Paganini Horror (1988) Poster

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A big Paga-no-no!
BA_Harrison28 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When a predominantly female rock band are lambasted by their producer for failing to write a decent tune, their male drummer purchases an unpublished score written by violinist Paganini, who was rumoured to have murdered his wife and sold his soul to the devil in exchange for fame and fortune.

The band use the music as the basis for their newest song, and decide to shoot the accompanying video in the very house in which Paganini sealed his Satanic deal. This proves to be a bad idea when they discover that evil forces are still at work in the old building, where time and space have their own rules and a mysterious masked murderer lurks, armed with deadly violin equipped with a spring-loaded blade.

"What a strange light," mentions one character to her friends as they investigate the spooky house at the centre of the Paganini Horror. "It's more than strange", comes the reply, "it's weird." This dreadful exchange of dialogue (one of many) is fairly representative of this late-80s Italian horror as a whole: it makes no sense whatsoever—not surprising since it was written and directed by Luigi Cozzi, the man who gave us dumb, Z-grade, trash sci-fi flicks Hercules and Starcrash, and the very daft Alien rip-off Contamination.

Cozzi seems to be aiming at delivering a Dario Argento-style supernatural horror in the vein of Suspiria or Inferno, but being a total hack, only manages to emulate Argento's garish lighting with any degree of success. The plot is so muddled that even Argento's most outrageous work seems logical in comparison (believe it or not, one character is inexplicably killed by wood fungus!), the direction is basic at best, and the score is a diabolical mix of 80s pop-rock and classical music.

Not one of the cast puts in a credible performance, with particularly bad acting from Pietro Genuardi as the band's video director Mark Singer, who is supposedly a top horror film maker, but who works with a single shoulder mounted camera, no crew and absolutely no sign of a script or storyboard; even Argento's muse Daria Nicolodi and Donald Pleasance are dreadful, with Nicolodi overacting wildly and Pleasance looking rather embarrassed to be involved.

Don't go expecting much in the way of decent gore either: most of the deaths are pretty bloodless, and even the most gruesome moment—a woman's head crushed by an invisible wall—will have you laughing at the cheap effect, achieved by pressing the actress's face against a sheet of glass whilst running fake blood over her head.

If it hadn't been for the fact that a couple of the women are very easy on the eye and happily squeeze into body-hugging outfits, I probably would have fallen asleep way before Cozzi calls it a day and wraps the film up with a simply awful surprise ending.
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Paganini Horrible
Stevieboy66612 November 2020
A mainly female rock band film their latest music video "Paganini Horror" at the former home of the famous composer but in doing so open a portal to Hell.I had been tempted to buy this on blu ray but instead opted to watch it online and I am glad that I did because this is an awful movie. Having seen other reviews I kept my hopes low but hoped that there may be some redemption in the form of sex, blood and cheesiness. Sadly this wasn't the case. Our female musicians all look like models, but the characters are very annoying and get to keep their clothes on. Horror legend Donald Pleasence has a small part yet in the English language version he has been dubbed - BADLY! It sounds like somebody trying but failing miserably to do a Pleasence impersonation. As a fan of his I found this to be an abomination and unforgivable.The film is has 1980's cheese but not in a good way. The gore is pretty minimal, some sets are strangely draped in curtains (I think they were trying to mimic the look of Suspiria) and as already mentioned zero nudity. One of the few good points is Italian Scream Queen Daria Nicoldi among the female cast. Italian horror movies had nosedived by the late 1980's, this being a prime example
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This Trash Is So Lame and Ridiculous That Becomes Funny
claudio_carvalho27 February 2015
The female rock and roll band formed by Kate (Jasmine Main), Elena (Michel Klippstein) and Rita (Luana Ravegnini) want to release a new album, but their producer Lavinia (Maria Cristina Mastrangeli) refuses since their songs are very poor. Their friend Daniel (Pascal Persiano) buys a piece of music from a stranger called Mr. Pickett (Donald Pleasence) that explains that the music was written by Paganini himself and never released. Lavinia believes that the music will become a hit and she hires the filmmaker Mark Singer (Pietro Genuardi) to make a videoclip in a manor she has hired from her acquaintance Sylvia Hackett (Daria Nicolodi). Soon Rita and Daniel disappear and the floor collapses beneath Kate that also vanishes in the hole. The survivors try to flee from the real state but they discover that they are trapped in hell.

"Paganini Horror" is a trash so lame and ridiculous that becomes funny. The awful story and screenplay associated to ham performances with a cast that overacts most of the time, highlighted by the dreadful dubbing in English and terrible cinematography make this movie a classic of the trash genre. There is no explanation why the members of the band are doomed to hell. I do not understand why Daria Nicolodi and Donald Pleasence accepted to include this film in their filmographies. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "Paganini Horror"
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Ah Italy!
BandSAboutMovies22 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Luigi Cozzi, welcome back to B & S About Movies! We're so happy to have you back and so pleased that you've gifted us with movies like Hercules and Starcrash. I'm so pleased with the magic that you've brought us today, a near last gasp of Italian horror at the tail end of the 80's.

At La Casa di Sol, an ancient Venezian home of various composers, a young violinist (Cozzi's daughter Giada) practices a Paganini song before she then decides to electrocute her mother by throwing a hairdryer into the bathtub. We haven't even started the movie yet and it's already deranged!

A female rock band is told by their manager that they should find a new song. The drummer travels to a secluded location to meet Mr. Pickett (Donald Pleasence!) to buy an unpublished score by Paganini called "Paganini Horror." The manager, the drummer and lead singer Kate (Jasmine Maimone, Nancy from Demons) agree to record the song and head to La Casa di Sol to make a music video with horror director Mark Singer (Pietro Genuardi, Cemetery Man).

So who owns La Casa? Sylvia (Daria Nicolodi, who beyond writing and appearing in this, wrote Suspiria), who is the young girl from the beginning all grown up.

Oh man, this movie. From the fungus found on the logs used to make Stradivarius violins killing people to invisible walls wiping out most of the audience, this movie is bonkers in the best of ways. There's also Paganini himself, stabbing people and sealing them up in giant bass cases before setting them on fire, before daylight streams through the window and turns him into ash in the shape of a treble clef.

In the original cut, which was eight minutes longer with scenes of planets, galaxies and parallel dimensions that were supposed to give the movie a stronger science fiction touch, as well as a scene in which Pleasence's character put on Paganini's mask and clothes. Cozzi cut these scenes as producer Fabrizio De Angelis wanted a simpler horror movie.

The rules of why people are trapped in the house and whether or not its Hell are never really explained, but this is Italian cinema. There's going to be plenty of bright red blood, lots of screaming, some 1980's looking music video scenes and a masked Pleasence stabbing people. It's a funhouse ride that is well worth taking.
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Totally Nonsensical
jimmyhoover-5586117 November 2019
This one has been hard to find for years (at least in semi-watchable form), so I'm happy to say I've finally seen it and it's ok. A dubbed Donald Pleasance plays a creepy music peddler or something who gives an all-girl pop band an old piece of sheet music that was apparently composed by a crazed composer who used human heartstrings for strings on his violin. They end up in a secluded country estate owned by Daria Nicolodi to shoot a music video for their newest hit and they end up opening up a portal to hell or something to that extent.

To be honest, this movie was confusing as all hell. I never knew what was going on or what the rules were, but it's a pretty short movie and there are some fun effects and sequences that kept my interest. It's definitely far from the worst horror movie I've ever seen, but it's hard to not see it as a missed opportunity. The ending has a fun twist, too.
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A female rock band goes to hell.
capkronos13 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Tacky, colorful, confusing, mildly-entertaining drivel seems to be the European answer to the short-lived North American 'heavy metal horror' subgenre; films that typically revolved around Lycra-clad, big-haired rock band members being terrorized by supernatural (usually Satanic) forces. Said subgenre included the titles ROCKTOBER BLOOD (1984), HARD ROCK ZOMBIES (1984), MONSTER DOG (1984), TRICK OR TREAT (1986), ROCK 'N' ROLL NIGHTMARE (1987), SLAUGHTERHOUSE ROCK (1987), BLACK ROSES (1988), HARD ROCK NIGHTMARE (1989), HEAVY METAL MASSACRE (1989; directed by David De Falco and so obscure it's currently not even listed on IMDb), DEAD GIRLS (1990), SHOCK 'EM DEAD (1990) and probably a few others I'm forgetting. This one, from the director of the usually-well-regarded giallo THE KILLER MUST KILL AGAIN (1975), the silly sci-fi adventure STARCRASH (1979) and the unofficial SUSPIRIA "sequel" THE BLACK CAT (1989) - amongst others - is neither the best nor the worst of the lot, though it's far from what most would consider good.

A nearly all-female rock band headed by singer/songstress Kate (Jasmine Maimone) has hit a creative slump, as evidenced by their atrocious "You Give Love a Bad Name" opening rip-off number. To help matters, drummer Daniel (Pascal Persiano) purchases an unreleased composition written by famous Italian violinist Niccolo Paganini from Mr. Pickett (a diabolically dubbed and goofy acting Donald Pleasance). Upon hearing the track and learning of its origins, the band's bitchy, money-hungry producer Lavinia (Maria Cristina Mastrangeli) decides to hire famous horror film director Mark Singer (Pietro Genuardi) to shoot a horror-themed music video in Paganini's former home; the same place where the violinist reputedly sold his soul to Satan to become famous. It isn't long before most of the cast - which includes Daria Nicolodi as the current owner of Paganini's home and sexy guitarists Michel Klippstein and Luana Ravegnini - are facing various supernatural horrors.

For starters, there's a ghostly, echo-voiced, gold masked killer lurking around who uses a gold violin with a retractable blade. There's also an underground tunnel which leads to an alternate dimension (?!), strange shrill noises that incapacitate people and an electric forcefield which surrounds the house (?!) and is able to blow up a car. Some of the death scenes are pretty bizarre. Someone is crushed by an invisible wall; another is mutated by some kind of infectuous tree fungus (!) Oh yeah, and one of the females may be a little girl who toasted her mum in the bathtub with a hair dryer years earlier. The final scene tries to tie all the loose ends together but only succeeds in making things even more confusing than they already were.

There's some mild gore (fx are variable) and no less than three musical numbers, including a pretty funny music video. Everything is drenched in blue, red and green colors because the director is an Argento devotee (and had helped write a couple of Argento's earlier projects).
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I was expecting good bad, but I just got actual bad bad.
kyla-7230210 October 2021
Maybe it was just the atrocious dubbing. Maybe the translators were underpaid. That one star is for the costume department. There were some funky dresses. How on earth did this movie even get made?
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One of my favorite movies!
wishmaster-217 October 2004
This movie is so bad.... The acting, the story, the dialogues, the special effects, the direction, the sound.... Everything in this movie is soooo bad that I LOVE it!! It's supposed to be a horror movie but it's the best and funniest comedy I ever seen!! I can't stop laughing every time I'm watching it and I'm so in love with it that I ended up buying the video! If you want to laugh for 80 minutes, watch it!! The best line?? "Spirito del Male.... TI DETESTO!" - Italian people will understand.
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Bad dubbing, bad acting, bad for you!
spoogegod20 July 2012
While I cannot put into words how poor this movie is, I can try to put to right one thing not one reviewer so far has tried to do: Pagliani's "lost" sonata was actually a total ripoff of Electric Light Orchestra's "Twilight" from their album "Time", released in 1981 (it exists, Google it, and yes IMDb spellchecker, that IS a word).

Which leads one to wonder, considering the quality of this movie and other horrors from Italy, can Italian directors make unique original films without stealing from others? Pod People was a direct ripoff of ET (even going so far as copying the logo), War of the Planets ripped off so many sci fi movies that they actually ripped themselves off in the sequel "War of the Robots", the list goes on and on!

But a note for note clone of a popular album from a popular band from the early 80s? Really, Italy? You couldn't just use an actual obscure song from Paganini (or for that matter, anything that hasn't been played to death, we'd likely not notice)? You could have used Pagliacci and most wouldn't have noticed.
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Glorious Trash
CantripZ19 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Amazingly entertaining and completely stupid Italian horror! A pop group purchase a mysterious unpublished Paganini melody from a mysterious old man. Turns out it's the evil melody he wrote to sell his soul to Satan! Or something. Anyway, when the band play their soft-rock-meets-synth-pop masterpiece "Paganini Horror" it's fated that Bad Things will happen!

So along comes Paganini in a cool mask, with a gold switchblade violin and some infernal powers, to mess with the group and their manager because... well, because he feels like it. Or maybe because he really hates '80s Euro pop, which is understandable really.

Then it turns out that the whole rigmarole has nothing to do with the group in a surprise ending which is partly surprising because of how little sense it makes (even for an Italian horror flick of the 80s!).

The amazingly 80s music and costumes are rivalled only by the dialogue and dubbing in terms of entertainment value, so while Paganini Horror might not be the finest of horror films it's certainly among the funnest! OK, so not much happens, really – some running around, some screaming, some killing, all freed from the constraints of logic and storytelling – and it's both well-paced and fine to look at, while some of the gore effects are superb (and the others are, of course, superbly entertaining). The score is better than the band's songs allow the viewer to hope for, too, and the small, rather mismatched cast are somehow perfect for this sublime nonsense.

The male drummer and video director are both completely ineffectual characters, the former played with some panache by Pascal Persiano, the latter portrayed in a flagrantly comedic style by Pietro Genuardi – but this movie's all about the women, and its the female cast who dominate from start to finish. Bonus! Two of the girls in the band are pretty hot (Maria Cristina Mastrangeli and Michele Klippstein), while the other one (Jasmine Maimone as singer/bandleader Kate) overacts with astonishing vigour, and Luana Ravegnini as their manager (less hot than the hot girls, but prettier and a better actor than Ms Maimone) alternates hilariously between being a hard-nosed boss-bitch and screaming along with the rest of the girls.

The aforementioned twist ending is incredible, and made me marvel once more at the talents of the film's two big horror-genre names, top-billed Daria Niccolodi and guest star Donald Pleasance, for delivering such idiotic lines with such bravura seriousness.

Pleasance is so gleefully sinister during his short screen time that his character comes across more charming than chilling (not surprising really!). Niccolodi's acting is as solid as ever, and she's sometimes lost amongst the screaming, overacting girls but it works because it's her character who delivers a lot of the important lines, and she's utterly pivotal to the greatness of the film's finalé.

For all the wrong reasons, this is a classic of Italian horror!
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terrible and rather a shame
christopher-underwood29 October 2022
It is pretty terrible and rather a shame. Paganini was born in 1782 and he became such a great player that he was known as 'The Devil's Violinist' which it seems it was believed to be a gift from the devil. It was a great idea that Luigi Cozzi supposedly discovers some lost music and turns it into an 80s girl band so they can have a hit song. They rather make a sad noise with big hair and then run around and screaming because one after the other is lost. And that is about it with some blood but not much and then some small scenes with Donald Pleasence and the splendid Daria Nicolodi is sadly rather running around with the others and holding hands, and screaming.
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"Shot Through The Heart And You're To Blame...." Wait. Da Hell?
DavyDissonance6 November 2019
Some musical broads decide to record an unpublished Paganini song which ends up opening a portal to hell or something. Paganini Horror is bad. The story is incoherent and idiotic. It's like I get where they were going with it but they just throw in random $#!+ all over the place that doesn't make sense to the story. Some of the killing sequences were fun and bloody but this is one of those rare occurrences to where the bad acting was actually a lot more entertaining than the violence. I literally almost crapped blood with laughter from it. It also has some pacing issues like two music sequences of some rocks songs (one of them, a deliberate rip off of a Bon Jovi song) some may or may not like but at least you get to see a chick in tight pink spandex revealing the curvature of her succulent buttock so that counts for something. Plus the effects are poorly shot and looks r·tarded. In the end... (sigh) I think it's a genuine $#!+show masterpiece of unintentional humor and weirdness. I struck gold with this one. Loved it.
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Typical Italian horror film.
HumanoidOfFlesh13 October 2001
"Paganini Horror" isn't a masterpiece,but it is a solid horror flick that will keep almost all horror fans entertained.The acting,apart from Daria Nicolodi("Deep Red","Tenebre")and Donald Pleasance("Phenomena","Halloween"),is pretty bad and the rock music is extremely cheesy and annoying.Director Luigi Cozzi("Il Gatto Nero")desperately tries to create some spooky atmosphere and,in my opinion,he partially succeeds.The film is full of rich,glowing colors,and the gore effects are pretty well-done(for example nasty head explosion,violin stabbings etc).All in all I really enjoyed this one,so check it out for yourself.
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Bad. But not bad enough to be good.
dopefishie9 April 2022
Bad. But not bad enough to be good.

The acting is definitely below average. The one exception is Donald Pleasence, but he's only in like 3 scenes.

The characters are much dumber than the average dumb horror movie character. However, this creates a fun random quality. The film is quite unpredictable - this is its main strength. You have no idea what will happen next. And some of these random moments are pretty great. There's an underground secret passage and flesh melting fungus. But the film does not save the best for last. It's ending is underwhelming compared to the chaos that came before it.

But my biggest problem with this film is the music and sound design are simply not good enough. The premise of the film is a haunted song and selling your soul to the devil for fame. Nailing the music is an absolute must, and they did not deliver.
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A great idea is a terrible thing to waste. Yet that's just what happened here.
I_Ailurophile27 October 2023
Pure 80s rock, leaning heavily on Jon Bon Jovi and Pat Benatar, and a score that arguably brings to mind Claudio Simonetti and Goblin; great special makeup and practical effects, weak and outdated post-production visuals; terrific filming locations, art direction, and costume design. And for good measure, Donald Pleasence! If you want 80s horror, you've got it; if you want Italian horror, by Jove, you've got it. The style, the aesthetics, and the sensibilities about blood, gore, and violence could scarcely be more clear-cut. Unfortunately, so are the flaws that take little time to start placing upper limits on our enjoyment. One might reasonably suppose that the music video we see being filmed is extra kitschy in accordance with the norms of a format that is prone to kitsch: almost senseless movement and camerawork, bad acting, questionable costume design, tiresome cinematography, and dubious direction. One might suppose this, if not for the fact that the same traits seem to be applied throughout the entirety of 'Paganini horror.' The premise sounds promising, but the finished product doesn't take long to begin doing downhill. I don't think this is very good.

I assume it's Luigi Cozzi with his direction that can be blamed more than the cast for performances that uniformly come across as tawdry, unconvincing overacting. Either way, the actors do not come off well, and neither does Cozzi, even in terms of the fundamental orchestration of shots and scenes. The dialogue is rotten, the characters are empty shells, the scene writing can't begin to hold water, and even the story is desperately thin beyond the root premise. Once events especially pick up following the said music video, the pacing from one happening to the next is sometimes so swift and haphazard as to kill whatever tension and thrills one may hope to extract; the result is nearly farcical. Even when it's not ogling women's bodies Franco Lecca's cinematography is sometimes so bewilderingly ill-advised as to be laughable. The music quickly becomes rather repetitive and dull, and even if it weren't it couldn't help this mess. Under these circumstances it becomes impossible to care about anything that is done well, especially when some of those qualities, like the special makeup, are at time marked by perplexing choices that are themselves flimsy and overdone.

There actually was significant potential here in the root idea. That potential is sadly squandered in the face of atrocious, amateurish writing, wretchedly overwrought acting, floundering direction, and so on, and so on. In no time it becomes all but entirely unwatchable - heavy-handed, gawky, gauche, exhausting, and at some points even lacking coherence or cohesiveness. How anyone has ever enjoyed this is mysterious to me. Whatever it is you think you're going to get out of 'Paganini horror,' I regret to inform you just won't find it here. Spend your time with anything else; this is just a waste.
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Definitely not a classic giallo
dieseldemon852 October 2022
Do you want the bad news or good news? Bad news is there isn't much good news for this Italian horror flick. The good is some of the scenes and direction feel proper for a good giallo as well as the killings , soundtrack is decent, and you have Donald Pleasance giving a decent cameo with a twist, as well as Daria Nicolodi, and the girl at the beginning. The bad is the English dub makes the dialogue very bad in turn making it look like bad acting, too much unnecessary dialogue takes away from the atmosphere of the film. The producer is the most hated character was hoping for her to die first, but her death was pretty impressive. Not the worst film I've seen but wasn't as good as I was expecting as the plot sounded promising. 2/5.
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Good only to laugh at it
monofron15 January 2006
It's not a surprise that Luigi Cozzi, after this movie, never shot a film again (except for two documentaries). This thing is not worth being called a movie (I've directed better films with my friends). The attempt of the director to give the film a photography reminiscent of the chromatic games of Suspiria is simply pathetic, and is nonetheless the better thing of the movie. However this film made me laugh so much with my friends that I should forgive its uselessness and its ugliness. We had a lot of fun. There are two sequences in Paganini Horror (one at the beginning, the other close to the ending) so silly and dumb that you can't do nothing but laugh.. unfortunately the rest of the movie can be quietly trashed away, its boringness is something unbelievable (especially during the music scenes). Maybe this film owes its only appeal to the bad acting of the actors, the principal cause of hilarity. But even the script is wonderful: the invisible barrier is surely the lowest (or highest) moment of the film...
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Satan plays the fiddle!
Coventry22 December 2003
Yup, here it is...another movie that wasted 80 minutes of my life. Paganini horror is a typical and meaningless horror movie. Nothing special, unoriginal and pretty annoying most of the time. It's the kind of movie that is hidden on the lowest shelf at your local videostore, covered in dust. There's a reason why it's down there, by the way...

Although I do believe Paganini Horror has a bit of potential in it, it fails to show it on every possible level. The story is about a female rock band who uses the old Paganini mansion as the location for their newest video clip. Paganini was a violin player who once sold his soul to the Devil himself, in order to become world famous. Satan is still present in the house and he terrorizes everyone who dares to enter the mansion...Pretty dumb of course but some of the aspects that are related to Satan ( like playing the violin -- symphony of the dead ) prove that some tiny elements in this movie show potential. But you cannot believe how cheesy the special effects and the make-up in this movie look !! Blue flashy lights stand as most of the "horrific" effects and the blood shed is rather limited. Even though this movie was shot rather recent - in 1989 - it looks incredibly dated and above all cheap !! And I don't mean the charming kind of 'cheap'...No, I mean the laughable and pathetic kind of cheap. The use of music is damn annoying as well. The stars are supposed to be talented singers and their hits are shown in the movie very detailed. Those are ideal "fast forward"-moments !! The songs suck and they don't really fit in a horror movie anyway...

I keep on wondering how Donald Pleasance got involved in so many ludicrous horror productions !! This guy was such a great actor but he starred in so much crap ! Where does he find these roles ? Does his agent used to tell him stuff like : "Hey Donald, I've got another annoying Italian Cheese ball for you...interested ?" "Yeah sure, sign me up" It's really weird...I'd like to tell you his performance was the only positive aspect about Paganini Horror, but it's not. His acting is as terrible as the rest of the cast. Furthermore, the movie suffers from an amazingly stupid ending ! The ugliest girl survives and she has to face an utterly stupid plot twist...the poor thing. Anyway, you don't care about it anymore at that point. If you managed to sit through it till then, you'll laugh away the stupid ending as well.

I always knew Satan was a musician. Can't really explain why but I always figured Him to be a violin player. It has a really spooky effect, if you ask me...That simple plot idea is the best thing this movie has to offer. I really advise you to skip it.
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Paganini returns as a violin wielding slasher in this fun nonsensical Italian horror
Colbridge1 February 2023
I really enjoyed this trashy 80's Italian horror from director Luigi Cozzi, once on the DPP video nasty list for his film Contamination (1980). This film is more silly and nonsensical than nasty, in fact it's quite fun with some bad over the top acting, except for Donald Pleasance and Daria Nicolodi, with some nice bits of gore, colourful imagery and dodgy special effects.

A female rock band practice their music in an old mansion once owned by the famous classical Italian composer who supposedly sold his soul to the Devil 200 years ago. When they play an unpublished piece of his music they accidentally open up a portal to hell and reawaken the maestro.

Italian horror movies have a certain style and ambience to them, sometimes indulgent but usually entertaining enough with some interesting ideas and bravura set pieces to hold the attention and, of course, bad dubbing. They even saw fit to dub English actor Donald Pleasance who has an uncharacteristically deep voice here and makes a guest appearance rather than having a starring role. Nicolodi comes off best, a Dario Argento regular, who co-wrote the script with Cozzi.

Once Paganini is awakened he returns as a mad slasher complete with a knife wielding violin who sets out to kill everyone and drag them to hell. There are plenty of unintentional funny moments and a few intentional ones too, especially the last scene after Paganini gets exposed to sunlight.

Cozzi tries to create some atmosphere but the loud rock music gets in the way so it's not as scary as it could have been but the moments of colourful gore make up for it.
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kirbylee70-599-52617917 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When the list of famous Italian directors is made one name will most likely not be found there. Luigi Cozzi aka Lewis Coates has only made 20 films as a director and for my money none of them amount to much. Even his most famous film STARCRASH left much to be desired and was fun more for its outlandishness than anything else. Still he has his fans and many adore his film ALIEN CONTAMINATION. So when I saw this film was being released I was intrigued but not expecting much.

The film opens in the past as a young girl staying at La Casa di Sol, a Venetian house that at one time violinist/composer Paganini had stayed in, for some reason tosses an electric hair dryer into her mother's bath. Fast forward from there to the present.

A female led rock band is in the middle of recording their new album. Unfortunately their manager Lavinia finds their new songs trite and identical to those on their previous LP. As she and the band bicker back and forth, their drummer Daniel goes out of his way to scoop a new song. Meeting a mysterious stranger named Mr. Pickett (Donald Pleasance) he buys a piece called "Paganini Horror". The manager loves it, the band loves it, now to record it and shoot a video.

To do the video Lavinia hires the top new horror film director Marc Singer. Lead singer Kate knows just where they should shoot the film too, La Casa di Sol where she knows the new owner Sylvia (Daria Nicolodi). They begin shooting and while on a break Kate tells the rest of the band about the legend of the house, home to Paganini who supposedly murdered his bride in the building.

As the shooting progresses things begin to happen. First off the bass player Rita runs into someone wearing a Paganini mask that she assumes is David. Until he stabs her to death with a violin. The band thinks she's run off and continues shooting. And then David is killed by the same masked figure.

The band thinks this is all a big joke being pulled on them until more mysterious things begin to happen. Suddenly they know they're on the run for their lives. When they try to leave the property they find a force field of sorts that won't allow them to leave. Now they must find out why this is happening and do something to deal with it before it's too late.

Rather than being a terrifying horror film it instead seems like a kitschy look at trends that were taking place when it was shot in 1989. The girls all have big hair, too much stylized makeup and perform pop tunes rather than rock and roll. All the accoutrements of the time are on display here. Even the behavior of the director feels more like an image rather than an actual person.

While Severin has taken pains to make this release look as good as it can a 2k scan from the original film negative it can't help the choices that Cozzi makes as a director with far too much smoke in many scenes and soft filters in others. But it isn't just the look that can't save this film.

The acting on display is far too over the top with the exception of the two recognizable names found here, Pleasance and Nicolodi. Both have done far better films and the odds are good that their appearance here was either for money of because of friendships. The rest of the cast do little that would make you seek out other performances by them.

The one thing that does rate well here in the film is the score and pop songs. Both should have provided a solid base for the film but the rest takes down any hope of that. Fortunately both can be enjoyed with this release as Severin is including a CD of the soundtrack with this disc. That alone makes this release worth picking up.

Extras for the film include an interview with Cozzi, an interview with actor Pietro Genuardi who plays Singer, deleted scenes, an alternate ending and the original trailer. Credit has to be given to Severn for releasing this in such great shape. While the movie itself is lacking there are fans of both Cozzi and of any and all Italian horror. By releasing the film they allow it to find a new life and to not be lost in the whirlpool of forgotten films that have disappeared.
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Cheesy Italian Gothic Horror
gwnightscream3 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This 1988 horror film features a rock band planning to make a horror style music video with a classical touch. They get an unpublished score sheet written by deceased composer, Paganini and the band is able to shoot their video in his old, ancestral home in which he haunts them. This is a cheesy flick which starts ok, but goes downhill after. Some of the dubbing is annoying, but there's a gothic horror element similar to "Phantom of the Opera" which is good and I like the score. It also has a bit of a Dario Argento feel and his ex-wife, Daria Nicolodi appears and the late, great Donald Pleasence who was in "Phenomena" aka "Creepers." If you like horror, give this a try.
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a delirious Giallo oddity about a highly strung symphonic sadist that should savagely slash its way to the very top of the 80s horror charts!
Weirdling_Wolf17 September 2021
It's pleasing to note that inventive Italian genre film-maker, Luigi Cozzi's reputation has improved greatly over the years. The spiffing HD edition of his gloriously gooey Goblin-scored Sci-fi splatter sensation 'Contamination' deservedly garnered many new appreciative Sci-splatter fans. Maestro, Cozzi's frequently misunderstood, garishly orchestrated, grisly-Gothic Giallo is an eccentric, enjoyably off-beat slasher serenade that occasionally hits a bum note. Lesser film-makers merely recycle trends, the inventive genre iconoclast, Luigi Cozzi ventures haphazardly into hysterical dimensions of creepy celluloid phantasmagoria hitherto unimagined by more conventional fright-makers!

'Paganini Horror' orchestrates a tasty riff on the familiar terror trope of a fear-flocked Faustian pact for fame and fortune. Daria Nicolodi & Luigi Cozzi's sinisterly surrealistic shocker finds drummer Daniel (Pascal Persiano) foolhardily purchasing satanic sheet music from the monumentally shady-looking pact-maker, Mr. Pickett (Donald Pleasence). His band, energised by this singular piece of previously unheard Paganini music, enthusiastically records the infamous violinist's supposedly 'lost' work. This provides the malign musical catalyst that heralds a demented aria of golden Stradivarius-delivered death! The bouncily nubile rock group's crimson-splashed, slasher-themed video shoot becomes an operatically grisly snuff symphony. The delightfully ghoulish-looking, Paganini slays them all like a fiddle, his phantasmal fury culminating memorably in a hair-raisingly gruesome crescendo of surrealistic slayage! The diabolically dissonant 'Paganini Horror' remains a golden Giallo oddity about a highly strung, symphonically sinister sadist that still savagely slashes its way to the very top of the schlock-tastic 80s slasher charts!
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This is not just strange, it's weird.
Hey_Sweden15 April 2024
"Paganini Horror" is a passable bit of Italian cheese-horror in which a female rock band comes to a haunted mansion to shoot a rock video. All present will soon be in peril, as the famed Italian violin player is re-imagined as a psycho-slasher wearing a creepy mask, and he's determined to punish them for intruding on his domain.

With genre icons Donald Pleasence and Daria Nicolodi on hand for name value, this is all watchable enough, if decidedly nonsensical. Director Luigi Cozzi gives it some atmosphere and general weirdness, although the story is strictly ho-hum and the characters pretty inane (although the female cast are certainly attractive). Much about it is tacky - effects, music, dubbing, etc. - but it will still appeal to some fans of cult European horror. Granted, if you're hungry for some Italian horror, you can do a lot better, but this DOES have its moments.

This also has a fairly trim run time, but due to its slow pacing, it may actually seem longer than it is.

I admit I had *some* fun with it.

Six out of 10.
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Colourful and cheesy
bowmanblue27 November 2023
I have a bit of a soft spot for Italian eighties horror, so I may be biased when I say that 'The Paganini Horror' is an enjoyable piece of nonsense. In terms of real film-making excellence - it's awful. In terms of how much it entertained me - quite a bit.

An all female Italian rock band is under pressure to come up with their next 'big hit' so they reuse an ancient song that was never released by its long-dead composer. The only problem was that the composer sold his soul to the devil - or something - either way, supernatural shenanigans follow.

The first thing you'll notice is the dubbing. Or the acting - whichever hits you like a sledgehammer in the face first. I'm guessing it was shot with the Italian actors speaking English (which, obviously, wasn't their native language, but done simply to get more sales in English-speaking countries, like America) only to have American actors re-dub their lines at a later date. Therefore, the acting/dubbing is cheesy as hell and every line comes off ridiculously stilted and wooden.

There's little in the way of anything that will really scare you and even less in terms of gore. The mask the killer wears is kind of creepy I guess and much of the 'special' effects were probably used on this lightning effect that the film-makers must have really been proud of, based on how many times they used it.

One major plus is - like many Italian horror films - it's beautifully-shot. The colours on display and general shot composition really are a treat for the eye. Just because there's not much in the way of scares or gore doesn't mean there's nothing worthy of looking at here.

It's cheap, it's cheesy, it's dubbed and it's a foreign B-movie horror. Pretty much all those descriptions should put most people off, but if you're a fan of 'so-bad-they're-good' flicks then this is right up there just for the awful acting/dubbing alone.

Oh, and somehow they managed to get horror legend Donald Pleasance to star in this. Naturally, if you look at any of the marketing, his name is 'top billing.' But don't get too excited - his role extends to little more than an extended cameo, but fair play to him for getting a pay-day out of this!
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A goofy and silly enough genre effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder3 November 2022
Trying to work on their sound, members of an all-girl rock band trying to get ahead of their career decide to use a piece of previously unpublished music from Paganini as the basis of their work, but as they shoot the music video for the song realize they've brought a supernatural curse upon themselves.

There's a lot to like with this overtly goofy cheesefest. Among the more enjoyable features here is the rather clumsy and cheesy manner through which this one gets the main premise going. The means through which they come into possessing the sacred song, by means of their desperation for a hit song and the somewhat lame black-ops style meeting with the dealer who has the specific writings, is such a goofy setup that there's a charm to the absurd premise. That is all the more obvious as their recordings are fine enough already that the duplicity to carry out this kind of espionage on something so meaningless is a large part of what sells the film going forward, especially with what we see of the dealer following their initial encounter. Once the setup has gotten underway, there's some cheesy fun to be had with the way everything unfolds. The cheesiness of the video shoot at the house, ranging from the nightmare sequence retelling the legend of the composer to the choreography in their dances and the presentation of the whole product, is the kind of cheese that's quite fun to witness. That is matched by the equally fun deaths where the slowly-split-up group being attacked or the traps set off to denote something's gone wrong, from the floor swallowing people whole, invisible barriers preventing them from leaving or being tormented by shadowy figures and disembodied voices. As these manage to give this one some likable elements, they're enough to keep this one at least entertaining enough to be watchable. There are some issues on display with this one. The main issue here is that the aforementioned cheese feels so overwhelming at points it's hard to take what's going on seriously. The idea of the cursed music awakening the fabled being but the charmingly obvious low-budget on display and the highly confusing action all coming together into a highly goofy affair that's hard to call scary. That's also obvious with the finale where this one's so rushed with trying to pull off this odd and rather underwhelming finish to everything trying to make sense of the group coming upon the curse and the implications surrounding it which are so rushed and ludicrous that there's no chance to get anything out of it. These issues are quite overwhelming over the positives which are on display.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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