detect as everyone looks exactly the same. But even though I point this out, I really don't care because the filmmakers sure didn't, it makes no difference to this trash-fest. Somehow, Ilsa runs a luxurious whorehouse in this second half of the film, giving ample opportunity to feed us even more nudity and sleaze of course.

There's a bit of gore, quite a lot of torture and loads of T&A. Good enough for me.
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The worst of the Ilsa movies.
ExecutiveChimp2268 August 2000
I loved the other three, but it's easy to see why Jess Franco's Ilsa the Wicked Warden was picked as the third movie in the trilogy, and this one was forgotten. Nowhere near as shocking as any of the others. The best part of the movie is the starting when they're actually in Siberia (most of the movie takes place in like Canada or something). The deaths at the Siberian camp are entertaining, but the chainsaw/arm-wrestling scenes is cut under the title, The Tigress. Over all its a pretty boring action movie.
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Great exploitation fun
stepflan24 February 2008
Don't listen to the other reviewers. This is a great exploitation flick that delivers the goods. Sure this movie isn't as good as the first one, Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS. But this is my second favourite Ilsa movie. It's certainly better than the boring Wicked Warden. Ilsa, Tigress of Siberia is loaded with weird sex scenes and graphic violence. It doesn't really have as much blood and gore as the original either. But it doesn't matter in this movie. I actually found the story to be kind of interesting. Maybe that's just me, but compared to Wicked Warden and Harem Keeper this is a lot of fun, even though the first half of the movie is a little better than the second.

The thing I really liked about Ilsa, the Tigress of Siberia is the way the story is told. The storyline switches Anyone who is interested in exploitation movies should catch this movie.
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Lacking in Both Eroticism and Depth
Uriah4324 February 2015
Like the proverbial cat with nine lives "Ilsa" (Dyanne Thorne) is back and she has returned to the vocation for which she is best qualified--as the warden of a Soviet prison in Siberia known as "Gulag 14". Further, considering that the year is 1953 and Joseph Stalin is the leader of the Soviet Union, Ilsa pretty much has a free hand to do whatever she wants to the prisoners. That said, true to her nature, that means this movie will consist of plenty of torture and brutality along with a few sex scenes involving the beautiful Dyanne Thorne. Unfortunately, unlike the previous two films in the series ("Ilsa, She-Wolf of this SS" and "Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks") none of these scenes were as polished as in the two preceding movies and as a result this particular motion picture failed to achieve the same standards. In my opinion, it was unnecessarily raw and sleazy and lacking in both eroticism and depth. I have rated the movie accordingly. Followed by the 4th (and last) film in the series, "Ilsa, The Wicked Warden".
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The Fourth in the "Infamous" Ilsa Series
EVOL66627 September 2005
I don't see what the big deal is here...Almost all the other reviewers seem to hate this film, and I don't really get it. After the goofy, uninspired HAREM KEEPER, and the pretty dull sleaze-fest WICKED WARDEN, I was pleasantly surprised with TIGRESS. It's no masterpiece by any means, but this one had some inventive torture and a decent amount of tits-and-ass. This one has the mammoth-mounded Ilsa playing baby-sitter to a bunch of Russian traitors in the first half of the film, and a Canadian whorehouse madam in the second half. Yes, the story is definitely a little disjointed, almost playing like 2 different films, but I think this one had a good balance between sex and gore, and enough sleazy humor to make it an all-around worthwhile and entertaining entry. Definitely worth checking out if you like the series (or sleazy exploit cinema in general), but you may have a hard time finding it - I don't believe that there is a DVD release as of yet (at least not in the States), so start scouring those old mom-and-pop video stores. Regardless of what the other guys say, I like this one - 8/10
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The fourth Ilsa movie—not the best, but not bad!
BA_Harrison12 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
In this, the last of the series, Ilsa is back in command of a prison camp—Gulag 14 in the frozen wastes of Siberia. It is 1953, and Stalin rules Russia with an iron fist; Ilsa's job is to reform political prisoners using every and any means necessary, and in between torturing and killing, she takes time out to have threesomes with the camp guards.

Of course, in true Ilsa fashion, there is one particular inmate that piques her interest—the unbreakable Andrei Chikurin—and she makes it her mission to both brainwash him and bed him. She fails to do either, and just as she is about to feed him to a tiger, she learns that her beloved Stalin is dead and flees the scene, burning Gulag 14 to the ground to destroy any evidence of her crimes. Andrei crawls from the blazing camp as Ilsa escapes with her most trusted henchmen.

The movie then fast forwards to Montreal ,1977. Andrei is now manager of the visiting Russian Olympic hockey team. He is talked into taking two of the players to a brothel (so that they can sample American women before returning home) which, unbeknownst to him, is owned by none other than his old adversary Ilsa. With the help of her Russian sidekicks, the busty bitch has been forcing local mob bosses to sign over their businesses before dumping them into a frozen lake, trapped inside metal drums. On spotting Andrei, Ilsa decides that she will finish the job she failed to do 24 years previously...

The Siberian bound first half of the film is by far the best part of the film, since it allows Dyanne Thorne's busty sadist full reign to do what she does best: torture, maim and kill. She is one happy bunny hauling the men under ice, forcing them to arm-wrestle over running chain saws (a standout scene), feeding them to the tiger and impaling them on huge wooden stakes. This girl sure loves her work!! The only downside is that the camp is all male—I really missed the gratuitous 'naked babe' shower scenes.

Fortunately, the second half of the film offers plenty of nudity and more than makes up for the lack of T&A in the first. What it does lack, however, is the sleaze factor; Ilsa's preferred method of torture in '77 is via a hi-tech computer (a laughably crap box with randomly flashing buttons) which pinpoints one's innermost fears and then projects holographic images of these 'terrors' into the room in which the prisoner is trapped. Call me old fashioned, but I like the traditional methods best.

Whilst not quite up to the standards of the first two films, Tigress of the Siberia is well worth a look for fans of exploitation and there is plenty to be enjoyed.

And what of Ilsa? She has to leave in a hurry when Russian special agents storm her stronghold; racing away on a snowmobile, she crashes, breaking her ankle. We leave her stranded in a frozen wasteland, unable to walk, burning her bags of money in order to keep warm as the sun drops below the horizon— what a great way to end the series!
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I hope Solzhenitsyn did not watch this while he lived
SkullScreamerReturns20 October 2021
I have never watched an Ilsa movie before but I got this dvd cheap so I decided to check it out. I'm also not very familiar with this whole prison exploitation genre.

The movie was maybe a bit more serious than I expected and not total tongue in cheek camp. But it it is quite cheesy at times too.

The main concept of a Gulag prison camp was a bit horrifying, especially since I just started reading Solzhenitsyn's "The Gulag Archipelago" book which tells about the actual horrors that happened in those camps. I like violent movies but this topic of prison camps goes under my skin and feels actually a bit bad to watch even if the movie is not realistic at all. But I guess it is in the nature of "exploitation" films - to try and be edgy and cause some fuss. And I'm probably taking things way too seriously, compared to average person who watches movies like this.

As a movie it is not the worst ever. The plot somehow works even if it's a bit disjointed, consisting of two different times and places. The best thing was the numerous nudity scenes which were often quite funny too - Ilsa having wild sex with his soldiers, or some even more random things of nakedness. Some decent special effects in the kill scenes, and an action-packed finale.

So...not the worst movie I've seen but not very entertaining either. It's the kind of movie that is somewhat interesting to see once for curiosity but if you had to watch it over and over again it would be a hell of boredom. BUT if you are a fan of this genre then you will probably like it to some extent.
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The worst Ilsa movie?
Groverdox23 August 2020
After the first scene, I wondered if "Ilsa the Tigress of Siberia" might be the most violent movie in the Ilsa series. We see a man copping a spear through the back of his skull, the sharp end protruding through his open mouth, and another guy has his skull smashed with a sledgehammer. We get a tasty shot of the mess of the man's head, a bone-grey stump with blood still pumping out.

Alas, however, the movie doesn't keep up the pace with that, and goes from being a contender for the most violent title to merely being the most boring. The Ilsa movies were always episodic and had little semblance of a plot. We get the standard thing with an already past-it Dyanne Thorne playing a buxom, icy, psychopathic dominatrix type in whichever setting gives her access to imprisoned men. The movie will show Ilsa's comfort with bizarre torture and execution methods, it will show her sexual aggression, and it will even show her attempting to seduce her own prisoners. Lastly, she'll get her comeuppance.

"Ilsa the Tigress of Sibera" is even more "episodic" than the other entries in the series; in fact, it feels like episodes from a different TV show pasted together. The filmmakers made the bizarre decision to set the first half of the movie in the titular Siberia, and the second half in Montreal, twenty four years later. Why did they do that, you ask? I don't know, I answer.

I wasn't too surprised to see that Ilsa manages the neat trick of not having aged at all in twenty four years, with no attempt made to explain this miracle. After all, she had no trouble going from a Nazi commandant guard to a warden of a Stalinist gulag. But what was the point of this change of scenery? Did the filmmakers get tired of the cold?

The movie tries to find a throughline between the two halves of different movies they offer us by having a prisoner in the first part turn up as a security guard of a hockey team in the second. Ilsa is back to her old tricks, trying to torture him and everyone else, using a new machine that reads people's minds and forces them to hallucinate about whatever it is they're most afraid of, leading to some hallucination scenes that are just as uninteresting as the rest of the movie.

The movie looks as dull as it feels, as though it were filmed through mud. It's pretty pointless, and I was glad when it was over.
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"You will be a vegetable when I've finished with you." - They're not wrong either!
poolandrews11 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Tigress, or Ilsa, Tigress of Siberia as I'm positive it's more commonly know as, starts in 'Serbia 1953' where Ilsa (Dyanne Thorne) runs a prison camp for Russian dictator Josef Stalin who sends various enemies of the state there for readjustment, if that's the right word. Ilsa runs Gulag 14 with an iron fist, anyone who tries to escape is killed, anyone who refuses to work is killed & anyone who steps out of line is killed. One fateful day the news reaches Ilsa that Stalin has been overthrown, Ilsa orders the destruction of the camp & the execution of all the prisoners but one inmate, political dissident Andre, manages to escape with his life along with Ilsa & a couple of her sadistic guards. Jump to 'Montreal 1977' & Andre is in town to accompany a Russian hockey team for some sort of Olympic tournament when a couple of the team want to go to a brothel & have sex with a couple of prostitutes. However this particular brothel is run by Ilsa who spots Andre & thinks his appearance is far from a coincidence, Ilsa has Andre kidnapped for reasons that aren't overly clear or logical but both parties have vengeance on their minds...

This Canadian production was directed by Jean LaFleur & Tigress was the fourth Ilsa film in a series that began with Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS (1975). To be honest I think all of the Ilsa films are pretty rotten & Tigress isn't any different. The script by Marven McGara starts off impressively with Ilsa the Commander of an isolated prison camp, this is probably the best 40 odd minutes that the entire series has to offer as it has a nice exploitative feel with plenty of torture, executions, sex & some unintentionally funny dialogue. Unfortunately for the remainder of Tigress it shifts to Canada & a really boring soft core sex/gangster type film that is absolutely excruciating to sit through. The first & second halves of Tigress are as different as can be, it's almost as if two separate films had been spliced together (badly) & the only common threads are Andre & Ilsa. The first half of the film moves along at a nice pace & actually pretty good while the second half is as dull as dishwater & complete total & utter crap. I really don't know who this film would appeal to or who it would please, overall it's a pretty rubbish film taken as a whole.

Director LaFleur does a good job for the first half as he keeps things moving along but the second half ruins everything. Don't expect much style or visual flair but it has a nice sleazy atmosphere at times during the first half. I personally think Tigress is the most gory of the Ilsa films, the fights & shootouts feature lots of blood, there are impalings, stabbings, someone has their head smashed to pieces with a hammer, someone gets chopped up in one of those snow clearing machines, people are fed to Tigers & a really graphic scene of a guy having his hand chainsawed off while playing the ultimate game of arm wrestling. There is a fair amount of nudity & some really unsexy sex scenes which are about as much of a turn on as a slap in the face with a wet fish.

Technically Tigress is alright, it's competently made throughout although some it is rather bland. The music used is the same as various cues from Dawn of the Dead (1978). The acting is poor especially Thorne as Ilsa whom I think is ugly, old, a terrible actress & her large saggy breasts leave me cold & her shower scene had me reaching for the stop button but since I'm such a masochist I stuck with it.

Tigress is a poor exploitation film, the first half is as good as the Ilsa series gets but the second half is probably as worse as it gets which takes some doing, it's as simple & straight forward as that. Definitely not recommended as there are far better exploitation films out there.
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Dyanne Thorne should have made more sex scenes!!!
DJ Inferno5 October 2001
Well, in comparison to its predecessors "She Wolf of the SS", "Harem Keepers of the Oil Sheiks" and "The Wicked Warden" this third sequel really lacks! Watched as an independent film however "Tigeress" can be quite funny - provided that you like this silly mixture of (harmless) torture scenes, pseudo-sadism, cheesy directed action sequences and a really dumb James Bond-like secret agent story! The best possibility to enjoy this film is his sexy and charismatic main actress Dyanne Thorne! Everyone of her appearances improve the whole movie, although her role as a sadistic chief of Russian prison camp Gulag 14 is way better than the one twenty years later as the leader of a Canadian brothel! My special advise: enjoy the (unfortunately quite short...) sex scenes in this film - Ilsa always needs to be satisfied by TWO men! - where this voluminous woman is always in full action! The rest of the film is only recommended when you´re a fan of the Ilsa-series!
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sick, sick, sick
john229004 February 2007
Sick, sick, sick are the only words to describe this movie.

Beside a nude Dyanne Thorne showing her huge lungwarts, there is absolutely nothing else to recommend this film at all.

Of course, all the ILSA films were sick anyway. The worst offender by far was the uncut version of ILSA, THE WICKED WARDEN. It is difficult to ascertain which ILSA movie was the next sickest. In my opinion it is definitely a tie between ILSA, SHE WOLF OF THE SS and this film.

ILSA, HAREM KEEPER OF THE ARAB OIL SHEIKS was the least offensive of the ILSA films but they all treaded the same general ground just to differing degrees of vulgarity.

However, if you are an aficionado of sleaze cinema, these films are right up your alley but make sure you get only the uncut versions of each of them.
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There's worse ones out there
slayrrr66624 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Ilsa, The Tigress of Siberia" is an okay entry most of the time.


Running the Gulag 14 prison in Siberia, Ilsa, (Dyanne Thorne) uses her various torture methods to keep the prisoners in line. When the list of new recruits shows up to begin their punishment, she has an excuse to use her methods once again, using them to rule the camp with an iron fist. Finding that prisoner Andrei Chikurin, (Michael Morin) is unbending in his stead, she tries to ever-amounting forms of torture to break him, but when news comes of the camp's impending closure, she tries to eradicate it and all evidence of what happened, leaving him for dead. Escaping without her knowledge, he finally accidentally comes across her years later as the head of a prostitute-house ring in Montreal, and once she finds out that he is a former prisoner of her camp, she tries to tie up her loose ends once and for all.

The News: This one wasn't all that bad, and did have some good points. The fact that there's some really nice sleaze moments in here when necessary is a great plus. The nudity in here is really nice, coming close to the original in terms of quantity, and that's not a bad sign. From the inventive sex scenes with her herself, where she sometimes takes on two at once in raunchier scenes than anything else would showcase, and the fact that the later half of the film is about a prostitute ring is the perfect catalyst for much more of it. The scenes in there, from the intense massage to the undressing and the actual scenes of them all going at it in there are pretty much what has come to be expected in these kinds of scenes. There's only the feeling that none of this comes off as sleazy as it did before, since none of it is really dirty or disgusting, as it was in the past, or merely showing it because it could. That's also the main difference with everything in the film, as it features the same stuff but none of it is dirty or sleazy as it could've been as they're not presented in that light. The torture scenes in the Gulag part are actually really great and brutal, and again, not as graphic as what came before in the series, come off as very cruel; and creative. The tiger pit is the greatest idea, where a cage above the pit with the snarling creature below leads to some really tense scenes before the inevitable happens, and the dunking in the ice water between two points spread out on the ice is sheer genius. The later scenes aren't that great, as the ones in the house are great in theory but produce really cheesy scenes when they're fears are realized through the virtual-reality program. These are so far removed from the tone of the film that it's hard to really understand their inclusion, or why they're really fears at all when done so cheaply, taking the sting right out of the sequences. It does make up for them with two really nice action scenes, including an incredibly fun sequence in the prison where they close it down and remove all traces of the prison, where they round up or shoot the prisoners, torch the remains and everything else, and the struggles and opportunities at fighting back while with the fire are really fun and action-packed. The finale, a confrontation at the house between the operatives and the guards is bloody, violent and really fun, being quite long and actually features a lot of good stuff about it, which ends the movie on a high note. All these things combined, this one turns out rather nicely.

The Final Verdict: While not the greatest entry in the genre, this one does get very entertaining at times and is a decent cap to the series. Give it a shot if you're a fan of the series or have an urge to see this one, but the fact that it is so different from the other ones in the series is something fans have to get over.

Rated R: Full Nudity, Graphic Violence, some Language and a few mild sex scenes
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Watchable, but sort of bland...
paul_haakonsen26 August 2023
While I have been vaguely aware of the existence of the "Ilsa" movies, I actually never did get around to watching them before some time after 2020, and thus I stumbled upon the 1977 movie "Ilsa the Tigress of Siberia" here in 2023, and opted to sit down and watch it.

I haven't exactly been much of a fan of the movie in the franchise, and thus I harbored no expectations to this movie from writer Marven McGara and director Jean LaFleur. But I sat down to watch it with an open mind, ready to be entertained and impressed.

While "Ilsa the Tigress of Siberia" was watchable enough for what it turned out to be, it just wasn't a gem in the cinema history. It is a movie that came and went without leaving a lasting impression on me, and I doubt I will ever return to watch it a second time. I have to admit that the storyline and the characters in the movie were just a bit too bland for my liking.

Of course there is an audience out there for a movie such as "Ilsa the Tigress of Siberia", no doubt about it. I just happened to not be a part of that particular target audience.

My rating of "Ilsa the Tigress of Siberia" lands on a four out of ten stars.
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Ilsa deserved a better ending
Elvis-Del-Valle6 March 2024
Produced by Roger Corman and Ivan Reitman under the same false name, the Ilsa trilogy comes to an end with this film that has left mixed opinions among fans of this trilogy. While some consider it the best of the trilogy, others consider it the worst. This film features another alternate reality of Ilsa, but here the film is split into two parts. The first part introduces Ilsa as a GULAG commander who returns to the roots of the first film, but this part is short making it just an introduction. The second part takes place in Montreal, where Ilsa owns a brothel, but she reunites with the only surviving GULAG prisoner. You have to admit that they apparently took the concepts from the previous two films and put them into this film. The story feels more like an action-espionage thriller. There are erotic scenes and nudity, but here the number of these scenes is lower than in the previous films. There is even very little gore making this film the lightest and softest of the entire trilogy. Although the story is good, it feels like a recycling of the previous films in certain aspects, leaving aside the shocking elements that made this trilogy gain notoriety. There are some flaws in some scenes, some dialogues and even some sequences are not very coherent. Dyanne Thorne does not disappoint playing Ilsa and it is something she has never failed at in the entire trilogy. They continued to respect Ilsa's villainy and gave her a stoic rival who could have been on par with the American soldier from the first film. The action in the final battle could have given a good conclusion to the trilogy, but the ending of this film is not entirely convincing. The ending is similar to the second film, but less interesting. The definitive conclusion is that Ilsa, The Tigress Of Siberia is a film that did not contribute much to the saga, making it clear that there was no need to make a trilogy. The movie may be enjoyable without question, but to be honest, Ilsa was a great villain and her trilogy deserved a better ending. My final rating for this movie is a 6/10.
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neil-47612 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This female prison camp chief in Siberia tortures prisoners and has sex with prison guards. 20-odd years later the action switches to a bordello in Canada for more torture and sex.

The good - the music is OK, the camera is steady, and the sex and nudity are mildly titillating.

The bad - everything else. This film has had a moderate number of positive reviews from people who enjoy sex/torture/prison camp movies - this is the third in a series, so the genre obviously has its enthusiasts - but irrespective of the pros and cons of the subject matter, this offering is just plain shoddy in every way.

Let me be specific. The script is very, very bad indeed. And as bad as the script is, the acting is far, far worse. I have been to offerings by the local amateur dramatic society where the worst performance has been better than the performances here by a wide margin. The US citizens trying - and failing - to deliver Russian accents are among the worst offenders, but everyone is guilty.

This is a film to be avoided.
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Great Movie.
gmda16 February 2011
This was an excellent film. Later I saw the others, and I still like this one the best. It was different. You end up clapping and cheering for the KGB when they come in like the cavalry in an old western. That was different. Saw this as a second feature, we went to see the other movie, and ended up seeing this one too. This was far better than the other movie, "It's not the size that counts", which had James Bond's M, Bernard Lee.

This movie has action, shoot outs, chases, gory deaths, sex, and some tense situations. Watching it again, 20 years later on VHS, was not as good as in the theater. But it is still a good movie.
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Ilsa, with tigers in Siberia
The_Void25 May 2008
The Ilsa series apparently has something of a cult following, which is unsurprising as sleazy stuff like this is often well liked. I can't say I'm a part of that following and in fact have only seen one Ilsa film (Jess Franco's Ilsa, The Wicked Warden) and dint like it much. I can't profess to be a big fan of this entry either, although I do have to say that I enjoyed it more than my first taste of Ilsa. The thing I liked most about this film is the way that it doesn't follow the familiar sleaze plot line. Initially it feels like it might do as we focus on a Russian prison camp in which the prisoners are treated badly and often killed at the hands of it's warden. Things go wrong for Russia in the war and the wardens flee to Canada, where Ilsa starts up her own brothel and later comes back in contact with one of her rivals during the 1976 Olympics. The film is hardly genius, but I get fed up of seeing people brutalised in sleazy prison camps so the change of setting seen in this film is certainly very welcome. Director Jean LaFleur does not exactly go easy on the sleaze, however, and the film does feature some really gory moments - including several scenes of death and torture, most of which are quite inventive and the fact that the film features actual Siberian tigers is to its benefit also. There's nothing included in this film that hardened sleaze buffs won't have seen many times before; but this is better than a lot of similar films at least.
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Ilsa, the Tigress of Siberia
alexx6687 October 2009
This film tries to hard to be more than it can be, and fails miserably. It starts with the the usual exploitation fare, with Ilsa this time serving as mistress of a Stalinist USSR-era Siberian gulag, indulging in prisoner torture and sexual deviations, ho-hum. Then inexplicably, the film moves forward in time in 70's Canada (with a completely un-aged Ilsa, duh), with Ilsa as leader of a prostitution cartel, and the film turning to a sort-of adventure crossover, replete with ninja acrobatics and machine-gun firepower. Duh, duh and duh some more. The worst part has to be the laughable ending, with Ilsa being left stranded in some icy desolate landscape, just outside Montreal? Lol.
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