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So stupid, yet so entertaining that I'm torn between giving this 1/10 and 10/10 (hence my final rating of 5/10).
BA_Harrison10 March 2011
While en route to a nightclub, playboy Hal (José Gras) has a violent run-in with a neo-Nazi biker gang which ignites a series of vicious revenge attacks that culminate in murder.

Exploitation film-makers generally take one of two tried and tested routes—gritty realism or exaggerated excess; rarely are the two styles combined. Director Paul Grau, on the other hand, is clearly a true maverick of the genre, a man who likes to truck convention, break all the rules, do his own thing however unpredictable the result might be: for Mad Foxes, Grau recklessly combines genuinely mean-spirited nastiness with seemingly incongruent, over-the-top elements, and abandons technical perfection and logic in favour of a less rigid, more experimental approach to his volatile material. It's a radical stratagem which results in an undeniably unique piece of work—or to put it another way, the film is an inept one-of-a-kind mess, often unintentionally hilarious (or so I presume), occasionally shocking, sometimes completely random, but always totally insane.

To expound on Grau's bizarre combination of the ridiculous with the realistic, I'll describe the villains of the piece in more detail: sporting a range of clichéd motorcycle gang outfits accessorized with matching swastika armbands, the gang's appearance brings to mind the imbecilic Black Widows from Clint Eastwood movie 'Every Which Way but Loose', whose nefarious plans were constantly thwarted by Clint and his orangutan with suitably comical results. Despite their cartoonish countenance, however, Mad Foxes' bikers prove to be far from a laughing matter, raping and killing without mercy (but strangely enough, not putting so much as a scratch on Hal's swanky sports-car).

Another example of how director Grau casually mixes silliness with the surprisingly savage comes when Hal and his martial arts pals seek revenge for the rape of an 18-year-old virgin (whom Hal had hoped to break in himself): the fracas begins with some of the most pathetic karate ever captured on film, but ends with the bikers' leader having his severed penis unceremoniously jammed into his mouth. It's sudden changes in tone like that which have earned this film its reputation as one hell of a strange cult oddity.

Of course, with terrible direction, choppy editing, lousy acting, dire dubbing and poorly choreographed action, Mad Foxes is about as far removed from decent film-making as you can find, but it's hard to ignore any movie in which vicious rape rubs shoulders with rock 'n' roll jive dancing, evisceration and emasculation go hand in hand with full-frontal nudity and steamy sex, a visit to the crapper can result in sudden death (I've heard of suffering from explosive bowel movements, but this is something far worse), and absolutely no-one lives happily ever after.
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Deservedly Obscure
jfgibson7316 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A swinging bachelor runs afoul of a Nazi biker gang and it begins a circle of escalating scenes of vengeance. I watched this movie because I read it had a grindhouse feel, and there is some of that, but there is also a lot of softcore romance. The bikers eventually kill the bachelor's whole family, and he hunts them down and kills them until he gets home and the final biker has a bomb that kills them both. I don't plan on watching it again.
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valis66623 July 2000
I don't remember ever seeing such bad dubbing as in the version I saw of this film. It doesn't even seem like the voice actors were watching the movie! When the actor's face on the screen would seem to denote that he is yelling, the dubbed voice sounds calm. When the actor's face on the screen would seem to denote that he is in pain, the dubbed voice sounds calm. In fact, the dubbed voice ALWAYS sounds calm!!

Not only that, but the actual writing of the English dubbed version leaves a lot ot be desired, to say the least. We are treated to such scintilating, saucy dialogue as:

Man in bathtub, to woman: "Come here." Woman: "Okay."

Even further, we have a biker gang that rides around on dirt bikes (?!?!) and a group of the laziest karate masters ever as their karate kicks don't even rise above their waists!!

I'm a big fan of "bad" movies but this one didn't make me laugh at all. It just made me wince in pain.
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Properly the stupidest movie ever made! A laugh riot!
Jens-2825 February 2000
In Denmark this gory and sick mutant was called "The Bikers And The Disco Kid"!?! It should give you a clue of what kind of trash we're dealing with here. After showing off his flashy fast car the "hero" gets beaten up and his girl is brutally raped by a moronic biker gang. He then contacts his kung fu buddies for help and they beat up the bikers and cut off the leader's penis (!) for revenge. The bikers then come back and gun down the kung fu guys...and so on. The dubbing is properly the worst ever and the film is drenched in blood, swastikas, disco, heavy metal, small bikes, sex and bad acting. The spirit of Herschell Gordon Lewis lives on, so get a copy of this obscure anti-masterpiece! Swiss producer Erwin C. Dietrich also worked with Jess Franco, so you know you're in for a treat!

Warning: Don't watch this freakshow unless you're intoxicated, it can seriously damaged your health!!
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What do you get when...
mhorg201824 November 2020
You cross BAD acting, BAD story, BAD directing, BAD anything I've left out, and combine it with a lame action hero, the worst biker gang (who ride DIRT BIKES), disappearing swastikas, a raped woman who disappears from the movie, kiddie kung-fu and much, much more? What I'll forever call SUCKSPLOITATION. It's like someone found a high schoolers idea for a movie tossed in the trash, had a few hundred bucks (or pesos since this is a badly dubbed spanish movie) and said, hey lets make a movie, I have my dad's camera. Really, beyond bad. Just one of the worst pieces of crap ever foisted on an unsuspecting public!
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Coventry16 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Mad Foxes" is what happens if someone grants a bunch of drunken loonies access to a camera and simultaneously offers them $20 to make their very own movie. This whole thing probably started as a bad joke among friends in a sinister bar and after having too much to drink already? They all wanted to make a movie, none of them had any talent or even any clue how to begin filming and since they couldn't decide what to focus on, they simply processed every imaginable exploitation theme into the film. Oh yes, you name it and "Mad Foxes" has got it! There's Nazi bikers, flamboyant race cars, kick-boxing, castration, the rape of virgins, disembowelment, sailors dancing, scenes from a guy in the crapper, public sex, an Oedipus complex, an S&M Dominatrix, hideously inappropriate metal music by a band named "Krokus", skinny-dipping, sluts with big breasts, sluts with small breasts, grenades, males that wear girlish panties over their own pants, randomly crashing cars, exploding bikes, suicide bombing, wheelchair catapulting, exaggerated fake laughter, demented dialogues, stabbing, death by hedge clippers, bathtub sex, no coppers, massive loads of pubic hair and the inevitable greatest dubbing job in the history of cinema! Every new sequence in "Mad Foxes" is literally a new & adventurous journey into a universe of grotesqueness and disbelief. At several times whilst watching this piece of exploitation- extravaganza, you're guaranteed to rub your eyes and wonder: "Is this real?" Am I really watching this? Did somebody actually make this film??". Not a drug in this world can offer you such a dangerously intoxicating and flamboyant trip as Paul Grau's "Mad Foxes". Now that I've seen this gloriously retarded highlight of euro-trash cinema, I can die a happy man!
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It's a mad, mad, mad.....World!
andebuchs8 March 2015
"Los Violadores" (Mad Foxes) is a funny and entertaining film, but those seeking for a non-stop actioner will be disappointed, because "Mad Foxes" mixes rape, lots of killings (decapitations and so on) and blood, with scenes of idyllic family life that remind us old Hollywood movies, erotic scenes etc. On the erotic side - two girls: the lovely Andrea Albani, she is Babsy in the film. Babsy is the fiancée of the protagonist, she doesn't show much (but what she shows is good enough), except when she's raped. The other girl who will come later and show it all. As to the protagonist, he, in reality, is a philanderer. He has called the attention of a gang of nazi bikers. Rape is their first move, and the protagonist will strike back, the rivalry will grow more and more till… BLOOD!

The way I'm writing it almost seems that I'm speaking about a serious film, but no – the fight scenes are so bad that they are hilarious and the killings, together with the music, transform "Mad Foxes" into a Weird Slapstick Violent Comedy. The same goes for the scenes of idyllic family life, that are so cliché that is hard not to smile when you see them.

"Mad Foxes" is recommended for those who really love trash, because "Mad Foxes" is uneven and poorly done, but it's a lot of fun.
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I Watched This With My Parents !!!!!!
Theo Robertson8 August 2002
One thing I remember when home video rental took off was people would hire films they`d never heard of , the only way you`d get an idea of what the film was like was reading the blurb on the back which often wouldn`t do justice as to how bad the film was , and let me say no blurb could ever do justice as to how awful THE MAD FOXES is. The plot outline on the back gave the impression that it`s an action thriller but doesn`t state it`s badly dubbed by people who are half asleep , or that the evil bikers are a bunch of 40 something overweight men most of whom seem to have a problem riding a motorcycle , or the fact that THE MAD FOXES doesn`t really have a plot . Worst of all the blurb doesn`t point out most of the running time is taken up with hardcore explicit sex scenes !!!!!!! The video company who released this might have mentioned how much rumpo there was going to be in this movie as either a selling point or as a warning that it`s not exactly a family film . Not only did I have the misfortune of watching this I had the misfortune of watching it with my parents and my dad had the sense of turning it off just as another sex scene was about to raise its head , namely the scene in the woods where the hero shoots at concorde and his girlfriend decides to undo his trousers , so I never found out how the film ended . I have to admit though I am curious as to how the film ended . Did the bikers turn up to fight the hero or did the film end on a massive sex session ?
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One of the most awesomely bad films ever made!
Corpus_Vile16 May 2011
Hal Walters (Jose Gras) is a garishly dressed lothario playboy, who cruises the streets and nightclubs in a loud, vulgar looking car. One night he runs afoul of Neo Nazi bikers, who wear codpieces and aviator goggles to go with their leather, and his squeeze is defiled. This means total war, and Hal vows revenge on the degenerates, who vow counter revenge, and it all gets waaay hilarious.

Mad Foxes really has to be seen to be believed. A hilariously bad film, that's completely ridiculous, with awful dubbing, laughable sex scenes (complete with misty camera) and shoddily choreographed fights, it should have any lover of tacky Eurotrash exploitation on the floor, with howls of laughter.

One of my favorite bad films of all time, it's completely craptastic and is probably only topped by either Raw Force or Gymkata in terms of sheer OTT random nuttiness.

Well recommended for any lover of bad cinema, it's the perfect beer or whatevs flick and should be sought out immediately by any right thinking person, as it's a nigh on masterpiece (or craptasterpiece if you like) of awesome cheese cinema.

If I can ever cite an achievement in life, it's that I saw this film. Viva Espana!
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Not entirely sure what I just watched
lorddrewsus8 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Epic Nazi death. Action exploitation and some pretty decent gore. Epic C-3 corvette, too. I hate the ending, but this is classic.
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Unbelievably stupid exploitation crap
The_Void11 October 2006
This film has earned its cult reputation due to the fact that it's ridiculous - and as you might expect, this reputation isn't exactly unfounded. Mad Foxes is just as ridiculous as it's meant to be and then some...however, while I enjoy a good silly flick, the inconstancies and illogical nature of the film don't help it as the plot doesn't move well at all, and the film gets confusing too often, which isn't good when the plot is as simple as the one here. The plot is pretty much routine for a rape/revenge flick, and focuses on a guy and his girl who end up getting on the wrong side of a neo-Nazi biker gang. The gang beat him up and rape his girl, so he vows revenge on them...blah blah. The way that the plot moves isn't very fluent, and usually just jumps from one scene to the next; which can be irritating. There are a few good sequences in the film, and these include things such as a man being blown up on the toilet and a Nazi-style bondage session towards the end. In fitting with the rest of the film, the acting and the dialogue are both terrible; but the film is very funny on numerous occasions, and while I can't say I overly enjoyed Mad Foxes; it might appeal to those who enjoy seeing movies at their worst.
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Whiskey. It makes you driven and determined.
ElijahCSkuggs27 April 2009
Phewy, some of the people writing these reviews have no clue what's up. Mad Foxes isn't just your regular flick you watch and judge. It's an exploitation classic with ridiculous ideas and situations. You should at least know that much going into it. But then I read that people had issues with how awful the dubbing was. Get the f@ck outta here! I can agree that it's not well-done in the sense it really overlaps well, or even sounds good. But these issues are moot when watching a flick like this. A flick with a double revenge story, karate guys fighting biker Nazis, lots of violence, sex and sleaze. I can understand that some people may have been expecting better dubbing, but the dubbing in this movie is although amateurish, it's incredibly funny and entertaining. It's similar to classic Popeye. Popeye (or any character) will ramble on about stuff when it seems unnecessary to do so. It's also the case here. There's silly dialogue thrown all over the place in here, and it's undeniably humorous. It's bad in the big scheme of professional dubbing, but if you've seen Premutos or any other poorly dubbed film that benefits from such crazy dubbing, this will only heighten your viewing experience.

Besides the dubbing stuff, I gotta say I really enjoyed the flick and it immediately became one of my favorite exploit flicks. It was funny, stupid, over-the-top, had many memorable scenes and was a very fun and fast watch at under 80 minutes long. My only gripe is a slight slow down in the pace during the last act or so. But it's all made up for when the finale occurs. Now that had me laughing. Check out Mad Foxes if you can actually spot the funny and enjoy crazy exploitation goodness.
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Not so much a movie as an incredible simulation
lemon_magic1 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
You know what truly distinguishes "Mad Foxes"? The lines the actors say to each other between the main events and plot points (I think of this as "interstitial dialog", sort of like the stage business that actors in a play will do in the background while the big names do the plot up front.) The dubbed dialog here makes a typical hacked out Shaw Brothers kung fu import from 40 years sound like David Mamet by comparison. Ed Wood, Jerry Warren, and Herschel Gordon Lewis would all reel back laughing, and point out that no human beings ever talked like this. Ever.

Watching "Mad Foxes", you can't help but wonder if a couple of precocious 9 year olds watched some biker films on VHS, decided to write a screenplay and found a 12 year old to direct it,a 14 year old to choreograph the fights and the stunts, and a 15 year old to handle the sex scenes.

The "best" part of the movie is a swing dance sequence near the beginning that has nothing to do with the rest of the movie, and is obviously there to pad out the screen play. It's still pretty cheesy, but the dancers have energy and enthusiasm.

There are also some enjoyable 2nd unit driving sequences that take in some cityscapes and countryside, and it's fun to see the protagonist's hot car (a Stingray?) cruise down the roads in some places.

Just about everything else is hot garbage. I'd watch something like "Guy From Harlem" a dozen times before I'd watch this again.

Your mileage may vary. But don't say you weren't warned.
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One of the Most Entertaining Bad Films Ever Made
Michael_Elliott25 February 2018
Mad Foxes (1981)

*** (out of 4)

Hal (Robert O'Neal) is out with his girlfriend when they are violently attacked by a motorcycle gang. The girl is raped but Hal seeks revenge the next night when him and his kickboxing friends attack the gang. He thinks all is over but soon the gang comes back for revenge, which results in Hal seeking revenge yet again but guess what? The motorcycle gang comes back for revenge and then Hal has to go out for revenge again.

That's a lot of revenge for one movie, isn't it? Well, that's pretty much the entire plot to MAD FOXES, which has to be considered one of the most entertaining bad movies ever made. The film has some really awful acting, an awful plot, awful direction, really bad camerawork and pretty much everything else is awful. I mean, if you wanted to play film critic then there's no way this thing would get anything other than a BOMB rating.

With that being said, the movie is so downright bad on so many levels that you really can't help but just kick back and have some fun with it. I mean, take a look at the violence in the movie. There's no question that anything was able to happen including one man getting his penis cut off and forced into his own mouth! There's non-stop violence throughout the film and most of it is downright hilarious including a shooting rampage early on. Just look at some of the actor's attempt at pulling off a death scene. Oh yeah, there's a lot of sex and nudity thrown in as well.

As you can tell, there's really nothing going on in MAD FOXES except for sleaze. The movie has nothing in it that would make you respect the filmmakers but at the same time I think they accomplished what they set out to do. This is basically a wannabe DEATH WISH but of course it's pure trash and on that level it's entertaining.
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Less than Zero
Thorsten_B10 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This one has to be seen to be believed. In what is easily one of the worst "films" I ever saw - it hardly deserves to be mentioned as such -, Nazi bikers, Kung Fu fighters and hardcore pornography mix up. The plot is so unbelievably dull it seriously raises the question of how story lines like these can actually be turned into a movie. Who would ever finance or produce crap like this? Obviously, someone was in for it here. Perhaps the strangest thing are the numerous male nude scenes. Nothing is veiled and all details are explicit - entirely without reason, excerpt for the dare itself. Not to forget the Nazi symbolism that is present throughout the film with the evil biker dudes. Inevitably that is also used for a sexual encounter, and it's one that's more than strange. In total a film that may be suitable for punishment and torture of true lovers of cinema. If possible, I'd give it zero out of ten points - probably less.
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Was there a point to this?...
paul_haakonsen18 April 2023
Stumbling upon the 1981 Spanish action thriller "Los Violadores" (aka "Mad Foxes") here in 2023 by random chance, of course I opted to sit down and watch the movie. I had never even heard about it prior to sitting down and watching it, so I had no clue as to what to expect or what I was in for.

Writers Hans R. Walthard, Paul Grau and Jaime Jesús Balcázar didn't exactly manage to concoct a script and storyline for this movie that provided me with much of any entertainment or enjoyment. It felt like a cluttered and random movie, as if it was lacking a proper red thread throughout the course of the narrative. And it didn't help much that the character gallery in the movie was bland and rather forgettable.

I wasn't impressed with "Los Violadores", from director Paul Grau, and I definitely haven't been missing out on anything grand here.

With my very limited exposure to Spanish cinema, then I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in this 1981 movie. But I can't claim that I was particularly impressed with what I saw on the screen.

Visually then "Los Violadores" was nothing to write home about either.

My rating of "Los Violadores" lands on a two out of ten stars.
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Overall this is a very entertaining average movie that has rewatch value
kevin_robbins20 May 2021
Mad Foxes (1981) is a Spanish grindhouse picture dubbed in English and available on Tubi (for the remainder of the month). The storyline focuses on a Nazi biker gang that kills a family. The father sets out for revenge on the biker gang. This movie is directed by Paul Grau and stars Eric Falk (Caged Women). There are some really bad, porno quality, lines in this and there are also some real gems - like the "2 seater" pickup line and the "we got to give those pigs a good whipping" line. This film also has a pretty cool car (as you'd expect) and some good action scene (like the first biker kill scene, the hand shot sequence and the scissors to the neck). There's also some hilarious facial expressions in this. Overall this is a very entertaining average movie that has rewatch value. I'd score this a 5/10.
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The Most Ridiculous Exploit Film I've Ever Seen...
EVOL66614 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
MAD FOXES is probably one of the most disjointed, inept, utterly retarded rape/revenge exploit films I've ever seen. That said - I dug it quite a bit. This film is full of nonsensical scenes and retarded plot-lines - but who cares? There's violence, rape, wiener-dismemberment, lots o' sleazy nudity...what more can ya ask for???

Hal gets into a scuffle with some Nazi-bikers when they insult him and his date at a stop light. The ensuing mêlée ends with one of the bikers dead and they come back for revenge on Hal and his girl. They beat him up and rape her, leaving her in the hospital. Hal calls on some kung-fu buddies who kick the biker's asses and penectomize the gang-leader. This doesn't sit well with the gang, who retaliate by staging an assault on the kung-fu guys' dojo, shooting them up with machine-guns and blasting them with hand-grenades. The gang continues it's search for Hal, and eventually find that he's gone to stay with his parents for a few days. While Hal and some other slut are running around the countryside, the gang kills his family, which Hal doesn't take lightly. He hunts the bikers down one-by-one and dispatches them, until his final retarded run-in with the now penilely-deficient gang-leader...

MAD FOXES is gloriously ridiculous from start to finish. An unnecessary dance number, a rape victim that we never see again (that is the impetus of the whole story), a hitch-hiker pick-up in the middle of a car chase - everything about this film screams stupidity. Even so - at about 75 minutes, it goes by quickly and is chock full of full-frontal nudity and violence - really the main combinations necessary for a "successful" exploit film. I'd say it's a must-see for schlock/exploit lovers...8.5/10
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Tubi sucks if it's not going to feature the full length version
jordondave-2808516 June 2023

Co-written and directed by Paul Grau, that is reminiscent of a low budgeted, super exploitative Spaghetti Horror "Mad Max" retribution kind of movie. Where a Nazi biker gang cut off a guy driving a white and red striped Chevrolet Corvette Stingray, and he retaliates by causing one of the members to hit another car flipping over. . And when we find out he is a yuppie named Hal/ Robert O'Neal (José Gras) who enjoys banging girls at clubs and so forth whenever he comes across them. And after he leaves the club with a girl on his shoulder, the gang then confront him, and did things with the girl he walked out of the club with. And at this point, that scene has been shortened, since Tubi showed the edited version. Therefore, I have no idea how she was killed or what happened to her. Beaten to a pulp but still alive, Robert's pride has been tarnished so he calls up a friend who owns a martial arts studio, sends several of his martial art goons after them after the gang were practicing a ritual of burning a members body at an empty Colosseum. At the opening their were seven Nazi gang bikers, leaving with six still alive, and then after the martial artists were done with them, then there were five. Who would then return to the martial arts group but this time they return with a grenade before using machine gun fire.

This is a 'tit for tat' kind of movie where if you kill one of them, then I'll kill several of yours, for the final blow was when the Nazi biker gang went toward his parents place, the house where he grew up in, killing everyone including the gardener. All this is happening when the Italian police are either non existent or not involved.

According to imdb the running time was supposed to be 1:20, and the version shown on Tubi says 1:09, that means 11 minutes were edited out from that version, including the biker guy sitting on a toilet, where there was supposed to be a bomb, except that it was cut out. Therefore, this "edited" version from Tubi gets a bomb.
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For Fox Sake.
TheManWhoWatches27 December 2005
This is one of the absolute truly best worst films ever made. Miss it at your peril if you are a fan of excellent excrement celluloid. I mean, a Swiss/German biker wrecksploitation film with the worst dubbing, acting, soundtrack, 'plot'...hell, worst EVERYTHING KNOWN TO MAN...what's NOT to like? Go to and see my article on it, "Hello Bastards! Here's A Little Present For YA!" to experience its true worthless splendor blow by blow.


"Sure, everybody knows their hideout." - gas station attendant to angry racecar driver looking to get directions to the Mad Foxes den to kill the lot of 'em!
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Vile Exploitation Oddity Offers Subversive Social Commentary
jfrentzen-942-20421110 February 2024
One of the most vile exploitation movies ever made, MAD FOXES is often unduly compared to LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT in its mixture of gory violence and subversive social commentary.

The film details a violent rivalry between Hal Martin, a yuppie playboy who drives a fancy Stingray sports car, and a band of sociopath bikers. At a stop light, Hal kisses his 18-year-old date Babsy as the bikers roll up. Their homosexual leader taunts Hal and spits on him. When the light turns green, Hal forces one of the bikers into a fatal accident.

In an extended party scene, Hal gets Babsy drunk at a club, as a prelude to deflowering her. His plans are interrupted by the bikers, who are waiting for them outside the club. They beat him up and Babsy is brutally raped by Stiletto, the hulking psychopath of the group.

Hal's desire for revenge is answered by a friend who runs a kickboxing school. As the bikers get drunk at a makeshift funeral for their fallen compatriot, a dozen or so angry kick boxers show up. After they beat up the bikers and castrate the leader.

The bikers retaliate, visiting the kickboxing school with machine guns and killing everyone in sight. They storm Hal's apartment building and shoot a parking lot guard. A neighborhood boy warns Hal, who quickly flees the city.

At this point, the film digresses with an overlong sequence of two nude lovers gamboling on an ocean beach. They get dressed and start hitchhiking when along comes Hal in his Stingray. The woman, Lily, gets in the car with Hal and leaves her man stranded on the side of the road.

She and Hal end up at his wealthy parents' country estate. Dad is a wealthy patriarch type and Mom is stuck in a wheelchair. As Hal and Lily exercise their sexual rites in the forest and in a bathtub filled with dirty water, the bikers show up and massacre the rest of the family and servants. This pushes Hal over the edge and, armed with guns and grenades, he finishes off the bikers. The movie's nihilistic coda finds the surviving castrated biker leader holding Hal and Lily at bay with a bomb.

MAD FOXES is constructed as a fable, in which logic is subverted in order to make a statement. If its makers offer any message at all, it's an hysterical overreaction to upper caste fears of street punks and gun-toting anarchists. The coiffed, macho Hal is not portrayed as an action hero, and his methods and motivations are only a little less vicious than the bikers. But he is rich, drives a nice car and can easily seduce vapid women, whereas the bikers are greasy-haired, un-socialized rejects who are given a vaguely gay cast.

In published interviews the film's producer, Swiss sleaze-master Erwin C. Dietrich, has played down his involvement with the film and claims it was too excessive even for him. That says a lot.
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"Hey Stileto, give her a good screw!"
macdonell_calum18 October 2006
No, I'm not giving this movie a 10 because of it's high production values or Oscar caliber acting- I'm giving it a 10 simply because for roughly 70 minutes, I laughed while watching what was supposed to be a serious revenge movie. It truly is an awful mess- bad dubbing, worse dialogue, horrible over-acting, and an "up in the air" ending that begs for an even less successful sequel. (In regards to the title, the movie I saw was actually titled "Mad Foxes Stingray 2", however I don't think there was an actual prequel to this).

People in my town took this film to an almost cult-like status though- all because of one man: Stileto. On-site leader of the biker gangs ('dirt' biker gangs...Jesus), he rapes the hero's girlfriend, gets drunk and attempts karate kicks with no pants on, and kills a gardener with a pair of shears. Classic. It was his signature line (mentionned in my movie summary line) that drew the most impressions for some reason.

Yes- this movie was hokey. Karate gangs that didn't do the martial art justice. A 'dirt' bike gang leader who basically sits there and practically lets himself get castrated. A hero who seems more concerned with how his hair looks as opposed to how his girlfriend is doing. And of course, the big ending: Did they survive the blast from the grenade? I'll never find out - and I don't think I'd want to.

10 outta 10 simply for the fact that every once in awhile, we need to let our brains get even more dumbed down then they already are. This movie is one of those moments that allows you to do so. "Hey Stileto, give her a good screw!"
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Nazi Bikers, Sex, Moustaches, Willies, and Revenge
Darkweasel26 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, no matter how completely rubbish I might make this sound, Mad Foxes is actually AWESOME.

A Spanish film with American dubbing, it begins with a man called Hal and his girlfriend being challenged to a race by a Nazi biker gang. One of the bikers is killed so the gang plan their revenge.

Hal takes his just about legal girlfriend to a pub that resembles The Nag's Head from Only Fools & Horses and proceeds to order their "finest champagne". Yeah, that's going to be some really high quality stuff right there.

Taking her into a back room and saying in a not-creepy-at-all way, "so here's to you, darling, and your marvellous eighteen years", the film is suddenly interrupted by a two minute dance interlude where it looks like the participants are actually dancing to a different song than the one on the soundtrack. After the dancing, Hal decides it's time to take his lovely girlfriend back to his place. Unfortunately for both of them, the biker gang is waiting and they beat Hal up and rape his girlfriend with as much flesh and fur thrust into the camera as possible, one of the bikers even taking the time to check whether she's still a virgin or not. Yup. She is.

Clearly annoyed by this turn of events, Hal 'phones his friend at a local karate school (everyone should have a friend who works at a local karate school) and in the most disinterested way possible, says that he wants some revenge. His friend agrees equally as disinterestedly and during the middle of a funeral service for their fallen biker comrade we get lots of men in white gowns and belts kicking arse. Suddenly THERE'S KARATE EVERYWHERE. Really bad karate too. You know, like the type of karate you think is karate when you're twelve but quickly realise isn't karate at all, and looks like you spent most of your time trying to practice "The Crane" from The Karate Kid? This is worse. There are hilarious high kicks, kicks which make no contact at all, punches which miss the target but people fall down anyway, lots of jumping up and down, and eventually a castration. I f**king love karate.

The five remaining members of the biker gang don't take too kindly to this outrage so they take revenge on karate. After a particularly manly scene with sweaty manly men lifting weights and punching things, the gang roll a hand grenade into the karate school ("LOOK OUT! IT'S A GRENADE!"), machine gunning everybody down, and all the karate dies. The bikers go after Hal (who in the meantime has miraculously healed and has already had sex with someone else), but he escapes to the country in his lovely sports car. But not after the gang kill a parking attendant and the biker with the biggest moustache suddenly turns into the loudest man alive, yelling at the one who killed him, "HAAA!! HAAAA!! YOU'RE A FINE SHOT!! CONGRATULATIONS!" Actually, the escape is worth mentioning too as Hal's lovely, expensive, and extremely speedy Chevrolet Corvette Stingray (which is apparently impervious to any kind of damage whatsoever - it doesn't even attract dust) bombs off down the road at a million miles an hour but is somehow caught in less than a minute by three 125cc bikes and a knackered old taxi.

Anyway, after finally outrunning them, Hal picks up a girl who had been frolicking stark naked on the beach with her boyfriend as recently as ten minutes ago ("There's no need for me to stay with him. I've only known him for a couple of days") but who climbs in and starts kissing him straight away. Lucky git. He takes her off into the countryside to meet his parents, and after a meal, gives her a good old fashioned seeing-to in the bath ("You don't know how long I have waited for this moment"). Er, it's all of about three hours by my reckoning, Hal.

The next day, after spending ten minutes trying to figure out what the F**K kind of accent the maid has been speaking with, the two of them go horseback riding followed by some bareback riding, only to arrive back at the house to find that Hal's parents have been unexpectedly killed. Daddy has been machine gunned in the stomach and mummy dearest had been comically blown out of her wheelchair and across the room. The help also suddenly become oxygen deprived, either being shot or receiving a pair of garden shears to the face.

Swearing revenge on the biker gang, Hal sets about tracking them down Mad Max style, blowing one up on the toilet, shooting one, stabbing another, and then shooting the last one as he entertains a Nazi S&M girl in PVC. Content with his revenge, he goes back home only to find another Nazi biker waiting for him with the girl he left behind at his parents house, and a bomb (eh, what?). And then they explode.

So there you have it. A film about Nazi bikers, sex, karate, and revenge that turns into revenge that turns into revenge that turns into revenge. With tits. And willies. Lots of willies, actually.

10/10 (But not for the willies)
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Gory bikersploitation madness.
HumanoidOfFlesh21 March 2007
"Mad Foxes" has to be seen to be believed.It's a tasteless exploitation trash with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.We meet Hal who is trying to get his drunk 18-year-old virgin girlfriend home to have sex with her.Unfortunately he is violently beaten by Nazi-loving bikers who rape his girl.Hal recruits some kickboxers to invade the funeral the bikers are throwing for a fallen comrade at an amphitheater.They beat up the bikers and castrate their leader.Later Hal picks up a sexy hitchhiker and takes her to his parents country villa.While he's out shagging her,the bikers show up and slaughter his family and the servants.Now it's time for bloody revenge...Unbelievably stupid trash loaded with gory violence and sleaze.The direction is weak,the acting is abysmal and some scenes are delightfully absurd.Still "Mad Foxes" is an exploitation classic.
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mad foxes
gavcrimson25 August 2014
Mad Foxes is a film I first caught via its pre-cert UK VHS release, which was still a blast despite being a heavily cut version, and lead me to seek out an uncut DVD release a few years ago which contained all the ultra-violence that got trimmed by the nervous British distributor.

If you've never seen it before, Mad Foxes depicts the tit for tat conflict between flash playboy Hal and a shambolic biker gang, the bikers take umbrage at Hal's expensive corvette and spit on his face, he retaliates by running one of them off the road, they retaliate by beating him up and raping his girlfriend, he then calls on his friends at a karate school who beat up the bikers, castrate their leader and stick his dick into his mouth (needless to say that bit got cut from the UK video), the bikers then wipe out the members of the karate school with machine guns and grenades ….and so it goes on, and on, and on. Trashy and badly dubbed dialogue ("you squeal like an old bitch", "don't you have a little knife with you? I'd like to slice your prick", "you'll like my family, though my mother is an invalid, she fell from a horse and became paralytic"), only adds to the fun. It's also distinguished by a wildly over the top performance by an actor called Eric Falk, who judging from the trailers on the DVD, appears to have had quite a career in eurosleaze of the Erwin C. Dietrich stable. There is an air of Gypsy Dave Cooper about Falk's turn in Mad Foxes, and he is a similar mixture of heavy, exhibitionist, and comic relief imbecile "I can't stand it, we're not going to see him anymore" he boo hoos at the funeral of a slain biker buddy. Incredibly the film seems to have been conceived as an unofficial sequel to the 1978 American film 'Stingray' starring Christopher Mitchum , but I seriously doubt the two films have anything in common other than their heroes both owning Corvette Stingrays. In a scene towards the end of the film where Hal shoots up a film studio, you can even see this film's original title 'Stingray 2' written on a clapperboard prop, but it'll always be "Mad Foxes" to me. For all I know director Paul Grey could be a lifelong teetotaller and have grandchildren now, but the unusual amount of male full frontal nudity in the film, not to mention the excessive amount of drinking that goes on (Hal and his dad being rarely without a glass in their hands) does paint a mental picture of its maker as a serious alcoholic and closet case. The film optimistically writes its own epitaph when one of the bikers proclaims "the whole world will admire us".
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