They Shoot Movies, Don't They? ...the Making of 'Mirage' (Video 2000) Poster

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A very realistic-appearing documentary about the degrading chase for money involved in independent film making.
thebeckerman25 April 2002
It was pretty gripping, and I wasn't sure when it was done if it was a documentary or a mockumentary. I actually thought it was probably for real. Throughout I kept thinking, what is this madness that makes a person who has no particular vision and no particular thing to say so certain that it is important that his film get done, while most of us, with more to say than "Paulson", never get to get films done? Meanwhile, of course, the joke was on me, but very well done. So I guess they really did have something to say.
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Brilliant and dumb
galensaysyes3 May 2008
Viewed in one way, this film seems pretty good. Viewed another way, it seems pretty bad. Viewed a third way, it seems a product to which that continuum doesn't apply. So which is it? Probably the best key to assessing it is the effect it has on people: it moves them and then angers them: i.e. they're moved as long as they believe it's real, but when they learn it's fake they're angered. That seems unlike a response to an artistic experience and very like a reaction to a scam. So let us assume tentatively that the film is in essence a successful scam.

...which doesn't automatically invalidate it: The Blair Witch Project was a scam, among other things. But as a scam it had a clear purpose: to make itself seem more scary so more people would come see it. And although the scam only worked on the film's first release, and could only work once, yet some people wanted to see the film again; some still watch it and like it on DVD. So evidently it has some merit as a film, the scam aside. Here, that seems not so. The purpose of the scam is unclear, and was apparently never considered. And after it's exposed, what then? The "top-secret" commentary on the DVD reveals the answer: once the jig is up, the party's over, nobody wants to see the film again, nobody (well, almost nobody) wants anything to do with it. That wasn't what the filmmakers wanted, or expected; indeed, they don't seem to have wanted or expected anything...which may indicate they have more talent than sense.

But why should these things be so? Within the terms of Blair Witch, this film is far superior. The improvisations in it are brilliant. Those in Blair Witch sounded improvised, as actors' improvisations usually do; these sound lifelike. The people talk like people instead of actors, they joke around, they say nothing of any interest at all; in fact, like most people most of the time, they're not worth listening to. That's why they're convincing. What they're saying isn't drama, art, or even journalism, and it sounds real, so what else could it be? Since the cast--with one possible exception--achieves that effect uniformly, and most actors can't manage it at all, some of the credit must go to the director. The exception is the actor who plays the producer, who in retrospect might be seen to be tipping his hand slightly. But a lot of entertainment people talk like that; to me he sounded like the producer in Project Greenlight 1 metrosexualized.

So the filmmakers made a film on the model of Blair Witch and expected it to be taken on the same terms. Only they did it better: to do which, they had to eliminate the extra layer of art. Not good art; just art and what goes with it, whether good bad, or indifferent: self-awareness; choice; meaning. Blair Witch hoodwinked the rubes, i.e. people who are--or are thought by the industry to be--naive about art and film and How Things Work, but not those In The Know. This film hoodwinks them--even the one the filmmakers call "the Blair Witch guy." It does what the character in All That Jazz said couldn't be done: it bullsh*ts the bullsh*tters. And THEY HATE IT FOR THAT.

Its method, however, is dubious (and probably irreplicable): it achieves verisimilitude by being bad, or by simulating badness. Taken as a straight documentary, it's banal and boring and stupid. It seems to be concentrating on a dope--an all too real-seeming one--who expects some stranger to hand him money to finish his lousy film. I switched it off a quarter of the way through and would never have gone back to watch the rest if I hadn't found out it was all a sham. If I'd sat through the whole thing unenlightened, my final verdict would have been something to this effect: Here was a movie about a dummy who died for nothing; it seems to be trying to draw him as a tragic hero, but he wasn't, he was still a dummy, only now he's a dead one. Now, of course, my opinion of the movie has changed, but not totally: I still think it's an unfinished work; it's missing a point. It wasn't intended to be funny, and so it has no punchline; its technique is anti-dramatic almost by definition, and so it has no payoff.

But guess what? On the DVD the filmmakers give it these things. They do so unknowingly, again; what successes they have, they seem to stumble into by sheer blind luck; nevertheless, though their flies be unzipped, their bra straps showing, and their shoelaces untied, they pull it off. Their "top-secret" commentary (which may be the only interesting commentary ever heard on a DVD) is the payoff, the punchline, the point. It reveals how they tried to attract a distributor and a publicist and, to their great surprise, offended everybody they offered it to. So the point made is twofold: just as the letters in Les Liaisons Dangereuses reveal more about the correspondents than they know, this commentary reveals something about the commentators. Their attempted promotion of the movie was like the movie itself--a bright idea without a clue--and led them once again into territory they were unprepared for. It's like The Accidental Terrorist: a student pushes a button on his laptop and inadvertently sets off the school fire alarms; he enjoys the ensuing panic but is surprised that people are upset with him. I see this group as pretty much the same: likable but irresponsible; brilliant and dumb.
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Well done
hjajan1 March 2003
I thought it was well made and like most documentaries very interesting. It was certainly a relief to find out (thanks IMDb) it was not a real documentary, but who is to say it hasn't happened out there?

Trying to be creative in a business enviroment can destroy lives very easily, witness a lot of the people that self destruct themselves in the movie industry.
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Best Mockumentary of All Time
Manos-631 March 2002
"Wow" was the only word I could think of after watching this movie.

I had seen a DirectTV preview for a show called DV Theater, and was interested, as I like to do my own movies with friends, and hope to direct one day. The description intrigued me, so I sat down and watched it. I had no idea, going into it, what it was going to be like.

So, onto the movie:

Tom Paulson has just finished shooting his film, and now must put it through post-production. I don't want to ruin anything for anyone, so I'll just say... he gets put through a lot of you-know-what trying to get it done. I was so mesmerized by Tom and really wanted to see if he would succeed. The ending was amazing and powerful, and leaves the viewer dumbfounded at how the Hollywood system can affect someone. Of course, at the time, I thought it was a real documentary. It wasn't until I went onto the film's site that I found out that wasn't so. I was amazed that the director was able to pull off such a convincing story, and Tom's performance was incredible.

As soon as you can, get to the film's web site, and get a copy of this movie. You will not be disappointed, especially if you hope to be in the film business one day.
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filmstudy9 September 2002
In 35 years of watching films and television shows I have never seen anything so life like. I don't know for sure if this is "real" or not but either way it is a masterpiece of story telling. If it is real then every wannabe filmmaker in the world should study it and learn from it. If it is not real then Oscars all around. You have got to be kidding me!! Fantastic.
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Amazing movie
zippytime25 April 2002
I think this says it best - I do not ever remember being so caught up so fast in a movie while channel surfing. I was immediately hooked. The ending gave me a shock and a loathsome feeling I have never had watching movies for 37 years. I stood up saying. This can't be real, this can't be real, no f˜©king way is this real. I was spooked. Finally, I searched the web and soon found the truth from reliable news sites and even an interview from one of the co-creators. I found the truth and am even more amazed. I've never before sent any communication, fanmail, letter, review etc. etc. regarding a movie. Doubt I ever will again. I can't imagine anyone outdoing this. Geeeez these guys have balls; big brass creative balls.
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A Exclellent production .Highly recommend
corvetterich120 December 2005
I loved the movie.. It was very informative about the problems that movie makers face in trying to promote their films..I thought the acting was very good with a very good story line.It could have ended any number of ways and you will be kept guessing the outcome till the very end.The cast was excellent and was in my opinion very professional. Very good film I highly recommend it. And Hey!! it will help other less known good actors and production people to show their talents in a tough field ..This film only proves that a big expensive movie studio isn't the only place where a good entertaining production can be produced..I hope you all enjoy the film as I have.. Its really worth seeing...
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pretty good
adamw_1320 July 2002
Funny that, as a sports fan, I heavily suspected right away that the movie was a mockumentary. If not for this one fatal tiny flaw, I'm pretty sure I'd have been hooked - because even with the flaw, I wasn't sure. But it gave me instant doubt - and then the other little clues gave it away. Had I not had the original doubt, the other clues wouldn't have been noticed by me.

What I'm referring to is, at the very beginning, when it says Tom was a great ballplayer, etc... It says "By the end of his sophomore year of college, he already had contract offers from the Cubs and Astros" (paraphrasing, maybe I have the teams wrong).

As a sports geek - I know this is impossible. You cannot get a contract offer from two different teams. Baseball players are eligible for the draft just before their freshman year, just after their junior year, and just after their senior year.

College players can only be offered deals by teams that drafted them - and only one team can draft you.

So I knew that was wrong right off the bat.

Always check your facts :-)
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So good, I was ready to send flowers to Adele.
creativesolutions2 July 2002
Truly worth the time to watch (experience). This film provided the equivalent of "not able to put it down" for a book. By the end, I found my palms clenched, I was leaning forward on my chair, ready to write a check myself, and damn thankful I do not work in Hollywood-but I am glad these folks do. Great performances throughout, great character development, truly convincing.

Bravo Tom, Frank et al.
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The main actor is unlikable and he's playing an unlikeable character.
LizardKing9705123 June 2012
I thoroughly disliked this film. The main actor is unlikable and he's playing an unlikeable character. The story is sub par in my opinion and I seen the ending coming from the start. I completely understand what the filmmaker was attempting to do and I sympathize with the struggle to finish a film but the protagonist simply whines and whines about art while attempting to get financing, however he never puts himself in the shoes of the financiers, they don't care about art, they simply want to get their money back and frankly his story sounded rather lame and I find myself siding with the money men who want to change his story. I can't enjoy the story or feel for the characters when it's so slow and failing in every way. Sadly I was only interested when he talked about his baseball card collection. I can't in good conscience recommend this film to anyone.
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OK idea; poorly made & badly acted mockumentary
hhfarm-116 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In the beginning this seemed like a reasonable effort for, say, a high-school student interested in film.

But you quickly see through the trick. The tag line "A true story. Based on a lie" has that catchy well-constructed Blair Witch feel to it and you know there was some strong marketing thought and manipulation behind "the concept".

I thought at first it was real but the acting and script is so bad that you begin to see that it's basically bad actors making believe that they are bad actors to give it the "documentary" feel.

The main thing: it's sooooooooooo boring. The lead has all the charisma of an insurance salesman. We see him walk across streets more times than we can count. He's going to take a meeting; he's coming from that meeting; he's talking about the next meeting; he's going over to his car or coming from it. And in between he sits on a couch and talks about himself.

And the baseball-star-to-filmmaker-with-big-contract is so thin.

Even so, it could have been a good story. Boy genius filmmaker goes to Hollywood and tries to go out on his own but runs out of money slides (get it? He was a baseball player and then he slides in life). But he gets enough money. But then he kills himself. And post-suicide analyses try to explain why it makes sense "He was ... so ... focused ... on winning ... so when he did win ... he lost ... but at the same time won ... while losing ...":

If you want to be tricked and manipulated - and especially if you like being bored - this movie could work for you.
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This was my first Mockumentary and it was AWESOME!!!
fhicks6 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
"Spoiler" I saw this on IFC and thought it was a real documentary and was very excited watching since I am an aspiring filmaker. Then the end comes and I couldn't believe what I was watching. I was disgusted with what the director had produced. I was so disturbed I sent him a rediculous email expressing the fact that I hoped he couldn't sleep at night knowing what he had done. Then I went out riding bikes with my son and I couldn't get it off my mind. It kept eating at me and I couldn't believe it was real. I went back and started researching it and found out it was not real and that Tom didn't even exist and I can't tell you how releaved I was. I immediately emailed the director with a "kudos" and he responded with "that makes my day". If your reading this, the whole effect is spoiled for you but you should still watch it. This is the realist acting I have ever witnessed. BRAVO!!!
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First it was the Blair Witch Project Now This
A friend of mine recently dismissed They Shoot Movies, Don't They? as a waste of time but I did not get into much of a discussion with him about the film. I did catch it today and the ending disturbed me to the point that I had to do a little research. If it is not real and I suppose it is not, The producers have gone to great lengths to have you believe it is real.

I suppose it is not real but it sure seems believable. I was reminded of the Blair Witch Project when a neighbor of mine mentioned that the family's of the dead were suing the producers. I replied Hello! it isn't real! A lot of people believed and a lot of people got real scared. After viewing the B.W.P. even I was a little scared fake or not. So anyway some guys made a film disturbing yes provoking absolutely. If it were not so you and I would be doing something else.
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Couldn't get it out of my mind!
rchernoff4 August 2003
Watched "They Shoot Movies" a couple of nights ago. I'm always interested in the "behind the scenes" looks at movies. I knew nothing about the movie, and I watched it from the beginning. I was shocked, and kept thinking about it for several days; it wouldn't leave me. I guess for a 55 y/o man, I must be pretty naive, as it NEVER dawned on me that it was not real. Finally, I decided to do some research, mainly to see if others were affected the same way I was. The comments were interesting, and I WAS VERY RELIEVED that it was not real! Someone please take the HOOK out of my mouth!!

**What a film**-----------WOW
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mikgetakey7 August 2003
Please retract my previous comments. This movie is just that--a movie. I was duped along with everyone else, and honestly I feel a little cheated. "Blair Witch" was a horror film, but this movie deals with suicide which to me is a touchy subject. But I was fooled initially.
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Lamest mockumentary of all time
FinalCutter14 April 2002
Just caught most of this on IFC (missed a bit of the beginning) and thought for about five minutes that it was real, until the shabby acting gave it away.

What I really hate about this thing is not just the fact that I don't see the point (I don't think there is one, except an attempt at a calling card for the director), but the fact that it doesn't take one style and stick with it. At times, it's overwrought intensity, and at other times it's like a boring comedy skit.

The biggest problem of all, though, is that you don't even get to see clips of this movie they're making, which really collapses the whole concept. It's a 'documentary' about the making of a non-existent movie. Yay.

The yelling match scenes are really annoying.

If you happen to catch this one, too, flip away FAST.
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