Redneck Zombies (Video 1989) Poster

(1989 Video)

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Entertaining trash-fest
Red-Barracuda29 March 2007
This is a typical Troma film. It's unashamedly artless and trashy. It's full of dumb humour and gore. If you take it for what it is, you could have a good time. I did.

The story, such as it is, involves a family of retarded rednecks who stupidly drink and distribute toxic waste throughout their hillbilly community. The toxic waste turns the victims into redneck zombies. Add to the mix a group of campers who are terrorised by these drooling imbeciles.

If you've seen a Troma film you'll both know what to expect and what not to expect. What you get is bad acting, artless photography, dumb humour and tasteless violence. What you don't get is sophisticated and atmospheric fare with subtle and considered performances from a talented cast. Redneck Zombies falls firmly into the former category. But unlike some films of this type, it's quite amusing at times and agreeably trashy. It even has a reasonably original and disturbing character – the tobacco man; he's like an evil hillbilly elephant man.

If you've had a hard day and your brain is full then you could give this a go. It's utter trash but doesn't pretend to be otherwise. In the right frame of mind, you might even have a good time.
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This is what happens if Walking Dead was product by Troma
ironhorse_iv1 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There is a lot of brainless, motionless corpses in this film. I'm not talking about the zombies, here. I'm talking about the people who made this film. If you ever want to see a movie that fails in everything, this is that film. The people in the film didn't even wanted their names on it. Directed by Pericles Lewnes and written by Fester Smellman and Zoofeet. It has Alan Smithee's written all over the credits. The film makers could have at less, pick realism fake names than corny puns. This movie sets public perception of the Deep South back a few decades, but it was film in Maryland. Yes, Maryland has a lot of rednecks indeed. The movie starts out with an insane asylum with a survivor which kinda ruins the film. I guess, we know who lives, so why bother watching this movie. After dealing with that character, we get a flashback of a soldier delivery toxic waste to an army camp. Rather than paying attention to the road, he was talking to his dog while smoking a joint. Don't ask why his dog was allow to be in army jeep, no less, an army jeep with toxic waste! Who smokes a joint, delivering toxic waste? He offers his joint to the dog which cases him to crash and lose the barrel. While searching, he gets scare off by a fat local redneck. The fat one then finds the barrel and shows it to his fellow hicks trying it's a new still and begin brewing. The hooch comes out green and awful, but of course they drink it anyway. One of them, Ellie May, a gay hillbilly leaves to make the delivery run to town turning them into the living dead. A Homosexual redneck. Yes, nothing is safer to come out than the Deep South. Pa and sons drink the hooch and turn into redneck zombies. Meanwhile, some novice campers enter the woods to set up a camp. It's not long before the zombies find the campers and of course, the bloodbath begins. As many people have pointed out, the movie is pretty much intentionally bad with as much blatant weirdness as the filmmakers could stuff into it such in the case like the Tobacco Man that acts like an Ice Cream Man, but looks like Scarecrow from Batman Begins or Redneck Elephant Man Jason Voorhees. He's probably the best character in the film. It's just an example of Troma's anti-tobacco policies. The tobacco man was a big user of tobacco, and he's talking about himself when he talks about the big-city doctor cutting off half your face. Bitter about his own situation, the Tobacco Man is trying to make addicts out of everyone, so they can feel the pain he does. Or so I think, I could be wrong. Still, I have no clue what does he have to do with zombies. Honestly there is a lot of scenes that go nowhere. There's a delivery scene to the freelance butcher that makes no sense. A scene with a hitchhiker who shaves himself and try to shave the driver and take photos while driving. A scene with a drooling redneck and a duck taped girl sitting in the living room watching baby chickens on the TV. As much as the Hillbillies are badly written. The campers are just as annoying. There's the obsessive compulsive camper who changes his shirt all the time with different written words shirts all the time. Then another one pre-vet school camper Bob who freaks out and does an autopsy on one of their dead friends while hallucinating on acid. The sound and visual effects in this scene hurts my ears and eyes to the point, it might be bleeding. Bob is just an annoying comic relief character. He's like the real life Jar Jar Binks. The acting is atrocious. It is shot on video in incredibly poor quality. The makeup effects are incredibly primitive to the point that one of the zombies look like a blue smurf. Why is the blue smurf zombie even talking? Zombies don't talk. The editing is badly done as certain scenes have actors talking mid through their lines and suddenly it's cut to a new scene. Couldn't they have wait for the actor to finish his dialogue first! The writing is some of the worst, most obvious and most stupidly stereotypical I have ever run across. I don't understand why there is only sub-title in one side. Even the narrator text can't spell. I don't understand what tone this movie was going for, I mean it seems to be going for a parody in a few moments but it has an utterly bleak ending. Then again maybe I shouldn't question such trash, since the filmmakers obviously didn't think anything highly of it. Pass on this one, don't even rent unless you want to laugh at how bad it is, and even that might not work.
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Where's the gore?
epeteet14 March 2007
I love cheesy, gory, horror-comedies from the 80's, but i gotta say i was disappointed with REDNECK ZOMBIES. With a plot about toxic blood thirsty undead rednecks and a cover that boasts "a goremeister's delight" that "really delivers the goods" and "a back-woods bloodbath that'll tickle your funny bone, then rip it out," this movie sounded really promising. I got into this movie expecting it to be up there with TOXIC AVENGER (one of my all time favorites), and ended up finding it pretty lame. I knew it would be extremely cheap (and believe me it's about as cheap as it gets) and that doesn't bother me at all. The movie is really funny at times too (it's almost worth watching just for the incredibly hysterical scene involving a black soldier listening to a religious radio program...but i won't give it away); there is also a hilarious scene involving some boobies, but where the hell is the gore? It might be worth watching if viewed merely as a comedy but gore hounds like myself will be unsatisfied. If you wanna watch an extremely cheap shot on video zombie flick that delivers the goods check out FLESHEATER instead, and for those who like comedy with their slime and gore i'd recommend these far superior titles instead: THE TOXIC AVENGER, CLASS OF NUKE 'EM HIGH, Hollywood CHAINSAW HOOKERS, and STREET TRASH (all favorites of mine)
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C'mon, people!
james_oblivion3 February 2003
Reading these reviews, my mind is truly blown. People throwing around terms like "bad acting" and "cheap effects"...saying there's no plot and it looks like it was shot with a VHS camcorder. Who cares? Lighten up. The people who seriously berate this movie obviously have little to no knowledge of Full Moon or Troma films. Here's a hint. When you pick up a video and the box says "TROMA" on it, you are 100% guaranteed to find the following:

Appalling acting, Ludicrous dialogue, Poor production values, Thin plot, Outrageous effects, Copious nudity.

And nine time out of ten, you'll also find gore galore.

For what it is (a Full Moon film, distributed by Troma, Inc.), Redneck Zombies is pure gold. When I first watched it, I kicked back on my couch, cracked open a bottle of fine Belgian ale, and laughed all the way through. This movie is SUPPOSED to be's supposed to be's supposed to be stupid and cheap and lame. That is its purpose. Deal with it, or don't watch.

There's plenty here for fans of the horror genre (including some hilarious Texas Chainsaw Massacre parody scenes), and (of course) fans of Full Moon and/or Troma won't be disappointed. My personal favorite scene involves the genuinely creepy Tobacco Man. To this day, at work or in social gatherings, I'll occasionally pull out the line "Dark times is comin'." And when everyone looks at me like I've just vomited human excrement onto the rug, I know deep down that I am the coolest person in the room. But I digress.

At any rate, if you're a Troma fan like me, definitely give this one a watch. It's way up there with the original Toxie and Class of Nuke 'Em High. And don't let these negative reviewers steer you wrong. They wouldn't know CLASSIC cult horror comedy cheese if it was gnawing on their small intestine.
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Delightfully Awful
jay2therescue1 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I had first seen this film in the early 90's. I love b grade films and love to critique them as I watch. It was recommended by a clerk in the video store, it was the $0.25 rental (the worst film in the store as rated by the customers) I loved it. It looked as if it was filmed on a cheap VHS camcorder. The budget on this one must have been extremely low (it had to be under $5,000). The title is all wrong though. I think that a more fitting title would be Hillbilly zombies as there is a difference between rednecks and hillbillies. The gratuitous breast shot with the whipped cream and cherries was spectacular. If you like bad films you'll love this one.
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colinhawksby28 May 2009
This movie is the cheapest biggest worst pile of rubbish that I've ever seen.The worst zombie movie ever...and thats saying something. It has nothing to recommend it.Not the actors, the script ( what script?) the effects....nothing.Nada. Nowt.

I need more lines so I'm off to find a dictionary to find more words for garbage.Trash.Excrement.Rubbish.

Do not waste time on this unless you're desperate...and even then think twice. its bad is rubbish stay not watch this suckfest.. I wish I had never seen it and you will too if you don't take my advice and watch it.
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"Redneck Zzz..."
SombeeKillah31 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Lisa Dubois: "Wilbur, did you treat this weed?" Wilbur: "Only with respect, baby".

Where do I begin? I expected a little better from Lloyd Kaufman/ Troma Team.. But then again expect what? Once again I came out disappointed. I had heard so much "hoopla" over this so-called cult classic that when I saw a 20th anniversary DVD that also included a CD with the original soundtrack, I bought it. The CD music is much better that the film itself. Adrian Bond took composing the score for this film seriously. Nice.

Also included in this anniversary DVD are new and current interviews with cast and crew of the film. This was more shocking to me than the movie itself! Ha-ha. Some of the cast members did not age well at all. Especially Lisa M. DeHaven(Lisa Dubois). I thought she looked hot back then. But it was shocking to see how much weight she gained! I could not believe it was her! Ironically Bucky Santini (Fred Mertz) who was the "big boy"in the film, is now slim and unrecognizable! Another member who gain a lot of weight also was Tyrone Taylor(Tyrone the Soldier). It was nice to see though how Alex Lewnes (Baby Fester) turned out 20 years later! Alex Lewnes was only two years old when he played Baby Fester.

Pericles Lewnes (the director and who played Billy Bob 'Elly May)gave himself a concussion when he dropped the barrel of toxic waste on the first take. He also spent ten hours on the table in zombie make-up on the day his scene as a zombie was filmed. Moreover, said make-up took three or four hours to apply. It was so cold on several days of shooting that the fake blood Lisa M. DeHaven was covered with froze on her.

The filmmakers sent this movie to many different distributors in order to get it released, all of whom turned it down. It was eventually picked up for release by Troma, which was the very first company it was submitted to. The budget for this movie was so low that the filmmakers could only afford one breakaway candy glass bottle. This film was shot in 32 days on weekends over the course of a year.The make-up for the zombie extras was done in a deliberately cheesy manner.
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As Cheap As It Gets
Uriah4314 September 2012
Let me start off by saying that I like zombie films and I like comedies. But mixing the two is a difficult task to accomplish with any degree of success. Very difficult. That said, add in an extremely low budget, bad acting, bad writing and cheap cinematography and one can probably imagine what to expect: A low-budget zombie film that lacks both comedy and horror. Yes, there is lots of gore in this film for those who enjoy that sort of thing. But gore--in and of itself--is only useful in enhancing a film and shouldn't be relied upon to carry a movie. That takes acting. And, like I said, this movie is missing that key component. Now, some could say that the acting was supposed to be bad and it's what gives the "comedy" its flavor. Okay, I get that. But let's get real, I know a good movie when I see one--and this isn't one of them. Having warned everyone ahead of time I would now like to mention that I thought the director (Pericles Lewnes) did a credible job with the extremely low budget constrains ($10,000). But it was still a bad film none-the-less. In short, this film is about as cheap as it gets and its only value might be as a gag with friends who enjoy drinking beer and watching movies together. Just make sure to bring lots of beer. Better yet, it's probably a good idea to get a quick head start on the beer first. Simply put, if the objective was to create a bad movie then that goal was accomplished. But I see no need applaud it.
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Must watch with a Bowl of pasta and Keg...
luzaderr12 July 2002
.This movie was made to be bad and it hit it's mark great. I laughed threw the whole thing. The Face makeup looks eatable. The Dialog was improvised by Stoned or Drunken people and the special Effects team got their supplies from the grocery store. Some people from West Virginia would be insulted. If you Like B movies watch it
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Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse.
Hey_Sweden8 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"Redneck Zombies" bears all the marks of the classic "so bad it's good" low budget B movie. Those film fans who enjoy chilling with beers and buddies will likely find this effort from producer / director Pericles Lewnes and executive producer Edward Bishop to be well worth their time. Now, admittedly, it's pretty slow to start, and as often as it's funny, it's just tiresome. But it's worth sticking with because things really get interesting for the final third. Lewnes and company deliver what has to be the trippiest autopsy scene ever committed to celluloid before finally giving us plenty of action near the end. The gore is hilariously tacky and, yes, folks, there's a lot of it. The acting is aggressively lousy, with Anthony Burlington- Smith rating as the biggest offender as craven coward Bob. Lewnes takes every opportunity he gets to take his movie in surreal directions, and there's enough W.T.F. moments to make this a memorable bit of mayhem.

A wayward barrel of toxic waste is appropriated by a backwoods, backwards family and the contents find their way into the broods' batch of moonshine. After imbibing this putrid potion, the guys turn into...well, you can figure it out. At the mercy of the rampaging flesh eaters are an insipid bunch of back packers led by the moronic Wilbur (James H. Housely).

You gotta love a cast and crew that give themselves such colourful names as "Zoofeet" (this is the pseudonym for Lewnes himself, who plays femme redneck Billy Bob / Elly May) and "P. Floyd Piranha". And that's one of the endearing elements here, as it always is in movies of this kind, as this spirited bunch of "actors" and filmmakers have fun with their very silly material. You just can't beat independent horror cinema for this kind of go-for-it enthusiasm. Lisa M. DeHaven is a very feisty Final Girl who keeps putting up a fight. There are healthy nods to "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre", especially the amusing hitchhiker sequence. And as a bonus the music, including some priceless ditties such as "Squirrels from Hell", is pretty catchy.

All in all, this is agreeable schlock.

Seven out of 10.
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Horrible, horrible, horrible...
DeadKev1 December 2002
The die-hard lovers of all things Troma will likely want me burned at the stake. I have but one thing to say to them...a burning at the stake would be a welcome alternative to watching this movie. Never have I seen acting so horrible...never have I seen a script so wretchedly bad...and very few times have I lied awake in bed at night praying to regain the 2 hours of my wasted time that I will never get back...that is, until this movie.
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The Greatest Piece of American Cinema
guru-1212 August 1999
Pericles Lewnes' greatest achievement in this movie is his belabored work in disguising the rich metaphoric odyssey as a low-budget horror movie. I am reminded of the ever-profound words of Homer Simpson: "But the football...his works on so many levels!" From the wiles of Tobacco Man, the prophet, the soothsayer, the deux ex the misunderstood but brightly optimistic Elly Mae, this movie delivers a multitude of beautifully executed, heavily obscured morals, which the viewer seems to pile up with every repeated viewing. You cannot watch this movie more than once without catching a glimpse of the great philosophical subtexts. A triumph.
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One of the best B-movies around
Jsimpson58 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A former co-worker of mine told me about this film a few weeks ago, and I bought the film just to see how interesting this film could be. The basic gist of the film is that a drum of nuclear waste falls off the back of US Army Jeep in the rural parts of Maryland. Some rednecks get the drum thinking that it is Moonshine (because they do not know how to read, or they are just stupid) and give it to people and become flesh eating zombies.

The film itself is not meant to be a Oscar winner, but it falls under the "it's so bad it's good" group. The special effects are very cheap, but it still fun to watch. I could write a book on how corny and cheesy the lines in this movie are, but I am not going to do that. The lines in this film are really bad, but it's so funny at some of the stuff that is said in this film. The gore in this film is is at times over the top. There seems to be more gore in this film, then Dawn of the Dead.

The acting is over the top at times. Mainly Bob, the pre-vet student is starts tripping while doing an autopsy on one of the zombies. Drinking Dude, how could I forget him. He always drinks, at out of no where pulls out bottles of liquor and drinks it.

If you like Troma films, then watch this. If you like gore b flicks, then watch this. In my opinion this is one of the best b movies of the 80's.
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An awful home-made movie
tttnsrcbrppp13 June 2000
If you are a cult follower of horror movies, you won't like this one. It's not even close to a cult favorite. I love horror movies, and I even like movies with poor effects or acting, but this movie looks home-made. I couldn't believe that this was a real movie released on video. The actors were pathetic, and there were no effects at all except for dry, blood stains on clothes. I realize the plot was making fun of zombie movies, but the only thing that was funny was the black camper guy's hair when he got scared and the noises he made. They could have at least put some kind of scary music on in the background, but the little music it had sucked. I would not recommend this movie to anyone unless you want to feel really stupid. I thought it was pretty funny that this movie got put on a video cassette and put into movie stores. It's a Z-movie for sure. Ratings don't get any lower. I don't see how this movie could have any cult following.
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It's supposed to be bad people!!
ericdetrick200217 April 2004
For some of the people that posted about how bad and stupid this movie was: actually, i'm stumped. I don't know what to tell you. The intention of the producers of Redneck Zombies was to make a really bad movie. In fact, if anyone has the Troma DVD, they should watch the short interview with director, Pericles Lewnes. He basically says they wanted to make a really awful gory horror movie. Knowing that movies shot on video automatically come off as being cheesy, they went all the way with the bad acting, bad jokes, bad special effects, etc. And that is why this movie has become one of the gems of modern day b-movie gore flicks. If this was shot on film, it wouldn't be the same.

I wouldn't laugh in the same way. If the cast included well trained actors- once again, I wouldn't laugh in the way that I do. This movie is the epitemy of being "so bad that it is good",

So for all of you wannabe Siskel and Eberts out there, keep on renting Scream 1-100, I know What You Did Last Spring (or was it Summer?), and any other modern day over produced horror flick with a soundtrack by Creed. I'll keep watching (and loving) all the trash that goes straight to DVD. Of course you can't rent any of the wonderful sleazy trash flicks at Blockbuster or Hollywood, so I am forced to purchase these fine films at conventions and off the internet. Thank God for the internet.

I will say I was happily impressed with the big budget Dawn of the Dead for the most part.
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Another one from Troma...
Midian-217 June 2000
From the people who brought you such works of art as the Toxic Avenger and Tromeo and Juliet comes... Redneck Zombies.

As is to be expected of a Troma film, this isn't very good. In fact, it's pretty bad. Most of the movie looks as if it was filmed with a camcorder, the acting and effects are awful, and the plot is nonsensical. The movie is much longer than it needs to be and not all that entertaining.

The film does have its moments, however. Some parts are quite humorous, but I think they're rather few and far between. If you're a fan of Troma's other films, though, you'll most likely enjoy this one. Fans of bad horror movies may also find it worth watching.
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Silly and Stupid
The Creeper21 December 2001
First Off, I am a BIG Horror Fan. I Like almost every Horror Movie, Scary Movie, and yes, Even Zombie Movie, EXCEPT for this Hunk of Junk. This Movie is not Even a Horror Movie. It is a Terrible Comedy. Just look it's Tagline! If I Told you All of the Stupid parts of this Movie It would take up 10 Pages and Spoil the Whole Film because there is not a Single Scene that some Pathetic type of Comedy makes it's way Into. If you Want to see a REALLY good Horror Movie try "Sleepaway Camp" or "Bloody Murder". Or you Could waste an Hour or two renting this Disgrace to Horror.
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What If This Was the First Movie You Ever Saw?
aimless-464 August 2004
There are actually a few voters who rate this as a "10". The only explanation is that this was the first movie they ever saw and they made their rating before seeing their second movie. Maybe their only prior exposure to video was the shopping channel.

Public Service Announcement-It is true that the writers, cast, and crew did not intend to make a serious film. And the idea behind a parody is to make the genre being spoofed look idiotic-this usually has some amusement value. However, if looking for ways to pull off a parody it would be best to look elsewhere.

While perhaps not the worst movie ever made, it may very well be the least imaginative parody of all time. It would have worked better had they been serious (ah la 'Plan Nine'), then all the low budget-moronic script moments would have been funny. And if you hoped that the promotional poster of Gloria DeHaven's niece in cutoffs indicated a little soft-core fun, you will be sadly disappointed. The niece never takes off her baggy shirt and the remainder of the cast is as unattractive as they are untalented. Actually it is hard to say if they are less attractive, less talented, or less intelligent; but they certainly lead the league in all three categories.

If you are ever forced to view this mess there are a couple of nominally interesting things: 1. It was shot on pre-digital video and really shows why video has only recently improved enough to become an alternative to film; 2. If you are thinking of making a movie this one illustrates that the bar is not set very high-the makers of 'Cabin Fever' were probably inspired during pre-production with the ease with which something like this could be slapped together-although at least they had some moderately attractive humans (note I did not say actors) in their cast. Avoid this unless you are massively sedated.
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Really, really bad... but not in a good way
Keltic-224 October 2000
Even for a Troma Film, this one is bad. Shot on video, it makes no pretence at being serious in any way; the acting is dreadful and the special effects just...aren't that special. Most of the budget seems to have gone into fake blood, mock intestines and various snot-like substances to be oozed or spewed by zombies. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but unlike other Troma films this one just doesn't get there. There are a few humorous moments, such as the autopsy carried out by a veterinary student under the influence of acid, but in general the jokes fall flat.
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watch this, and your brain will turn to liquid.
dragonrebornk629 February 2008
I wish I could give this one a zero. It didn't even get the whole so bad its good thing going. No, its not the actors that suck (which they do) or the filmography that suck (which it does), the main thing was how they pulled all these things together into the worst viewing experience of my life. The film had so much potential too, i mean come on, Redneck + Zombies should equal = really funny time. The parts that really made me wish for new eyes were the parts where for no reason, the film went all screwy, and the sound was dragged out until your ears bled. I finally was able to finish it, just for writing this review, and I've come to a conclusion. Troma films should be used for torture. I guarantee that any terrorist will talk if you promise just to turn it off. If you wish to save your brain from the worst headache imaginable, DO NOT WATCH THIS!!!
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Not great but still hilarious and gory as hell
LoneWolfAndCub14 January 2007
This movie seems to get a lot of negative attention and I wonder why that is. I mean, it IS a Troma movie so I already had low expectations. The title of the movie is Redneck Zombies so that further lowered my expectations and when I read the plot I just couldn't stop laughing. Radioactive waste mistaken for moonshine by rednecks, they drink it and transform into zombies!!! I couldn't wait to watch this.

The start opens with a parody of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and it is very funny. But then I realised this wasn't filmed normally, it was filmed on video. It looked so shoddy I realised to take this seriously would be stupid. The acting, music, dialogue, plot, direction and everything else was bad, just plain bad. I couldn't stop laughing at how bad and ridiculous it really was. And the gore was excellent and let me say, there is a lot of it. Do you expect any less from Troma?? 3/5.
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Possibly the worst movie EVER
Agent78047 March 2006
Redneck Zombies sucks, plain and simple. I only saw it because word of mouth got back to me that it was so terrible, and so boring that having to sit thru it was like some kind of weird brain torture.

You can tell when watching it however that it was made to be a really crappy movie. That doesn't make it okay though. To it's credit the only good thing the movie has going for it is some of the cheap "effects" with the zombies...i'll admit, I don't know how to make a head look like it's pulsing and oozing apart...and the songs were kinda funny I they do deserve that "1" star out of 10.

But seriously people, unless you were a part of the cast, or had something to do with making this flick...I don't see how you could possibly enjoy it...unless you were on an assortment of drugs...which I do not condone.

If you must, watch it once, and then contemplate on how dumb you feel for watching it.
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Laughed till my sides hurt!
Carrigon2 September 2003
This was so much fun! Somehow, I never got to see this little gem in the 80's and only recently found it. It was just tons of campy fun. The songs, the rednecks, the dialogue, it was all funny. And the makeup on the zombies was great and there was tons of gore. I loved the parody scene of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre hitchhiker. And the Tobacco Man was just so kewl! This is a must see for anyone who loves horror parodies. It's a real classic.
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pretty funny
marlowe_is_dead24 February 2001
i stayed up late to see this as part of a troma classic movie series. being in the UK, obviously the films are uncut. tonight will be chopper chicks in zombie town, and frankly, i am looking forward to it. but last week, it was the turn of redneck zombies to strut its stuff across my teevee.

the film is pretty funny. it is not so dumb as to make it boring, and does not take itself seriously (naturally). the characters are funny, the weird toxic trips ARE pretty trippy, and the film has a nice atmosphere.

overall, a nice romp thru the head of troma.
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A 'bad' film done badly
Bezenby2 April 2014
I'm not stranger to Troma's world - I liked Toxic Avenger, Class of Nuke 'Em High, and Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell, but this film is the pits.

For example, it takes over forty minutes to get to the zombies! So we're subjected to all the deliberate bad acting and 'comedy' which in this film is just excruciating.

A barrel of toxic waste is lost after a soldier burns his hand on a joint and almost crashes his jeep. A redneck gets a hold of it and ends up giving it to other rednecks as a makeshift still, which contaminates their mash and turns them (and anyone else that drinks it) into zombies. That plot would have held up well but the film continually grinds to a halt due to various other things.

For instance, one character in particular is portrayed as a coward (who's also taken acid) and we get endless scenes of this guy screaming and running around. There's also a gay soldier (unfunny), the strange tobacco man, and some zombie kids.

There's also plenty of gore in the latter half of the film, but I barely made it to the end. It seemed to me as if the film was double the length it was supposed to be. I know Troma try and do deliberately dreadful films, but in this case they just didn't do that right. Painful.
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