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Charming, Homespun Slasher
markdecarlo-9832130 January 2021
There's a lot of charm in House of Death (or Death Screams depending on which version you watch). The film feels like a homespun passion project where all local community theatre performers and fame struck locals came out and had a good time trying to make a movie. Charm will only go so far and, while House of Death excels in creating a believable and quaint small town atmosphere, it fails at supplying any memorable chills. Some of the death scenes are inspired such as a moment where a young woman is attacked on a deserted merry go round or when another unfortunate soul is sliced in half after falling through a rotten staircase, but the killer's big reveal happens so quickly and is lit so dark that you'll have to rewind to figure out who they were.
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Oddball 80s slasher.
lost-in-limbo19 February 2019
"My God, why"?! "I don't know"?

The above exchange between two characters are the last few lines of dialogue in the film, which might explain how you could feel after watching this one.

One of the strangest and vaguest 1980's (although it looks more late 70s) low-budget slasher films I've ever witnessed. Not that there's anything surreal and to tell the truth it's a very run-of-the-mill fare. It's more got to do with how everything goes onto pan out. Nothing seems all that connected and scenes/actions are very random and plain loopy. At best very unconventional in its story threads.

After the obligatory opening death scene, the thirst three quarters slowly plays focal point to small town atmospherics, carnival traditions and teen dramas/fooling around. As if it was trying for character development and mystery building with its numerous characters. However the latter doesn't work with an incoherent script. Like it was trying for a "Halloween" vibe, especially in how it was shot and early on it has the killer slowly stalking his victims in the background. Their attempts in building suspense from those moments were lacking. While the music score sounding like a grandstand band was just overkill. There's one or two more death scenes sprinkled throughout to remind that you are watching a horror film. One of those needs to be seen, to be believed, because of how bizarre and stupidly it plays out.

But it really doesn't come into its own until the confined hysteria-laced backend, as the teens (although they do look much older) start partying; boozing, skinny-dipping, making out by a lake late at night then moving onto a cemetery to tell spooky stories. This is when the FX and dismemberment of the cast begins to occur. Sadly some of it happens off-screen, but there are unpleasant moments or two with mild, but charming low-rent make-up effects involving machete hacking and a head explosion. I just wished the carnival setting could have been put to better use.

We only get to see the killer's arm and machete throughout, until the final reveal. I don't think it's hard to guess the killer, but the motive behind it is told through a bogus flashback before meeting their demise. The sheriff character on the scene is a lot more switched on then you would expect... although he sure does take his time on this particular investigation and stumble across many things. Although he does show he's a shoot first, ask questions later guy. You know playing it safe, as if he's watched too many horror films. I thought the cast was acceptable for such an outing. Susan Kiger made an agreeable heroine of sorts and Susan Kiger added some life with her floozy character.

"Death Screams" aka "The House of Death" is an oddball, if at the same time unimaginative rough-around-the-edges slasher.
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Death Screams (For a Decent Explanation of the Outcome!)
abandonsorder9 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'll just echo and augment previous reviews warning that the juicy bits (here, there, everywhere) only occur in the last ten minutes of the movie, the identity of the killer is unclear (with his motivation irritatingly muddy), and quite frankly these 'teens' should've worn name tags, because I couldn't ID one from any of the others. The only standout is the portly lawman who fires a bullet that explodes the villain's face. In this movie, the badge is given to the winner of the hot dog eating contest. The sole positive aspect of the movie is the melodramatic score which is maddeningly incongruent to the events unfolding.
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Not good but definitely weird
lazarillo5 January 2008
This early 80's slasher effort should receive some kudos for being somewhat original. Unfortunately, it's not original in any way that makes it especially effective or good. The movie does a good job of establishing a bucolic small-town setting (perhaps, it's not a coincidence that the director is the grown-up David Nelson of "Ozzie and Harriet" fame). There is also a lot more character development than usual, but regrettably the characters are still the usual annoying teen stereotypes. The murders are few and far between until the very end when the bodies start to stack up in a hurry. They're pretty low-tech (they obviously couldn't afford Tom Savini), but they try to make up for by being bizarre. The first victims are strangled simultaneously somehow while having sex on a motorcycle. Their bodies are thrown in a river where, as a running joke, they are seen floating down at various points throughout the movie. Another victim wanders away from the town carnival and is struck by an arrow, but instead of screaming for help or anything, she staggers over to an abandoned carousel and sits down so the killer can (somehow) finish her off with a plastic bag.

The actors are all ridiculously over-aged considering they're supposedly high school students, but this is actually a good thing considering the male protagonist is a "coach" who apparently both parties with and dates his students (which they tend to frown on in real high schools). The goody-good female protagonist is played Susan Lynn Kiger, who had an interesting career going from hardcore porn to "Playboy" to more legitimate acting. While it is nice to see a young woman in Hollywood have the opposite of the usual career trajectory, Kiger's talents unfortunately were probably better suited to her earlier career choices. Kiger stays dressed, but there is some gratuitous nudity, of course, including the girl on the motorcycle, a girl who showers with her bra on (which quickly becomes so transparent you wonder why she bothered), and a pretty blonde girl who goes for a full-frontal skinny-dip (which ALMOST keeps you from contemplating the absurdity of why anyone would go skinny-dipping in a RIVER).

I don't want to imply this movie is in anyway good, but it sure is weird.
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Formulaic and forgettable.
BA_Harrison28 August 2019
Did every film studio limit their output to just slashers in the early '80s? There are so many of them. Just when I think I've seen them all, I find another one I've never heard of. Still, it's not hard to see why Death Screams flew under my radar for so long: it's formulaic stuff that never tries to do anything out of the ordinary, from it's clichéd group of characters (obnoxious joker, nympho, goody-two-shoes final girl, town simpleton, fat bumbling sheriff) to its rain-lashed finalé in a rundown house by a cemetery.

The film opens with a pre-credits double murder of a young couple, but it's too dark to see what happens to them, director David Nelson seemingly more preoccupied with getting in the first shot of a topless girl than delivering an effective fright. Certainly, for much of the time, Nelson appears to be more intent on delivering gratuitous T&A than he does horror, focusing on the twenty-something victims-to-be as they go about their daily business--smoking weed, showering, chatting up the local baseball coach, making out etc...

All of the girls are attractive and several wear skimpy outfits, with buxom town tramp Ramona (Jennifer Chase) looking great in a bikini top and hot blonde Kathy (Andrea Savio) sporting short shorts. In a rare spot of gender-reversal, it is Coach Marshall (Martin Tucker) who takes the customary slasher shower, baring his butt, but he does manage to give randy Ramona a soaking in the process. The only other killing amidst all of this titillation is a girl shot with an arrow and suffocated with a plastic bag, a scene more notable for its silliness than scariness (instead of seeking help, the injured girl takes time-out on a merry-go-round).

As the film approaches its final act, sexy blonde Sandy (Jody Kay) goes skinny dipping (cue full frontal nudity) and winds up dead, and from this point Nelson ramps up the violence, eventually bumping off most of the characters in the space of a few minutes (including double decapitation and a girl torn in half). But while the sheer number of kills in a short space of time is admirable, the gore is extremely basic for the most part, and not very satisfying (the severed hands scene is hilarious). The best effect is a blink-and-you'll-miss-it bullet to the head (resulting in the face exploding) as the useless sheriff empties his handgun into the already dead killer (who had fallen out of a window while attacking good girl Lily, played by Playboy playmate Susan Kiger). Exactly what the psycho's motive was remains unclear: possibly something to do with being mentally scarred by his mother, who may have been a stripper. I really don't know. Or care.
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Thank God for Grandma!
Coventry21 October 2007
Just when you think you struggled yourself through all the lousiest and most pointless slasher the 80's decade had to offer, you allow yourself to be fooled by yet another one. One that may even be lousier than all the others. "House of Death" is a totally sordid and fatigue effort, and the worst thing of all involves having to acknowledge that the whole premise actually had potential and a handful of sequences were even marvelously staged. The opening sequence, for example, is close to genius as it seems to be a clichéd situation but turns out surprising and original. It's almost depressing to watch a movie that never at one point succeeds in surpassing the quality level of its very own prologue. We're in a random little American town, inhabited with stereotypical teenager and dumb overweight redneck coppers, and there's a vicious killer at large. The only problem is that nobody seems to care about the menace of any killer. Teen boys and girls vanish without a trace, but the whole town is too busy attending the annual carnival or trying to score with the hot new coach of the junior baseball team. But why should they care about a killer, honestly? The script never once reveals any clues regarding his/her identity, let alone hint at his/her motivations for prowling around town with a machete. There's zero tension throughout the entire movie, the lamentable attempts to insert comedy elements fail miserably and all the characters are uninteresting and empty-headed losers. One notable exception, though, is one of the teenagers' grandmother. Granny hates everything in town and makes cynic remarks about everyone who approaches her or her granddaughter. Too bad even granny can't save "House of Death" from complete boredom and irredeemable stupidity. The last 15 minutes are good, stuffed with gory massacres and explicit make-up effects, but it's too late by then. Besides, why the hell is it called "House of Death"? Did you see a house? I sure didn't.
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"Fat Cop Syndrome" Slasher Twaddle.
Steve_Nyland24 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I think I'll email Mr. Ebert with an entry for his Movie Glossary Guide:

FAT COP SYNDROME -- A Dead Teenager/Slasher Horror film formula element that establishes a sense of hopelessness by casting an obscenely obese 'comic relief' character in the role of the small town sheriff. I.E. The only thing that can save us is a fat blubbery cop who would rather eat, masturbate, and/or consume hard liquor while drooling over girlie magazines than fight evil.

A friend and I recently bought out the VHS libraries of two rental stores that were converting to all DVD (one of the dumbest ideas I could ever think of). I glommed onto most of the interesting looking/sounding horror videos and have been enjoying some vacation time just chilling and watching tapes. Some have been eye opening or viscerally entertaining enough to bother with more than once (SAVAGE WEEKEND, DEATH SPA) and many will soon be for sale for mere pennies. Shelf space is a commodity around here, life is short, and some sucker out there will want NIGHTMARE HONEYMOON, I wager.

We'll probably keep HOUSE OF DEATH though; Decent looking college aged women get utterly stark naked, there's some acceptable Hackage & Dismemberment, and I like the low budget settings of the carnival and spooky old rain shrouded house. The production values are fairly high for this kind of stuff, though some of the "teenagers" look like they are in their mid-30's and should be ashamed of themselves for robbing the cradles like that OR really proud for getting to score with the coed supporting cast. Depends on your point of view.

But this is about the sixth slasher flick I have seen this week with a really FAT small town cop who is supposed to be "funny", and it got me thinking about how the role of the bumbling, inept small town lawman -- usually knocking back a half pint or slobbering down large sandwiches -- is so vital to making the audience feel as though the people in the story have absolutely zero hope of seeing daylight. Having the cop be a big, fat, shambling, disheveled, sleazy, porn-loving slob in EVERY movie, though, cannot be mere coincidence. And, interestingly, a very American trait: In European made equivalents, the cops are played by Franco Nero, Ray Lovelock and Henry Silva. In the US, guys who make Louie Anderson look svelte by comparison ... We are definitely onto something here.

They all must go to the same Big & Tall Shops For Fat Movie Cops Outlet Store too, specializing in making you look utterly useless in an emergency. Heck, the supporting cast might as well just line up a bunch of tree stumps and kneel down with their necks craned out, because there is no doubt that when push comes to shove we will get a lazy inept fat guy with a sloppy sandwich gag, and probably a glimpse of a vintage Hustler magazine cover to boot. HOUSE OF DEATH is no different, better or worse in that regards, it just sort of is what it is. I can live with that, and fans of 80's horror will be amused by this nasty little relic.

But again and again, the bottom line with these movies seems to be that breasts will hopefully be bared and lives may be lost, but at least the fat sheriff will get to enjoy the rest of that sandwich.
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one to watch for several reasons
trashgang15 March 2011
This flick came out in the glory days of the slashers, David Nelson, the director, is not known for me and with this rare flick he surely won't become famous. It is already hard to find, it never had a proper release and went straight to video rental shops. So if you want a copy you will have to hunt down some video rentals in the US. Because it never came out in Europe. And then for some it's still a problem due the NTSC issue. Nevertheless, I go hunting sometimes in the US via the internet and bring them home into my collection. I'm happy that I have seen this flick. Indeed, there are some strange things going on. Just when the flick starts a couple is being killed while making love on a motorbike. Try to do that one! Once you have taken this they are thrown into a river, were they are floating and shown into the flick at several times without a reason. Of course David Nelson knew what to add to have a real slasher, nudity. And there's a bit of it in it, the first minute it's already bare naked breasts, there is even some full frontal nudity when one of the girls goes swimming in the noticed night...without somebody watching...naked, guess what's coming next. Going back to the beginning, after the first killing the opening credits come on and man, you really have to hear the over the top score used while the dead bodies are shown in slow motion going under water. Further on, one of the girls is being put with her bra in the showers, but why does she has to wear them? They become wet after a few seconds showing everything...The first killings are so strange, one with an arrow but watch the girl go running to a merry-go-round. Unbelievable. It takes really an hour before the house of death is shown. Before that you will have to take a lot of talking especially at the fair. But watch the girls' sexy and typical seventies even as it was made in the eighties. But it is the last 10 minutes that things really go wrong and decapitations happen, slashing, hanging and even a head is blown to pieces. A strange flick to watch for different reasons. for example, one of the actresses is Susan Kiger, Playmate to do a hardcore porno feature prior to posing for "Playboy": she appeared in the 1976 X-rated outing "Deadly Love" and subsequently became the Playmate of the Month in the January, 1977 issue of "Playboy." So some do hunt it down for that reason. Even as it has some boring moments you still keep watching.
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The post-Friday-the-13th-Part2
hae134004 March 2003
Despite the mysterious disappearance of a teen couple, Ted and Angie at the riverside in north California a group of the nearby-town teenagers goes having ghost story in the local cemetery. However the unnaturally sudden rain forces them to movie into an old wooden house in the cemetery. Then the not-well-motivated murderer begins to kill them one by one, and the cemetery becomes their own... I think the only one uniqueness this post-Friday-the-13th-Part2 film has is its expressive way of the first and silliest two victims, Ted and Angie who originally tried to have a woodland-****-on-a-motorcycle in the middle of the cold night. They are not simply cadavers; they are strangely cinematic bodies who have their own ongoing flowing expressiveness, and intermittently show something about their cadaveric existences. Although I find this coupled-bodies-with-their-coupled-expressiveness interesting I have to say the most of the elements of this film are nothing but those of a bad B-movie; Dee Barton's old-TV-movie-like easygoing music is entirely unsuited to the 1980's horror film especially to its horror scenes, and Worth Keeter's special effects are not only cheap but also unnatural, and so forth.
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Fair 80's slasher effort.
FrightMeter11 March 2002
This is by no means a good horror flick, and one too many times teeters on being an incoherent, stupid mess. But it does have a few things that redeem it from being a total loss. The story focuses on a small town festival and a group of "teens" who want to hang out in the local cemetery and tell ghost stories to celebrate the last day of the town carnival??? You're guess is as good as mine. Anyhow, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to guess that a mysterious killer lurks in the shadow who is p****d about one thing or another and decides to take his frustrations out with a machete. Slow moving at first with some ridiculous death scenes--example: a girl at the local carnival gets viciously attacked and shot with a bow and arrow by the killer, but instead of running back to carnival or to anywhere where people are at, the dumb broad seeks refuge on an old merry-go-round where she is prime meat for the killer!! The redeeming qualities come at the end of the film when the group finally gathers at the old cemetery. From that point on, the murders happen very rapidly and are quite graphic. However, the every ending then becomes even more confusing as the killers identity is revealed with really no explanation of his motive. I also love how the sheriff shows up, sees the killer but has no idea that the guy really IS the killer, and just blows his head off for the hell of it?! But like I said, not a total waste..if you like machete murders, the last 20 minutes of the films should satisfy you. 4 out of 10.
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Contains the most ridiculous death scene in slasher history
Titans91 October 2001
--Death Screams, or House of Death as it is known here, is one of the most absurd horror films I've seen next to Drive-In Massacre. I had friends over while watching this movie, but afterwards I think they considered me their worst enemy after putting them through this trash.

--The first 40 mins. are so boring, I felt like ejecting the tape. Nothing happens, just some stupid dialogue at a carnival scene. The agony of sitting through this is too great. The most annoying character in this film is the grandma, she should have been the first victim. The true "suspense" starts in the last 10 mins. literally. Before that, just some cheesy killings.

--House of Death has the most funniest death scene that is the only "plus" side to this movie

** IF you get pierced in the shoulder with an arrow, go and scream for help. Surprisingly this girl with an IQ of 1 just moans and groans, falls down (you know the rest). She ventures onto an abandoned carousal and surprisingly, it starts moving. If a plastic bag is then put over your head, and your hands are free, poke a hole so you can breathe (or take it off). This one just groans until she is suffocated, yet never attempts to save herself. Someone that stupid just made me laugh so hard. I know most characters in horror flicks don't think... but c'mon!

--I do not even know who the killer was, it was revealed, but House of Death has more holes than a fish net I was confused. Do me a favor...avoid this one. Do something more productive than wasting your time.
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Classic Bad 80's Horror...
AutographLover28 January 2003
And I LOVED it! The other comments on this movie are ridiculous. Just by looking at the box you can tell what you are getting. A bad 80's horror flick with even worse acting and plot. One of my personal favorite types of film. Former Playboy Playmate Susan Kiger was the can't expect a big budget thrill knowing that :-P I gave it 8 stars for high 80's horror camp at it's best.
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Average Regional Slasher
garyrogers-6748417 July 2019
House of Death gets by with a lot of regional charm and a few decent death scenes. There's not much of a plot to speak of besides a bunch of people are terrorized by a serial killer in the south who's killing without much rhyme or reason.

Since this has never made it to DVD or Blu-Ray, it's fairly dark and hard to tell what's going on most of the time, but there are a few daytime death scenes, which is a rarity among horror films. None of the characters have a lot of meat on their bones, but the special effects work is solid.

It's just a shame that most of the death scenes take place within a 5 minute span towards the end of the movie. It deprives the film of a lot of potential suspense and makes sure that the film is a bit too front loaded with not much going on until the end.
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Regional slasher
BandSAboutMovies17 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
David Nelson broke out of his family's show The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet in the movie The Big Circus, in which he was a disturbed man who may be a murderer. He also directed a few episodes of the aforementioned TV show, as well as its spinoff Ozzie's Girl, the Linda Evans movie Childish Things (co-directed with her husband at the time John Derek), and kept acting, showing up in movies like High School U. S. A. And Cry-Baby.

It might surprise some people therefore, when one of the Nelson kids ended up making a slasher.

During the last night of the carnival, the local kids decide to sleep down at the river, despite a bunch of murders just a few nights before. That killer - carrying a machete and a need to work out his past pain by killing everyone that he or she can - has followed everyone back to their campground and wants to make sure that no one leaves alive.

Waitress Lily Carpenter is played by Susan Kiger, a three-time Playboy cover girl (March 1977, November 1977 and April 1978) and January 1977 Playmate of the Year. She was also in plenty of great exploitation and horror movies throughout the 70s and 80s like H. O. T. S., Angels Revenge, Seven, The Happy Hooked Goes to Hollywood, Galaxina and The Return. Several of the actors in this also appeared in Tales from the Third Dimension, like Helene Tryon (Edna Sharpe in this, the evil grandma in that 3D anthology) and William Hicks (who was a cop in this and is in "The Guardians" chapter of Tales) and a few were in other North Carolina movies like A Day of Judgement and Rottweiler 3-D (AKA Dogs of Hell).

This may seem slow, but stick with it. Nearly every kill is in the last fifteen minutes, as all manner of insanity goes does, like two decapitations, hands chopped off at the wrists, a throat-slashing and even someone chopped in half in a moment that had to have inspired Michele Soavi when he made one of the best slashers with the dumbest cops ever, Stagefright. Do not gather in an abandoned house by the cemetery and tell urban legends with twenty-something teens or you will die.

If you're wondering, how good is this movie? It has the same cinematographer as Carnival Magic, Darrell Cathcart, who also worked on Trucker's Woman and Final Exam. Speaking of that other slasher, it also shares several crew members with this movie, including editor John A. O'Connor, makeup artist Barbara Galloway, production manager Mike Allen, assistant director Dawn Easterling, second unit director Charles Reynolds and stuntman Jere Beery. There's also plenty of crossover with Savage Streets, as most of this film's producers made that movie.

From that, you should see the pedigree of this. It's junk, but great junk, the kind we checked off our slasher rental list in the 80s. Here's to regional slashers! And for those looking for both full frontal female - and male - nudity you get some of that as well. Sure, the killer can teleport and do a lot of things in not so much time while not being terribly interesting when you discover who he or she is, but you know, it's better than any slasher that will come out after you read this.

The music in this is bombastic and feels like it belongs to a way bigger and more expensive movie, too. It's by Dee Barton, who also did the music for Play Misty for Me, Every Which Way But Loose, Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, High Plains Drifter and, there it is again, Tales of the Third Dimension.
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Drinking helps....
BillyBC15 March 2003
(** out of *****) The titular `house' only appears in the last ten minutes or so of this overly familiar, early-'80s horror flick. That detail aside, this movie isn't the worst of its kind (that would be "Hell High"), but it's also far from the best. If you can make it past the interminably long carnival scene -- with a group of young, vacuous girls and hunky, meat-head guys walking around making jokes and playing games -- you'll get a few so-so chills and thrills (and mostly off-screen machete murders) once the gang winds up in the cemetary to tell ghost stories (the lead heroine tells a lousy version of the classic urban legend about the girl who's home alone and thinks that's her dog under the bed licking her hand.) Other than a decapitated head or two, there's more nudity than gore, including an interesting, role-reversal shower scene in which a man is stalked in his apartment while taking a shower. There's some minor backplot and attempts at character development, but there are also gaping plot holes and a weak attempt to make the killer's identity a mystery (you should have no trouble figuring it out.) The film quality's pretty crummy, and the out-of-place, Sesame Street-sounding soundtrack is one of the worst I've ever heard.

HIGHLIGHT: Speaking of the soundtrack, if you do happen to run across this movie at the video store, go ahead and rent it solely for the opening credits sequence -- the music that plays over this sequence is so hysterically over the top that you will not believe it. Listening to this ludicrously epic music play over slow-motion scenes of dead bodies floating underwater was a surreal experience. I had to rewind it and watch it over three or four times. Seriously, some underground techno or indie-rock band needs to find this movie and sample the soundtrack. It blew me away. Of course, drinking helps.
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Even a mediocre golden age slasher has it's moments
daniel-mannouch12 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Southern fried to a crisp, Death Screams has near the complete line up of early 80's slasher victims, such as the nymph, the comedic relief, the plain one, you get what i'm talking about. Only here, they all have a twang in their speech and I might be wrong, but I don't think there is one black face within a single frame of this film.

Disregarding that jaw dropping revelation, Death Screams has a good thing going on at first with it's combination of soap opera, animal house era teen sex comedy and the Halloween period slasher, with a dash of improvisation to make things that little more interesting. The cast is confident and share a good chemistry as well. Death Screams definitely has that regional flavour, which at least for me makes up for its lack of suspense.

When the kills do eventually happen, they are well executed in their build up, but there is no real follow through, no police procedural. Either this is a real hick town or the killer does an exceptional job at hiding bodies in broad daylight, because no one really catches on to what's happening until the last ten minutes. Yep, it's one of those.

Death Screams has little to no subversion of the genre in mind and does not feature any real exception in either it's music, it's cinematography, or even it's performances. Comfortability amongst actors doesn't always equal engagement. Soon after you realise the film's formula which is to move from mildly improved scenes of white trash teens dicking about to mildly tense murder set piece back to the hicky dicking, then things really start to become a drag.

In conclusion, apart from the climactic last ten minutes where things go completely gonzo, Death Screams is an atypical, mediocre slasher film that luckily for itself came out during the short lived golden age of the genre. Therefore it does retain some nostalgia value due to its contemporaries. I would recommend this to die hard slasher fans and those who constantly on the hunt little known genre obscurities.
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in the top 3 worst horror films
dx4lifexpac22 February 2000
Death Screams or as i rented it under House Of Death has to be one of the worst horror movies ever made. the first 2 min are ok then the opening credits come on and are about 5 min with the worst music i ever heard in my life. the movie is so boring like the 35 min carnival scene. then there are like 7 kills in like 10 min too much too fast. they don't even show the kills. the back of the box makes the movie sound cool but don't be fooled like i was. Death Screams aka House Of Death is so bad and boring i give it 0/10. skip this one if you don't you will regret it big time 85min of my life was wasted on this trash
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A film with no plot
This film has no story whatsoever Teens at a fun fair go camping then go to a graveyard then they go to a old house One of them tells a horror story One goes swimming in the nude Another one goes for a crap and gets killed a couple of head get cut off All the time in the background a fat sheriff is looking for some missing kids .

The film just plods alone with nothing going on and random people are getting killed It Would be more enjoyable if there was more gore Its a shame because it started with some prospects and the atmos was kinda decent But there are a lot better slasher film out there.
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Very Poorly Edited
saint_brett1 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I reviewed this movie on YouTube many years ago, but that channel was outlawed due to numerous community guideline breaches.

The one aspect of this movie I remember most is one particular character dying in an outhouse but reappearing near the end somehow.

It's like the director edited it all wrong and out of order.

The whole ending is a jumbled mess of confusion.

We're introduced to Sandy, who's cheating on Danny with Ritchie from 'The Wanderers.' I don't know what happened just then, but I believe a passing train impaled them both.

Is the train the killer in this?

Some intro music - what am I watching, 'Dallas' or 'Starsky and Hutch?'

Meanwhile, in Pleasantville, daffy elevator music plays as the cookie-cutter community goes about their daily routine in the suburbs.

The body-positive sheriff is introduced, and it leaves you wondering how he passed his physical to join law enforcement, as I believe it's a requirement to swim laps without sinking like an anvil.

Corny music like in a 'Convoy' barroom brawl scene in a horror movie? Establish yourself already, movie; the start is a mess.

From what I can gather, survivors from 'The Burning' return to their post-traumatic lives, or what's left of them, where a town pervert named Casey acts as the movie's decoy, pretending to be a suspected murderer.

The killer train nearly claimed another life while Casey is in the shadows cheering at the near miss, which only adds to his sinister background and character.

Oh, look! It's Daisy Moses preparing apple pie. What's she doing in this? It is a town full of Georgians, after all, so I guess it makes sense. They are Georgian accents, right?

Is that Lisa from 'Weird Science?'

Creepy Casey does his profile no good by hanging around a children's carousel at a carnival where the height requirement to ride it is no more than 3 feet tall. He does his best to ride for free but is busted and runs off in shame with his pockets full of candy and his cover blown. It's not cool for that pervert to ride it, but the rest of the juvenile cast have no problem with it and ride it like the big kids they are.

Don't you just hate Mongo beefhead characters like this Diddle twit in the movie? There was a Diddle character in most 80s movies, and ten times out of ten, they ruined the experience.

As if all these preppy hotties would hang around him.

Is that Prescilla Presley?

The giant man child, Diddle, suffering from attention-deficient deprivation, wants to be the center of attention in the movie and acts like the class clown by overacting his hand in an attempt to be funny. He's so blinded by his own stupidity that he doesn't realize that nobody really likes him and probably only hangs around him out of apathy, as his parents were most likely the dead couple floating down the stream earlier in the movie.

I believe he's the one who dies and then reappears later somehow.

A poorly edited scene around the 38-minute mark sees an archery victim speared for no reason. Her solution for help is to seek solace in a merry-go-round horsey ride, and then the scene just cuts to the main actors sitting around a campfire. What just happened?

A mermaid goes skinny-dipping in Camp Crystal Lake and encounters Diddle's dead parents floating down stream.

Was the archery scene back at the daytime carnival a reference to 'Friday the 13th?' Is that what you're trying to be, movie?

This Lily chick shows up looking more like lilac than angel white, and again, this buffoon, Diddle, acts the goat and singlehandedly ruins the movie. Hurry up and kill him already.

Boy, what's with the Barry Manilow Club Med music? It's something Bernie would dance to.

You can hear this attention seeker making all the childish voices whenever he speaks. You just know it's him, and nothing he says is funny either. He's the Sonny of 'Grease' or Ralph Malph from whatchamacallit? I could give a thousand other examples, but it's revolting to recall all these pathetic slobs and makes me queasy.

Turning all 'Friday the 13th' again, Lily tells a campfire story in a cemetery about a dog with its throat slit, and this reminds me of that poor hockey player the other day who encountered the same fate on the ice.

A storm shifts in and forces everyone to flee into mother's house from 'Psycho.' This is the scene where the character Diddle goes to the outhouse and perishes. His throat is slit and then he's strung up like a Predator victim, and the movie throws another curve ball in trying to make you believe a racoon is responsible.

Everyone discovers Diddle, then panics and loses their composure, so for some reason, and to build intensity, they play 70s gameshow music like a contestant won the showcase. How this blends with the cemetery horror theme, I have no idea.

These knockoff movies are all inferior to the classics. It just makes you shake your head to see how desperate and pathetic these other directors were in trying to emulate the originals.

Everyone's just been traumatized by seeing Diddle snuffed out; another random severed head pops up unexpectedly, yet they just taxi back to town and don't even bother notifying the authorities and stand around discussing going to the movies in a nonchalant manner.

I can confirm that the movie never bothers returning to the victim with the arrow in her. Don't ask me. (I've read other reviews and apparently I have a heavily edited version. This victim has a bag placed around her head, or something. That wasn't in my copy. Thanks MPAA for looking out for my sensitive eyes.)

See, here it is around the one hour and ten minute mark. The annoying dead guy, Diddle, shows up swinging like Tarzan on a rope over water and still acting the fool again. Didn't he die on the toilet a few chapters ago?

Even some scenes with this Ramona chick don't add up.

She appears half naked in a shower one minute, yet she is being severed in two in another scene that was filmed earlier in the movie in mother's house. I'm confused.

They were chased out of the cemetery midway through the movie, so how does the movie return back there at the end? What I just wrote is confusing as well.

And what's with the choppy editing when the killer is erased? Or better yet, who is the killer?

The body-positive sheriff pulls out his gun, and the shonky editing continues further.

Some fluffy actress asks, "Why did he do this?" And the sinking sheriff says, "I don't know." And that's your ending - he doesn't know. No one does!

I ask, "Hey director, why did you even make this movie?" The director answers, "I don't know."

Be kind and rewind or a fine will incur.

Whoever put their name as editor for this movie needs to be exposed publicly!

Like what's his name said in 'Arlington Road,' we need a name.

Jerry Whittington, if I'm reading right.

His name was Jerry Whittington, His name was Jerry Whittington, His name was Jerry Whittington.

One point for the Lily chick in lilac who got my attention and everybody else's for that matter. I'd like to see some of her other work.
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The new millenium called, they want their unlikable characters back
selfdestructo25 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I look forward to every one of these. Arrow has this knack for unearthing the most oddball, obscure and/or forgotten slashers in existence. I've discovered so many good ones through them, that I had otherwise never heard of. Then there's Death Screams.

Death Screams is clearly a local (made in NC) cash-in to the Friday the 13th craze in the early 80's. I will give you one guess as to what this killer's weapon-of-choice is. Not that there's anything wrong with doing a slasher during this era, hell, everyone else was! Problem is, this was one of the most incompetent ones I've seen.

First of all, kills range from nonsensical, to off-camera, to weak, to what has to be the result of MPAA meddling (though it's never mentioned in the extra, it's fairly clear any gore was chopped out, judging by some brief glimpses). The Making Of extra is essential viewing, if only to clarify what the hell was going on in this movie. Also, it was fun to see the writer's bewilderment at some of the choices made in terms of changing the script (he was not allowed on set).

Premise: There's a bunch of "kids" (I LOL'ed when one of them, who HAD to be in his 40's, said it was time to go back to school!), and someone is killing them. Will I care who? Will I wonder who? Will this film give me a reason to care who? Will it all make sense in the end? The answer to all those questions, is a resounding NO.

The first kill is so incompetently done, staged, filmed, I had to watch it twice, then throw my hands up. A couple kids are having sex on a motorycle... In a tunnel, or a cave, or on a stream... How they got the motorcycle in there? It's said they're near train tracks... and the thrill is? They show a train, then they show them. The two are never put together, so I've got no context, or sense of place. Scenes go: Couple making out, train is coming, couple has something around their neck, strangling them... BOTH? No assailant is even alluded to. Then the invisible assailant pushes the two of them plus their motorcycle(!) out of the cave and into the river. That's some Jason-like strength! (Wait til you see the killer). Oh, that's just the first one.

I'm not going to break down all of them, but the second one is equally as ridiculous. Chick gets shot in the shoulder with an arrow. Cut to her running down the hill, bleeding, sans arrow. She stumbles her way to a carousel, and... Gets on a horse? Mystery assailant wraps a clear plastic bag around her head... and the woman clearly has a hand free! Tear the bag! Jeez. No, another colossally puzzling death. The writer had a good laugh over both these scenes.

This movie has a cancer running through it, spreading his disease in every scene he appears in, until they kill him off (agonizingly late in the movie), and he goes by the name of Diddle (John Kohler). I've never seen a guy try so hard to be so violently unfunny. Actually, I wanted to punch myself in the face whenever all 3 of these guys (the ladies seemed unfazed by their shenanigans) were all hamming it up. The humor in this movie falls somewhere around the lamest Police Academy sequel possible.

Bear in mind, I remembered (actually took note of) one name in this movie. There's a whole mess of characters, some suspicious, then forgotten by the second half! Why would anyone be suspicious? Because they're a jerk? Not a lot of motives in this murder mystery. At one point, the town fox/town slut, Ramona (Jennifer Chase) shows up at one of these losers' houses, and tries to seduce the guy in the shower. Mind you, her perfect breasts are on full display. Guy will have none of this, throws her in the shower, then out the door. Extras reveal a couple Playboy Playmates were hired for this movie. One of them was Jennifer Chase. Way to go, dude!

Once the killer was revealed, it was met with confusion, then again the other half of me didn't care. I had to think about who this character even was (within a cluttered cast), then thought... didn't this guy die? I have to again refer you to the stellar Making Of extra, where they explain what happened, and let me tell ya, you've gotta have a REAL keen eye while watching Death Screams.

I can see where this movie would have its fans. It has a small town, no budget charm, quirky, bizarre (and GRATING) characters, some bad acting, and does not take itself too seriously. However, I was just annoyed.
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An interesting lost slasher that could benefit from a updated print.
b_kite23 November 2018
Ricky Nelson's brother David directed this rare low budget slasher from the early 1980's which features the usual issues and tropes, shot on independent filmmaker Earl Ownsby's complex. It spends a lot of its 90 minute run time with character development saving the action for the final 15 minutes. As usual theirs some nice gore and plenty of nudity from a gorgeous looking female cast including playboy playmate and ex-pornstar Susan Kiger who surprisingly doesn't get nude. The main problem however is the print witch is very dark and murky which leaves the final very hard to see since its all in the dark. This thing really could benefit from a blu-ray release. It also has one of the best movie posters ever!!.
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Somewhere in the middle
acidburn-1028 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
When I first watched this movie, to be honest I didn't like it, but then I decided to give this movie another chance after watching a different version and not the UK DVD version that I owned which was actually a poor copy and badly edited. When I saw a better version, well I actually kind of liked this movie, It's nothing spectacular and not as great and as a lot of the other 80's gems but In my opinion this movie falls somewhere in between.

The spooky atmosphere is nicely done, and the forest scenes are nicely done and beautifully captured, although the night scenes are still really dark on my second viewing of this movie and the last ten minutes of this movie are really frantic and delivers thrills and excitement and the gore is nicely present and interesting.

Okay like I said before this movie isn't quite up there with some of the other classics during this period, it starts off well with the double murder but then It takes way too long for another murder to happen, and there is also no attempt at characterization with the young cast, personally I couldn't tell some of them apart and the stupidity of the cast is unbelievable like when a girl gets shot with an arrow at a carnival, instead of running to the crowds, she runs to an abandoned carnival down the road and gets killed and the unmasking of the killer at the end was a bit of a letdown and way too rushed.

All in all not a bad movie, just not a great movie, bad lighting and sub plots that never go anywhere, but the kills are decent and fast paced.
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Well made early 80's slasher.
tvcarsd7 October 2022
Clearly a lot of people don't get 80's slashers going by the score this movie has received because this movie has it all in spade complete with an opening seen where a couple making out on a motorbike get strangled and thrown into a river.

The movie follows a group of friends that ritually get knocked off one by one in these sorts of movies. The drama feels very made for TV but the horror ambience is much more movieque landing itself right were a good 80's slasher should be, just slightly off the norm enough to keep you guessing.

The characters were interesting with highly strung working kids portrayed by adults half of whom are smoking dope or partying for most of the movie when they are not getting killed. There's a lot of 70's influence in the non-horror music but little in the way of budget spending not even night time lighting. It's just blackness and lots of crickets and the occasional wondering-around synth music scores which are just awesome.

If you are not into 70's and 80's slashers then there will be little in this movie for you otherwise its a definite must see. An 80's American country slasher horror without an over-bearing redneck theme. Nice.
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Solid slasher flick.
HumanoidOfFlesh3 January 2006
A group of obnoxious teenagers attending the town's carnival is stalked and viciously murdered by a machete-wielding killer."Death Screams" by David Nelson is an okay slasher flick.The script is highly unoriginal and the acting is weak,but who cares.The location sets including a town's carnival,a graveyard and finally an isolated house add a lot of creepiness to the overall atmosphere of a quiet little town.The pace is quite slow,but during the carnival bloody murders are set in motion.The gore effects are fairly effective with decapitations,throat slashings,stabbings and chopped off hands to boost.The score by Dee Barton is also surprisingly moody.Overall,I rather enjoyed this rare slasher flick and you should too,if you are a fan of hack 'em up movies.7 out of 10.
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Bad bad bad!
roger_gray196531 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Ha ha he he he. This is laughable. There is NOTHING worth watching in this pile of badly made cheapo trash. Even if you enjoy a good 'bad' movie (which I am partial to) this should be avoided. The only truly special thing about this film is the incredible soundtrack. Even random music plucked from a library catalogue would have occasionally hit the mark, this is so way off you may think that the guy writing it knew he wasn't going to get paid!

The 'story' as such revolves around a typical stalk and slash formula without the benefit of an explanation as to why he's slicing and dicing the 'young' folk.

Nudity and cheap effects just don't cut the mustard even in the straight to video days of the 80's.

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