Sex Files: Alien Erotica (1998) Poster

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We can clone sheep, why not bimbos?
Shifty24 September 1999
Sure it's a shake-and-bake late night cable skin flick. So sue me for liking it. The Alien Files (aka Alien Erotica) pokes fun at its low-budget self while parodying The X Files, Alien and just about any science fiction movie the writer/director had on his mind after what had to have been a night of heavy drinking.

On the way home from a long mission a group of astronauts encounter a form of space fungus floating around so they grab a sample to study. Before long the ship's science officer (Delphine Pacific) is writhing around in heat smearing fungi slime all over her body and seducing the rest of the crew. Only its not really her at all because the fungus is ALIVE and it clones the body its inhabiting -- so instead of one sex craved Delphine Pacific there are really two. Sorta.

And naturally, once on earth, that's how the alien eludes the two Scully and Mulder types assigned to track it down: by changing identities from one well endowed beautiful B-movie actress to the next, rendering them with the wild urge to get nekkid and have sex RIGHT NOW.

Of course the infected bimbo has a psychological link with her alien clone, and in this case a psychosexual link as well. So when the clone is having sex the bimbo starts moaning and ripping her clothes off and rubbing herself all over. The key to catching the alien, then, is to drive around in a van with the infected nympho waiting for her to get even MORE horny while catching glimpses of street signs through the clone's eyes.

Doesn't make a lick of sense but it's a lot of fun because writer/director Rolfe Kanefsky doesn't let this flick take itself seriously, ever. At times it's a witty, clever script loaded with campy dialogue that works. And at other times its just so much gratuitous sex. But even the sex scenes manage a wink here and there making them less contrived than the standard bump and grind this kind of movie usually dishes out.

Veteran B-movie queen Kira Reed is the real star as the Scully character. She's a talented enough actress to pull off the campy feel essential to the role without going completely over the top. She should be instantly recognizable to any b-movie fan with a cable account and I think she deserves a shot at a legit role somewhere. Kira is much more than an ornament in a no-budget-direct-to-cable sex romp, even a good one like The Alien Files.
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Pretty Good
tonyw443 January 2000
Okay, it's not something that will win an Academy Award. But if you take it for what it is, you'll enjoy it. It's one of those B movies that you have to like because it doesn't take itself seriously, and it's enjoyable. Sure, it's a guilty pleasure, but if you take it for what it's all about, then you'll like it.
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A very sexy Outer Space Movie
ithedork29 September 1999
If your really not into outer space movies, you'll love this one. Myself, I don't even care for the X-files. But given this is an outer space movie that has sex from start to finish, (not hard core sex) it's very well put together. It gets to the point that it is really funny. And if you like to see lots of good looking ladies you'll love this movie.
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The sex virus
Paul-35623 June 2001
Also billed as "The Sex Files" - "Alien invasion"...A plant found in space has strange sexual effects. Plenty of wit, with visual and verbal jokes. Someone took enough care to get the look and timing of things right. The women are beautiful, and the plot is pretty decent for this genre. Much better than I hoped for.
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Great Erotic Sci-Fi Comedy!
Eelsnake13 November 2001
This film earns five stars out of five for being a great all-around postmodern sci-fi retro parody. Overall, Alien Erotica is really campy and corny--the dialogues, costumes, and set seem like colorized versions of their 50 year-old counterparts. The postmod quality of this film results from its being a spoof on the current X-files program coupled with and reinscribed by extremely cheesy acting, periodic shabby footage (that resembles vignettes from 1950's space and monster movies), and extremely hot actresses that look like they're from the pages of Penthouse. The level of the erotic is very high in this film, featuring simulated sexual encounters and full body shots of B-movie hotties Kira Reed, Delphine Pacific, and Gabriella Hall. The most erotic scene sequence begins when Delphine Pacific (a scorching Asian who plays Dr. Claire Danning) is infected by the spores of the alien plant. She proceeds to whip off her horn-rimmed glasses, disrobe and spread the slimy alien spores all over her naked and beautifully shaven hardbody, roll around in ecstasy, and seduce several crew members to boot. What makes this scene so erotic/comedic is the radical switch that Delphine Pacific's character undergoes: the character of Dr. Claire Danning is really square and nerdy--in manner, appearance, and speech, who yet goes through a whole sexual turnaround after being infected by the spores. I would recommend this film to those who like science fiction, those who like comedies, and those who like to see young hot women getting naked.
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kira reed is awesome
Dugan-528 November 1999
Kira Reed is great as the up tight Agent Forrest. She's very funny &...super sexy. She steals the show. Kira should not only be in these sexy late night flicks but in theatrical romantic comedies & sit coms. I also saw a preview of her "Thriller:Caron" film. It's a heavy drama, and not surprising to me, she is just as adept at the tears as the laughs.
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Hardbodied D-cupped Hotties in Space
juliannasqueeze4 March 2002
I saw this film when it first came out late one night on Cinemax. There's a hell of a lot of nudity in it, but it's not really erotic. The nudity seems to be the whole point of the film, as the dialogue is flimsy, the plot nothing out of the ordinary, and the cinematography is a lot like what you might see on TV instead of a motion picture. However, this combination and the earnestness of the acting make the whole film into a comedy. The plot: an alien plant is detected by the crew of a space ship returning home to Earth. The plant is brought on board, and proceeds to give off aphrodiasiacal spores that infect the young women of the crew and make them super horny. In turn, the women then clone themselves, leaving the 'original version' also hot and horny. Then the clones go off to seduce other men and women and the cycle continues. When one woman seduces another, a clone is generated and the clone takes on the identity of the woman seduced, and on and on until the end which I won't reveal. At the centerpiece of this movie are hot chicks that you might see in Penthouse or Hustler--all big titted hardbodied ditzes who act act as though they will use any excuse to shed their clothing rapidly for the camera: Ravanelle Richardson, Blake Pickett, Kira Reed (listed as Kira Lee here), Lauren Hays, Delphine Pacific, and Gabriella Hall. Some of the nudest of the nude scenes feature Gabriella Hall as "Ann Gallo" seducing a security guard, and wildly dominating him and thrusting her big breasts and nice butt all over the place. Then there's ultra hot blonde Blake Pickett as "Officer Kelly O'Conner" who not only seduces another guard, but seduces Ravanelle Richardson in the gas station (not enough shown of this), and pleasures herself in the back seat of the FBI agents' car showing lots of breasts and a nice hard abdomen. Then there's the scene that gets the alien plant fungus in circulation: of Delphine Pacific as "Dr. Claire Danning" who was responsible for bringing the alien plant onto the space ship in the first place. Dr. Danning (who otherwise seems like a boring geek scientist with glasses and hair pile up like a schoolmarm) inhales some of the plant's spores and then literally rips off her glasses, her clothes, pleasures herself, shows off her huge breasts as well as the rest of her hardbody, and then goes off to seduce the space ship's lieutenant. There are a lot of full naked body shots and D-cups galore--including more comic seduction scenes that the viewer will have to take my word for and enjoy himself--but the movie isn't erotic because of this nudity, it's funny because the naked gratuitousness is all the film is about, and the rest of the plot and dialogue act as filler. I'd say it's about an 8 for nudity, a 2 for dialogue, a standard 5 for plot, and 7 for comedy. Designate where your priorities lie.
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A Great Soft-Porn Movie
Gislef13 September 1999
This movie is actually a better version of Lifeforce (1985)! They actually seem to have spent somewhat of a budget on this one, so there's some interesting F/X shots (like the opening space craft). A couple of steps above your average X-rated "rip off a popular title" movie, there's actually signs of a sense of humor, some decent directorial touches, and decent writing. Much better than you'd expect.
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A clever spoof of X-files.
Aldo-927 September 1999
OK, so clever isn't exactly the word I'm looking, but this movie was able to hold my interest(something most adult movies don't usually do). The plot was also pretty good: An alien comes to Earth to find it's mate it was separated from four years earlier. Being a fan of the X-files made this movie all the more fun to watch, the women weren't bad either.
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The Sex Files - The breasts are out there
Dr. Gore20 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers

I bought this one from Hollywood video for three bucks. A horny outer space fungus lands on the U.S.S. Sex-a-lot and proceeds to spray its love mist on the crew. The love sponge nails the good doctor and makes a copy of her hard body. Somehow the spaceship gets to Earth and the alien makes its escape. The rest of the movie has Agents Mulder and Scully, (B-version), tracking the alien species through gas stations and strip joints. They will track those breasts wherever they may bounce. Duty is truly its own reward.

I bet the real Mulder and Scully wished they had a case as interesting as this one. "Alien Files" is a takeoff of "The X-Files" and "Species". But instead of just one horny alien running around having sex, we get about eight or nine different horny sex machines. You see, when the alien touches you, it makes a copy of your body. So the alien always makes sure to touch the hottest woman in the room. It's easier to get some action that way. "I must feed!"

I enjoyed this one. The women were hot, the breasts were plentiful and the alien couldn't get enough Earth loving. It dragged a little in the middle and the ending was a little weak but overall it was a good time.
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Funny and functional.
Benjamin-1923 September 1999
This is a funny movie. It does a pretty good job of riding the "campy" line and not being too stupid. There is little to complain about in this movie. It serves its purpose as well, providing a variety of subjects and situations in a generally plot-driven way.
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Superior soft-core sci-fi spoof
Groverdox24 July 2019
"Sex Files: Alien Erotica" is a soft-core sci-fi spoof that is better made, acted, and more entertaining than it has any right to be. A send up of "The X-Files", it features two FBI agents investigating paranormal phenomena, which, in soft-core world where this movie is set, is an alien life form whose presence makes women uncontrollably horny!

The Mulder facsimile is played by some guy called Mark Collver, who doesn't do a whole lot in the movie. The stand out, however, is veteran b-movie starlet Kira Reed who is perfect as the stick-up-her-butt, but still sexy, Agent Forrest... who also fully embraces her repressed sexuality when the alien lifeform, or whatever it is, gets a hold of her.

As a spoof, the movie has its tongue firmly in its cheek. Note the shadowy, top secret introductory scenes, where we are led to believe we are about to see something truly shocking... and we are treated to the delightful sight of beautiful starlets pleasuring themselves. The best soft-core is female centred, inviting us not to gawk at the ladies on screen, but appreciate their loveliness, and perhaps even sympathise with them. Dare I say that there might even be something feminist about the way the men in the movie are depicted as being afraid of female sexuality, and how they are made to look totally ridiculous for being so?

I may be taking it too seriously, because it is of course just porn, but very well made, funny, and erotic porn, at that, which makes sex look beautiful.
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Really good softcore, X-Files parody.
dbrown-07020410 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
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Alien Files is a fun, sex filled, softcore parody of the X-Files television series and movies like Species. It's the way the stories for all softcore should be done, because basically, it's just an entertaining vehicle for an almost non-stop parade of sex scenes and hot looking women taking of their clothes and pleasuring themselves.

A spaceship finds an unknown fungus while on a mission. The fungus is actually an alien life form in a dormant state. It infects a female member of the spaceship's crew. The alien subsists on human sexual pleasure, so it makes the female get really horny. She tears off all her clothes, smears alien fungus goo all over her body and brings herself to orgasm. The alien creates a duplicate of her body, where it runs wild on the ship, having sex with the rest of the crew and taking the form of a couple of the other female crew members along the way. When the spaceship lands back on earth, the alien escapes and two FBI agents must track it down for the rest of the movie. During all this, the alien has sex and changes female form several more times.

There are twelve sex scenes. Three are girl solo, one is girl/girl, and eight are boy/girl. However, a couple of those are pretty short and the girls keep their clothes on during the lesbian scene. The rest of the sex scenes are all good though. All the women are beautiful, with A list stars like Kira Reed, Blake Pickett, Kim Yates, and Gabriella Hall. The sounds of the actors/actresses are all audible over the music.

This is easy to recommend.
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