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Like watching someone play a video game, while a soap is on in the background..
FlashCallahan26 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Out to avenge the death of his brother, Brick Bardo decides to kidnap four world-class kickboxers who may have killed his sibling and take them on, one by one, in order to uncover the truth.

As Brick goes about his mission, he runs the risk of becoming as ruthless as the bad guys that he is battling.....

So this film is nothing more than a bad soap opera mixed with a bloke named Brick fighting people in order to find out who killed his brother.

Sounds bad? It should be, but Pyun is one of those go to directors when you just want to watch a bad film.

Revel in the lifetime movie cliches, and the bad hair and clothing. Be in awe of the edit that was rife in straight to video martial arts film in the nineties, that one where it looks like one kick is actually six.

And then we end up in an abandoned arena, and it's just Brick fighting the kidnapped victims one by one, and it's hilariously bad.

But that isn't the best part of the film, it's the final revelation that would make the directors of Dallas blush. It's so stupid and ignorant, you can't help but laugh.

It's an awful film for sure, but it's funny just to see it fall apart..
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This movie did not meet its potential:(
Hendu16 July 1999
With Benny "The Jet" Urquidez filming the fight scenes and playing a part in the movie, I expected more. I've seen him do some great things in other films, but this one left me wondering. It's a revenge film filled with great martial artists, but it sure didn't turn out to be a great film. Very few of the actors/actresses could actually act and the fighting left a lot to be desired. There were a few good fight scenes, but overall this strange, low-budget effort fell short. See it only if you can't sleep. Rating 5/10
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I assume this has nothing to do with blood donors...
fmarkland3219 July 2006
Thom Mathews stars as Brick Bardo, a PO'd kickboxer looking to avenge the murder of his brother and deal out vengeance to the four fighters responsible, however he doesn't know who is the one at fault so he decides to kill them all anyway. Of course along the way lots of martial arts action ensues. Bloodmatch if anything else ranks as one of the cheapest movies made in the 1990's. Bloodmatch has four instances where it takes place outside of the fight arena. (Which itself looks as if it was slapped together one night, when Pyun realized he had an extra week to use the arena from Kickboxer 2, which it resembles) There is some good fight sequences but generally there is no interest in the characters and the acting is pretty bad. Thom Mathews gives an outrageously terrible performance but still acts circles around what has to be the worst actors i've seen since high school. Also the movie peaks early with a cool chase and torture sequence which is cool but then fades into the clichéd plot involving his brother. Also of note is that our hero kickboxer kidnaps little kids in order to force their parent to fight. That is a novelty. Also there is a twist ending which makes no sense what so ever and forced me to subtract a point from it's rating out of 10.

* * out of 4-(Fair)
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One big pile of crap
treakle_19782 January 2020
What's to say except it's garbage. The sound effects on the kicks and punches was generic and off. The plot is ridiculous and overused. There is nothing new or impressive out this movie. I love Mathews in Friday the 13th Jason lives but the dialogue was atrocious. Skip it.
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Sit this "Match" out tonight!
tarbosh220006 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Bad bad bad bad bad. "Bloodmatch" is another dud from the Albert Pyun canon. It's poor, even by his standards.

Apparently, an unlikable jerk named Brick Bardo (Mathews)(a common name if you watch Pyun movies) is trying to avenge the fact that his brother was caught up in some illegal fighting and got in trouble, even though his brother was innocent. So he and his partner Max (Marianne Taylor), a former nurse whose fight moves make her resemble a female Andy Bauman, go around drugging and kidnapping the people he thinks are responsible. He rents the entire Las Vegas arena for his own personal vendetta and forces Brent (Dale Jacoby), the smug, "Johnny Cage"-style fighter, Billy (Urquidez), a janitor, Mike (Thunderwolf), who is similar to "Street Fighter"'s Dee Jay, and Angel (Carlton), a Linda McMahon-style fight promoter, to fight him in the darkened arena, because for some reason he feels forcing them to fight him in the ring will bring him closer to the truth.

"Bloodmatch" is dour, dry, dark and overlong at 85 minutes. Bardo, the supposed "hero" is a hateful, spiteful, annoying and unsympathetic lead. The supposed "villains" are much more likable, so you have to question the entire enterprise. For example, Billy is a hard working janitor with a daughter. Bardo is a smug heel, and if he was a good, likable character you could get behind, that would make all the difference. But for no explained reason, he's not. Like Bardo himself and most of the other characters, the movie itself is unlikable. Apparently a hero would be too much to ask here.

You get the feeling Pyun doesn't know what he's doing and is not in control of the proceedings. The pacing is atrocious, it is glacial and the whole film feels like a slog. There are pages and pages of pointless, nonsensical exposition that no one cares about. The lighting is way too dark and grubby. There's a song in the movie, "In the Dark". Why rub it in? Be warned: this movie is NOT a punchfighter. It is a fake, a disgrace to the word "punchfighting". Seeing as there is so much needless, brainless and juvenile dialogue, we have, unfortunately, stumbled upon a new breed of awful movie experience: the "talkfighter". When there are fights, the editing is jagged, with obvious frames removed. There are weak moves galore that don't connect. It is never explained why Bardo practically kills everyone with ease. It puts a sleeper hold on the audience.

The whole time, the audience is treated like it is stupid. It also feels like Pyun has never even seen a fighting film before and just decided to make one out of the clear blue sky. The result is disastrous.

The only positive things you can say about "Bloodmatch" are that Urquidez does an impressive, if funny spin move, and the casting of Carlton, a Playboy girl, was smart as it keeps you from just ejecting the tape and setting it on fire with rage.

Your "blood" will boil if you watch this "match" tonight.

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Oh, It's THAT Guy!
evanston_dad20 September 2021
All through "Bloodmatch," I was like, that main actor looks so familiar. And then I looked him up after the movie and realized he's Tommy Jarvis from "Friday the 13th Part VI." When the most famous actor in a movie is most known for the sixth episode in a slasher film franchise, that tells you something right there about the quality of the movie you're watching.

"Bloodmatch" is so funereally paced and set to such an incongruous, droning score, that it unfortunately is more boring than bad movie good. I could summarize the plot, but....ha! Ha!.....why? It might be the most monotonously structured movie I've ever seen. There's a twist ending I think, but since the plot devolves into the incomprehensible, it might just be a normal ending to a plot that doesn't make any sense in the first place. I'm not really sure, and trust me, this movie is not worth the mental energy required to figure out what happens.

And this also has to be one of the darkest movies I've ever seen. I don't mean in tone or subject matter -- I mean it's literally so dark you can't see what's happening half the time. It's like the budget was so small that they couldn't afford enough lights. Tip to the filmmakers -- if you have to cut some things for budget reasons, start with a couple of the terrible actors before you start cutting things like lighting. Hey, it would have reduced the amount of plot and made your film shorter to boot. That's a win for everybody!

Grade: D-
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boblipton21 September 2021
Five years ago, one of the world's greatest kickboxers killed Thom Mathews' brother. Someone had been fixing matches and he had to die to cover up the secret. Now Mathews is tacking them down and beating them to death to figure it out, as one does.

All right, it's a dumb plot, and the lines are dumb. People who go to see this sort of movie don't go for the Shakespearean tragedies and wild language, any more than I look at Fred Astaire movies for the Edward Everett Horton soliloquies. So how's the fight choreography? Lousy: chopped up, moving camera, every kick is cut ..... and not while moving, but between, screaming that this is a patched-together cut. True, ex-Playboy Playmate Hope Marie Carlton is present. It's the only movie I've seen with her in which she does not take off her clothes. I guess at 24, she was showing her age.
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A disappointment, even for kickboxing fans
Leofwine_draca13 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
BLOODMATCH is a particularly stupid kickboxing movie made when the craze for the sport was in full swing. It was directed by B-movie specialist Albert Pyun, never known for the quality of his movies, and as the hero (or perhaps that should be anti-hero) it stars Thom Mathews, best known for his comedic turn in the classic RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD and its sequel. Mathews had a small career in action flicks in the 1990s but never really amounted to much and never recaptured that lovable quality he had in ROTLD. Here, he plays a guy seeking revenge for his brother's death, so he kidnaps a bunch of kickboxers, one of whom is the villain responsible. He then fights them in the ring. There's no more plot to it than that, and to say that this film is rough around the edges is an understatement. Worst of all, the action choreography is fairly poor, and the talents of the masterful Benny 'The Jet' Urquidez (who had made such an impact in Hong Kong cinema) are wasted.
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Disappointing cause was expecting better
destroyerwod24 July 2010
Honestly the plot made me hoping for a Lionheart type of movie, but more we get into it, we find the story is not that much present and you kind of don't feel for the characters as you should do...

Fights themselves varies between good and boring. The "Brick vs Mike" is boring but Brick vs Billy was definitely nice. Others where so-so...

Basically i had to go with buying this on VHS on ebay, in English(french speaker here) and it felt like if i had knew maybe i wouldn't had pay that much for an old VHS. At least i got it for 13$ bucks, which is less than some seller trying to sell this at 25$....

Anyway disappointed cause i was expecting better, but its not that bad, there some entertaining fights. Im the kind of guy that try to get all martial arts movie so im a big fan of the style, so well... i loved bloodfist 2050 when it got a 1.9 here, so thecnically if i find this movie so so, its not that good.

ps: whats the point of having a playmate as one of the character and not having her naked in it... ahem... thats weird. This could have get this movie a little bit more fun
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Workmanlike Kickboxing movie that fails to deliver the goods.
mwilson197619 April 2019
Brick Bardo (Thom Mathews) kidnaps four world-class kickboxers who may have killed his brother and takes them to an abandoned arena in Las Vegas where he plans to fight them all to the death in front of each other, until either one of them kills him or one of them is revealed as his brother's murderer. It was written by K. Hannah and directed by Albert Pyun (The Sword & The Sorcerer / Cyborg), and co stars Benny "The Jet" Urquidez (who choreographed the fights), Hope Marie Carlton, Dale Jacoby and Thunderwolf. Marianne Taylor is Max who helps Brick out and appears naked in a sex scene. There's way too many filler scenes and lots of poor dialogue (that's hard to hear over the background music) in this movie that's just too talky and doesn't even deliver on the fight scenes.
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People aren't giving this credit
crushakadaentity6 August 2006
I think the movie was a nice concept. I do think that real actors should have been cast, and the script could use a major rewrite. Those of you who like movies that are different, and like no others, I invite you to track this movie down and watch it. Its not spectacular, but if you have the patience, and can tolerate the movie all the way through, I believe you would have some appreciation at its aim. Casting Hope Marie Carlton probably wasn't the best solution, and the casting director should have known that after watching some of her prior films. She doesn't even pull off being an accomplished fighter. She does look really hot though!
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Albert Pyun's own Martial Arts/Vigilante/Shlockfest.
jax-0807623 May 2024
Now I do recall seeing this film a long time ago, but I was beginning to forget the absolute awesome cheese this flick brought to my eyes, so of course, like any action junkie, I watched this film again. Bloodmatch (released a couple years after Cyborg) stars Thom Mathews as Brick Bardo, a man on a mission to avenge his dead brother.

In my eyes this is a strange mix of Kickboxer and Bloodfist, with an additional revenge plot that comes along for the ride. Despite the obvious budget and not-so-competent dialogue, Bloodmatch is definitely full of action scenes from start to finish. (Remember those "repeat hits" in films where a punch for example is shown three times, with three different angles? Pyun takes this and turns it up to 11.)

Besides the action, the rest of the cast has some notable action stars alongside the main star- this includes Andy Sidaris regular Hope Marie Carlton, legend Benny "The Jet" Urquidez, Thunderwolf, Dale Jacoby, and even Michel Qissi.

In conclusion, is this Bloodsport? No. Is it a truly good movie? No. But does it hold itself up with true 90s cheese that can't be replicated? Hell yes.

Final rating is a 6/10.. I recommend watching if you're into cheesy or crappy movies, and don't act like a wannabe Roger Ebert.
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it was great!......maybe..........
plantostickthat29 January 2001
well well well.....

How could this movie fail?

with benny the jet, and a host of other talented kickboxers, this film was sure to be great......right...

(Sarcasm kicks in here)

It was

It was truly excellent

The best part was the story, with characters who did nothing for the whole movie except kick each other. And the kicking was great too, simply because of the fight editing. An experienced editor would show one kick when the actor did one kick but this editor made the fighting 5 times better by replaying all the punches and kicks 5 times. Pure genius. This way, he has achieved his goal of completely confusing the viewer (how is that possible in a fight scene), because you dont know whether or not the punches are replayed or the real thing. So, you might as well fast forward throught the fight scenes because they are too mentally taxing (trying to figure out who hits each other). Then you can watch the story in all its glory.

In my ignorance, i couldn't really follow the twisted plot, but it seems that billy's dad was killed in the desert, so now he can gather together all these kickboxers at random and get them into a ring, where he can proceed to kill all of them, even thought he knows they were innocent. This way, there is a lot of killing which makes no sense at all. This also gives the director an opportunity to throw in a sex scene. Great movie.

(Sarcasm stops here)

Crap movie. Why the hell did he kill all the people when he knew they were innocent? I thought he was the good guy!

3rd worst movie ever

After bloodsucking freaks and bloodfight (Notice how all the crap movies start with blood)

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I follow the trend
Artemis-98 March 2005
When I was a young boy, we could fantasize with girls fighting among themselves, or with us boys, but there was no such thing in schools, much less on television. Now, it's different, and they're fighting their share of action on screens every hour or so of the day. So, it's time us, enlightened audiences, to demand that movie producers who taunt us with not one, but two women kick-boxers don't leave them miles apart. Women spectators are excused for giving better marks for this poorly scripted, poorly filmed, poorly acted film, as there are a couple of good looking male fighters on screen, sometimes topless. I follow the trend of comments voting this film as utterly rubbish.
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bad B-movie
SnoopyStyle18 September 2021
Brick Bardo is on a revenge mission to take out the four fighters who set up his brother. The lead has no charisma or maybe he's not really the lead. The overall acting skill level is bad. There are plenty of fights but I couldn't tell you who's who. All I know is four forgettable names in the kill list. Everything else is a confused blur. This is a bad B-movie. It runs out of steam by the thirty minutes mark if not sooner. The movie should start with getting the four kidnapped and then Brick can give his exposition. The acting remains bad but the story gets a bit clearer if not more reasonable.
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videorama-759-85939122 November 2021
When it was released back in '91, I remember watching the start a few times, my image, two men running in the desert heat, in profile, or was it more than two, and not continuing to watch it. When watching it last week, the next tortuous "when will it end?" scene, I remenber watching too, 30 years ago. Pre watch this time, I the painted this off as an entertaning, average quality watch, familiar to the Kickboxers, Wrong Bets, BloodSports, just without Van Damne. Sadly, what I found here, was a rude awakening. The films just mentioned, sequels and all, are better than Bloodmatch. This is even a low for Pyun. I can't believe he made this. This film is a joke. Horrific acting, yeah, you heard it. Horrific. Stilted, wooden, no feeling, laughable, unbelievable, atrocious, amateur, as is the whole affair here. What's tragic here, was the different, original, and interesting story, marred by a bad script, and some of the worst acting I've ever seen. One of the beefcake villains, was so bad, I had to slap myself in the face, and then some to get a reality check. Stopping about half way, I watched the rest of Bloodmatch the next day. As soon as I put the video on, straight away, the same horrific acting took straight up again. It hurts me, to explain the impressive story, because of what could of been, so I'm not gonna. The movie's ruined more by the stupid twist, adding to the amateur attributes.
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