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Meek librarian by day, homicidal goth by night.
BA_Harrison27 February 2011
Despite an engaging central performance from April Monique Burril as sexy schizophrenic Sally, the goth girl with a penchant for power-tool mayhem, this low budget trash horror didn't quite cut it for me, never attempting the true horror one might expect from a film that frequently references The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, nor delivering the gruesome graphic splatter from one that features a cameo from none other than the 'godfather of gore' himself, Herschell Gordon Lewis.

Director Jimmyo Burril, lucky spouse of leading lady April, clearly has a great love of the genre, and his script throws up plenty of suitably warped and offensive situations, but the full potential of his delightfully deviant material is often left unrealised: Sally's early murders are frustratingly gore-free, her severing of a guy's tally-whacker remains strictly out of frame (although the addition of the sparkler to the wound was a nice touch), the splattery demise of a woman forced to consume acid is regrettably brief, and some nail-gun action towards the end really could have been much nastier.

Whilst the absence of in-your-face, gross-out effects can probably be put down to budgetary restraints, no such excuse can be applied to the low standard of acting from all but its attractive star or the weak stabs at dark humour.

4.5 out of 10, rounded up to 5 for IMDb (although I was tempted to round it down to 4 to counterbalance the suspiciously high proportion of over-enthusiastic reviews here on IMDb).
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fails in editing and sound which tears this flick downward
trashgang19 March 2012
This flick was only released as a zone 1 DVD which means that Europeans couldn't catch a copy or you need a zone free player. On the other hand it was sold out rather soon and it even became a bit of a cult flick in the US which resulted in some kind of series know as The Chainsaw Sally Show released in 2010.

I just tracked down the original flick because it contained two famous names, Herschell Gordon Lewis and Gunnar Hansen. I think that I don't have to make any introduction to those both names. Herschell the godfather of gore and Gunnar being Leatherface.

For most of the other actors it was their first real attempt, except Silver Scream (2003) which came out straight on video. And you surely doesn't want to watch it for the acting. There are a lot of problems with this flick. The acting is sometimes really wooden. Okay, maybe Jimmyo Burril (the director) didn't knew his stuff back then except for Silver Scream and it shows. The editing was really bad and the sound was sometimes worse. You couldn't understand what they were saying when there was a conversation going on. The comedy added was for me so typical American and for me that's mostly not laughable as it shows again here. The story on the other hand is okay but didn't really work out on the screen. There's red stuff on the screen but most of Sally's torturing is done off-camera. There's a big ode towards The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, just watch the poster and Sally's swirling with the chainsaw just like Leatherface did at the end of TCM. Or when Sally is playing TCM with her brother. Nevertheless it wasn't really my cup of tea. Some parts I did enjoy others I didn't like. It's clear that gorehounds hate this, it had so much to offer but I blame it on the extreme low budget and being the first attempt of Jimmyo to make a full feature.

Still, the series that was made in 2010 had more gore which is normal, it was made 6 years later. Even that became a bit of a cult series and is already OOP.

Gore 2/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0,5/5
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Wasted potential.
ThrownMuse27 March 2007
"Chainsaw Sally" is one of those movies that has a premise to die for. All I needed to know about this was that it was about a librarian by day and a chainsaw-wielding murderess by night. I can more than identify with that basic plot, so when "Chainsaw Sally" finally got its DVD release, I jumped on it immediately. Unfortunately, "Chainsaw Sally" comes across as a bad inside joke.

The film follows Sally (April Monique Burril), a small-town librarian who likes to keep things in order. Everyone in town considers her the local frigid spinster. However, Sally and her irritating drag queen little brother form quite a macabre little pair who use their spare time at home to reenact chase scenes from horror movies. And when someone rubs Sally the wrong way, she trades in her stereotypical librarian garb for a mall-punk outfit (which has her looking like a sad Switchblade Symphony reject) and goes ballistic with her chainsaw. A stranger who inherits a house in town starts snooping around for information on the house's history, and turns to Sally for her librarian skills and perhaps a bit of wooing. Will he get too close and uncover her secret? Who cares? There's so much wrong with "Chainsaw Sally" that I don't know where to begin. Sally's victims never recognize her as the dorky local librarian, even though the only thing that's different about her is a costume downgrade. One of the local snots who makes fun of her is later wooed by her at a "goth" club, and they engage in a quick sapphic smooch--yet she never notices it's the same chick. What's more is no one seems to be concerned that so many people in such a small town are constantly disappearing or being murdered. The amateur actors, especially the lead, all come across as unenthusiastic. Burril seems to attempt channeling Pamela Sprinsteen's "Angela" from the "Sleepaway Camp" sequels, with her absurd moralizing before each kill. "DO YOU KNOW THAT LIBRARY BOOK WAS THREE WEEKS LATE?!" While this dialogue can be amusing at times, Burril is clueless as how do give a proper comedic delivery. She just sounds bored. The supporting cast doesn't fare much better and mostly sleepwalk through their roles. The genre vets are in this only to give the movie some cred: the original Leatherface (Gunnar Hansen) pops up for a few seconds in a flashback, and gore-god HG Lewis has a throwaway role as the hardware store employee where Sally buys her weapons.

What's just as distracting as the bad writing and acting is the awful editing. This completely unscary horror movie is filmed and edited like a daytime soap opera. Often a scene will end with characters talking and another scene will pickup with a different set of characters talking about something unrelated. Repeat. I will say that there are some interesting and inventive murder ideas here, but the execution of these scenes is very poor, usually not showing enough to satisfy even the slightest of gorehounds. Often the scene will cut to Sally's dopey mug instead of showing what she's doing to her victim, which just makes it all the more irritating.

The most frustrating thing about the film for me (nerd alert! nerd alert!) is that the filmmakers obviously know nothing about libraries. The small town public library in "Chainsaw Sally" consists of a small room with a bunch of books strewn loosely about on shelving units against the walls. They don't even have call numbers on them! Sure, this is probably due to budget constraints, but they could have at least tried! To quote Parker Posey's character in "Party Girl," "We'll just put the books any damn place we please! We don't care!" That classic outburst pretty much sums up "Chainsaw Sally"--a poorly thrown together movie that leaves the viewer with a big mess and a headache.

I was really looking forward to this one, and I'm sorry to say I do not recommend it.
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huge letdown
movieman_kev3 March 2007
I decided to give this one a try from the pretty positive reviews, silly me, I thought this tale of a mild mannered librarian turned psycho killer had some potential. But the sad truth was that everything about this mess of a film is simply awful. From the porn-caliber acting to the lame ass comedy. The special effects (aka. Gore) was all right, but the rest of the movie was so bad that mere words can't convey how utterly disastrous it is. I thought that having the legendary Gunner Hansen AND legend H G Lewis would be a good sign and I'd find a diamond in the rough. Alas, no I couldn't have been more wrong. Avoid this film at all costs as it can only bring you misery. I consider myself a huge B-movie horror fan and even I loathed this film. That should tell you something.

My Grade: D-

DVD Extras: Commentary by Director/writer Jimmyo Burril, actress April Burril, and actor Shawn Jones: 30 minute documentary on the film; an interview with Gunnar Hansen; Story boards; a music video; promotional trailer; and trailers for "Skin Crawl", "Bacterium", "Creature from the hillbilly lagoon", "Chantel", "Sinful", "Shock-O-Rama", "Feeding the Masses", "Prison a go go", "Bite me!", "Screaming Dead", Suburben Nightmare", "Slime City", "Women's prison massacre", "Criminally Insane", "Satan's Black Wedding", & "Nurse Sherry"

Eye Candy: Lesley Vermot got topless
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Chainsaw Sally
ultra_tippergore3 September 2007
Chainsaw Sally is an homage to The Texas chainsaw Massacre (even the original Leatherface, Gunnar Hansen, is here with his chainsaw) and to horror classics in general (some Halloween explicit references for example). Its done in black comedy fashion, with a shy, nerd chick that at nights becomes a chainsaw sadistic killer and his drag-queen brother. This indie low budget flick is far from great, it have a couple of good killing scenes and some moments of good photography but the movie itself is a little slow paced. Overall, its a good effort and its worth a look if you don't have huge speculations. A plus is the stunning Kristen Hudson...a really hot chick. Ultra-tippergore rate this movie: 6/10
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It's just bad
k-daniels19905 May 2014
This movie is really bad. I don't mean cheap or amateurish, as I understand low budget independent film making has many obstacles. My problem is that it is written terribly, acted even worse and is just a massive rip off of John Waters brilliant, Serial Mom. The title character ( played by the fleshy and comatose April Burrill ) kills those who offend her sensibilities by acting in ways she feels are unacceptable. Bad manners, talking in the library, not recycling ( whoops, that's from Serial Mom, sorry )... well, u get the picture. Basically the writer has taken Beverly Sutphin, Waters's domestic maniac, and put her in some punk rock ( read: I bought this cool gear at Hot Topic ) clothes. I could let the ripping off slide if the damn movie was even a little entertaining but it's not. I gave this one star. I do like to find one positive in any movie I hate, and in this, it's the actress Kristen Hudsen. She is beautiful, sexy and the only person who appears on screen that can act. Why isn't she Chainsaw Sally????
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Psychomania: The History of Chainsaw Sally
Tromafreak4 January 2011
Now, here's one that I went waaaaay to long without seeing. And might I add, an experience more than worth-the-wait. Chainsaw Sally, to me, comes off, simply as a love letter to real Horror flicks, as well as real Horror fans. A perfect example of why low-budget Horror is far superior to the big-budget mainstream bores that will forever clog the studio-owned theaters and TV stations. Played by the gorgeous April Monique Burrill, Sally, a soft-spoken librarian, first appears to be a reasonable enough person. Although, it's probably a good idea to keep a low profile, considering Sally goes out at night and slaughters semi-innocent people. Kind of a rip-off-ish story of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. When Sally was a child, she witnessed the murder of her father, played by Gunnar Hansen. So, now, Sally is Convinced that it's her job to defend her home, and her brother, and to to slaughter anyone who she considers "bad". So, basically, Sally is crazy, and she's right in the middle of a killing spree. Aside from that, Sally is reasonable enough. And if a totally entertaining storyline, hilarious script, and hot lead actress isn't enough reason to check this one out, just keep in mind, that our pal, that's right, good ol' H.G. Lewis got himself a role in this 21st century cult classic. For truly one of the sweetest double features I could possibly think of, pair this one with up with Sick Girl. And if you end up liking this movie I speak so highly of, you'll be pleased to know that Chainsaw Sally: The Series (season one) will be released on DVD, this month, from the good people at Troma. I guess we missed the original airing on NBC. Oh well, It's gonna be rad. I guess it's supposed to serve as a sequel, in TV show format.As for the original, we're talking'pure entertainment, lots of laughs, two very appropriate cameos, and not a dull moment, with the beauty of April Monique Burril being the highlight. In my opinion, the only thing stopping Chainsaw Sally from achieving B-perfection is an obvious and unfortunate lack of extreme gore. But by all means, don't let that stop you from enjoying this quality independent Horror flick. Gore or no gore, Chainsaw Sally is a rare bright spot in modern Exploitation. Passionately recommended to Horror enthusiasts... I mean real Horror enthusiasts. If you like The Sixth Sense, and you've never heard of Two Thousand Maniacs, You just won't get it, and it is my privilege to inform you that reading this review has been a complete and utter waste of time. 8/10
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Bloody Great
tcoll3216 April 2008
This is one of those films that make me like independent horror films over mainstream Hollywood ones. Chainsaw Sally has a very simple premise. A young girl and her brother witness the brutal murder of their parents but their father (played by the great Gunnar Hansen) hands out his own brand of justice prior to dying courtesy of his trusty chainsaw. So the very young older sister raises her younger brother away from the eyes of society. Jump forward to the present and we see the grown up Sally, by day a normal librarian but by night a one woman avenging angel. Her brother is a stay home dress up kind of guy (he is neither gay nor a cross dressing person but a guy who was raised by a young girl who didn't know any other way to dress him). He keeps the house pretty while Sally saves them from evil developers, cops, and the occasional moron who didn't shut up in the library. The movies boasts great cameos from Gunnar and HG Lewis who plays the hardware store owner Mr. Gordon(take a wild guess who is his best customer for power tools). I heard about this film at least 2 years prior to it's release and have to say that it lived up to the hype. Shot and acted very well, it is a model for other independent film makers to follow. Don't over due it. Stay true to your story and let the characters take you on a great journey. I can't wait to see what Forbidden Films comes up with next.
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Heck of a good time!
jynx24231 August 2007
OK - I know it is not a great movie (not really even a good one) but I have to admit that I LOVED this flick! There is something charming about a mild mannered librarian with an almost super-hero, goth, chainsaw wielding alter ego with a transvestite little brother. My friends and I laughed throughout the entire thing - and kept making comments like, "...if she were our local librarian - we'd totally hang out!" I also really enjoyed the music. We were all ready to absolutely hate (love/hate relationship) this movie, but by the end - we all had to admit that we liked it. I think I'm planning on a purchase so I can see it again!
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Awesome Low Budget Film.
horreurdenuit6 October 2004
I went to a Horror film convention this weekend, and thats where i saw chainsaw sally. I would highly suggest for horror film fans out there to check it out once it hits videos. The film had quite a few death scenes that were very unique. The film has you wondering from the beginning to the middle and the end. It has potential for a great part two or prequel. I would say my favorite part is where sally is writing on one of her victims stomach but thats all i will say for that because the scene has a lot more to it. Her brother ruby played such a great freak who is obsessed with drag clothing, he was my favorite beside sally. All i have to say is, i cant wait until it comes out to buy so i can own it for my collection. Seeing the film and the commentary from the director was the best part of it.
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Not your typical independent horror film!
snackerwizard8215 March 2005
Chainsaw Sally was amazingly great! I was so surprised with the star quality of the film. From start to finish Sally was extremely entertaining, the acting was wonderful, locations and set design were superb.

The story is of a woman who loses her parents at a young age to 3 escaped mental patients. This sets her on her path of "killing the bad". The shiesty villain in this film is Harvey Benton. He's wanting to build what he calls "Benton's Quest" but the one thing he needs to get his plans underway is a 200 acre plot of land, on this land is the little farmhouse that Sally once called home. Benton calls in the owner of the land, Steve Kellerman, to convince him to sell the property so that he can go about launching his renovation, and modernization of the town, that's when things get messy.

Sally and her brother Ruby set out to rid themselves of the troublesome Harvey Benton. Sally stops to right some wrongs along her way, taking care of an asshole boyfriend, and a really nasty bitch who "needs spelling lessons". I found that the story for Chainsaw Sally was original using the idea that Sally could, in a way, be considered a super heroine. Chainsaw Sally's viewers are most certainly in for a treat when they pick up this film.
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Sally Family Values
pippsta18 April 2005
This movie is wonderful not only for the original murder scenes, but for the well developed relationship between Sally and Ruby. You can almost find yourself saying, "if I was in that situation, I'd do the same thing". There is also the "superhero" element - needing to chose between one world and the other and setting your priorities.

This movie has a great feel and a wonderful flow. As Sally goes through her day and visits the different places that make up her world, you can sense the change in her mood. April Burril makes these changes seamlessly.

Hats off to JimmyO and April. This is a movie that will be around for a long time to come. As this movie nods in the direction of TCM, someday others will be watching a new horror flick and find themselves thinking back on Sally...
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This is a Great low budget horror film
Brittanyjackson1 December 2004
All horror fans must see this. It is one of the best low budget horror films I have seen. I have just came from seeing the east coast premier in Baltimore. It had a pretty good story. and had some great bloody gory kill scenes(my personal favorite in horror films) Sally's brother Rudy was my favorite in the movie.He was a crazy drag queen in little skirts and high heel shoes.Gunner Hansen had a small role in the movie. It was great to see him return to the big screen. Let me just say the quite ones are the ones you have to watch for. I can't wait till it comes out on DVD. It is a must have. I wish this movie and all the people in it the best of luck.
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A Horror Movie Queen is Born!!!
kirbdawg252 November 2004
I went into this movie not knowing what to expect... All I knew was that it was a independent horror movie that was having a special screening at a horror convention I was attending last week. What I got was beyond my wildest expectations! Chainsaw Sally is the perfect combination of violence,blood and gore, with a twisted yet perfect sense of humor, not to mention a jaw dropping, eye popping performance by April Monique Burril as Sally! This movie is truly an inspired work of art, due in large part to out of this world writing and directing by Jimmyo Burril! It should be a bloodcurdling breath of fresh air for all true horror fans out there! This movie not only pays wonderful homage to old school classic horror movies, but it also gives birth to a New Horror Movie Icon named Chainsaw Sally! whom I believe new generations of horror fans are just waiting to fall in love with!!! A MUST SEE!!! CHECK IT OUT!!!
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The highlight of the 2004 Shockerfest Con
zmoviefan23 March 2006
Pretty good flick. Back in 2004 I attended the Shockerfest Convention down in Modesto, CA and watched this on the big screen (and met some of the cast). I had no idea this was scheduled to play, when I saw one of the little flyers, I knew I had to watch it. My sister and I agreed that it was one of the best feature-length films shown.

By day Sally works at a library. She has a younger brother who lives with her. I found this character 'Ruby' extremely likable and funny. At night Sally goes a little psycho violently murdering anyone she believes to be a threat to herself, her brother and her home.

On a personal note, I thought the girl who played the 'Cinthia' was/is hot. Felt a little sad to find out this is her only film to date. Hope to see her in more movies in the future.

Anyway, going back to Chainsaw Sally. The audience seemed to like it as much as my sister and I did. Can't wait for the sequel, hopefully I'll be able to watch it on the big screen as well!
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grrls rock
nankipu17 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I've been waiting for a while to see this film. When I finally did, I was not disappointed. There's nothing that gives a horror film flavor like an angry girl with a chainsaw! The social commentary of the film,a young girl left to her own defenses by the violent death of her family, is not necessarily new. But normally we get a prostitute, or a single mother, or some other Lifetime movie channel crap. In this case,we get a girl on a rampage, who in her own twisted way believes she is doing a service to humanity by taking out the "undesirable elements".There is something cathartic about the scene in the car, when she chops off the (you know) of a womanizing redneck to teach him a lesson and sticks a sparkler in the wound where it used to be. "You wanted fireworks, baby?" I am glad to finally see a female "villain" in a film that is something more than a foolish stereotype. I'll admit that, for my taste, the gore is lacking. But what you do see is well done, well executed (no pun intended), and does not go over the top in ridiculousness. Watching the movie, you find you like Sally. You empathize with her. You want her to win. And she does.The supporting characters are a treat as well. I love the cross-dressing brother. There is something so Rocky Horror or Phantom of the Paradise about him. He doesn't go over the top. He does not"flame on" to a point where you don't believe in him. And the best part is, he's the enabler (if not one of the reasons) of her mission to take out the perceived evil of society. The real villains of the film, the greedy land developer and his nymphomaniac assistant, are flat characters. But it does not take much to want them dead. And our girl delivers in a big way.And of course, we have our hapless hero. The poor sap caught in the middle of the whole thing who has no clue what's going on. He never gets a chance to work it out for himself. This is a role normally reserved for females. There is an air of unrequited love. Maybe this guy could save poor Sally from this life of destruction and murder.Then again..maybe she does not need saving. She's perfectly happy where she is and with what she's doing.if you get a chance, see this movie! You'll thank me for it....
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This movie ROCKS!
busterspokes29 June 2005
Being a long time horror fan, I was thrilled when I got my advanced copy of Chainsaw Sally. This movie has it all: Gore, laughs, the beautiful April Monique Burril in the title role, AND cameos by Gunnar Hansen AND Herschell Gordon Lewis! You can't go wrong! Chainsaw Sally even has a positive message to the youth of America, speaking out AGAINST bestiality. But seriously, I've seen quite a few horror movies in my time, and I am a big fan of original, horrific, KILLS!! (I'm the guy in the theater that laughs when somebody "gets it") I give this movie an A+ in originality. JimmyO Burril has outdone himself and I can't wait to see what he comes up with next! Hopefully we'll see some more gory, yet hilarious, kills by the beautiful CHAINSAW SALLY!!
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indie flick making it big
doodleguy7615 April 2005
As a big fan of horror and independent movies, I have been looking forward to Chainsaw Sally, there are cameos by both Hershell Gordon Lewis and Gunnar Hansen. They are more of small roles, but, not big enough that I want to discard the cameo title.- However, this movie carries it's own and the cameos are just a fun element thrown in for fun. That Gunnar Hansen, is Sallys father is more of a tribute to the old Texas chainsaw than a name, to draw audiences in -also, because even to this day, it is surprisingly few who actually know who Gunnar Hansen is. (weird) I definitely think we have a new cult icon on our hands here with Chainsaw Sally, she speaks both to punk, and goths alike, and she blends the style adding lots of blood.This was only the first movie, and I bet that with the sequel, she will have planted herself much more firmly into many other peoples minds. The idea is simple but, April has a style of her own that adds a lot to the character, she is not just another pretty face. The acting is in the vein of Tempes films, Mark Redfield reminding of James L. Edwards. The only main flaw, is the sound, sometimes the dialogue drowns out behind sound effects, or just seems as if the microphone was too far away. Making small films myself, I know this can be a tricky problem. While I mentioned there is blood in the movie (and plenty of it) it is surprisingly gore free for i's genre. (independent horror) This was a conscious decision made by the director; to get the point across, without showing too many graphic deaths.- this method especially works with ascene involving a razor, and a sparkler. it's both fun and gross. If you are abig fan of independent horror, or just want to see something new, I definitely suggest you go see Chainsaw Sally.
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excellent movie
suzilorraine16 June 2005
I enjoyed this film so much! The acting was superb, the storyline really intriguing, with some genuinely funny scenes! April did an excellent job as Chainsaw Sally. She switched effortlessly from an ultra conservative librarian to a sexy chainsaw wielding maniac! I enjoyed every minute of this movie - at no point did the action drag, and the character development was great. Loved the character of Sally's brother Ruby - so outrageous and over the top. Really funny stuff. And it was great to see an appearance by Gunnar Hansen! I highly recommend this movie - if you're a fan of dark comedy/horror,you gotta check it out!
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Great shots in Chainsaw Sally
iamxman31 March 2005
Chainsaw Sally's story is a great movie. You first get intrigued by the sweet librarian that is dark and secret enough to make you wonder what she is hiding. Some of the kill scenes were very creative and the film shows how someone who outwardly appears normal inwardly is dark and twisted. Her brother was hilarious and very entertaining to watch. Can't wait for part 2 Blood Kin. For a low budget movie there were not many miss matched scenes like you ding in other movie, the scenes flowed well and built up to the climax of the killing. The opening music and music through out fit the scenes on the screen. The flashback scene were classic home movie shots that helped the viewer understand how Sally and Ruby are the way they are.
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A breath of fresh air amongst indie horror films!
mrksmnbaby22 June 2005
I was quite pleasantly surprised by this film! Just as zombies have once again become "tres chic", so has the usage of the word "chainsaw"... whether in the form of a film title, or as part of any number of goth model-actress's pseudonym. "Chainsaw Sally" earns the right to use the word on both counts. This is a great addition to the latest slew of independent films (I hate the term "B-movie", and refuse to use it) hitting DVD. The casting was perfect, the film itself looks great, and the acting was much better than I'm used to seeing in such releases. I look forward to whatever other treasures JimmyO has in store for us!
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Well Done
amylynnbest30 November 2004
Chainsaw Sally is a well done, well shot movie. April Burril does a great job as Sally. She goes from mild to wild without any problems and keeps you very entertained. The direction, by JimmyO, and the cinematography is also well done. There are some shots that are truly beautiful. Most of the characters are well drawn and well acted. Notably Gunnar Hanson who, of course, wields a wonderful chainsaw. And Lilly Burril does a great job as young Sally. Chainsaw Sally is not the complete gore-fest you might expect. It has more plot and character development than the average low budget film. And it works. I highly recommend this movie.
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Chainsaw Sally- meet the girl of your screams
misfitsmonster22 May 2005
First of all, let me just say that Chainsaw Sally is not your average, forgettable new horror flick. It is a must see for die hard horror fans, and will sit comfortably on the cult classic shelf someday with the likes of Evil Dead and Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Sally is a fun, new face in horror iconography, mild mannered and conservative librarian by day, wild and bloodthirsty freak by night, hacking and slicing her way through the creeps who hang out at bars, bitches who make nasty comments, corporate bigwigs, and generally unpleasant people who lurk around ruining everyone's day.

Visually striking sets and wardrobe complement our heroine/psychotic killer, Sally (April Monique Burril, wife of director Jimmy O. Burril) as well as a great supporting cast, (especially drag queen brother Ruby played by Alec Joseph). It sports some creative killings, interesting dialogue, a sense of humor, and even has an engaging plot- a device that's often not given enough attention to in slice and dice flicks like this one.

Gore fans will enjoy cameos by Herschell Gordon Lewis, and Gunnar Hansen. You can tell the cast and crew must've had a lot of fun making this movie, and you'll have a lot of fun watching it.
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A Horror Heroine We Can All Be Proud Of
the_lipster200030 November 2005
I went into my first viewing of this movie with high expectations, and I was not let down. Sick, twisted, and violent, but in a way everyone can relate to. Sally does the things we all wish we could do, but would be arrested for doing. Rather than being the villain, one finds oneself cheering her on. It would take a very prudish person not to appreciate at least some of the humor. The production quality was well above that of most independent movies, and above a good percentage of Hollywood big name movies as well. A very well developed script, characters that are more believable than the cardboard cutouts in most big production movies, and a healthy dose of therapeutic psychosis makes this a movie well worth multiple viewings.
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Chainsaw Sally Succeeds Where Hollywood Fails
obsidian4681 March 2007
Long has Hollywood been trying to create a cult classic film, ever since the 1950s, when Hollywood last produced their great low-budget classics. Hollywood has tried many times to create a cult classic horror film. Their most recent attempt was in Snakes on a Plane, which was disappointing at best. Big name stars simply don't appear in Cult Classics. Additionally, Cult Classics aren't made for the sake of being Cult Classics. A true Cult classic is made by an independent filmmaker, pouring his/her life and soul into a film, and creating a masterpiece, with a negligible budget, and a passion for film-making. It is this special recipe that we find in Chainsaw Sally.

Chainsaw Sally is truly a cult classic, even being a new release. Writer/Director Jimmy-O Burril has truly created a masterpiece of fine cinema, in his quirky tale of our heroine, Chainsaw Sally. Mild-mannered Librarian by day, and psychopathic chainsaw killer by night. This film is a tale that will last for generations.

While it doesn't have the special effects eye-candy that mainstream horror films have, it still has a generous dose of gore, very well done, without all the CG that is common in large budget films. The story carries the film far more than any effects do.

I had the pleasure of seeing this film about six months before the official release, and was highly impressed. I've always been one to enjoy low-budget horror films, but this one struck me as being completely unique, among all of the films I've seen.

Jimmy-O has written and directed a masterful film, filled with incredibly talented unknown actors (not to mention cameos by Gunnar Hansen - Leatherface himself - and Herschell Gordon Lewis - iconic classic horror filmmaker) that will delight and horrify audiences the world over.

In the horror film community, this film has generated a lot of buzz and interest in the two years between the film's completion and release. This film is a must-see for any horror fan, and likely to be enjoyable by dark comedy fans as well.

This is definitely a Must-See!
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