Killer Nerd (1991) Poster


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Shouldn't this have won some kind of an award?
Tromafreak13 March 2010
Poor Harold. A life long nerd. This guy has no social skills, greasy hair, stupid clothes, a ridiculous voice, he's irritating, his peers make fun of him and his only friend is his mother. Yeah, Harold Kunkle is a nerd if there ever was such a thing.

Is there seriously no hope for Harold? Enter Slick Dick. This Infomercial guy might be Harold's one and only hope for social salvation.

Slick Dick seems to know all the right things to say, and do, and how to dress, and most importantly, how to be confident. Or maybe it's just those Back To The Future Solar Shades he was wearing.

Whatever the case, Harold is desperate enough to try anything at this point. So he orders Slick Dick's motivational tape. Finally, the secrets of coolness will be revealed.

And if Slick Dick's advice doesn't work... well, then there's always that killing spree Harold has been thinking about.

Killer Nerd is a comically-hopeless tale of one sad, lonely man-child's burning desire to rise above his own reject status, only to be sabotaged by those who hate those who are different.

Well, them, and his own ridiculous qualities. Or maybe he just needed some Solar Shades.

Brought to us by our pals at Troma, Killer Nerd is some extremely entertaining B-Horror. Also very satirical, typical for the early 90's. Sadly, B-Horror from the 90's doesn't get a whole lot better than this, I mean, it's totally worthwhile and all, but it ain't no Exploitation masterpiece.

Anyone looking for another performance from the legendary Toby Radloff, Townies should do just fine. Oh yeah, and Bride Of Killer Nerd. For more in killer nerds, check out Hitch hike To Hell from Something Weird Video.

Don't expect a hell of a lot, and you won't be let down. If you're expecting to be entertained, as opposed to being impressed, you'll dig it. Killer Nerd only wants to make you laugh. 7/10
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I haven't laughed so hard in a long time...
blue_canary7 January 2004
One day my girlfriend suggested a film called `Killer Nerd' (Which, to my knowledge is only available from `Mooovies' in Bristol, Vermont). I thought nothing of it other than, `this'll probably be another Horror flick that I won't really pay attention to or remember.' It's not as if the name doesn't make it abundantly clear what the plot's going to be, right? Right you may be, but a regular horror film this is not. In fact really, a horror film this is not.

I was right in my initial fear of watching this film. I thought it was going to be bad, I was right. I thought the acting was going to be poor, I was right (BOY was I right!?). Still, with a plot that would make Arnie blush and more stereotypical characters than can be seen outside an episode of Buffy, the film plodded on. Poorly. I could honestly say I have never in all my life seen such a poorly put together, utter joke of a film. By far the worst film I've ever seen.

However, I know a lot more films that I didn't enjoy nearly as much. The sheer poor quality of the film makes it so bad that it bypasses the usual stage that a bad film has where you'll sit and cringe and either turn it off or just slug it out painstakingly till the end. Far from it, with Killer Nerd you can get almost as engrossed in it as if it were a decent film.

The writers of this film are either lucky or genius's. If you see this film anywhere do not miss your opportunity to see it.

Nerd. Nerd. Nerd.
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Great ending
Quetzl30 June 1999
The opening half is pretty slow (motives for the nerds madness, etc.), and use of the fast forward button is encouraged. That's because the nerds destructive rampage and the ending are side splittingly hilarious. Highlights: The nerd impersonating a cat and dressing in an enormous diaper, and of course the spectacular conclusion. Recommendation: assemble some friends, alter your mental state with the substance of your choice in the first half, and laugh yourself silly in the second. A fun evening for all.
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How could anyone not love this movie?
death2808 August 2001
I'll start off by saying if you don't enjoy no budget b movies stay away from this one.This movie is freaking hilarious.It's the story of the worlds biggest nerd,who gets pushed to far and becomes "Killer Nerd"!!!!!He goes around dispatching the people who ridiculed him in amazingly gory ways.He spoon feeds his mom draino while wearing a giant diaper!If that isnt high quality entertainment I dont know what is!This movie is a must see.My only gripes are why the hell do they show about ten minutes worth the footage of him looking in the mail box?!?!?And another five of him dancing in a nightclub.Well despite that this is an awsome movie that stands up for the little guy!
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Shot on video nonsense; worst of the worst
Leofwine_draca13 July 2016
Other users on this site seem to have enjoyed KILLER NERD, and I commend them for their ability to extract entertainment from what is in all respects an absolute dog of a film. Me, I hated it; it's far too inept in absolutely every respect to be the type of film you can even like in a so-bad-it's-good kind of way.

It's a home movie made with a bunch of theatre students whose ability ability is about the same as a newt's. A nerd is bullied and abused by those in his life until one day he snaps and goes on a rampage of revenge, but this shot-on-video nonsense is so appallingly bad that you can't take a single scene of the film seriously. The acting is mind-blowingly awful, the effects are non-existent, the gratuitous nudity is laughable, and the lack of a script is all too telling. Incredibly, a sequel, BRIDE OF KILLER NERD, was to follow.
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The worst movie I've ever seen.
rhombus20 June 1999
This movie is unbelievably bad. The first time I saw it, it threw me for a loop, because it violated so many of the conventions of intelligible moviemaking that I almost felt shell-shocked. The second time, I found it absolutely hilarious. It has more camp value than a Winnebago. From gratuitous sex, to actors twenty years too old for their parts, to acting that would embarrass a junior high school drama club, to editing that makes home movies look slick, to three-minute shots of a mailbox, to special effects beyond compare...

It's a must-see. It's just beyond description.
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Absolute Garbage
boz8245 March 2001
Everything about this movie is just plain awful. The acting is amiturish, the directing is almost nonexistent, the script is a joke with countless pages of terrible dialogue which soon develop into a terrible plot. In addition, the characters have no redeeming qualities whatsoever and are completely two-dimensional. The nerd, Kunkle, is actually more of a gracelessly and abruptly put-together composite of two two-dimensional characters instead of being one very three-dimensional character. Finally, the budget crushes every possible chance the movie had to be in any way entertaining. There are many outdoor scenes in this movie that take place at night during which the director took no notice to the fact that entire scenes were being lit by neon signs.

Stay away.
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This movie is the biggest waste of time I have ever seen!!!!!!!
cabasaexpert35119 February 2005
My brother loved this movie and encouraged me to watch parts of it so I did and that was enough for me!!!!!!!!!!!! This movie was the biggest waster of time I have ever seen. There is no such thing as a storyline and the acting is terrible!!!! Take my advice and DO NOT watch this movie!!! If you do you will want all that time you spent watching it back. Anyone who likes this movie is crazy, I don't know how ANYONE can like this movie. It is probably the WORST movie ever made. If you don't believe me see for yourself and you'll know what I mean. One of the worst parts is that the people who made this movie were actually trying to make a real movie-they definitely could of fooled me.
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Worst Movie Ever
pawned7923 May 2002
My friends and I have seen a lot of bad movies. Up until now, "Tomb of the Undead" was the worst movie ever. Now, even though its dancing zombies are timeless, it must loose its crown. The new king of bad movies is "Killer Nerd." This movie was so bad in every way that I don't even have that many comments on it. It was mind-numbing bad. Like -- really REALLY bad. Just go rent it. You'll see. So bad. Just bad. Bad bad bad. Bad. :-( Nerd nerd Nerd NERD NERD! ...
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A fun cheesy film about a nerd who snaps.
Captain_Couth2 September 2004
Killer Nerd (1991) is an fun film that portrays the exploits of Harold Kunkle. Harold is your stereotypical nerd who just wants to fit in. But his unique behavior and dress makes him a social outcast in his community. No matter what he does or how hard he tries he just can't fit in. One day Harold has enough of the ribbing and beatings and decides to strike back.

Toby Radloff stars as Harold Kunkle. He's perfect as the Killer Nerd. What keeps this movie from being better than average is the pacing of the film. It feels very padded out. I can deal with the tiny budget and the fact it was shot on video but they need to tighten this film. I guess they felt that they needed to make it at least 90 minutes. I can live with it being shorn of the padded scenes and what not (it's sequel is a much better film and it clocks in well under 80 minutes). I totally disagree with this film being the worse ever made. Watch Spine.


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Killer Nerd - Spoiler Review
rolandjordaan217 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of this film...hahaha a 'nerd' in a yellow shirt and work trousers who goes for a makeover, and when that fails to help him score, he goes on a killing spree wiping out the entire cast - the end. Who the hell is responsible for this?! Oh right Troma Entertainment, I guess I should have seen that coming; for those of you who have never heard of Troma Entertainment before, they're the company behind such gems as 'Redneck Zombies', 'Star Worms II: Attack of the Pleasure Pods', 'Bloodspit' and of course 'Bride of Killer Nerd' - yes this movie has a sequel, I know...I own it; I think there's a part of me that really hates money, I mean how else can I possibly explain this...thing...being in my possession? Oh wait I remember: I originally got my hands on the Killer Nerd/Bride of Killer Nerd compilation when I purchased another movie from Troma Entertainment entitled 'Mother's Day' - and yes it sucks too; the Killer Nerd compilation had been taped onto my 'Mother's Day' DVD, along with a red ribbon, almost as if feeling the need to bribe people into taking this DVD for free. I had tried desperately to view the film after I had first received it but somehow I had just never gotten past the absurd opening of some dream girl performing a strip show. Fortunately now, having finally watched the film in its entirety, I can proudly testify - that I still don't know what the point of that scene was. Well remember what I said about bribery, right? Or maybe the editor just fell asleep at the board, added this by mistake and the director couldn't tell the difference.

The scene finally ends and we're introduced to the killer nerd himself, aka Harold Kunkle, change a few letters in that last name and he could have been Harold sure as hell would have been more appropriate, I mean listen to his voice, he sounds like a robot with bad wiring; actually that's me being really-really kind, but seriously: who saw this guy at the audition and felt they just have to cast him in this role; I kid you not, this guy make's the performance of the girl in 'Woodchipper Massacre' look like Tim Robbins in 'Shawshank Redemption'.

Some really awful music plays while he goes through his morning activities, and of course we get to watch them, all of them; it was at this point where our laughter had seized and I'm pretty sure I heard someone utter the phrase "I think we should rather watch Star Wars Holiday Special"...and he wasn't exaggerating either, this movie is worse than 'Star Wars Holiday Special' - how is that even possible?! Was this a religious thing, you know where someone's too much of a pussy to blow out his own brains, so he simply makes a movie like this knowing that after watching it the audience will do the work for him?! Either way, I don't see any angels in his future.

Harold departs for work on foot, and of course we get to watch him walk...and walk...and walk, finally he stops at a bus stop, although we never actually see him board a bus, so we presume the only reason he stops there is to be bullied by the two most dim witted, clichéd, thugs you have ever seen on screen...I don't quite recall what they said to him, or maybe I just wasn't listening, but either way it all goes on for way to long. The scene finally ends and we get to see even more of him walking, until he finally reaches his job as an office...something. There he hits on another rather nerdy girl, although I get the feeling she wasn't supposed to be portrayed that way, and then he's picked on by one of his co-workers. I wish you could have heard some of this guy's dialogue; do people like that really exist? I mean I've made fun of a few people in my time, but if that's the best you can come up with...needless to say this guy's dialogue sounds like if Michael Bay had wrote the script for 'Casablanca'. I'm going to skip forward here, and it really makes no difference as really nothing happens for the next thirty minutes...well except Harold inviting the nerdy girl to a church picnic and getting rejected by the most awkward lie I've ever seen in a movie. Nerdy Girl: "I would have loved to, but I just remembered I have to go out of town Sunday morning". Harold: "That's okay, the picnic is Saturday". Nerdy Girl: "Oh God, I just remembered I actually have to go out of town really early Saturday morning." Damn woman just say "no"! Trust me he's used to it...I could be talking about the character or actor, it really doesn't make any difference. So Harold purchases an anti-nerd video tape off one of those infomercials, but of course they first make us watch the infomercial in all four and a half minutes of its agonizing glory; let me give you this tape's advise when you want to show a girl you're interested: stand with your hands in your jeans front pockets, roll your hands continuously and then point to the's a rare movie that not only makes you feel stupid for watching it, but that actually just outright says it! Next Harold has his hair redone in a punk rock style, and the hairdresser actually states that girls will drop dead when they see him...I don't want to give the film unnecessary credit, but I like to think that sentence had double meaning. It was round this point where the movie passed the 40 minute mark and so far we hadn't gotten so much as a hint that this is in fact a horror movie: maybe the fact that it's so bad made it classify, if so this is scary stuff! Or maybe the title actually meant 'Killer Nerd' in the terms of 'Lady Killers', I mean he is holding a gun on the box cover, but maybe the artist just didn't get it either. Sigh, we're going to have to finish the movie to find out, aren't we? Really, do we have to? I loathe myself.

Now looking like a new man...actually he looks exactly the same, just with way to much gel in his hair...Harold visits the home of the nerdy girl and when it turns out she's already taken (I give you eight seconds to figure out by who) instead visits a night club; Bartender: "What's your pleasure, sir?" Harold: "I would like a drink please". On a personal note, take a guess what I would say to any customer coming up to my bar and saying they'd like "a drink". Harold stands in the doorway, watching other people dance and at first it seems this film was at least kind enough to not have him join them...oh wait there he goes, what the hell's going on now? They're forming a circle around him as he dances? Why?! This guy dances like Mickey Mouse who just noticed he mistook Goofy for an attractive female rodent. Harold is picked up by two punk rock types and joins them on their quest for weed. It of course turns out their dealers are the punks from the bus stop and they proceed to beat the life out of Harold...yes get him! If you finish him off completely I can simply change the title to 'Killed Nerd' and we can all go home. Of course they don't quite finish him, but the music does turn all 'Kill Bill' on us all of a sudden...and it seems the movie might actually be threatening to start, why not? It's only been 65 minutes.

So he goes after the nerdy girl and the Michael Bay-dialogue-type-guy first, doing a pretty decent impersonation of a cat; so that's this guy's calling, animal sounds? Well I guess it's still better than doing voice work for the Disney Channel. This guy's death scene actually made me laugh again, you know the way he screams, backs away from the killer, apparently getting bored with the scene and then stepping forward into the knife...I'd explain the gap of logic, but that would be really insulting your intelligence. The Nerdy girl meets her demise by Harold forcing acid down her throat; well first he drops her boyfriend's head down on the bed, and that truly is the best fake heads that Wall Mart has to offer. She screams a bit, but also doesn't really do much to stop him. Next he goes after his mother, and this scene actually made me lose a bet, because I really thought there was no way this movie had the guts to add any reference to matricide; I guess that's the key to outsmarting me, just put a bunch of eight year olds in a circle and let them write a script. Following the mother's untimely death, Harold goes after the punk clan and we step into our final sequence. This sequence is really wow, wow as in how lazy the writing is: you know how horror films always manages to come up with some creative, or sometimes less creative, idea for the victims to go off alone as to meet their demise by the hands of the killer? This film actually has 3 of the 4 characters all go off to the bathroom, one by one, so that Harold can slaughter them. What the hell?! Really, three times, you used the same cliché three times?! This is worst writing than 'Cheerleader Massacre' and you know what I think of 'Cheerleader Massacre'?! I've watched that movie three times and it's so bloody forgettable that I still don't have any kind of clue who the killer is! Man I want to use a curse word here, really this movie makes me mad! And what's with the lighting? The exterior shots have all gone purple and the inside keeps flashing, what are you hoping your audience all suffer from epilepsy and the flashing might literally kill them before they can tell others about how bad your movie is?!...I'm done...really I'm done.
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Inept, but hilarious
mdholman23 July 2002
I find nothing so enjoyable as a "good" bad movie. Now, keep in mind the movie must meet several criteria in order to be a "good" bad movie: 1--It can't be a cash cow slapped together to make a few bucks (like Halloween 8 or Jason X). 2--At some point you have to say to yourself "were they really trying to make something meaningful/memorable and they failed so miserably that this film is now fodder for simple amusement?" 3--The special effects have to be not-so-special effects or special defects; such as poorly-executed jump-cuts during death scenes, models that are clearly plastic used in place of humans, and the use of rubber limbs. For these reasons and many more, I wholeheartedly recommend that bad movie lovers (and fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000) rent or purchase this classic film. Let's examine the criteria: 1--I don't think Riot Films was looking to make big bucks on this one (though they do throw Toby Radloff's name around quite frequently on the box). 2--Nerd, (pause for emphasis) what a stupid word. (Watch it and you'll see what I mean). 3--Watch it--'nuff said. My rating--9/10--my roommates from college and I ran around our apartment shouting "NERD NERD NERD" and "BLOOD RED WITH BRAINS" for days. Coincidentally, I purchased this film off eBay from one of the producers of the film, and he was a real nice guy.
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Decent horror flick
chickiesinger982 January 2005
I enjoyed this Troma movie very much. Everything from the Killer Nerd's dance on the dance floor at a local bar to the "How to be Cool" skit made the movie pretty funny. Killer Nerd could have had a little more of a personality but still not bad for the budget give for a 7500 dollar movie! I still prefer Steve Urkel and Jamison from WWF fame but Killer Nerd was still somehow able to provide me with some good comedy. I thought the 9 year old girls calling Killer Nerd a nerd after his hard day of working at the office quite cute but quite sad at the same time. Probably one of the better Troma movies I've seen so far, which isn't very many(9 and counting!).
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A nerd runs amok!
redkamp-28 December 1998
A prime example of how entertaining a low budget horror comedy can be, Killer Nerd packs quite a punch throughout its ninety minute running time. Howard Kunkle, played to perfection by Toby Radloff, is the ultimate nerd who snaps and goes on a killing rampage to get revenge against those that have ridiculed him. It's an over-the-top black comedy that will delight those who like films by such auteurs as David Lynch and John Waters. Thumbs up on this one!
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Cheap exploitation fun
Rrrobert14 February 2020
Super cheap video production.

It has long wordy scenes and a thin story, which makes for a plodding pace. The cast members are clearly amateur, but give fun spirited performances which are mostly very entertaining.

Toby Radloff in the title role is fun to watch with his super nerdy ways and odd way of speaking. The two punks who taunt him are good in their roles as are the two girls he picks up at the nightclub.
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Most enjoyably quotable film ever
tabuu11 August 2005
this movie is just so good, just hearing the ridiculous dialog spoken by Toby Radloff, is enough to make this one of the best films ever, my friends and i watch this film repeatedly, we all have our Toby impressions down and quote it incessantly, such great quotes, "I've got a tiger by the tale, and he's mean." "How'm I gonna choke on pie?" "Roses are red, violets are placid, you screwed me over have a face full of acid." "Do you think I don't know what I am? I'm a nerd,I'm different, people perceive me as being different, I hate myself." and well pretty much any line spoken by Toby. its just the most fun movie ever. One time we got him to come to our college and host a benefit concert, he really is much the same in real life as he is in the movie, this is not acting, this is just him being him, and whoever decided to video tape him was a genius, this is a great cult film and more people need to be aware of it
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Troma classic from 90's
tedthumb21 September 2008
Killer Nerd from writer/director Mark Steven Bosko is another Troma classic. A totally campy horror movie that I loved. A harassed nerd takes a video self-help course to be cool. When nerd Harold Kunkle played perfectly by Toby Radloff gets pushed one time too many he goes over the edge going on a killing spree. It was cheesy violence that was comical in a sense because it was so bad it was good.

Glad I came across this 90's horror comedy on eBay. It was recommended by a friend that said I had to see it. Glad I did. My wife thought it was childish. I thought it was great. Sorry to see Mr. Bokso hasn't made a movie in some time. Come back. You have fans.
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give me a rad 'do
labrynthrules10 July 2006
"GIVE ME A RAD 'DO" -one of the best phrases from any movie ever! this nerd attempts to "be cool" by instruction of a set of VHS tapes on how to be cool. and goes to the beauty shop to get a rad hair-do. the result is like every 80's hairstyle all rolled into one. hilarious!~ there are many many other super funny parts that i don't want to give away. please see for yourself!this movie is the best horror/comedy i have ever seen. if you like nerds, or the 80's, or both this movie is right for you.nerd!nerd!nerd! the special effects are also a riot. please see this film. you will not regret it. and you will immediately want to show all of your friends.
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Mass Nerderer...
azathothpwiggins8 July 2021
In the twisted tradition of TOXIC AVENGER, Troma unleashes KILLER NERD!

Harold Kunkle (The inimitable Toby Radloff) is the pitiful, picked-on creature of the title, pushed to an eventual spree of bloody violence. Kunkle is presented as a basket case, suffering from several deficits.

Radloff plays his role so convincingly, that it's hard to believe he could have possibly memorized his lines! His sublime performance goes far beyond "wooden", into petrified forest territory!

With no production values whatsoever, this movie's genius lies in its overuse of its anti-charismatic star.

Watch, and be astonished!...
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Snubbed at the '92 Oscars!!!!
creepersdelight902106 August 2005
Every now and then movies like Rocky, The Matrix and The Shawshank Redemption come along and revolutionize the way you look at the world and live your life. For me, Killer Nerd was one of these rare masterpieces. It's the Grand Epiphany. It reminds us to stand up for ourselves and defeat the scumbags that surround us on a daily basis, by "discombublating" them! We are who we are and shouldn't be ashamed of anything. If you're one of those people, like me, who can truly appreciate the beauty of a film like this, it becomes the gift of a lifetime; an escape from the evils of conformity! If you're one of those people who didn't like it, you weren't meant to see it in the first place and should stick to the garbage that you know and love. ~ As for the acting...BRILLIANT! Toby Radloff's performance is simply awe-inspiring. I mean, in a Perfect-World it would be actors like Toby Radloff getting nominated for Oscars, not stupid cows like Queen Latifah. To act is to be, right? And if that was truly the case, his performance was perfect. He is the ideal nerd.

Killer Nerd is an entertaining, very fun B horror film! It kicks a*ss...plain and simple. Check it out!
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The greatest B movie of all time...
whammy6668 January 2005
I first saw this film with my friends at my birthday party, we all laughed our heads off. This is the FUNNIEST bad movie EVER. We got the worst acting, worst cinematography, worst special effects, worst directing, worst everything. Toby Radloff plays the ultimate nerd, with a voice that can annoy the crap out of you, and make you laugh at the same time. Try to watch it with some friends, it makes it more fun. I got the DVD of this flick, it is a great DVD. So get the DVD now if you like bad movies, this is the ULTIMATE B MOVIE and the first B MOVIE that got me into B MOVIES!!!!!!!!!! Make sure you see this one, it is one of Troma's best!!!!!!!
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An instant classic!
Nic 4206 June 1999
This movie was amazing. I don't think I've ever seen anything with the magic of Killer Nerd. Toby Radloff played an excellent nerd, and the acting was great. Although the budget was a little big for my taste, it was still one of the best nerd movies ever made.
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Don't mess with the nerdy dude!
Woodyanders11 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Hapless persecuted dweeb Harold Kunkle (played to supremely spazzy perfection by the otherworldly dorky Toby Radloff) finally works up the nerve to fight back against his cruel tormentors that include a couple of street punks and his mean co-workers. Writers/directors Mark Steven Bosko and Wayne Alan Harold give Radloff full reign to do his singularly goofy thing: Radloff's amazingly awkward, yet endearing geekoid persona manages to be both funny and likable; this guy is truly unique and has a strong enough oddball presence to carry the picture on his weird shoulders. Moreover, Kunkle's attempts at being hip are hysterical (he buys an instructional cassette series called Slick Dick's School of Cool!). Of course, it's also a treat to watch this timid worm go ballistic and embark on a murderous spree, with the definite highlight occurring when Kunkle kills his mother by pouring cleaner down her throat while dressed like a baby in a bib and giant diaper. The primitive gore effects add considerably to the overall hilarity. The plain cinematography by Alan Stevens boasts a few snazzy stylistic flourishes. Sean Carlin's funky syncopated synthesizer score hits the get-down groovy spot. A total riot.
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Too bad this wasn't shot with billions of dollars and a "real" movie camera, huh?
one4now422 October 2003
With that sarcastic remark out of the way, let's get to the review, shall we? This is an odd little movie, to say the least, but I liked it. My expectations were a little too much for this, but it's not too bad at all. It starts out as a goofy, quirky comedy (which would probably only be funny to us geeky people), but doesn't get truly horrific until the end. It's the kind of movie I would love to fool some mainstreamers into watching just to see the look on their faces when it switches gears and becomes a splatter movie toward the end. One thing I'm yet to figure out is whether the horror portion is meant to be humorous in a Freddy Krueger type of way, or to be intense with a guy who loses it and offs anyone who he thinks has crossed him, regardless of who might deserve it or not (which some of the victims don't). All in all, though, I did like it, just not as much as I thought I would. I think the title was what ensnared me, and though we do get what's promised, the delivery wasn't as much of a nasty blast as I had hoped for. If I could give it a rating with stars (which I usually don't like to do), I would sum this one up with about three out of five.
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A new kind of horror
mermatt26 November 1998
This is the saga of Harold Kunkle whose battle cry is, "Nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd!" The film is an entertaining combination of ERASERHEAD, SCREAM, and Woody Allen. It is an interesting cross between genuine pathos for the lonely nerd and film-noir style comedy. It could be a contender for ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW cult status.
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