Computer Beach Party (1987) Poster

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This movie is a stinker
themightykazoo-3076320 June 2020
A movie by hack frauds for hack frauds. At least it brought Rich Evans back from the dead. Watch Chihuahua the movie instead
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Mid-80s computers, beach kids, beach parties, bare boobs and a 25 foot chicken-car
wbswetnam9 August 2013
This mid-80s "teen romp" movie is probably the worst 80s film I've seen since Hobgoblins. Unless you are a 12 year old with an IQ below 40, you will hate this movie. It begins with some teens who try to save a public beach from being bought and taken over by the greedy mayor. One boy who is a computer geek tries to use his skills to win a race to save the beach for more teenage dance parties and sex-on-the-beach. The "actors" in this movie are so pathetic and unskilled that,... I'm at a loss of words, it is so bad. Every once in a while the director inserted a scene of some topless girls, but even the occasional boobies were not enough to rescue this dreck. Absolutely dreadful.
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BandSAboutMovies10 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"Toss around the floppy disc, open a bag of micro chips, and interface with a sexy comedy that will light up your terminal."

I discovered this movie thanks to the guys from Found Footage Festival and man, this movie is one that does not understand parties or computers and even beaches. Andy and Dennis, our heroes, also play a sport that no other human before or since has ever tried called skurfing, which is what happens when you put together a surfboard, a soapbox derby car and a sail. If it seems dumb reading it, imagine how completely inane it will be in practice.

I have also learned that if you want to plan a computer beach party, all you have to do is type it into your computer. If I did not hate beaches and parties, guess what I would be doing right now?

There's also a band called Panther in this. Their songs "Angel In Disguise," "Breakout," "Can't Get Enough," "Do You Wanna Dance," "Drag-A-Racing," "Loverboy's Request," "Love Theme," Midnight Blue," "Hot Rockin' Beach Party," "Left Me Blue," "Roger's Reggae," "Smokin'," "Stranger to Danger," "Spikes of Love" and "Volaria" are in the movie and they also do a few of them live.

This is the kind of movie that will make you despise love, happiness, hair metal, breaking the fourth wall, beach parties, MS DOS and so much more. If you are dealing with any depression, I would avoid this movie, as well as being around any pills or sharp implements while you watch it. Much like how "Gloomy Sunday" leads to people committing suicide, I fear Computer Beach Party could have the same infernal ability.
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Lots of beach party, one computer, not much else.
Hot Thom29 January 2000
Computer Beach Party confused me in the way that I didn't know who the movie was for. It was obviously one of those "80's sex teen comedy" movies, and yet I really didn't understand what Gary Troy was thinking when he made it. Even the painful "Don't Go In The Woods" had better voice-over dubs, head room, character development, use of footage, and wasn't just 30 minutes of a movie with 47 minutes of filler. Granted, the computer and beach parties were present, but if I were anyone in the band "Panther", and had to supply the twenty-odd songs in the sound track, I'd be awfully ashamed. That is, if I weren't already ashamed of being in a hair band with the name "Panther".
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Unless you hate your life, skip it
FacemeltingFilms1 May 2011
One of my biggest pet peeves with movie lovers is when someone talks about a bad movie and says "that's got to be the worst movie ever made" because they have no fu--ing clue what they are talking about. I'm not saying Computer Beach Party is the worst movie ever made but I'm betting it makes the top 100. This movie will suck out your soul and s--t on it. This movie is so bad that from now on I am going to refer to it as Computer Beach S--tmovie. Do not watch this movie, in fact just stop reading this review. Please! Masochist huh? Well OK, but don't say I didn't warn you.

When Andy and Dennis find a gold coin they stumble upon a hunt for a buried treasure. Unfortunately the people hunting are planning on buying the now public beach and kicking everyone off. Andy and Dennis must rely on there computer beach skills to win a para sailing type race to stop the greedy locals from taking over! The first thing you'll notice when watching Computer Beach S--tmovie is every person is over dubbed and dubbed HORRIBLY. None of the voices match the people and at times it isn't even the same actor dubbing. Next you'll notice the killer of this "film": pacing. Every scene seems to have this strange pause, or moment where all the actors just kinda look at each other. I'm assuming this is because no one actually wrote a script and the actors are all making s--t up on the spot. Most of the things that happen in the film aren't funny and are totally meaningless. This film is so bad three naked girls didn't even help.

And in the end there is no buried treasure in Computer Beach Sh--movie, in fact their beach computers don't even end up helping anyone and one of the biggest dramatic scenes in the film isn't even shown (a message to the audience says it's "too violent"). It feels like all the people making the movie didn't speak English and I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case. I hope these people lost a lot of f--king money making this movie. I hope it made them homeless, no f--k that I hope someone died trying to make this sh--ty movie. Seriously. It's garbage. And next time someone tries to tell you Troll 2 is the worst movie ever made shove over your sh--ty copy of Computer Beach S--tmovie and tell them to watch and learn.

Rock Shows 3 Boobies 3 Astronauts 1
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pixels the size of your fist
claudemercure6 November 2001
This movie tries to cash in on the then-rising popularity of home computers and the waning teensploitation movement of the eighties. The result is a brainless, singularly tedious, ass-obsessed, badly dubbed, typically god-awful example of the genre. Packed with trite dialogue, pointless scenes, and insipid eighties rock music. Computers whose screens have pixels the size of your fist are shown to be able to perform miraculous tasks. This ranks third on the list of the worst movies I have ever seen (behind Baby Geniuses and Plan 9 From Outer Space), but I have to admit it is enjoyable on a "so bad it's good" level.
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About 97 Minutes Too Long
Uriah4310 May 2017
This film begins with two young men named "Andy" (Hank Amico) and "Dennis" (Andre Chimene) having some fun on the beach when a bully by the name of "Turk" (Rick Brakedale) drives up in his jeep and essentially ruins their day. Fortunately for Andy, however, is that Turk's girlfriend "Allison" (Stacey Nemour) is also in the jeep and in spite of everything else he gets the opportunity to meet her acquaintance. Not long afterward it is disclosed that an old ship sank off the coast with a treasure chest full of gold coins simply waiting to be found. Knowing this, the mayor of the nearby town-who happens to be Allison's father--has purchased that particular section of the beach and has instituted measures to restrict everybody else from going on it. Needless to say, this angers Andy and his friends and they become determined to stop the mayor at all costs. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film turned out to be one of the worst pictures I have ever seen as it suffered from a thin plot, bad acting and a really basic script. To top things off, the music supplied by a rock group named "Panther" consisted of a lead singer who sang at least 2 or 3 decibels too high and completely out-of-sync with the band. Although he clearly enjoyed hearing his own voice I have to say that it became quite annoying rather quickly. In any case, although both Stacey Nemour and Hank Amico showed some acting potential there just wasn't anything else good about this movie and I have rated it accordingly. Awful.
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Real hack-a-heart
redredseas22 June 2020
The best movie directed by a man in coma, since the release of Star Wars!
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All You Need to Know About This Movie...
ritamarlowe1710 September 2001
Warning: Spoilers
(no real spoilers) ... is that it contains: buried treasure, an evil mayor, idiot lifeguards, "surf buggies", a bumbling police officer, a giant chicken car, a couple of dorks who think they actually own a public beach, a computer that I would say is very advanced for the eighties, several topless girls and a scary hair metal band performing at more than just one beach party. So what are you waiting for!? Rent this right now! I give it a 10!!!!!
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10 Print "Party!" , 20 GOTO 30 , 30: NO
Victor_Fallon22 June 2020
These guys really know how to hack. Two geniuses use several kilobytes of raw computing power to generate an illegal beach party full of strong, available women and powerful rock 'music'. There is some nudity, but that's why they call it Silicon Valley - right guys?

There is a plot about treasure, I think, and a land grab? The mayor is in it. The story quickly becomes insignificant as we are enchanted by the state-of-the-art computer graphics which infect this film like ransomware. Of course, special effects have come a long way since 1987 but this was considered the 'Cats' of its day.

Despite the director being in a coma throughout the whole production, the acting still happened and the cameras were switched on. There are people on screen and they have lines of dialogue. Sun, sea, sand, surf and sand. 0b1100001 minutes long.
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What happened in Texas should have stayed in Texas
lor_30 April 2023
My review was written in June 1988 after watching the movie on Vestron video cassette.

The second Texas-mae beach movie to come out recently (after "Thinkin' Big"), "Computer Beach Party" lives up to its title as an incoherent mishmash sunk by amateurish technique.

Familiar "Save Our Beach" premise has bespectacled ned Andy (Hank Amigo) and his wind sail buggy-racing pal Dennis (Andre Chimene) fighting a holding action to keep their uncluttered beach in the Galveston area from being covered with lifeguard towers and taken over by the mayor, who thinks sunken pirate treasure is in the vicinity. Coincidentally, Andy is romancing the mayor's beautiful daughter Allison (Stacey Nemour), Padded with lengthy song performances, 185 production is haphazardly constructed with some atrocious post-synching. The cast of supposed high schoolers looks on average at least 10 years too old to qualify, and the hero's computer prowess is used pointlessly to set up guest lists for two beach parties is a weak justification for pic's title.

Comedy content is weak, leaving little more than the bodacious bod of Nemour as reason to sit through this effort.
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