Tales of Symphonia (Video Game 2003) Poster

(2003 Video Game)

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A rarity in and of itself, a really good rpg on the gamecube.
Aaron137511 April 2007
Other than the Baten Kaitos series, this is about the only really good rpg on the gamecube system. Well Skies of Arcadia was good as well, but it was not originally designed for gamecube. This game features a group of friends and fighters helping another one of their friends complete a pilgrimage that once complete will lead her to becoming an angel and lead the world in which they live in out of a down period and into a new age of prosperity. Sounds a bit like Final Fantasy X, eh? Well it does follow the usual rpg formula for the most part as there are a couple of twists here and there, though nothing to shocking what makes this one fun are the characters and the comedy that this and all the Tales series have within them. They also share the same combat system, a real time super fast battle, while it may be fun makes me at least tend to use only one of the characters all the time rather than switching around to others. You just get used to their moves and you have a hard time switching and assigning moves and such. So for an epic journey that spans two worlds and is a lot of fun, though not the most original, this game is worth checking out.
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15 years later
irma-6953922 February 2021
15 years later and I still love this game. And I probably still will be loving it for the next 15 years.

I keep Tales of Symphonia very dear and near to my heart. Probably nostalgia plays a big role, but there is just something very touching about the story, it leaves you thinking about your own ideals and about what really is right or wrong. I think I could play this game 100 times, it will never get boring.

It's really a classic.

Oh yeah and Kratos is amazing
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Proof that RPGs can still be great...
Shaph14 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
For a long time, I've waited for an RPG that cared as much about the actual storyline and character development as it cared about graphics and badass moves.

Enter Tales of Symphonia.

For the first time since some of the FF series comes a game that combines beautiful graphics and badass moves with an intense storyline that holds you throughout the many hours of gameplay offered.

While I could go on for a long time about the game's great control, battle system, and graphics, the true gem of this game lies in the dark, twisted, gripping character development. All nine of the playable characters have undergone tests, trials, heartache, and tragedy throughout their lives, and through spoken line and flashback cut scenes the game conveys emotion better than many of the movies out there.

The plot of the game itself pulls from history and religion: A race of half-elves known as the Desians plague the land of Sylvarant, and it is up to your band of young adventurers to lead Colette, the Chosen, through a process known as the Trial of Regeneration, wherein she will be sacrificed to regenerate and save the world. The Desians could easily be mistaken for the Nazi Regime as cut scenes of their human prisoners being worked, whipped, kicked, and led off on conveyor belts to their deaths create a hatred for this race. So don't expect Namco to hold off on potentially controversial imagery. But if only the plot were this simple...

In the end, as RPGs do go, the world will be saved. But Tales of Symphonia will make you feel scorn, betrayal, shock, and countless other emotions until the final riveting ending sequence. While the game may draw on simple corny sayings (and also quip about them during the game)you will find yourself trying to get to the next section of the game much like trying to finish up a well-written book.

Because that what Tales of Symphonia does to you. It lets you do your badass moves and draws you into potentially the best plot and character development seen on an RPG yet.

Easily a 10 out of 10.
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Cliché City
papajohn328917 November 2004
Now, this is an RPG to behold. It is the first AWESOME RPG on the Gamecube, as most of you know. However, its more than just a pretty box. Tales introduces a brand-new real-time combat system that could be compared to that of Star Ocean: Till the End Of Time, however this isn't an interstellular futuristic RPG. Noo, this is much more FF style story (which makes it good). Every battle you fight is an actual privilege to do. The battle system is so good, you will want to beat every enemy you see. There aren't any random encounters, but if you ignore too many boss fights, you won't stand a chance against the bosses. There is no excuse for getting hit in this game, though, since an opponent's attack missing is not random like in FFX. The moves in this game are unbelievable. There are so many combos to pull off, and I beat it without getting many of the moves. Magic attacks can have its glitches though, moves like "Indignation," "Thunder Blade" (the COOLEST move I've ever seen) and some summon spells may cause the cube to freeze because of the extreme amount of light and effects happening. However this game is extremely well done and the battle system makes the game worth more than it is. Dwarven Law #912: Thoust who owneth a Gamecube without thist game shall not be worthy of owning their system in the firsteth place...uhhh...eth. An A+ for this game, or a 97/100.
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Amazing Game
theairguitarist30 April 2006
Namco hit the jackpot with this one. An amazing detailed storyline combined with an incredibly addictive (You'll WANT to fight monsters) battle system and some great RPG elements make this game a joy to play over and over again. 8 Playable characters give this game amazing re-play value, since you'll want to play as all your characters and learn all their individual techniques. You can even have a friend join in during battle fights, taking direct control over a character's movements. The hand-drawn anime cut-scenes are amazing. It really adds to the epic tale that this game is. The voice acting is also amazing. You can tell the actors really put an amazing effort into the game. It feels very realistic, from listening. I have wasted countless hours on this game, and it was worth it. My favorite game on the Gamecube by far.
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Best. RPG. Ever
jon_lajoie3 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I've debated for some time about whether to post a comment on this game or not. Never being a big fan of the Final Fantasy RPG's, I found solace in more unconventional RPG's like Super Mario RPG, or extremely popular ones, like Pokemon, because back in the day, you would have to be living under a rock to not know who those critters were. Until one day, when a chance run into my city's Toys 'R' Us led me to the discovery of this game. I have to admit, I had never heard of this game until the day I bought it, but I was glad I did, because the result was an epic adventure filled with intrigue and mystery.

The game starts off with the premise of a young girl, named Colette Brunel, her friends Lloyd Irving and Genis Sage, who had been banished from the town of Iselia for breaking a peace treaty with our main antagonists, the Desians, Raine Sage, a professor at the Iselia school and The mysterious Kratos, a mercenary who saved Colette from the Desian s early in the game. Colette has been assigned the task of regenerating the world under the title of 'The Chosen One' Whereby she must act as a human sacrifice, by becoming an angel, more specifically, reborn as the Goddess Martel, who left the world with an edict: "You must wake me for if I should sleep, the world will be destroyed." In order save the world of Sylvarant from destruction....or so it would seem.

The game often forces the player to challenge their own beliefs, as the conversations and interactions with other players in the game deal with many issues, including acceptance of family, indifference, racism loneliness, crime and punishment, and the ideals of good and evil. This interactions make the game more exciting as many conversations are intelligent and maturely handled. (There are a few exceptions.)

The battle system is also quite unique, allowing players to move freely in a small field and choose which monsters to fight. The Special Moves look amazing (Indignation, Rising Phoenix), and some characters, through the unique unison attack system, are able to combine attacks for even more awesome moves (Prism Stars, Lightning Tiger Blade)

This is the kind of game that will get you back into playing video games; it reminded me why I used to love playing video games, and truth be told, I could go on for another 20 lines about how awesome this game is to me, but I'll finish this with the ending, which is so perfect, it makes me want to play it again...and again...and again. Top notch work from an underrated series of games.
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Fun and loving!
pro_artist20 December 2007
The gameplay is so fun and makes sure it won't leave disappointed even after you've played through the game once. It's really fun to perfect your attacks and combos. The magic spells look great and simple even if it's short termed. Most of the battles end quick so you don't have to wonder how long when the battles' gonna be over. It feels like you're rewarded for playing the game most of the time. but I think the beginning gets boring after the first play through. But in the later game, it gets fun once again.

The characters look great even though their clothing is a little odd. There are mixed opinions about the characters but they are likable to me. The story isn't exactly what you call original but I like the characters so much, I don't care if the story is bad or not. Although some characters don't have a big enough role.

This game has the best gameplay i've ever experienced so far and my first tales game ever.
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What an adventure
Aleta_Nook22 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
My cousins had this game and I used to play the game with them when I was a child. I loved it so much that I watched some of the anime. Then, at some point in time, I forgot about the game, until someone recommended it to me on an anime site and I was like "Oh my Gosh, I loved that game!". But I ended up not playing it and forgotten about it again until I had a weird dream about it a while ago. Then, I was like "Okay, I'm playing this game. I really want to play and finish this game."

The game started off as somewhat bland, it introduces us to Lloyd, who is a pretty idiotic and mean teenage boy but he also becomes an idealistic pacifist who just wants justice and peace for the world and I can relate to his ideals. It's not until we realize Colette starts losing her human senses does the game get more fascinating and darker. After that, I was hooked, I didn't want to stop playing the game because I wanted to see what happens.

I am not a big fan of Collette but I don't hate her enough to not care about what she was going through. She is the cliched childhood friend love interest of Lloyd but is a bit more tolerable than Sheena due to her being more kinder to Lloyd. Another downside is that she is a Mary-Sue Pollyanna who tends to be loving to everyone even those who treat her wrongly. She also tends to trip and fall a lot, which could've been humorous but ended up being more absurd than humorous.

I dislike dramas so the emotions in this game put me off and that's why it took me longer to finish the game. Like Colette crying too much, Lloyd freaking out at the truth that Kratos is his father, or him having to cut himself so his friends won't shrug him off as an illusion. Also, some of the characters made me mad in the game such as Sheena, who is like a human version of Rouge the bat, Zelos who is an overprotective pervert, Raine, who is like a no-nonsense woman but unfortunately has the tenancy to get aggressive, and Genis who is a little brat.

Some people had problems with the animation and yeah, it didn't age well. All of the characters had static emotions where it looked like they were either always happy or always emotionless even during the more emotional parts. But this is a very old game so graphics aren't as good as they are now. Back then, it was probably not bad for its time.

The game can be confusing and it raised a lot of questions for me, like Lloyd somehow getting wings at the end of the game.

The game is very long but it was worth it. It has multiple storylines and endings depending on your affection levels and what choices you make. I would play it again and again and again to get all the other storylines and the endings. And that's good, considering there are some cliches paths such as everyone getting left behind and Lloyd somehow surviving an attack if one of his soulmates give him a protection object that brings good luck or something. And of course, everyone who was left behind coming back someho.

I don't play a lot of JRPG games but this one seemed refreshing. It has elements where you can see your party interacting with one another through skits and even battle.
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Final Fantasy X : The Gamecube Version
soloriamagic0812 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Usually when I write a review I start out with a mini synopsis, but I feel it would be redundant to do it this time since I have already reviewed this game. It was just called Final Fantasy X at the time.Anyone who says this game is not X just with angels thrown into the mix are seriously fangirling/boying hard or just plain delusional. I find that fan-girl/boy and delusional are one and the same though. Anywho on to the review.

Pros Characters-Make no mistake they are cliché. You have the Mary-sue and Gary-Stu, the bad ass with the dark past, The jive talking brat, the playboy, the head strong woman, the smart women but with a bite etc.. However they take their cliché's and have fun with them. All the characters are endearing(protagonists and antagonists) despite their clichéd roles. The line between good and evil is blurred. The *good guys* body count is up there and this includes innocents. Also the *bad guys* are actually likable and their stories are real sad. Although the main *bad* guy's story is sad it has creepy incestuous undertones.

Dialog-Sure it has the usual cheesy clichéd love and friendship will win the day lines especially towards the end but the majority of the dialog is witty, funny, and serious when need be. I was actually shocked at the level of wit this game has.

Battle System-Real time and no random encounters thank god. I seriously and honest to god can not see how someone can enjoy playing a turn based system. It is the most boring way to play a game I have ever seen in my life. Yea, in real life you will take slow , tedious, turns when someone is trying to beat the crap out of you sure... Anyway, the combos of the mêlée characters are great and fast. The magic is fantastic to watch. Some of the spells are pretty and creative. When a lot of spells and combos are on screen together there is a noticeable lag though. This game is like Final Fantasy 12 as well. FF12 had a gambit A.I. system that basically let the computer play for ALL your characters you just set the controller down and watched while the A.I. laid waste to enemies and bosses. TOS is the exact same way. Leveling up is way more faster this way because the computer actually knows how to use magic and techs way more than you can and faster as well. Bosses were gone in a matter of minutes.With the computer controlling all the characters you watch and just give out potions and what not when their HP or MP starts to get low. Since I play RPG's for story and not game play the faster I can get to said story the better. Whoever came up with this was ingenious. The characters are linked. The main character Lloyd is linked with Collete. That means when you have him in the field she levels up also and learns new skills and magic and vice versa. The same with other characters. This ultimately means that you don't ever have to play for a character and they will level up and learn new skill regardless. And if you find you feel like playing for them eventually you would not have to go through the pain and tedium of leveling them up to catch up with your main party.

Music- Most of the music was good(there were some bad apples), very church sounding and creepy but strangely forgettable.

Cons: Plot-Boring ,tedious,incomprehensible, just like its clone Final Fantasy 10.The characters saved this game because it sure as hell wasn't the plot. Obvious plot devices where used like clockwork, the dungeon crawls were poke your eyes out, throw the controller tedious. I mean I actually had to print a walk through out for the MAJORITY of them. The game is an extremely unnecessary two discs and I swear this games story( The unnecessary tedious B.S. is what makes it longer) can be finished in 40 hours not the 80 the namco lied on the back of the box with.

Graphics- Ugly as sin. The back of the box says anime cut scenes. I swear it leads you to believe that they will be full blown and all throughout the game. That is a lie. Let me repeat. THAT IS A LIE! I can seriously count on ONE hand how many anime cut scenes are in this game. Only two of them are of the actual freaking characters. The intro and the ending(and you only get to see two of the characters and a nobody!) I mean hell lets make the gamer get attached to all the main characters and then not show them when the hardships of their journey is rewarded. The rest of the anime scenes are of water and buildings. I am so serious. Also it is hard to feel an emotional impact for this game because the characters are chibis. I would love to know what *Einstein* thought that was a good idea. They tried to rectify this with an anime based off the game. I felt more emotion for them in that then in the game because I can actually see as well as hear the intensity of the scenes instead of looking at a ugly chibi trying to get me to feel something for it.Hello, Namco that anime should have been the freaking cut scenes in the game.

Predictability- Mostly all of the OBVIOUS plot twists can be seen a mile and a half away. I swear there is one of the main twists that I figured out barely 5 hours into the game. I will dub it Star Wars. The other concerns a character that you will meet very late in the game and all I will say to that is you have to be blind not to see that one.
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m_zimel25 July 2004
OK, at first I thought this game would be OK, but it wasn't. IT WAS AMAZING!!! The story is just so inspiring, the battle system is just so perfect, the voice actors are talented, the game is lengthy(about 80 hrs),etc.

It's just a really good game that you should buy if you own a gamecube, and if you don't, buy one!

specs: 80 hrs of gameplay

has 2 discs

beautiful anime-like graphics

over 10,000 lines of character dialogue(actual voiceovers)

amazing real-time battle system.

opening anime cut-scene by well known artist Kosuke Fujishima

uses 3 blocks

1-4 players simultaneously

ONE OF THE BEST RPG's IN A WHILE!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9.0/10
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KTreeguardian25 February 2005
This game is truly amazing. Its not like a play-by-play story where you can predict everything that happens. You cant always know who is on your side and suddenly who is the worst villain. The battle-system is cool and you can have MANY options for fighting and learn new techniques. If you want, you can also set it to multi-player. Then you can play with your buddies. The bosses are awesome and have you wanting to fight more. Also, you can set the mode you want for game play if they are too easy or too tough for you. The storyline is dramatic and touching and has a humorous side of everything. You make the choices. The characters soon have you attached to them. Best RPG I ever played. Seriously, if you have a GC this is definitely considered an option. Take this!
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A Great RPG that is enjoyable for everyone
blubarre9030 July 2004
At first...I had no intention of playing this game once I saw the graphics were anime..not realistic..like FFX. I then noticed my brother playing it and I thought it looked pretty good...sooner or later...I was addicted.

The game has everything that is needed in a RPG...a good storyline, a battle system that is so much fun and so much more! You get attached to the characters and learn to love them. Not to mention this game is hilarious...the skits and the conversations between them are just too funny.

The game is about 80 hours long..if you do everything..including side quests and it is worth the money! I enjoyed playing this game and I would love to play it for another 10 times!

So what are you waiting for? GO OUT AND BUY THIS GAME!!!

It wont disappoint you like other RPGs..(FFX-2..)

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you are correct
Eternal_Wishes210 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
See the main Comment on this bored is correct but they also leave out that on Tales of Symphonia there is a place called Asgard and it was known to be the place of the gods and there is a place called Niflheim which can only be entered through a black book in Sybak Library after you have obtains the Past, Present, and Future stones in Lord Mithos/Yggdrasill castle...so therefor they use not just Yggdrasill name but also the other two... I have yet to go down into the dungeon but I have heard only by rumors that it is the hardest place you will ever go through. there are many side quest that you can do I highly recommend that you do them because it does very much open your mind and help you understand the Characters background as so on my game Lloyd and Sheena are accually dating...Crazy i know but it was a miss hap but all the same its still cool...Also getting the Characters Castumes are fun to do too they include short missions some of them but its worth it Anywho Keep it Real
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My controller melted to the shape of my hands
kratos_aurion_12 September 2004
Like others have said, I was a little suspicious of this game at first. I saw the game cover and thought that Lloyd was a Vash the Stampede rip-off. Also from

other anime-based games I think I was rightly leery. But indeed, this game is AMAZING! There are the typical RPG clichés but there is nothing original these days anyhow. There are enough plot twists to make you refuse to put the

controller down and shut the system off. The characters are dynamic, graphics and sound are spectacular. If you're not convinced, rent it and you'll be

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Best RPG I've played in the last 4 years.
BlackJack_B22 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Forget Resident Evil 4, Zelda, Metroid Prime, or anything else. THIS IMO is the reason to buy a GameCube, to play Tales Of Symphonia. I absolutely loved this game from start to finish. Combining the best features of two other RPGs I loved on the Sega Dreamcast (Skies Of Arcadia and Grandia II) creates one exciting 50 hour quest.

The story seems pretty clichéd at first. The land of Sylvarant is in decline due to evil and the end is nigh. To prevent this, every set number of years a person is dubbed "The Chosen" and is sent through a mission to transform into an Angel to destroy the evil. This time it is Collette Brunel's chance; a klutzy but kind 16 year-old. Lloyd Irving, a friend of hers who lost his mother due to the evil Te'ethialians, has chosen to be her protector and he also has other friends with him on the journey. There is also Kratos, a mysterious being with immense power that also was originally going to be Collette's protector but has allowed Lloyd and company to come along. In the middle of the game, when they reach the final destination we get a big, big plot twist...

I loved this game not for it's graphics, music, or sound but for the gameplay. This isn't a random battle game like Final Fantasy. Here, you will see your opponents walking around and you choose to fight them. When you do, you control a character and wail away at the enemies in real-time. You can issue commands to your 3 AI partners and give them a style of battle. The skirmishes are so much fun to play through. Also, the story might be a bit typical but the experienced voice actors provided do a bang-up job of rising over the script.

This is, IMO, the best RPG I've played this generation and I long for the next games in Namco's Tales series. Well worth picking up.
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