Reign in Darkness (Video 2002) Poster

(2002 Video)

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Wow ... did THAT suck
Golden_Emu12 June 2003
Now, I make it a point to see bad movies, and stick with them right to the end. I've only turned off one film EVER - "Miracles" with Jackie Chan. But now I have to add this to that list.

This movie was horrendous. Absolutely terrible. The dialogue was unbearable, the accents unconvincing, special effects were laughable and the plot was almost non-existent. It also had a look like it was filmed exclusively using security cameras, which gave them an extra bit of annoyance as one moment you can't really see what's going on because you're too far, and then the next not seeing it because the camera is shaking like mad.

The movie follows a scientist who, while trying to cure HIV, actually is making a virus that creates vampires. The amazing thing about these new vampires apparently is their skill at making kevlar clothing and the fact that they have absolutely no physical weaknesses - invincible to everything (sunlight, bullets, knives, garlic, etc.) - except being complete idiots who like to wear leather outfits and get beaten up as an excuse to move the "plot" forward. The main character tries to get back at the people who made him what he is, and I really don't care if he actually succeeded. I assume he does, but I wish he didn't because then there wouldn't be even the possibility of this movie getting a sequel.

Watching this film, I got the feeling that the filmmakers are goths who wanted to make a movie to show how much they liked vampires and how cool they looked in black clothing and shades in daylight. And sadly, it definitely does not have a so-bad-it's-good quality like so many Troma films because the filmmakers take this seriously, which gives it a completely unwatchable film.
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Elijah_Chandler21 December 2004
OK, first things first, let me get a little rant out of the way: IF YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE AN EX-SPECIAL FORCES BOUNTY HUNTER IN YOUR MOVIE MAKE SURE HE OR SHE CAN ACTUALLY SPEAK IN THE DIALECT YOU WANT THEM TO! The Aussie trying to talk like an Alabama native was, quite possibly, the dumbest idea in cinema history. Except for casting Judge Reinhold as a Black Ops officer in "Project: Human Weapon".

The cinematography wasn't all that bad (except the part where I could actually see the rig they used to lift people off the ground) and it showed what the future of Independent Film will look like (sharp, clear, and almost as good as the studios) but the people behind the camera must've blown their camera budget on that awful looking Kevlar vest thing because instead of buying a red lens filter to simulate night time they just turned the contrast on the camera WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY down. Awful. So, yeah, it looked OK despite having a couple of glaring mistakes but that simply wasn't enough to save a horribly written, shoddily directed, badly acted piece of Australian crap.
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Proof the universe hates me
fortey17 June 2004
I know that cosmic forces conspire against me and this movie is further proof of that fact. You see, were it not so, then this blight of a film, this cancer, this celluloid diarrhea that crept into my eyes and ears and then sat and festered upon my brain, forever burned into my memory, would never have happened.

Now, surely you must think "Fortey, what could be so bad? Why was the movie horrible? Didn't the end clinch it at least?"

Well, allow me to give you a guided tour of the special sphere of Hades that was this film.

To begin, this movie was filmed with a Sony Handycam. Possibly something older than a handycam made by Hitachi, from the mid 80's, I can't be sure. Some viewers appreciated the gritty look it provided. I was distracted by the "Uncle Carl's home movies" look it provided.

Describing the actors as wooden would insult furniture everywhere. Describing the dialogue as horrendous would be accurate and perhaps a little soft. But hey, I'm a tolerant guy. I like Ed Wood movies sometimes, it's hard to make my brain hurt with poor dialogue. But not impossible.

The producers of this film apparently saw the Matrix and a handful of vampire films (though I believe this shlock actually predates Underworld) and thought to themselves "Hey guys...let's take these ideas and then throw them in a blender with feces, slap it in front of a camera and see what happens." And so they did.

The ending though...ahh, the ending. What can I say about that except... I never saw it. I thought a sandwich would be more fulfilling than watching the rest of this film so I turned it off never to watch it again. And I forgot to make my sandwich. C'est la vie.

For those who liked this movie, I recommend Beaches featuring a young Mayim Bialik as well as tasty lead paint chips. It's the treat that can't be beat.
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Quick! Grab some garlic and a sharp stake and let's put this sucker out of its misery!
Infofreak5 April 2003
This movie is so completely awful it's difficult to know where to start! Firstly, 'El Mariachi' is namedropped on the DVD cover and we are led to believe this is a similar looooow budget effort. But in the commentary track the directors Kel Dolen and David Allen let slip it cost a million dollars! Now, by Hollywood standards that is low, but I wouldn't exactly call that a shoestring budget! 'Pi', 'Man Bites Dog' and 'Laws Of Gravity' are three movies that immediately spring to mind that show what can be done with very little money but TALENT and drive, and closer to home Peter Jackson's 'Bad Taste' was a cheap but original and entertaining horror movie that I really enjoyed. So there's no excuse for why 'Reign In Darkness' is so absolutely terrible! I can't think of anything good to say about this. The script stinks, there are no real characters with any substance or funny lines or any real logic behind it. The digital photography is passable I suppose but the acting stinks and the fake American accents are laughable. I couldn't help but wonder why Dolen and Allen made such an unoriginal and uninspired wanna-be mainstream movie in the first place. Why bother trying to compete with Hollywood product like 'Blade' when instead they could attempt something totally extreme and unlike anything Hollywood already produces? Someone like say, the astonishing Takashi Miike would be a more fruitful inspiration rather than this third-rate John Woo schtick. Surely being outside the mainstream allows you to be MORE creative and adventurous, not less! Maybe they were treating this is a show reel and are angling for a mainstream Hollywood career. If that's the case I wish them luck (because they're really gonna need it!), but otherwise I'm baffled about where they are coming from. Perhaps their constant references to Lucas and Spielberg on the DVD commentary says it all. I would say 'Reign In Darkness' is the worst Australian vampire movie of all time, but I've seen 'Bloodlust', and that, believe or not makes this look like 'The Matrix'! Even so this is one of the poorest Australia movies I've seen in many years, and is to be avoided like the plague!
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Tedious snoozer.
dlfasig13 March 2005
The only halfway decent thing about this movie is the cover art. It's easy to see why the principals have no other movie credits - they're just that bad. The only glimmer of on screen talent is from David No, with a real director and a real script he might hope to turn in a creditable performance.

Kel Dolen's lisping narration is a boring attempt to provide some sort of continuity and story line that would otherwise be totally absent from this lame excuse for a movie.

There is one shocker connected to this movie; according to the 'Official' website, they are making a sequel!
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I want this part of my brain back
lynnlefey15 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, it's the hate-child of Matrix and Blade. Yes, the acting, plot, dialog, directing, action sequences, etc., etc. are ALL bad. It's all true.

Like another reviewer mentioned, I simply refuse to stop watching a video I've rented. I have NEVER quit, no matter how bad the film is. Before this, the crappy 'Legion of the Dead' (a 'From Dusk Till Dawn' wannabe) was at the top of my worst movie list. Now it shares that spot with 'Reign in Darkness'.

The only thing good about this movie is the very occasional good squib hit or interesting gunshot.

A few other points not yet brought up... I knew immediately upon seeing this that it was produced on video. The young filmmakers simply do not know how to create depth of field on video. It shows, giving the entire 'film' a very cheap look. Watch 'Starship Troopers 2' or '28 Days Later' for good looking digital photography. It can be done, just not by Rapidfire Productions.

Graffiti. It's all over the place, and it sucks. It's not interesting New York graffiti. I went to art college briefly with a NY graffiti artist. His stuff was really cool. The crap scrawled in the backgrounds of the scenes in this movie is BAD. But, considering everything else, what's to be expected from this film.

Swords. Oh dear GOD! SOMEONE teach these folks how to do convincing on-screen sword fights. I've seen much better stuff on Atomfilm by 13-year-olds. One of the guys is using a fantasy sword, like you get out of cheesy catalogs.

Yes, I sat through the whole movie. No, it doesn't get any better. I had to stop it 2/3 of the way through to control my anger. These young movie makers don't know how to build character in the movie. They don't know how to move plot forward. I have told others in the past that I sometimes wish I could remove the memory of watching a bad movie, and simply replace it with a little note saying 'This movie stunk, memory reclaimed'. This is not the fun bad that 'Evil Dead' is. This is not the entertaining bad of 'Toxic Avenger'. This is just irredeemably bad. That anyone gave this a positive review shows that someone somewhere will like a film you make, no matter how horrible.
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stunningly bad!
histstudent7 October 2004
First i need to say that i took this movie out without watching it all.....but i would bet good money it didn't get any better! There are so many things wrong with this movie that i felt like taking notes just to keep track of them. I mean, what is going on here!? Why is he walking around in daylight? Did i miss something? Why are they injecting homeless people? Why is everybody talking like that and what is the deal with the guy with the southern accent? Maybe they wrap it all up at the i said i took it out so who knows. Don't waste your money renting this. The acting would be laughable if it weren't actually painful to watch. I read somewhere that this movie had a million dollar budget, the largest percentage of which seemed to me to have been spent renting the bmws in the chase scene. They're convertibles, and our "hero" is driving one with the top down in broad daylight. That's where i turned it off!!
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I was an idiot for even watching the whole thing
absinthechinadoll13 November 2006
I collect vampire movies....All of them. The good, the bad, the ugly of them. Everything from Underworld to the original Dracula featuring the one and only Bela...So when I found this in a bin for only $5.50, I thought SWEET!!! A new vampire movie for about the same price as a rental.

Now.....all I can say is that I want my $5.50 back with INTEREST. I would have given the movie a ZERO instead of a one, but there wasn't that option. Don't waste your time or your money...Even if you have the flu and can't get out of the house and it is the only thing you can find on some obscure cable program....Don't do it. You'll CRY when you watch it because you can actually feel your brain cells dying and shriveling up.
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Ophthalamia18 March 2003
How this junk ever got onto rental shelves I will probably never know. Reign In Darkness is not just horrid, it's REALLY BAD! We are talking bad direction, bad lighting, poor acting, et cetera. I cannot think of one positive trait for this flick. I am going to give my 7-year old Nephew a camcorder and see if he can make a better effort. It could not be any worse.
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Ywap1 January 2004
This is by far the worst movie i ever seen. I would have given it a score of 2 if it was a parody because it actually made me laugh at some points.

How can a movie of such low quality be released in the year of 2003?

Avoid at all costs!
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Possibly the worst movie you will ever see...
Colin-davison1 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I picked this film up because I thought the cover looked ok and the write-up on the back sounded okish. Luckily it was a free rental with a top twenty rental. Otherwise I would have been very disappointed at having to shell out a few quid on this turkey!

As already said by others, it's hard to know where to begin criticising a film that fails so badly. The acting is poor, the dialogue is poor, the storyline is disjointed and poor. The main fault is that you have no concept of time throughout this movie. Did it take place over days? Weeks? Or an afternoon? Who knows, because there are no clues and nobody else on the streets apart from the actors and frankly, who cares?

Read the rest of this review if you want, but take my advice, don't rent or watch this film. If a friend has rented it and invites you over to see it, make an excuse up so you don't have to waste 90 minutes on this! You'll regret those lost 90 minutes later on in life!

They try and spice it up with a car chase, some explosions, some sword fighting, some martial arts, and lots of gunfire, black leather/Kevlar outfits and vampires. Unfortunately it fails miserably and my girlfriend stopped watching it after about 5 minutes. Stupidly I have this strange personality trait where I will watch something I have paid for until the bitter end!

(Possibly Spoilers, although you probably won't get this far in the film if you have any sense)

  • The acting. Apart from the lead actor, who could possibly pass as an actor with a few more lessons (Although it's not hard to play a monosyllabic goth wandering around dressed in black Kevlar and leather.) the acting in this movie is by far the worst I have seen. They should have decided on accents at the start and stuck with them. Why try to do fake American accents and fail so badly! I had no idea which planet some of these people were from when they opened their mouth. One guy, an illegal arms dealer, does about 3 different accents in one sentence. I think he starts off as a cockney, then lapses into an American accent and finishes off as an aussie! The ex-marine changes his accent every scene. At first he starts off as an aussie and ends up as a Texan who occasionally lapses into aussie! The two oriental guys who 'try' to mop up the problem at the start are hilarious in their lack of acting prowess. Possibly a reason to watch the film! Well, for 5 minutes anyway! :)

  • The car chase is perhaps the lamest you will ever see. Two BMW Z3's on an otherwise empty road. Racing at about 10mph and set to a soundtrack, which would have been at home on a low budget porn movie. It ends with one of them driving into a wall. No real injuries except those sustained from hitting his head of the wheel. Where was the airbag? Maybe they should sue BMW, or maybe BMW should sue them for inferring their cars are unsafe in sub 10mph head-on collisions!

  • Explosions. Two sets of explosions where he blows up 2 large buildings. The first one you see absolutely nothing, not even a reflected flash in the car window that he is stood right next to! The second explosion you do see something, but it's off-centre and it lasts all of a second. Probably spent all the money on the script...yeah right!!

  • Sword-fighting...why was this even in the movie? I guess one of the 13 year olds who wrote it thought it would be "way cool" or something. Probably thought they could rival Blade if they put sword fighting in too!

  • Martial Arts.. A couple of pointless sequences where the guy playing the meathead ex-marine flips a few knives around and later one where he and the other pointless character, Gage, show off to each other!! Maybe they should have saved the money spent on these scenes and bought some fireworks for the explosions.

  • Timing!!! The meathead ex-marine is shot in the knee. Next minute he is riding a motorbike and walking!! We are given no idea of the timescale here. The main character mourns his wife, but we never saw her alive or get a clue when whe died. One minute the main character is sat at a table with his rucksack on it. Then he explains he has decided to make a Kevlar breastplate to protect his heart and the next minute it's in his hands! The storyline jumps from scene to scene and the viewer has no idea how much time has elapsed in between. It's as if they decided on the scenes they wanted to film and tried to fudge a movie around it!!

  • The main character walks around in a long black Kevlar coat and wears those ridiculously massive boots you see goths wearing with all the little mirrored metal bits on the side of the 4-inch sole. Why? I've seen people trying to walk in them and if I were a semi-vampire trying to stealth around a city I certainly wouldn't pick some cast off boots from Kiss or Marilyn Manson! This film was definitely written by a couple of teenagers who should spend more time outside in daylight hours!

  • Gratuitous sex scene...strangely enough there isn't one in this film, which is odd as they certainly seemed to throw every other clichéd scene into it to try and make a 90 minute blockbuster! Come to think of it though...there are no women in the entire film. Well, no women who actually get on screen for more than 10 seconds and actually speak recognisable dialogue. Possibly none of them had girlfriends to put in it, or maybe their girlfriends could act and refused. We'll never know.

If you heed my warning you will steer clear of this garbage!
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They did alright with this film.
bavron19 January 2005
If you wanna watch Blade instead, do that. This is by no means a fantastic movie, but as they guy who played Vampire number 1, I can say that it is not the end result that was the journey. A couple of friends, with a dream, set out to make a film with no money at all. Through favours and contributions by people, they came up with the product. They broke all air traffic regulations by flying a helicopter under the West Gate Bridge, to create an opening title worthy of a multi-million dollar production. Sure, it was downhill after that, but unlike millions of people worldwide - they tried. If you wanna bag the film, go for it, cos that is much easier than getting off yer bum and having a shot at your dream. So there.
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It doesn't get much worse than this...
Leofwine_draca29 January 2011
Shot on video in Australia with a distinct lack of scope and talent, the biggest problem with REIGN IN DARKNESS is the script. Instead of coming up with something halfway original, it gives us a rip off of both BLADE and THE MATRIX, featuring vampires running around a city in dark clothing and taking part in gun battles and fights. The film is so slavishly derivative to everything that's come before I wonder why the filmmakers bothered – it's obvious they're not going to be able to emulate either of those Hollywood films on this kind of budget, so why even try? The annoying thing is that I'm sure they could have at least made a more watchable film had they gone for something different.

For anyone not familiar with shot-on-video epics, the problems are numerous: the acting is often wooden, the dialogue delivered in a way that would make your local amateur dramatics group cringe. This one features Australians putting on a variety of American accents. The direction is pedestrian and the fight scenes – well, they don't even register. Forget any semblance of characterisation, motivation or continuity. The special effects are negligent – not even any rubbishy CGI stuff to laugh at – and I get the impression that the filmmakers ran out of what little money they did have, as later on we get a few people chatting in a dark room for about ten minutes before the credits roll. Not the most exciting of endings, then.

At the end of the day, if you want to watch this sort of stuff you're going to go with the Hollywood films – and for good reason. I have no idea why REIGN IN DARKNESS has even received a DVD release over here, given that it has absolutely nothing going for it aside from a misleading cover that makes it look like a 'professional' flick.
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Dont let the cover fool you
jlawty22 July 2003
Don't let the cover fool you for this poor movie. the plot had many holes init so i was lost right off the bat. the acting was imporable. the main charactor looked like a batman and agent smith from The Matrix. on a scale of 1 to ten one "being poking my self in the eye with dull wooden spork" and ten being "I loved it." I'd give it a 2 glueing my hand to senitive areas and yanking my hand back. The last time I saw a movie this bad it was called i, zombie. I'd rather watch that again than this.

Pease dont rent this movie it was a waste of film
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Ouch. My brain hurts.
torinhwolf10 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I LOVE to watch people make a good faith effort to make a film that other people will want to watch. I truly enjoy seeing the efforts of independent movie makers, people like Jon Keeyes or "The B Movie Master himself", Ed Wood, working hard to provide something that is entertaining, or informative, or challenging, or maybe even a combination of those. The only thing challenging about this movie was forcing myself to watch it all.

This movie seemed to me to be nothing more than an ego-trip by a couple of guys with access to a camcorder and wanted nothing more than to be able to call themselves "movie stars", or "directors", or "producers". I don't know who backed this thing (note that I didn't even call it an "effort" because that would imply some sort of love for the project and not just your own image on a screen), but my suspicion is that the writers/producers/directors/stars either had more money than talent or are salesmen (in person certainly, because I didn't buy anything that was happening on the screen) on the scale of the infamous Ponzy.

*********Here there be Spoilers***********

OK, I don't want to beat the same dead horse that the other reviews have thoroughly killed, but I have to ask some questions: 1) Why should we care about a dead wife we never see? 2) Why is the first time that we even know this guy has a home life is when we are in his wrecked home where he wants to get his sword? 3) Why does he want the sword? 4) Why does his "lair" appear to be a desk in the back room of a storage building? 5) When did he get a lair? 6) Why did he need a lair in the first place? 7) Is he a true vampire like the Dracula character was in the book and free to walk about in the daylight? If so, that would have been nice to establish at some point. 8) Who or what is "The Council" and why should we care about them? 9) Why did I waste $5.50 at the store buying this movie? [Ok, I guess that one is on me.] 10) Didn't anyone hold auditions to try to find someone who had at least met a former American Marine? 11) or at least someone from the Southern US? 12) Why would someone who was supposed to be an obviously stereotypical redneck ride ANYTHING other than a Harley Davidson? 13) Why is everyone such an incredibly poor shot except the lab geek? 14) Did the lab geek take Kendo and firearms lessons after organic chemistry and before theoretical mathematics? 15) Why was this movie made? 16) What value does it have other than as autoerotic stimulation for its primaries?

I have watched this movie over and over again (usually in small blocks until my eyes and ears feel as if they are about to bleed) trying to find its redeeming message or worth. I have finally come to the conclusion that there just isn't any.
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If you lasted more than 5 minutes
martin_g262 March 2003
If you've seen the entire movie then you have a better constitution than everybody gives you credit for. The acting was, simply put, the worst I've ever seen and even the synchro was bad, well, for the ten minutes I really saw of it. Now, I could bore you with countless comment on how this movie blows but let's just simply ignore this one and move on with our life, it's better this way. And who the hell names a character Michael Dorn???
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Staggeringly bad
tomparker22 August 2003
One of the most appallingly bad vampire movies ever. Without any ability to act or communicate a story visually, the writers/directors/actors resort to an almost constant narrative voice-over. It's really bad. Run away. Very, very fast.
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Pretty bad.
dehickey6 March 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know if it was the hand-held video feel to the movie or it's pointless droning on, but this was horrible.

******************SPOILERS*********************(If you care.)**********

Watch out people because as we speak, the K-17 virus may actually exist...

this is the knowledge they start you off with so you'll feel like the plot could be possible... riiiight. What's with the Aussies and the synthesizers? This film was made in 2002 and yet it contains an almost porno soundtrack. I think they actually spent the whole budget on the title sequence, where everybody's credit came before the title. Too many thoughts to organize them properly, but here goes: humans have developed an immunity to vampire bites so they can't reproduce, in fact just breathing our air may kill them, which is why the few remaining vampires have a 4-stage air filtration system in their lair. Scary. These vampires also don't want their food source (humans, apparently they never thought of raising pigs, or cows) dying off from aids. So they get Michael Dorn, don't forget the name because they say it like 5000 times during the movie, to create a vaccine to cure HIV, but it also turns the subject into a vampire?? It makes just as much sense as an airline pilot being afraid of heights. Throw in an unresolved sub-plot featuring a renegade vampire killing humans, a guy trying to be a crazy Texan, an unresolved issue with Michael Dorn's sword(?), his dead wife, his amazing tactile skills, (apparently he can come up with an idea and then just make it)some badly casted parts, a 5 minute speech to cure insomnia and you've got yourself a blockbuster... in Melbourne, Australia.
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Bless me Bagpipes!!! It ended!!!
stillpirate4life12 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw this "movie" today. I'm still recovering. My stomach actually hurt laughing. This is THE best comedy EVER!!! Vampires in sunlight?! BRILLIANT!!! But seriously folks, this movie was so incredibly bad it has to be put away in shelters and be ignored forever. Unless you like laughing at lame "horror"-films... in that case this is THE film...

Where to start? Well... the actors all sucked. David No tries to save the stuff, and utterly fails. Mainly because he has dumb dialog and he has "Lance" to act against. And everybody is cool compared to Lance. Lance was one of the reasons this film is so funny. His accent is bloody horrible and his "acting" is even worse. If you get Old Yeller's acting... and compare it to Lance... Old Yeller gets the Academy Award... Mr. Michael Dorn was a terrible character, given some unnecessary "feelings" including a dead wife. Michael is supposed te be sympathetic... but you just don't give a rat's bum if he dies or not... Why he HAS to wear long black clothing when he becomes a vampire will always be a riddle to me, like the JFK-assassination.

But hey the acting was that bad, we can go on forever.

The cinematography... I mean... the security cameras and the "oh hello five-year-old, can you film this?"-camera-style all add up in a gigantic pile of dung which can best be described idiotic as well as annoying.

Oh but if you want to have the laugh of your LIFE, you have to see the end.

>>>>>>>SPOILER ALERT!!!<<<<<<<< (like you care)

There's an actual 6 minute(!) long monologue about how the old vampires cannot breath the toxic air that exists today(?), and how they are bloody angry about not being able to drink the blood of people with HIV, cause it will make them sick. This is why Mr. Dorn has to develop the HIV-antidote and is (obviously) the one meant to do this!! wowzers! that's a LOT of crap to deal with... uh not... and it has Mr. Dorn standing around, being angry, and doing nothing whatsoever, besides standing and looking "cool" and stuff, without a thing to say, off course. Because this will destroy the plot!! Oh, nope, they already did that...

anyhow... see this film... you'll still have a laugh or 20.
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oh my god, this is officially the worst movie i have ever seen.
arwinopdam18 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
god where to begin, i can't think of a single positive thing to say about this movie. I watched it while sick, and it just lay there, so i thought, "why not?" I thought wrong I somehow kept expecting someone to straighten up, and shout "JUST KIDDING!" or Darth Vader leaping in and start killing things with his light-saber, god that would own, but no. It was nearly halfway this crap-fest that i realized that not only are they COMPLETELY serious, they actually manage to say all this stuff with a straight face, no matter how retarded the dialog gets.

I tried, i seriously did, but i can't recount any part of the plot without curdling into a corner while crying, as my brain tries to exit my skull by digging it's way desperately through the back of my head, writing the script down on paper would summon chtulu, dropping the script in holy water would cause the water to boil, it is seriously THAT bad.

*possible spoilers start here*

So yes, the dialog sucks, marines are apparently trained to wield two nunchucks at the same time, the scientist had both a gun and a sword, and apparently the skill to use both. The redneck marine kept changing the way he limped every three steps. The vampires at the end where not only completely lame, but also ancient beings still dress in long flowing capes. And the armor the main character made, seriously, what the hell, at what point in bio-engineering does a scientist learn how to create kevlar armor?

*spoilers end here*

so yes, everything said and done, this crime against humanity and intelligence should NEVER be watched, you will never regain the time you spent watching it, and at the end i see that the only possible purpose of this movie, to absorb and destroy small slices of life.
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Couldn't finish it
andrew_jakobs9 December 2006
This is the first time I've ever turned of the movie before the ending. I already started getting worried when I saw the first images.. the movie was recorder with a simple dvcam (or even worse).. The acting is real bad, the camera-work is also very boring and the 'action' is mostly plain stupid...

It's OK for an amateur-movie for the friends of the actors/crew, but it's an awful production for someone who has to pay for it. I expected at least a C-movie.

I'm sorry but I can't be positive about it, and I can't forgive the dutch publisher who put this trash on DVD (I'm glad it was part of a 4-movie DVD which only cost 3 euro's)..
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It's not too bad for such a low budget; give it a chance...
miss_darkangel16 December 2003
The movie was created/shot/finished in just under a year. Despite the plethora of viewers who think the low budget is the only thing that mattered, I find the plot to be interesting and worth watching. News Flash: they wanted to make it as a low budget movie; they had a shooting budget of around $25,000 (US) and did most of the editing with a home computer. They where one of the first to attempt an all-digital film in Australia and made use of surround-sound in place of visual effects, lending a new feel to the movie. The people had an idea and they went for it so the movie deserves your 90 minutes.

I recommend watching it at least 3 times: 1st for the story/for fun, 2nd with a friend who's seen it so you can poke fun at the effects, and 3rd with the director commentary so it all comes together. The commentary explains how some of the effects were done, why a few effects look the way they do, and some general problems/happenings on the set which help you better understand why the film was made and why it looked as it did.

Some aspects to the story require a suspension of disbelief or are under-explained, but many parts (including the explanation of what the virus is and why it was created) are extremely well thought-out. Overall, this movie is no `Lost Boys' or `Forsaken' but still very memorable and worth owning.
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This is not "Blade" (includes spoilers)
jerronspencer28 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
If only low-budget film makers would think before making their movie. A well-shot film, likely on digital, that purported to be in a league with BLADE. It is not.


An AIDS researcher is infected with his own work, becoming a creature of the night. Finding himself hungering for blood, he seeks revenge on a shadowy group that is ultimately responsible. On the way, he has to deal with a powerful vampire and a human mercenary.

The action sequences, if that is indeed what they can be called, are plodding, poorly thought out and mostly non-existent. It is a very poor script with terrible dialogue and lamentable acting. While some of the camera work was good, it could not make up for the many other technical short-comings. The one thing it had going for it was that it finally came to an end.
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Tried to be a Matrix/Blade mixture and failed
Katatonia1 March 2003
I rented this expecting a mildly entertaining vampire/horror movie. The box artwork and description sure made it sound interesting. It tries to be a combination of "Blade" and "The Matrix" at once and fails miserably on both goals.

Very poorly executed in almost every possible way. It was apparently shot on the same Sony digital camera systems that Lucas used on the last Star Wars movie. But the picture on this film is only decent and looks quite fake and bright. Why they even bothered amazes me since this was obviously a very low-budget movie to begin with. The sound is also very poorly done, i could not even understand much of the dialogue throughout the movie.

Avoid even renting this waste!
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I was wrong...
lojitsu6 June 2019
A-Z Horror Movie of the Day..."Reign in Darkness" (R - 2002 - DVD)

Sub-Genre: Monster/Vampire My Score: 3.6

Cast=2 Acting=3 Plot=7 Ending=3 Story=3 Scare=2 Jump=4 F/X=3 Monster=5 Blood=4

Molecular biologist Michael Dorn is accidentally infected with a new virus he is developing, turning him and its other victims into a new breed of vampire.

"Selected to work on what I believe is the cure for the plague of the 21st century...I was wrong." And you will be wrong to watch this movie. It was better to read the concept (it's the only thing I liked) and imagine how good the movie could have been, then to open that steaming pile and watch it. So now it sits on my shelf...waiting for my next trashy vampire movie marathon. Put a stake in this one and be done with it.
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