The Killer Eye (1999) Poster

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David DeCoteau can run, but he can't hide!
capkronos19 March 2003
Here's another distressingly bad horror/skin flick directed yet again from the prolific and anonymous David DeCoteau (who is hiding under the alias "Richard Chasen" here). David seems to have excellent connections to video chain distributors and late-night cable outlets because his films are much easier to find than your average low-budget flicks. This is not necessarily a good thing.

THE KILLER EYE does offer a bare bones plot involving a scientist who accidentally summons up a giant mutant eyeball from the "8th dimension." Unfortunately the monster has little to do other than spy on swingin' sex, a girl taking a shower and two supposedly funny, muscle-bound, drugged out numbskulls who lay around in their underwear watching Linnea Quigley's shower scene in CREEPOZOIDS. The gorgeous Jacqueline Lovell (former adult actress Sara St. James) is the scientist's "neglected" girlfriend, who naturally has to seek sexual fulfillment elsewhere. She and a neighboring woman end up having a "close encounter" with the eye monster, that starts zapping people with a green energy beam during the last five minutes to justify the title. Otherwise it should have been called THE HORNY EYE.

So to sum it up, this film has a lame story, the usual assortment of untalented (but attractive) men and women, extreme time padding (slow-mo overdose, repeated shots) and a senseless script that was apparently made up as they went along. Don't bother!
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Moronic, Non-movie!
sanzar11 February 2000
"The Killer Eye", yet another pathetic, amateurish time-waster produced by Full Moon Pictures, easily lands at the bottle of their overflowing barrel of BAD MOVIES. The best way to describe it is "hopeless". Running a scant 67 minutes, it is still padded by at least a half hour.

The "plot" has something to do with experiments in the 8th dimension, which result in a teenager's eyeball expanding into the 5' tall title creature. The oversize Orb spends the rest of the movie's running time scurrying along the heat ducts of an apartment building, searching for energy and a little sex on the side.

Only redeeming feature is the title sequence, which is rather inventive and alluring. Too bad the rest of the movie is junk!
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The Killer Movie...
ram-1129 December 1998
This is one of the worst movies ever.

The plot: A scientist experiments in order to achieve the entrance to the eight dimension (!). As a failure in the experiment, a "volunteer" gets his eye pushed out, and the eye becomes into a giant monster, a very pervert and erotic monster (the reason seems to be "it is confused with its sexuality").

So the movie becomes, in a "killer eye" hunting for naked women, junkies, and energy (God knows what for). If this was supposed to be a "black" movie, or a cult one, it totally fails. Performances are really bad, timing is bad, and the movie is a total waste of time (fortunately, it's only 67 minutes).

The funniest scene, (if it was supposed to be so) is one where this girl says "have you seen an eye... a killer eye?..." So, best if never seen.
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This one is REALLY bad!
phil_haselbach10 March 2002
Unfortunately, this is not one of those movies which are so bad that they're actually good. This one is REALLY bad, its main fault being that it is very boring.

Even the voyeuristic 'sex' scenes, which I guess this movie was about in the first place, are boring! In fact, it's not a horror movie, it's just a very bad skin flick with a few supernatural elements thrown in. At least, other movies in the same vein (like 'Dinosaur Island') contain some good humor, which you can't say about this piece of trash.

Three reedeming features, on the other hand: Jacqueline Lovell looks good, and the homosexuality and divorce issue are quite special in this kind of film.
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Eye, Caramba!
Coventry24 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The slight and unidentifiable pain you'll inevitably experience whilst watching "The Killer Eye" is actually caused by your brains as they try to leave the skull through your nose! The human brain can process a whole lot of bad stuff, but sadly nothing is strong enough to tolerate the movie-repertoire of David DeCoteau, especially not this horrible excuse for a horror film. "The Killer Eye" is probably the biggest load of stupid nonsense ever shot on film. Even more so, it's the type of incoherent amateur-crap that seriously makes you wonder why you haven't directed your very own horror movie yet. Surely everyone, even the smallest baby, can do a better job than DeCoteau? He isn't even interested in making a horror movie, anyway. Exactly like in all his other idiotic efforts ("The Brotherhood", "Prison of the Dead"...), he's just looking for an excuse to surround himself with handsome young guys in tight boxer shorts. DeCocteau's fascination with homo eroticism goes beyond being awry, as he even suggests one character to be a 16-year-old male street prostitute. Honestly dude, just quit misleading horror fans and simply dedicate your life to making 100% pure gay porn movies. Everything about this movie is just plain terrible, even the slightest details like – for example – the DVD cover image. It shows a gigantic eyeball prowling the streets of a big city, but there isn't a single outdoor sequence in the entire movie! All the miserable events take place inside an apartment building inhabited by seven of the most retarded people in the world. The brilliant yet overly obsessive scientist of the bunch is experimenting with the eyes of homeless boys, because he strongly believes that the human eyeball is a gateway to a completely different dimension. The eighth dimension, to be more specific. Without any type of explanation, the study object's eyeball decides to jump out of its socket, takes on enormous proportions and looks for women to have voyeur sex with. The over-sized peeper doesn't do much killing, though. It merely just hypnotizes its victims with rays and penetrates them with its nerves. The characters are empty-headed and ultra-insufferable imbeciles like you've rarely seen any before. Especially the two boxer short-buddies are terrible. They're supposed to be heterosexual studs, but all they do is fondle each other and sleep in the same bed. Their conversations are limited to repeating the line "Dude, you're so fried" countless times, so that gives you an idea of the script's quality. The last 15 or-so minutes are irredeemably awful and insulting, as it seems like the production suddenly ran out of budget and time. Instead of dying slow and painfully, like I hoped, the characters inexplicably vaporize and I'm still not entirely sure how the giant eyeball got defeated. Doesn't matter, just be glad it's over... Avoid this film, like you would avoid being locked up in an elevator with director David DeCoteau.
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Oh, the pain, the pain....
Ghidorah27 April 1999
What to say, what to say... The phrase "avoid like the plague" immediately springs to mind. Now don't get me wrong -- I actually LIKE bad movies! "Plan Nine from Outer Space" is a true classic in my book. I've seen "Attack of the Eye Creatures" dozens of times. And movies like "Hell Comes to Frogtown", "Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death" and "A Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell" are, to me, what film was created for in the first place. But this? Utter dreck, I'm afraid. Let me put it this way.... After the first 15 minutes or so I gave up trying to watch it and began fast-forwarding in an attempt to skip right to the obligatory "nude bimbo in the shower" scene. And even THAT was a disappointment!
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Worst movie ever?
baskil18 August 2000
Strong words for a movie that strongly questioned my sanity. In a nutshell, a mad, British (with a bad accent) scientist is trying to look into the 8th dimension. After experimenting on a wayward kid, one of the inhabitants crosses over into the first three dimensions. It then goes around feeling up both female cast members. After some really terrible scenes involving a blackmail attempt, live-action hentai, and latent homosexuality, we see the principals hunt down the eye.And the ending is, well, predictable.

There is no redeeming value to this movie, unless aneurysms are good for you. It isn't even good for MSTing! Stay Away.

Interesting side notes: Per Full Moon, there's a making-of documentary afterwards (partly to make up for really short movies) and in that the cast were interviewed. The guy who played the scientist turns out to be really british (wow, that was a shock). Also, this movie was nominated for a slew of Smithee's this year (Most Ludicrous Premise, Best One-Liner, Worst Science, Goofiest Looking Monster, etc).

Grade: F
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The Killer Eye is possibly the worst movie ever made.
MollyK4184 February 2001
Not only is the plot of The Killer Eye terrible, the name is even horribly off. Anyone who has already seen this can tell you that this "killer eye" has less interest in killing than in the female reproductive system. The only reason I watched this movie is it was the only thing on during a particularly nasty bout of insomnia. There's not much I can write about the atrocity of this film without revealing the plot (or lack thereof), so I will say, in short, if you're really that hard-pressed for something to watch, an infomercial would be much more enjoyable.
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This is a very strange and random movie
kevin_robbins24 June 2022
The Killer Eye (1999) is a movie I recently watched on Tubi. The storyline follows a science experiment that goes wrong causing a homeless man's eye to come to life and go on a rape and killing spree. Can anyone stop it?

This movie is directed by David DeCoteau (Creepozoids) and stars Jacqueline Lovell (Head of the Family), Blake Adams (Justified), Linnea Quigley (Return of the Living Dead) and Jonathan Norman (Frankenstein Reborn).

This is a very strange and random movie. The eye special effects are crazy and the attacks on females are absolutely crazy. There was way more nudity in this than I expected going in and the sex scenes between the eye and females were insane. They make all the men in this tools, awkward and annoying. The storyline is very straightforward - killer eye accidentally created, starts raping people and then find a way to destroy it...nothing special.

Overall this is a unique addition to the horror genre. I can't say this is any good but I can't say don't watch it either. I would this a 4/10 and recommend seeing it at your own risk.
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A test of patience
Leofwine_draca26 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
THE KILLER EYE is another hopeless production from director David DeCoteau, this time working for Charlie Band's Full Moon Pictures. As is usual for this zero-budget genre, the setting is a generic warehouse where a random British mad doctor accidentally creates a massive prowling killer eye with murder in mind. Given DeCoteau's efforts elsewhere in film, it's no surprise to find this movie obsessed with sex and nudity, with lots of padding involving a couple of annoying stoners hanging around on their bed in their boxer shorts. The special effects are pathetic and the film is nothing more than a test of patience.
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josh87817 April 2002
when i watched this movie i kept thinking: "what they thought when they made this movie". the movie kept on surprising me with the plot development, and god knows what was going on with special effects... watching that movie i kept thinking about all the production staff and the production company who actually produced this movie and my thoughts were something like that: "what are they doing?", "what the production staff r thinking right now (probably about the money the will get)?", "what is this?" and so on. it was an experience watching that movie. no doubt about that. for sure.
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The feel good movie of the year
doom-of-our-time22 June 2005
The Killer Eye, this movie... wow. I'm almost speechless and yet, watch me ramble. The killer eye is sorta like if i was directing an episode of the real world, what i would make it. Seven strangers and a really misunderstood eye from the ninth dimension...blah blah. Point is, one of the room mates in this awesome apartment is a mad scientist. He decided to use this male prostitute in his experiment. He makes eye drops, Hold on. Everything i'm about to say after this point i swear to god is the truth. I didn't just get stabbed by the purple knife of insanity. OK, that said... this doctor has eye drops that open portals to the eighth dimension. i'm pretty sure its the eighth dimension, well some dimension with way to many dimensions for its own good. The kid dies, they toss his body, his eye gets possessed/replaced/whatever by an entity from said dimension and escapes from the dead kid's skull. all pretty normal so far. The eye grows up and gets big and awesome like any bad prop monster should. Now, whoever wrote the title for this movie had no idea what he movie was about. The monster just wanted to touch girls and have sex. The "naughty eye" would have been more accurate or maybe "eye on spring break". whatever. The jerk humans decide thiseye doesn't deserve to make out their hot chicks so they decide to be jerk clowns and kill it. The eye, who simply fights for his right to party, attacks back. Some meat heads die and the eye gets sent back toits own dimension. By the way, its own dimension looks exactly like the back of a dollar bill except with eye swarms. Pyramid and everything. This movie proves that no matter how much a disembodied Eyeball/ambassador from another dimension acts like us we will still try and kill it because of our fear of sloppy seconds and things that float around minding their own business.
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Funny Trash
wolfhell8814 March 2002
This is maybe one of the funniest trash movies I have ever seen. After an failed experiment an eye grows into a big monster. This monster now has really a big appetite for girls. Whenever you see the "monster" you must laugh and also the actors can't hide their smile when speaking their dialogues. I like this movie!
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Perverted Eyeball
Rattrap00710 January 2002
Ok, where to begin with this film.

1. More sex and nudity than a porn film... Ok I never watched a porn film so I'm guessing...

2. Horrid acting.... better acting can be seen in middle school plays.

3. Dumb plot. Why the 8th dimension? Why not the 5th or 6th?

4. The eyeball is a pervert because it is always watching the people naked or having sex.

5. Stupid people. Gee you think people would notice a eyeball the size of a very large beach ball, but in this film no one does.

This is a little more than an hour of my life I'll never get back... 0/10.
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Redeemed only by the nudity
ugadawgguy9 August 2003
If you're looking for gratuitous, full-frontal nudity, you've come to the right place. Other than that, this movie has nothing else to offer. This movie tries hard to be a quality B-film, but that effort in itself disqualifies the movie from consideration for that category. So, if you're into semi-attractive girls getting naked and fooling around with a wriggling, rubber optic nerve, by all means -- check this one out. If not, rent "Troll 2" instead. You'll see what I mean.
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I'd rather gouge out my eyes than watch The Killer Eye again!
Zipp-215 February 1999
Hey, when you rent a direct to video horror movie, you don't expect much. You can't complain about bad acting, lack of special effects, or an incoherent plot because it comes with the territory. The Killer Eye however, still sucks. The scenes where the Eye attacks naked women actually become tedious, they just go on and on and on. This movie will put you to sleep, just rent something else instead.
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Something worse than "Mom & Dad Save the Universe"
BBD-328 February 2000
Ugh! I didn't think there could be anything worse than "Mom & Dad...etc..." but I was wrong. At 4:30 am last night I watched "The Killer Eye". It has all the plot and production values of a porn film and the resemblance doesn't end there with the sex, sexuality, sexual references and interspecies sex practiced in this movie.

Good science fiction incorporates science--there was none in this movie; good science fiction either relies on the scientifically plausible or gets the viewer to suspend his/her sense of disbelief. This movie does neither.

There are three or four nice looking bodies running around in this movie, but none of them dares call him- her- self an actor/actress, because they all acted at the porn star level too, with dialog that is only slightly more wordy than a porn script and about as eloquent.

Special effects you ask? AH, this movie makes use of about two--the massive eye thing that resembles the $2 special effects of Flash Gordon and Dr. Who (and this movie uses this prop far less deftly than those two classics used their props) and electric shocks that emanate from the very phallic digit of this eyeball creature which is always hitting some female nipple. Oh yes, I guess there's also the green phosphorescent beam that the eye sends into men's eyes before it sucks their brains out by way of their eyesocket.

This movie looks like it came out of somebody's basement and it should be put back there at once!
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Jacquelline Lovell is super hot
jake-1799 December 2000
Jeez, I think I am in love with Jacquelline Lovell. Thats a good thing, because I rented her movie, "THE KILLER EYE" and it was SO horrible, she was the only thing worth looking at. Unfortunately, you only get to see a few, sparse, poorly-done soft erotic scenes with her. She has done a lot of movies and even been featured by Playboy, so it is astounding to me that she was connected in anyway with a movie as awful as "THE KILLER EYE." I am an aspiring film maker myself and this movie, "THE KILLER EYE" makes people like wonder, "How is that this movie actually got made, but I am unable to get the funding for the projects I want to do?" Even a beginning film student could make a movie better than "THE KILLER EYE." The lighting was amateurish, the acting was terrible, the effects were poorly done, the writing was bad, the cinematography was really bad (they used slow motion when there was no need at all for it and the shots were poorly set up) and the musical score for the movie was downright annoying. Whoever the guy was with the synthesizer, let me tell you, sometimes less is more. It was very "soap opera like." In other words, cheasey music covering EVERY single frame of film. Hey, if you are John Williams, you can do that and make it work. But if you have a casio keyboard, give it a rest.

Here is the thing, though: The premise of the movie, allbeit ridiculous, would actually be cool if they had done it as a comedic short film, a horror movie spoof, almost like a cartoon. And they should have taken a totally over the top approach to it. Lots of lightening strikes at dramatic moments, some classic over acting, especially on the part of the "mad scientist" and the "EYE" should have been a bit more violent, instead of just perverted.

I rented this movie because I wanted to give it a chance. I liked the idea, a mad scientist creates a monster in his laboratory. What movie buff wouldn't like that premise? I thought, "Hey, a movie I have never heard of, done on a low budget. Take a break from mainstream Hollywood." But I was let down. Don't make the mistake I made, for your own good avoid this movie. It really STINKS! No offense to Jacquelline, at least she looked great. Even terrible film makers couldn't make her look bad! What a babe.
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Not to be taken seriously
cartboy2521 January 2001
I bought this movie cause it was on sale at hollywood video. I must say that this definately is not a horror movie..This is more like a comedy..The eye looked very cheesey..and the effects were not all that great. THe acting was subpar but they did the best with the script they were dealing with. IF you are not looking to watch a serious movie then The Killer Eye is good for 90 minutes of mindless movie watching
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JoeB1315 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I thought that this would be a more fun watch than it was, because the Red Letter Media guys had a go at it on Best of the Worst.

An Opthomologist creates a machine that summons an eye monster from the Eighth Dimensions, which proceeds to try to have sex with all the characters in the movie... and that's actually the plot. I am not sure if they were trying to be a comedy or a horror movie, but they failed at both.
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Killer eye
BandSAboutMovies26 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Richard Chasen? More like David DeCoteau, who goes all Bruno Mattei recycles the Linnea Quigley shower scene of Creepazoids in the laziest way ever: it's playing on the TV in a scene.

But hey, you know, why would I complain about a Linnea Quigley shower scene?

Dr. Jordan Grady is hiring male prostitutes to take special eyedrops so that they can see into the eighth dimension, which is totally a fetish I guess, all while his wife sneaks across the street to have a little aardvark sandwich with the neighbors. One of the creatures from the eighth dimension murders one of the rent boys and his eyeball grows horrifically large and starts to assault women, remembering that it is in a Full Moon movie after all.

I mean, how many movies are there where a giant eyeball impregnates women? Maybe its sequel Killer Eye: Halloween Haunt?

This also shows up as "Terror of Vision" in the Horrific anthology.
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look out for the eye
wheble17 July 2001
This movie is total cheese, but fun cheese. I recommend it for those people who like campy horror with a little humor. For a movie about a killer eye that has tenticles to satisfy women with, what more could you expect.
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The Killer Eye Has Killer Aim
danlongino23 April 2003
I am almost ashamed of having uttered the word "genius" when referring to such cinematic staples of artistic expression such as Welles' "Citizen Kane," or Hitchcock's "Psycho," after viewing Full Moon Studio's landmark in achievement that is "The Killer Eye."

This giant killing eye from the eighth dimension reflects a Jungian shadow, if you will, of the fragile characters portrayed within. Mad scientist, Grady (Jonathon Norman), bickers with his wife Rita (Jacqueline Lovell), who hasn't shown this much range since her role in the classic "Nude Bowling Party," and the eye is a representation of their fledgling relationship as husband and wife. Rita's abstract yearnings for sexual pleasure are manifested concretely as this rampaging eye, with a tantalizing taste for eroticism.

Director David DeCoteau articulates his artistic vision with intense altruism. His use of the ancient Japanese art of mise en scène within this particular film solidifies his place among the great directors of the 20th century.

The cast is perfectly assembled, including newcomer Ryan Van Steenis who snaps, crackles and pops as the street kid whose eye is transformed into an inter-dimensional gateway. "The Killer Eye" is a film that is sure to go down the annals of history as one of the greatest films of all time.
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Nice attempt, but falls short
Tom-2755 March 1999
I really like movies that mix horror/sci-fi/sex/monsters in them. I don't expect a great deal from them as far as cinematic brilliance goes, just a decent storyline and action. So, my criticism of this movie isn't that it doesn't live up to "Citizen Kane" standards. It just doesn't live up to B-movie standards very well. It seems to be caught between wanting to be a "sex and monsters" B-film and a soft-porn late night cable flick, with the result that it is neither one. As with most Full Moon Productions, the emphasis is more upon comedy than horror, but even there it simply isn't that good. Supposedly this is the first of a line of such films by Full Moon -- let's hope the rest have a little more of an edge to them.
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Horrible, utter waste of time
smithers260030 May 2003
What idiot thought this movie was a good idea to make? It was boring and the acting was horrible, not to mention one of the stupidest plots I have ever been exposed too. Do yourself a favor and leave this one on the rental shelf..........
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