Curfew (1989) Poster


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kills time
DEPRESSEDcherry8 September 2018
Very low budget effort from the tail end of the 80's slasher scene. If you're into obscure slashers then this may be worth a passing interest, but there isn't much reason to recommend it beyond that.
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Don't go into the house... if you're home late!!
cold_lazarou5 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I hadn't heard of this low-budget home invasion horror before i bought it (cheaply, i may add, in a 5 films for 1 boxset), and i read that it had been banned in the UK since 1988 or so, and never released on video in the UK. This of course led me to set my expectations of hardcore sleaze quite high: was was this some lost gem that had passed me by? The late '80s answer to "Straw Dogs" or "Last House on the Left" perhaps. It certainly isn't anywhere near the same league as those movies, but then i've certainly spent an hour and a half sitting through a lot worse.

In short, two brothers convicted of rape and murder escape from prison to take revenge on the authority figures they blame for their imprisonment. they take out the judge and his wife, and set out to invade the home of the prosecuting District Attorney to torture and kill his family. The DA's teenage daughter arrives home later than the 10 o'clock curfew she's been given, to find her home and her parents in thrall to these escaped maniacs. Kyle Richards, as lead girl Stephanie, is cute enough in an 80s big hair kind of way and manages to hold the audience's sympathy throughout despite being surrounded early on by the most clichéd "teenage frat kids played by actors in their 20s or 30s" stereotypes going.

Some nicely nasty sequences (i believe tiresome bores these days refer to it as "torture porn") ensue as Steph's father is forced to walk on broken glass, and her mother is raped and spraypainted (strangely) by the interlopers. The most perplexing thing i found about the movie was the sequence early on chides Stephanie for her supposedly risqué outfit, asking her if she needs to borrow a pair of pants. The skirt she's wearing comes down to her knees, for Gawd's sakes!!! That judge guy sure must be one repressed reactionary old coot. I was quite happy when his head was stoved in with his own gavel.

Not exactly an award-winning piece of filmmaking, then; but "Curfew" transcends its obvious limitations of budget by offering up a few good scares and intense scenes. Anyone with a liking for seeing overly conservative authority figures or teeth-grindingly inept jocks get their comeuppance will have an amusingly diverting 90 minutes.
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Would you like a pair of pants?
JohnSeal5 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Admirers of the slasher genre, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, or Michael Haneke's Funny Games might get some pleasure from this very low budget thriller. Then again, they might find it severely wanting in technical proficiency, quality of screenplay, acting, and music. Kyle Richards stars as teen good girl Stephanie, whose short denim skirt scandalizes the locals as she's on her way to meet the big man on campus for a hot date. After returning home early (in order to make curfew, naturally), Stephanie finds her home has been invaded by two brothers (John Putch and Wendell Wellman, who, believe it or not, is not related to William Wellman) who have gone on a bloody rampage to avenge the time they spent in jail thanks to Judge Collins (Douglas Robinson) and D.A. Davenport (Frank Miller). Curfew may be many things, but it is definitely NOT boring, and if you can overlook all the aforementioned shortcomings (including a really awful synthesizer-based score), you'll probably enjoy it. However, it's reputation as a video nasty is NOT deserved, and the film is relatively sedate, at least in comparison with today's 'torture porn' epics.
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HorrorFan198421 February 2021
Young teenager Stephanie Davenport is expected home by 10pm. This is one Curfew she will want to be late for as a group of psychotic brothers are at her house waiting to attack.

The movie starts with the introduction of two brothers (Ray and Bobby) who are serving a prison sentence for murder. They escape captivity and decide to murder all the people responsible for putting them away. This includes the judge who presided over the case, the psychiatrist who declared them mentally sane, and the District Attorney.

We then meet the DA's very beautiful and young teenager named Stephanie Davenport.The movie makes the point to let us know that her curfew is a strict 10pm, thanks to her overprotective father. She does typical teen things like hang out with her friends, play pranks on the adults in town, and disobeys her parents wishes. After dispatching the judge and psychiatrist, the brothers focus their attention on Stephanie's dad the DA. It'll be up to Stephanie to save her parents from the two psychotic brothers while they spend the night terrorizing her and her parents.

I found Curfew to be a very average late 80's horror thriller overall, but one that had a bit of charm to it. It definitely kept my attention throughout. Curfew is a pretty violent movie, even though most of the murders occur off screen. What makes it violent is the treatment that the brothers (Ray in particular) gives to Stephanie's parents. They slap them around a bit, spray paint the mother, really cruel and humilating things.

There are some downsides to the movie like Stephanie's immature friends who are only there to add to the body count and the silly jocularity that these kinds of movies gives. The acting wasn't amazing, but I thought those involved did a pretty decent job for being in such a low budget film. Wendell Wellman who played Ray was effective as the badder of the two brothers, often times being very violent and verbally abusive. I found the performance of the mother very well done, played by Jean Brooks. That character Megan had to endure it a lot of physical trauma at the hands of Ray and I thought Brooks played it brilliantly. Other than that, we get a very young Kyle Richards who played the little child from Halloween who ended up being babysat by Jamie Lee Curtis. Richards did a fine job in the lead role.

All in all, Curfew isn a very skippable late 80's movie in the horror genre. Almost being next to impossible to find on DVD, you'll likely never come across it. But if you do, give it a viewing for it's gritty and violent home invasion vibes and late 80's cheesiness.

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It's now 10pm... Do you know where your teenager is?
Coventry4 March 2006
Pretty stupid and totally insignificant no-budget thriller that looks an awful lot like a typical late 80's slasher... but isn't one! Oh sure, high-school jocks and slutty girls are getting killed but that's just pointless padding to increase the body count and sleaze-level. The actual story handles about two criminal brothers that travel towards a little community with the intention to kill everybody that was jointly responsible for their prison sentence: the judge who spoke the verdict, the psychiatrist who declared them mentally sane and – of course – the prosecutor who said all those nasty things about them being evil and such. The prosecutor, along with his wife and yummy Demi Moore look-alike daughter are held hostage and their only chance to survive is for the young girl to set the murdering siblings against each other. The script contains one or two creative ideas, but "Curfew" is overall tedious and without suspense. Actors John Putch and especially Wendell Wellman try incredibly hard to look like genuine bad boys, but they really don't convince and they often evoke unintentional laughs. There's a lot of killing going on, but we're only served a glimpse of the action and all the rest happens off screen. Lame! In my humble opinion, there are much better horror gems from the 80's waiting to get discovered properly, so I have absolutely no idea why this turkey received a DVD-release before any of them. Feel free to skip this one
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Inept on every single level...
The_Movie_Cat13 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
... it's difficult to conceive of a way in which this film doesn't fail, be it the writing, the acting, the direction, the lead girl's lisp and eyebrows or the music. My God, especially the music.

Strangely banned in the UK until 2002, I picked this up in a bargain bin for £1 after thinking it looked dreadful and fancied a night of junk viewing. I wasn't disappointed, the only remaining mystery being why it was banned in the first place. Far from being shocking or distressing, it's merely flaccid and irrelevant.

In many ways Curfew is like a "Funny Games" with all the wit, talent and inspiration taken out. However, the exploitative elements lack any real meaning and are showcased in a generic, derivative plot. This very 80s movie really is the bottom of the heap and completely devoid of any merit, other than the fact that it ends.
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Almost As Low As You Can Go
franklineley9 July 2022
A dull home invasion thriller with only the novelty of featuring Halloween star and current Real Housewife Kyle Richards in one of her few adult roles. She's given little to do here and comes across better than some, but the story is repetitive and the two lead psychopaths seem to be trying and failing at trying to be funny. There's never a lot of urgency or suspense and characters behave in the dumbest ways imaginable.
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use your fast forward button
trashgang20 March 2011
This is a perfect example of a really bad movie. It's boring, almost nothing happens, the acting is wooden, a woman is in bath with her bra on, the score is cheap, dead bodies you can easily see them breathing, being shot and falling down remembering to thrown the gun away, many reasons not to watch it but, if you are a fan of Kyle Richards, then you must see it, we know her from The Car, Eaten Alive and Halloween. This isn't a horror were it was classified, I would say, just a thriller. It's about two brothers coming out of jail going for revenge. Sadly, there's too much talking and the revenge scene's are so lame. Low budget trash. Hope for a curfew so you don't are able to find it in your local rental shop....Why this was banned by BBFC is for me an enigma.
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Home-invasion exploitation.
BA_Harrison25 September 2008
I bought this film as part of a '5 movies on 2 discs' pack, and was fully expecting it to be bottom-of-the-barrel stinker (my expectations were set way low having recently watched Bachelor Party Massacre and The Choke, two other awful efforts in the same set); I am happy to report, however, that although this late-80s home-invasion flick might not be the most offensive or sleazy movie in the genre (see 70s classic Fight For Your Life or Ruggero Deodato's House On The Edge of The Park for more extreme examples), it does provide enough dubious fun to warrant a watch.

Kyle Richards plays Stephanie Davenport, the big-haired, big breasted (but not really that attractive) teenage daughter of a district attorney. After a night out fending off the amorous advances of her high-school quarterback boyfriend, young Steph returns home to find that her parents have been taken hostage by two violent escaped convicts, Ray Perkins and his younger brother Bob (played by Wendell Wellman and John Putch), who are seeking revenge on those responsible for putting them behind bars. Having already murdered the judge and psychiatrist involved in their case, the vicious psychos now intend to dish out their own brand of justice to the Davenports.

After humiliating and torturing the family (including spraying the mother with paint and forcing the father to walk on broken glass), the two thugs decide to execute their prisoners; however, the appearance of Stephanie's drunk school pals, and the unexpected arrival of a policeman makes finishing the job harder than they expected.

A pretty tasteless film packed with assorted moments of gratuitous nastiness (and a little bit of nudity for good measure), Curfew might not be to everyone's taste, but if you like exploitation, then you could certainly do a lot worse. Admittedly, the story is occasionally too clichéd (Stephanie working her womanly charms on younger brother Bob was very predictable) and some moments are rather questionable (the victims are locked in a cellar full of tools, yet fail to arm themselves), but as low-budget trash goes, this one's really not that bad.
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A total waste of time.
metalrage6667 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Thank GOD, I was given a cheap copy of this movie and saved a precious few dollars.

This movie is complete garbage and at times I found myself fast forwarding several parts. I never thought that a movie where nearly everybody gets killed, can be so utterly boring. Why this was banned is anyone's guess.

The premise is a relatively simple one of misguided revenge. After being declared mentally competent to stand trial, 2 brothers were then put away for murdering a young girl, and that's pretty much it. We're not talking Shakespeare here, so you'd think that with such a straight forward plot, there'd be no chance of stuffing it up; yet somehow they managed to do just that, and with this abomination, stuff up royally!

Somehow these 2 idiots manage to escape from prison after 7 years and set off back to the town to exact their revenge. Inexplicably everybody who was ever involved in their incarceration still seemingly lives or works only a few doors from each other and given that this was in the days before the Internet, how they were able to locate everybody's exact home address and place of business after that length of time is anyone's guess. Without a working brain between the 2 of them, you can't work out why these morons aren't caught within the first 5 minutes, yet when you see the towns only police officer, it's just dog of a movie that ends up chasing it's own tail.

Aside from the fact that this is supposed to be a slasher movie, you don't really see anything. Almost all of the violence happens off camera and the editing is so poor, it feels as though entire scenes are simply missing.

A typically brainless scene has the brothers entering the office of their former psychiatrist, and after killing the receptionist, (which again you don't see), one brother says to a patient already there that her session is over. Cut away to look at something else and then when they cut back, the patient has a machete sticking out of her chest. Did I blink?

The movie meanders from one pointless random act of unseen violence to another, and mixed in with all that is incessant talking about how they were so hard done by and that they wanted to be found criminally insane and let off. The way this all plays out doesn't make a great deal of sense and despite the low budget & 80's formulaic approach, there are way too many plot holes and moments of mind-numbing stupidity to make this worth watching. To say that I hated this movie is an understatement. There are way better low budget slashers out there, see one of them.
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American suspense with Eurotrash influences
sorendanni27 December 2023
Recently at the thrift store I came across Curfew on DVD. A low budget 'Horror' film from the late 80s with a fairly low score on IMDB and mostly not so positive reviews. But the box' front and the back cover appealed to me and for 2 EUR you can take a chance.

I'll be honest, I enjoyed the movie. Yes, the acting rightly did not receive any Oscars and the film work was not innovative either. But as a viewer you do get a very exciting storyline and no shortage of suspense. The story is never the less nothing original: Two escaped murderers take revenge on the people behind the justice department and brutally slaughter their families. However, the last family fights back.

A film that was supposed to be sold as a slasher, but is actually more of an atypical American home invasion thriller with quite some Eurotrash influences. A minimalist synthesizer tune has in Giallo tradition managed to support the images and suspense.

Actually 7/10 but because I don't agree with the low scores I made it 8/10. For fans of Eurotrash.
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You'd wish you were late for curfew. Real late!
lost-in-limbo14 July 2007
The Perkins brothers, Ray and Bobby were sent to prison seven years ago for the brutal rape/murder of a sixteen year old girl. They manage to escape death row, and head back to the town to exact revenge on the psychiatrist, Judge and DA who sent 'em there. During the night, the DA's daughter Stephanie arrives home to meet her curfew, to only find that she and her parents have unwelcome guests wanting to make their night a living hell.

Nasty, quite often sleazy and sometimes effective little low-budget film, without showing a whole lot of explicit images to brew up its sadistic edge. You could say it's more tame then you would expect. Its formula is a typical psychotic madmen wanting revenge in the most deranged way. In saying that the concept has its moments, like the way the captors are slowly tortured and humiliated for basic kicks. The script takes itself rather seriously, although are moments of dark mocking humour or the occasional unintentional slip-up of just trying too hard. The story is made up of bits and pieces, with plenty of clichés tacked on. Director Gary Winick goes about things in a mechanical fashion and can't seem to sustain much suspense, however there's a steady pace throughout and the heartless attacks/killings (some off screen) have a random touch to them. The atmosphere might not be heavy, but there's always a stroke of ominous cruelty in the air and it does seem to get a little tighter when the action centres in the homestead. Wendell Wellman plays the dominating older brother Ray with plenty of grunt, while John Putch is the dim-witted younger brother Bobby. They weren't bad, but still there were scenes, which are quite laughable. Kyle Richards looks stunning, but also manages to provide a savvy and intelligent heroine out of Stephanie. Frank Millar and Jean Brooks were engaging in their strongly fine performances as Stephanie's parents. Peggy Poe and Robert Romanus also contributed to amusing minor support. Cengiz Yaltkaya's music score is very much a bloated clunker of generic cues with the odd quirky lashing. Since it bombards the film, it basically telegraphs most of the action and can annoy. Focused cinematography of Makoto Watanabe fits the grimy style. The editing can get sloppy. Nothing great eventuates, but this psychotic fodder is a decent time-waster.
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Really bad but I have seen worse
atinder2 November 2014
I heard nothing but really bad stuff about this movie, the only reason I watch this was. cease I was curious , how bad it was ( the only reason I got this movie is because it had mirror mirror (1990) On the other side , which I think is a great movie ) It a shame I can't say the same thing about this movie, I thought had really strong plot For low budget .

I thought first 30 minutes if the movie was so -what entertaining and not boring for that part.

Even the movie flowed really well However there are times were the scripts is so bad in places , that makes the acting

Look even more worse then It already was. My god the acting in this movie was wooden

I have ever see. From some if cast.

I did not think it was all that bad (not saying it a good movie at all) but I have see. Much worse then this ( you may think that hard to believe but it's true )

I give 4 out 10
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BandSAboutMovies10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Gary Winick sadly died young from brain cancer, but left behind Charlotte's Web, Tadpole, 13 Going On 30, Letter to Juliet and this one, his first movie.

Stephanie Davenport (Kyle Richards, who had already survived a demonic car and Michael Myers at this point in her life) is out all night with her friends while her parents Walter and Megan (Frank Miller and Jean Brooks) leave for vacation. At the same time, Ray and Bob Perkins (Wendell Wellman and John Putch) have escaped from death row and come back to where the Davenports live, because Walter is the DA that put them away. He's last on their list of bloody terror.

According to The Unknown Movies, "the British Board of Film Classification banned the movie from getting released on video in England." I'm not sure why, as even though there's torture and murder. It all feels like it's way more than good taste though.

Perhaps they knew it would be too much to have Christopher Knight as a cop?

Regardless, if you're looking for a movie where Kyle Richards causes one murderous brother to murder the other with a drill, well, here it is.
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Sadistic hostage-taking
lor_10 April 2023
My review was written in June 1989 after watching the movie on New World video cassette.

"Curfew" is an uninvolving update of the format of "The Desperate Hours", substituting sadism for dramatics. It's a very minor direct-to-video title.

Wendell Wellman and John Putch portray two brothers who break out of jail to terrorize the judge, district attorney, etc., and their families responsible for sending them up for raping and killing a young girl.

They take the d.a.'s family hostage and pic dwells predictably on the psychological and physical torture inflicted as well as the victims' attemp[ts to turn the brothers against each other.

Title refers to sexy heroine Kyle Richards (the d.a.'s daughter) having to be home by 10 p.m. According to her parents' strict rules. This is contrasted heavy-handedly with the severe treatment met4ed out by the brothers.

A subplot of pranks by Kyle's high school classmates has little force except to set up a "boy who cried wolf" gimmick.

Acting is acceptable, though Wellman is overly theatrical as the domineering older brother, Richard is styled intriguingly as an innocent sort of bombshell, but her performance is unimpressive.
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The movie made no sense
jordondave-280855 May 2023

Straight to rental low budget flick starring Kyle Richards, the sister of Kim Richards who scored big on those "Witch Mountain" movies and sometimes appear in a reality show together called "the Real Housewives of ...". A rather young teenage Kyle stars in one of many screened appearances, this time she gets first billing as Stephanie Davenport with some strict parents since they have some high authority involving the justice system. Before Stephanie is allowed to go out with football player, she has a curfew to be back at 10 PM. Meanwhile, two psychopaths are going on a killing spree going after all the officials who put them in jail in the first place which includes the judge, prosecutor, lawyer etc... Because it has to be stretched into a two hour movie- 82 minutes to be exact, the makers had to find ways to stall it's viewers by making the characters idiotic and unrealistic. I mean, the two convicts can find out all the people they have on their hit list where they live in a spawn of less than two days defies logic, in terms of time, and the reason that is because the makers wanted all this chaos to happen before the star makes it to her 10 O'clock curfew. Bomb.
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it was alrigth, but also not
LetsReviewThat2612 March 2023
Curfew reminded me of the great slashers of the 80's and 70's. And if you like those movies, you will not like this. Its a movie that presents itself as something that might be cult worthy but curfew is nothing more than some terrible acting and terrible killings that almost seem unessery. When the perkin brothers get out of jai. Were they released or escaped. We dont know as its not clear. As for teenager stephanie she is out and if she skips curfew of 10pm all hell will break loose. As the perkins terrorise the neighbour hood, killing those reponsible for their arrest its never really clear the whole time why they even want to kill them. Overall curfew is still good to watch but is nothing more than that.
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I wasn't expecting to but I actually quite liked it.
poolandrews19 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The Perkin brothers Ray Don (Wendell Wellman) and his younger sibling Bobby Joe (John Putch) have been in prison for seven years having been accused and convicted of murder. Somehow they escape, it's not actually shown on screen as they just appear walking around free. They come across two ranchers (Randy Patrick and Sam Braslau) who they kill and steal their clothes and leave their bodies lying by the side of the road. They head for a psychiatrist named Dr. Franklin (Guy Remsen) who testified against Ray and Bobby at their trial. Next it's Judge Collins (Douglas Robinson) who sent them down, and his wife Mrs. Collins (Marla Rix). Then it's off to see the D.A., Walter Davenport (Frank Miller) and his family, his wife Megan (Jean Brooks) and their teenage daughter Stephanie (Kyle Richards). Stephanie is out with her friend Monica (Nori Morgan) her boyfriend Pete (Niels Mueller) and a member of the school football team and a real jock named John (Peter Nelson) who wants to have sex with Stephanie. They are all having some fun in the 'Pink Cafe' which is located next to the 'Pink Motel' believe it or not. After a bit of dull exposition Stephanie suddenly realises she's late since her parents have set a curfew of 10 O'Clock. Once she arrives home she finds the housekeeper Mrs. Mary Cox (Peggy Rea) dead and her parents being held hostage by Ray and Bobby. And so starts a nightmare for Stephanie and her parents as the Perkins brothers most definitely hold a grudge!

Directed by Gary Winick I actually rather liked this nasty little exploitation film, the film feeds on our fear of being attacked and violated in our own homes which we all like to consider as a safe place. The script by Kevin Kennedy plays the entire film straight and there isn't any comic relief among all the nastiness, for which I applaud him. It moves along a really good pace and is never boring. I liked the shot at the end as Stephanie walked over to Ray's body which is lying face down on the floor and stands in front of him looking down as his face is a few inches away from her high heels, it seemed like a nice role reversal with him now being at her mercy at her feet. There aren't any long scenes of character exposition that we don't want or need, except maybe Stephanie and her friends at the start but this is only a couple of sequences. There are some nice and sleazy scenes in here too, people are made to walk over broken glass, sprayed with paint, threatened, humiliated, killed and generally abused. I liked Wendell Wellman's villainous character Ray more than Bobby. He isn't a particularly good actor but I started to really dislike Ray by the end so Wellman must have been doing something right. John Putch as Bobby is more goofy and silly as he watches Porky Pig cartoons on T.V. and falls in love with Stephanie and is convinced to let her go just because she ask's him to. There isn't much graphic gore but it's still quite a nasty film, for example a partially sighted man (Burt Remsen) is beaten with his own walking cane! There is a sex scene as well so we get some nudity too. The film generally has low production values, but it isn't too bad to look at and I've seen worse. I enjoyed watching this a lot more than I originally thought I would, it ain't no masterpiece but as pure sleazy exploitation entertainment you could do a lot worse than try to track a copy down which unfortunately probably isn't that easy. Recommended to those with the stomach and tolerance for this type of film.
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Passable low budget shocker
MattyGibbs21 April 2013
This film was apparently banned until 2002 but watching it now it's pretty hard to see why. Although plenty of nasty and sadistic stuff happens it's nearly all off screen and implied.

There is a strange lack of tension which even the low budget shouldn't explain. Saying that although the acting is not of a high level the two brothers (Wendall Wellman and Jon Putch) do at least try hard to inject some horror to the situation even if they don't always succeed.

The one thing I did find amusing about the film was that Deputy Dewey from the Scream movies seems almost an exact copy of the young policeman in this film.

You shouldn't and probably won't watch this with anything but the lowest expectations and as long as you do that then this isn't the worst trashy movie to while away an hour and a half.
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