Demons at the Door (Video 2004) Poster

(2004 Video)

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I was a twenty something Demon.
friggingirish16 June 2010
Forgive Me, for I knew not what I did. Yup, thats me under tons of rubber and goo. Shot on one long day in North Hollywood in front of a green screen, I played, the Demon, at The door. Thats my Blair Witch line, uttered with as much emotion as I could, fed to Me by the director himself. Under that 10 pound rubber mask, I huffed and I puffed and howled, because the contact lenses of the original make up design were unwearable. I got paid nothing, so I'm still proud of what was done. You get what Your paid for here. I did a favor for a friend and never heard from said friend again. Hope He's O.K. What a shock to see it at a Highland Park Blockbuster several years later, actually release on the unsuspecting public. Sheeeesh!!!

Morris Everett
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One of the most hilarious not-meant-to-be-funny movies I've seen
Bastard_Christ10 December 2003
Ok, first of all, this b-movie is very very bad. I don't know what kind of a retarded bunch of lobotomized apes could ever conceive this utter sh*t, but what the hell, what's done is done, and I'm here to review this piece of crap.

The film starts with this prologue with a corny voiceover and Star Wars like words against a space backdrop (the voice and the words aren't even synchronized!) The story is very lame, basically telling about the war between Lucifer and God and how Lucifer is banished to hell, and then comes this Eye of Satan (or what have you) which supposedly frees the Devil and his demons so that they can enslave mankind (Is it just me or does this sound like Lord of the Rings)

Anyways, we cut to some place in a CGI Middle East where archaeologists dig for this eye of satan, something goes wrong when some very typical Islamic terrorist (which is a white guy, funny eh?) shoots a coupla scientists. The gate of hell is opened and a bunch of demons are released (They look like a cross between Predator AND Alien, not the kind of demons I had in mind)

The whole movie is just about how 2 macho marines and a female scientist (funny that they are always young twenty-something females with big tits) kill the demons.

This movie is terrible, but not a complete waste of time though, because there are some scenes which will leave you rolling on the floor laughing, such as the rapping devil and the black marine ripping each other off, funny how most of the demons and the monsters act like foul-mouthed thugs (there was a lot of "yeah i'm gonna F**k your daughter like how I f**ked the Blair Witch) The end of the movie is completely ludicrous and amusing, but I won't give it away.

The CGI in the movie is amongst the worst I've ever seen in any film, mini-series, pc game or flash animation. Some of the stuff could be done on microsoft paintbrush, but this altogether adds to the humor when you point out its utter trashiness. At some point (or most) I feel really bad for the director for creating this, or anyone involved for...umm, getting involved. But in the end it was a joyous experience. I give it a * out of *****, i would have give it a 0 if it didn't make me laugh this hard, which this film succeeded in doing.

ps. can't believe i wrote so much for this crap.
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Turn Off the Lights and Pretend You're Not Home
stmichaeldet4 February 2006
I've got to do something about my obsession with ultra-low budget cinema. For every Death Bed, there's at least a dozen Demons at the Door, and after this brain-frying example of cinemasochism, I really have to wonder if it's worth it.

DatD starts out with an expository scroll letting us know how Lucifer got in trouble with God and got himself thrown out of heaven, and now rules hell as Satan and wars against God and Man (just in case any of that is news to you). Oh, and there's a fancy macguffin which will give Satan the power to move about freely on Earth. But don't bother paying too close attention, 'cause were gonna cover this material at least three more times in dialogue.

In fact, repetition seems to be the watchword for DatD scripters. We get the same dialogue, situations, attitudes, and effects, over and over. Spraying your characters from head to toe with green demon goo can be campy fun the first time, but it gets old fast.

The cast is no particular help, either. Even if they could collectively act their way out of a paper bag, the characters they've been given are confused and unlikeable. Let's see, we've got the Marine sergeant who's locked in an eternal pissing contest with the rest of the world, his sidekick who serves little real purpose other than to receive racist insults from the demons, a bland and uninteresting scientist, the scientist's daughter, who starts out weak, useless and uninformed, but then halfway through the movie suddenly transforms into Super Ninja Archaeologist. And there's the Archangel Uriel, who you think would be more help, but who abandons everyone else to their fates after the first reel. Way to go, Forces of Good!

In the end, the movie gives up any pretense of making sense, veering off into a bizarre harrowing-of-hell sequence that I hope was intended to be funny, but it's not, really. Just kinda stupid and pathetic, like the rest of this film. One to avoid.
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Demonic Digital Dreck
ghoulieguru7 January 2005
In general, I think the digital revolution is a good thing. Somewhere in the world, the next Sam Raimi is creating a horror masterpiece using just a digital movie camera, a home computer and a copy of Final Cut Pro. Hopefully very soon, someone is going to reinvigorate indie horror on a small budget and I can't wait to see it.

This is not that movie.

You know you're in trouble from the first frame of this movie. There's some kind of ridiculous voice over about angels that plays over some really terrible CG shots of the Earth from space and some kind of comet. Then, it cuts to a shot of two archaeologists working on some kind of dig. Apparently they have discovered some kind of ancient door, which they are brushing clean of sand. Take a stock shot of the desert and superimpose a picture of two people with paint brushes in the lower left corner. That's the way this shot looks.

Reading one of the other comments, I was led to believe that the lead "actor", Richard Benedetto, is some kind of established comedian. If I were Richard, I wouldn't quit my day job. Physically, he's a low rent combination of Lou Ferrrigno and Frank Stallone. His acting is the only horrifying part of this whole movie. I'm also not buying the idea that this was meant to be funny. The movie only sways into an absurd comedy in the last half hour. I think someone probably watched the first hour and realized that it wasn't working as a horror movie, so they rewrote the ending to make it into a screwball comedy thing.

The effects are obviously done on a home computer, but not anything that was made before 1979. These look like they were done on an Atari 800. These effects are worse than anything you'll see on a third graders flash animation site. The lighting is horrible. It's as if they couldn't afford a light bulb over 40 watts or they didn't know how to open up the aperture on the camera. They tried to fix this in post by blasting the image with as much light as possible, which just makes it grainy. There are shots in the movie that are so grainy that you'd swear there was sand in your TV screen.

Clearly, the writer and director were influenced by Sam Raimi, but they also seem to love the lowbrow comedy of Trey Parker. Their attempt to create a movie that combines South Park and Evil Dead is a questionable goal to begin with... the result is worse than you can imagine.
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Hilariously Badly Made Horror/Action Flick
paistss26 November 2004
I work at Blockbuster, so I get free rentals. I saw this and said "what the heck, it's free". I haven't laughed this much in a very long time. Horribly bad computer effects paired up with horrible dialog and horrible acting makes for a very funny movie about a battle between humans and the hordes of Hell. If I had to compare it to something I'd compare it to Evil Dead 2. The gallons of green demon blood, the chainsaw, the possessed hand, are all in this movie. And the ending is so unexpected and ludicrous that it caps off the excellent hilarity of this movie. If you're looking for laughs and can put up with horrible acting and effects, watch this movie. You won't regret it.
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This movie sucked
sicparvismagna16 January 2006
This movie sucks. It was not funny (like some of you are saying), and it is most definitely not scary. The acting sucks, the effects SUCKED, and so did everything else. The music didn't help much. It seemed as if they just had a soundtrack of one band and played it throughout the movie. Let me give you some examples of why it sucked: It has the Aqua Team Hunger force floating objects effect It's graphics of the monsters are worse than Evil Dead's. The acting was not good at all. A monster tried to have sex with a girl (which wasn't funny, just stupid) There was 'cool' music playing during dull scenes etc.. I recommend that you avoid this movie at all costs.
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I feel more stupider
Brendzam30 June 2005
After watching this movie two thoughts crossed my mind. The first one being why did I rent this? the second one being. "I think i am dumber now then 2 hours before." This movie was so bad words are hard to find to explain it, but I will do my best. The dialog was horrible, full of really bad one liners. The plot sucked beyond all reason. The special effects were done with micro soft paint. If I had made this movie, I wouldn't show it to my friends, relatives, family or anybody. if i had anything to do with this movie I would keep it a secret to the grave. There is one scene where a monster comes out to attack one of the soldiers, but you can see his HUMAN FOOT. A boot must have fallen off or something, but it is right there in the open. This movie was a waste of my time. If I could get those two hours back of my life I would. This film should be burned and barred for life.
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First there was man. Then came Demons at the Door.
Zazabar27 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to be pretty honest here; this movie was nothing I've ever experienced in my entire life. I had to figure out if this movie was a joke or not. After I watched the movie, I went out on a quest to seek the meaning of life. After I had won the lottery, I took a plane out to Arizona and hired 2 marines and 3 scientists. The marines were hired to protect my scientists while they went to excavate some rock hole which surprisingly led to Hell itself! An angel came out to warn us of the dangers that we were going to face. Soon, the demons came out and attacked us in random spots and released unnecessary amounts of green slime. A horny demon attacked my female scientist and required her to have sex with him. Another attacked my black marine and made racist comments to him. Finally, the big one came and sought to destroy us. While we planned on how to destroy him, he stood there like an idiot. We blew him away and something happened that made my greasy marine go into the hole and block it off from the rest of humanity. He later encountered a dog, which claimed it was the devil. He sent his fat queen to destroy the marine by releasing the weapon of mass destruction. She kept farting in his face and he finally broke free of her stenches and killed the monster. Then he tossed something in the dogs mouth and the dog exploded and now the marine is the new King of Hell. Turns out my adventure was a waste of time and I spontaneously blew up due to the mass amount of faggotness and retardation that I had encountered. Before I died, Roy Knyrim walked over to me and offered his help. I refused. He then went on to tell me "If I save you, I'll invite you to my pre screening of my latest movie "Night Skies"!" That's when my special meter went off the scale and I did my finishing move on him then gave him a teabag he would never forget. Then I cumed onto his face for about 5 minutes and I went on to destroy his existence by going back in time and killing off everyone in his family so that I would never have to watch another one of his movies again.
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Uriel, bring the gas mask!
agent_squirrel24 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK let's get something straight. We all know that this is not a "comedy" in the sense that it actually means to be funny. It's the lame C-Style horror flick kinda funny. And any stab at actually trying to be funny is usually executed in some way that is juvenile. Like a giant fat lady running at someone and farting in their face. OK, so it was pretty funny. The fact that Satan was actually a dog the whole time was funny. The crappy special effects were funny. The demon molesting a naked woman, that was funny. The movie is a joke. A brilliant waste of time. Any humor actually present was obviously concocted by a bunch of 10 year olds. However, this movie does present some moments that were unintentionally hilarious. Basically, if you go through the entire movie pretending that the director really wanted this to be the best movie ever you will laugh your ass off. The special effects alone will make you keel over and cry. I strongly recommend this to anyone looking for some eye-gouging laughter. p.s. the script writer is a racist bastard.
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This has got to be the worse movie ever made!
efrain-218 January 2005
I actually rented this terrible excuse for no budget film because I saw it advertised on Fangoria Magazine. Being a big fan of the magazine, and of good low budget film making, I try to never have too high expectations when watching Indie flicks.

This however was worse than I ever expected! I am about as positive and forgiving a person as anyone can ever meet, but even I can't find anything good about this movie. The plot, the acting, special effects, camera work, everything about this movie is just an absolute catastrophe! What in the world can possess anyone to create something this lousy! I just can't explain any of the above to myself. I was actually embarrassed for the people involved in this project simply because I know I'm not the only one who's experienced this disaster...

To top things off - the director of this movie is an effects man for SOTA - a special effects company that in the past has done fantastic work. I figured no matter how bad the movie would be - at least it would have that going for it --- boy was I wrong! I've seen low budget flicks from three decades ago that had better effects than this - I think someone with no experience and a "do it yourself" make-up effects instruction book from the seventy's could've done a better job! You've been warned - stay away from this vile wreck! It really is the worse movie ever made!
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Horrid horror knocks at the door.
michaelRokeefe6 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
To start with...the packaging artwork is the best thing about DEMONS AT THE DOOR. Low budget, terrible acting, stupid script and miserably lacking special effects. This film is so bad its funny...not ha, ha funny...humor-less funny. The doorway to Hell is accidentally opened prompting Satan to declare war on all mankind. A handful of brave, but very troubled individuals give their all to save the world from the approaching Armageddon. Several ridiculous demons are defeated before the gateway to Hell is closed. Cast members include: Richard Benedetto, Leslie Brockett, Sean'e La'Dae and Angelo Benedetto. Vulgar language is overdone. And music from the Insane Clown Posse does nothing to bring this movie from the bottom of the dung pile.
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Watch out for the evil rubbery demons
Woodyanders15 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Satan declares war on mankind. It's up to a select group of folks to defeat the devil and his minions before it's too late.

Boy, does this gut-busting piece of jaw-dropping drivel possess all the right stuff to qualify as a real four-star stinkeroonie: We've got ham-fisted (mis)direction from Roy Knyrim, a gloriously ludicrous premise, terrible acting from a lame no-name cast, cruddy (far from) special effects, outrageous over-the-top goo-spurting gore, hokey rubbery demons, some tasty gratuitous female nudity, lots of choice ridiculous dialogue, and a simply hysterical surprise ending. A hilariously horrendous hoot and a half.
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A terrible movie that's highly entertaining.
Captain_Couth3 February 2005
Demons at the Door (2004) is just another movie that takes space at your local mega video chain store. But unlike most d.v.d.s that fall into the low budget shot-on-video category, this one actually succeeds in one thing: entertainment. This movie is the kind of production those clowns at Asylum wished or fantasized their flicks could've, should've or would've be. Maybe in their feeble minds they think they crank out cool stuff when in reality it's just garbage.

Demons at The Door starts off badly. I was about to abort the movie (like I do to the trash from Asylum) when it started to get funny and gooey. Two agents and two scientists are stationed at the base of a major find. The problem is that it's the doorway to hell and the demons are loose and their ticked off big time. Can these two unlikely heroes save the world from demon domination?

This is a perfect example of making something out of nothing. If you have a small budget use what you have that cannot be bought with vast sums of money such as funny dialog. A movie with good dialog will over come budget boundaries. Any aspiring film maker should watch this movie and those from Troma to learn how to make a very watchable movie on such a tiny budget. Ladies and gentlemen, it can happen.

Recommended for some cheap laughs. Like a good low budget movie should!
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Did I just really see that?!?!?
harpo_marxist21 March 2005
Dogs and horror. Think of Cujo. That seems like a pretty good combination, if done correctly of course...of course. Well, it seems someone forgot to mention that to the cast and crew of Demons at the Door. Well, let me be fair, it wasn't until after they had completely given up on this project that they gave the spotlight to Fido, so I guess that saves them some humiliation...I guess. Another combination that seemed to have waved bye-bye to this movie way before the beginning were acting and directing. Well...I can't be sure if it was the acting or the directing, maybe it was both, I can't honestly tell. I can be sure about casting though, nice job on the Middle Eastern, very believable????? Seriously, the guy was whiter than Commando Comedian. And please tell me what those demons were doing that the film kept showing over and over again. You remember, the ones that looked liked they were involved in an aerobics class. Were they trying to be scary or looking to dance with each other??? I go with dancing, because they didn't stop doing that the entire movie. ("" just mentally add those quotations in every time I use movie/film from now on) Even when the main "actor" was shooting them, all they did was dance back and forth. Damn you Castellano for shooting up a perfectly benign demon dance party!! I think what had happened was that the crew had accidentally tapped into a taping of "Richard Simmons does Hell Live" and decided to edit it into their movie for lack of content. Will Richard Simmons do anything?? Speaking of Hell, how the hell did this movie get into Blockbuster?? Is the director the VPs cousin?? Oh, and please tell me you didn't actually pay that dominatrix to be in your movie, that was by far the most horrible scene I have ever seen...ever!! I will be permanently scarred for the rest of my life, and I constantly have nightmares that the Weapons of Mass Destruction is sitting on my face!! You have succeeded in one thing crew/cast members of Demons at the Door. You have lowered that bar so much for B horror movies that anyone can now make them...seriously. I am not joking. There is now no limitation for someone wanting to making a movie. No special effects?? No problem..use windows Paint, Demons at the Door did.
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If I had to choose between Demons at the Door and drinking 3 week old lard kept in the muffler of a 1920 ford....
opforce312 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'd pick demons at the door. but not by much. Demons at the door is possibly my favorite movie purely for the laugh factor. i truly believe it is the worst movie ever made. it completely blows away all other movie i can possibly imagine, and i've seen most movies. and it features "MUSIC BY INSANE CLOWN POSSE!!!"

the movie starts out with a horrific montage in the style of star wars, but with a narration that goes so slow the words that are spoken are not even on the screen. the first scene introduces one of our "heroes"(and i use the term lightly) Anna excavating a single wall horribly placed in the middle of the desert with some guy. Soon a generic middle-eastern terrorist shows up and grabs Anna and shoots the guy (no wonder he isn't given credit, its 2 minutes in and he's dead!) attempting to rape Anna(thats a jihad for you) another hero Castellano and Spencer show up to "rescue the *****!"(starts with a "w" and rhymes with "boar) in the words of the terrorist. after letting her go, the terrorist drops an explosive a.k.a. a cell phone with yellow duct tape on it. they evacuate the area by rolling under a blast door right next to the ancient wall in the middle of the desert. and then the first of many horrific effects happens: the terrorist explodes into 3 pieces as if the movie was done on flash(which wouldn't surprise me). apparently this opens the gateway to hell...

next we are introduced to Anna's father, doctor Angelo. soon they are visited by the "arch-angel Uriel" who, after fending of a sock puppet demon from hell, tells them of a great battle between the earth and the heavens and a magical amulet called the "eye of Satan". they obviously are prepared with a huge stash of machine guns and the like on site with them since they ARE a research team after all. the doctor receives visions from a villain from power rangers... er.. i mean a DEMON!!!

soon after they receive messages from the same demon (you want more than 3 costumes? go watch something decent) about how the demons are going to do many bad things which cannot be said here to them. the doctor enters the bathroom/lab/kitchen and is attacked by a snake demon that eats his head. it is a sock puppet, but it does eat his head, which is rather funny looking. Mr Spencer later enters and kills the demon by wrestling it to the ground, pulling its teeth out as it cusses and makes racist comments at him, then ripping it in half as nickelodeon ooze sprays everywhere. it was 100x more than ever seen on super sloppy double dare. after wards he slips on the slime and with a cartooney sound effect he falls down and hallucinates that the headless doctor is talking. more racism, more bad jokes, more bad effects.

more stuff happens, more stuff... eventually Anna takes a shower(we all need to keep clean after all) and is attacked by a monster to attempts yet another rape, but is cut short(cue laughter) as castellano shows up with a chain saw and lets her cut off the demon's private bits. after a fight with a talking eyeball and castellano blowing himself up to go to hell to fight Satan, he shows up at Satan's throne to find Satan is a very small dog. he laughs. makes more bad jokes, and fights his wife who is a female sumo wrestler. he then feeds the dog the eye of Satan with a cell-phone-esquire bomb on it and detonates. what follows is the worst effect in cinema history. the dogs eyes turn red, roll off his face as if done in flash again, then his head shoots off in an explosion done in all the grace of the first episode of south park and the body falls off screen. he is joined in hell by his friend the "one armed fudgicle as he was called after his arm was amputated, see the movie) and they have a drink. then the movie ends.

thank you knyrim family for bringing us this grace to the silver screen.
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it is so bad it is painful
swstephe-128 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
the movies special effects are about the level of "mighty morphing power rangers", but some times gets down to bad flash animation level. the acting is worse than high-school drama class. and that is just the movie.

the movie is extremely racist, sexist, foul-mouthed, ignorant and offensive to everyone. the fact that it ever got shown outside of some high-school gym or film class is a sad statement on the world. i felt very pained seeing this movie. you would be better off watching "faces of death" than this garbage.

the only thing good i can say is ... it makes every other movie, even "Gigli" look like Oscar material.
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Dire beyond belief. A complete waste of time!
roboteach30 August 2005
Despite reading other's comments I tried this film. Unfortunately those dismissing it as abject garbage were overstating the quality. The plot as described appeals to those intrigued by the ancients yet does nothing to whet their appetite. The acting is worse than a porn film, I half expected John Holmes to appear, even though he is dead, and show the guys how to do it (better). The special effects could have been produced using crayon on a flip chart and would not have been less impressive. The only redeeming feature is that it does end and not a moment too soon. Perhaps in future we can use this title as a euphemism for needing to defaecate immediately (cf prairie dogging). At least those of us unfortunate enough to ignore the warnings will understand just how imminent and severe the resultant discharge will be, even if no-one else does. In short beware! You could be wasting the last few precious minutes of your life.
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Worse than the holocaust...
evanstew20 October 2006
This movie is so bad it makes me embarrassed to be from the same country in which it was made. I couldn't believe it. My friend and I rented it to make fun of the Insane Clown Posse (who did the horrible, not-synched up, tacked on soundtrack), but we had no idea what we were in for. I've seen bad movies before (Glitter, anyone?) but this was just too much. If you like watching idiots that can't act get splattered with green goo for 2 minute blurbs, in between swearing a lot and mispronouncing fictional biblical names, this is your film. If you like to see meatheads grappling with inanimate puppets, this is your film. But if you value your sanity, please refrain. This movie is ten levels of horrible beyond 'so bad it's good.' It's the worst thing that has ever occurred in human history. Worse than the holocaust, worse than any war, worse then Joe Don Baker, worse than driving tests... this movie is evil. I would rather eat this DVD than watch it again.
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The filmmaker's mothers
mimikenneth9 January 2005
must be the two who wrote favorable comments on this incredibly horrible and pathetic movie. I see no Monty Python (those guys were FUNNY) and cringed from the beginning to the end. The screenplay, audio, film quality, directing and acting were the worst I have ever seen. I couldn't understand half of what was being said, the director cut off the tops of everyone's heads until that was pretty much all I was looking for in each scene, the storyline was impossible to follow and of course, the typical girlie nude shot. If you guys really wanted to be funny, why not a guy nude shot? At least it would be something different. I think this movie was made by some tenth grade boys who borrowed their parent's camera and an old computer graphic program and did it all in one weekend. Note to the makers of this movie - PLEASE don't ever make another movie; keep your day jobs. I would have voted a 0 on this movie, but there wasn't one. I know it's only 2005, but I am nominating this for the worst movie of the century.
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If this film is ever sent into space for extraterrestrials to see, they will have no remorse in destroying Earth. And I wouldn't blame them, either.
I_saw_it_happen18 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps movie cameras should have a five-day waiting period just like handguns. Because surely, after five days, someone would have talked some sense into the people who made/starred in/financed this film. Surely the brain worms residing in the script-writer's skull would've died from lack of anything to eat, and the script-writer would have stopped confusing their squirming death-throes for 'ideas'.

Sure, you can argue that one shouldn't expect much from an obviously low-budget movie about killing demons. But this movie just made me angry. At myself, for renting it, at the film-makers, for making it, at God, for making the film-makers, and at the world, for not imploding as soon as this thing was distributed, thus saving all unsuspecting from the torment that ensues once you hit 'PLAY'.

I watch plenty of bad movies. And we're talking bad, bad movies, not the campy stuff like the Evil Dead movies or John Waters films, which are kind of exploitative commodifications of the bad-movie genre--- I'm talking Chupacabra movies, I'm talking 'Blood Gnome', 'Despiser', 'Survivor Island', all those Sasquatch movies Lance Henrickson's been in... really, really bad movies, but which I can always find some redeeming quality in. Not this one. It's the worst 'bad' movie I've ever seen. I'm not being hyperbolic. It's really that bad. I entirely understand that when someone says 'Don't do this', most people have a temptation to do it anyway. But in this case, if you haven't already seen this movie, then don't.

But most likely, you already watched this atrocity if you're reading about it here, seeking some sort of confirmation that other people in the world are filled with as much self-loathing as you are for accidentally encouraging the creation and distribution of this sort of sexist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, anti-thought garbage. And for you, who have suffered so, here is something to consider.

*SPOILERS FOLLOW* 'DatD' reflects a frightening American misunderstanding of the world, particularly the conflicts in the Middle East with which we've been involved. DatD circumvents the political controversies of our recent world by simply affirming that American machismo is where God places all faith.

A bomb-wielding Arab fundamentalist kills an innocent American and threatens to do it again. This guy is the caricature of Islamic fundamentalism. He's killed by American military caricatures and the Gates of Hell (read: The spoils of the Middle East, oil fields and such) are opened. An angel appears, representing the highest authority (think 'the U.N.', here), and after a brief scuffle with the American meat-heads, explains that they shouldn't have opened up the Gates of Hell in the first place, but now that it's done, well, whatever. The angel has to leave in order to maintain some ridiculous concept of 'non-interference'. From an insulated bunker, the Americans (the aforementioned meat-heads, an old scientist guy and his supposedly sexy daughter) all briefly debate what to do, but the meat-heads take over and decide the smartest plan is to 'lure them inside' and torture them. Parallels to certain American-run compounds where torture was seen as justifiable may here apply. There's some occasional TV broadcasts from the demons, who keep making threats (like those bin Laden tapes). There's snake-puppet demons that attack from the pipes and kill people (pipelines, perhaps?). Even the snake-puppet gets tortured gratuitously. About this point in the film, you just want it to end. But it continues. The token black guy asks to have his arm cut off by the female lead, so he'll not be possessed by the infectious evil of the snake-puppet demon that bit him. I'm not really sure how this ties to our current political situation, and anything would be a stretch, probably, but it happened. There's a 'big' demon that gets killed, which involves the token black guy sacrificing himself to save his buddies. The message here should be clear enough. The white male protagonist goes through the gates of Hell, blows up the gate behind him and soon reaches the throne of Satan. Satan turns out to be a tiny yap dog with a fat goth girl as his bodyguard. She farts on the meat-head and he kills her, then blows up Satan with a bomb which, for some reason, he tries to eat. The meat-head then sits on Satan's throne and proclaims himself the new King of Hell. The angel assures the female lead that this is all a good thing, that mankind has new 'protectors'... and then the meat-head and his token black friend (who wound up in Hell) conclude that all they have to do now that they're ruling Hell is drink beer. And they toast themselves. The film ends. Existential dread sets in upon the audience.

The end of the film isn't really funny. It's random, and randomness passes for humor a bit too frequently nowadays not to be a predictable element of most comedies. But DatD is not a comedy, so it does work better than any of the rest of the film. But when a farting goth girl and a dog that eats explosives are the best you have to conclude your film with... well... maybe you shouldn't have made a film. If we read DatD as an idiotic interpretation of American foreign policy over the last few years, we can easily see the dog as Saddam Hussein, this evil menacing figure we feared so much, who ultimately got 'dethroned' and sentenced to death relatively easily. As if he were little more than a yap dog. The end result is that America now sits on the throne of power in Hell (the Middle East) with nothing better to do then act macho and drink beer. Which is pretty much where we were by 2004, when this piece of garbage was released to the world.

Aside from all that, the dialog is annoying. The shower scene is completely childish. This film doesn't just celebrate brain damage, it IS brain damage.
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So... Um... Yeah, that's Satan!
geminiredblue8 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING! This is quite possibly the WORST film in existence! That's right. Worse than BATTLEFIELD EARTH. Worse than MANOS: THE HANDS OF FATE. And, for fellow zombie fans, much MUCH worse than BURIAL GROUND. Recently, this accursed little pile of dog poopie found its way onto a multi-DVD collection called Urban Chills. And while most of the collection is pretty bad, this film is ABYSMAL!

Here's the so-called story: Somewhere in the Middle East (that narrows it down) at an archaeological dig, for no reason a terrorist shows up and starts terrorizing the three or four people there. When the two muscular, but empty-headed, security guards go out to confront him, the terrorist takes a woman hostage. The main security guy talks all macho to him while everyone's training their guns on each other for, like, ten minutes. Before the terrorist gets shot. In the process, he sets off a nuclear bomb... Yeah, a nuclear bomb... Though it looks more like a pack of TNT! Anyway, by setting off the bomb, a door to Hell is opened. A badly-done CGI dragon thingamabob exits and warns the people that they'll all die. So now, secured inside their bunker, they're repeatedly tormented and killed by a legion of (wait for it) hand puppets, bad CGI, a few Predators (yes, I'm serious), and a guy-in-a-rubber-demon-suit who laughs and taunts nonstop. And yes, at the end, Satan does make an appearance. All I'll say is WOOF-WOOF! Acting by all is reprehensible. Along with, oh, editing, lighting, cinematography, special (haha) FX, music, sound recording, script-writing, producing, executive producing... oh yes, and directing. In fact, this movie should be shown in a first year college class to show how NOT to make a film. Everything about it just stinks. If you're looking for a film to mock, though, then look no further!!!
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nogodnomasters22 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A group of individuals attempt to keep all hell from breaking loose. Most of the filming is done in one room. The film proved to be a career killer. The bad acting blended nicely with the cheesy special effects and camp dialogue. CG and rubber demons squirting green goo filled the screen. Voice enhancers fill the audio.

This is not a film to watch straight. It definitely requires meds. I would rate this down there with some of Peter Jackson's early work.

Hip-Hop soundtrack. Part of a 10 pack of films called "Urban Chills" I picked up at Walmart rather cheaply.

Parental Guide: F-bomb. Nudity (Leslie Brockett in perhaps the cheesiest shower scene in film)
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Campy Horror--funny as HELL!
cooper511200329 December 2004
This movie is a mix of Monty python meets the evil dead in a city alley all on an obviously bare naked budget. the cheesiness of the cgi effects combined with the B movie atmosphere and camera work make for a hilarious movie. I haven't laughed this much in years.Its obviously tongue in cheek, the film makers must have had a blast making this one. Also the music by Insane Clown Posse really adds to the fun of the film.This is pure 80's camp horror at its finest. and the ending is so unpredictable that you will have to see it to believe it. Sure its cheaply made but it made me laugh =A LOT- check it out I can't recommend this more.
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you'll laugh at how stupid and cheesy it is
skagod6915 April 2005
i'm giving this movie 3 for 2 reason. I liked the soundtrack (ICP) and the main chick was hot. They used the same special effects that you see in Aqua Teen Hunger Force (for those of you who don't know it, it's a cartoon). The opening story was typed on a computer, hell my gf was even able to tell us what font they used lol. oh and the opening credits...LONGEST CREDITS EVER!!!! The acting was horrible and you'll never look at Satan the same way again. I was cracking up for a good part of the movie because it was just soooooo bad. If you're someone who likes to watch bad movies then you should see this. Especially if you have a thing for rapping demons.
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What a flick !
ProSec3029 December 2004
I just saw the great movie "Demons at the Door". It was Hilarious and had more one-liners than any movie I've ever seen. It's a slapstick / horror spoof where nothing is sacred. You can tell the Director is a Star Trek fan by some of the 70's style special effects. Not to mention the star of "Demons at the Door", Rick Benedetto, was fabulous. He also was the co-star of the reality show "Life Without Shame" which, unfortunately was banned from television after 3 years of "off the wall pranks, insults and mayhem". I hope they come out with Demons at the Door II.

These comedians are way ahead of their time. I rate it *****
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