Trigger Man (2007) Poster


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A dissenting view of "Trigger Man"
lemon_magic18 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I rented "Trigger Man" last night because I was looking for something a little different, a little out of the "mainstream", and I'm not sorry I did.

Admittedly, you have to be in a certain mood to be appreciate this movie's minor pleasures. You have to be willing to sit back and let the movie unfold before you get to the "good part". I thought the minimalist digital film photography helped the beauty of the setting come across to the viewer, luring a person into a fairly bucolic mood before the abrupt shocking change of pace in the 2nd half. It's obvious that none of the previous reviewers were in that mood.

"Trigger Man" has a certain feel that reminds me a lot of "Blair Witch Project", and also "Deliverance", and maybe a bit of "The Most Dangerous Game." It isn't as good as any of those films, of course, but it tries hard to build and sustain a mood (actually two moods), and it does a decent job of it. The viewer has to be willing to accept a certain "flatness" in the tone of the film, instead of the usual jump cuts and musical "stings" and plot gimmicks that directors usually employ to manipulate the emotions of the viewer. I was OK with that, since I've come to regard even master manipulators like Spielberg as heavy handed exploiters of my basic instincts. This movie eschews all that...and some people may resent the lack of nice, comforting cinematic and plotting clichés that reassure the audience that they are on familiar territory.

Also in its favor is a nice, moody soundtrack with cleverly miked and treated strings instead the usual overworked synthesizers.

Yes, the actors aren't very photogenic, yes the plot relies on a several unlikely coincidences and at least two logical flaws that are hard to overlook.

But I enjoyed "Trigger Man" for what it was, and thought it worth the rental.
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I'd rather watch my neighbor's holidays video..
Tanhausser_Gates26 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is barely a 5 even for an amateur film festival.. You can tell this is the result of a 'different' weekend of a bunch of pals. No realism, no continuity, no nothing.. Just "make sure you finish the film in a weekend time" kind of film.

See.. There are a few things you don't do when there is sniper shooting at random people, for instance: You do not stand still in the clear making noises, specially at the same spot where someone else has been shot, and specially you do not scream and wave at them.

So after some of that the "bad guys" just don't know where to go and run in front of the last survivor who is pointing a gun in the right direction at the right time, end of the film.

I hope it was fun for those who made the movie at least.. Because watching it is no fun at all.
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A forgivable misstep if you look at what came after
StevePulaski23 March 2015
Anyone acquainted with contemporary horror likely knows of Ti West and knows what he's capable of putting together in terms of making horror films. He can take various setups and proceed to fill them with characters, atmosphere, and an impending sense of dread in order to effectively adhere to the basic principles of the horror genre. Trigger Man, made on a dirt-poor budget in 2007, concerning three men (Reggie Cunningham, Ray Sullivan, and Sean Reid), who embark on a hunting trip in Delaware where they soon become the target of a lethal sniper lurking in the woods, seems like the perfect premise for West to execute his suspense-driven ways. However, he focuses too much on inherently-inert suspense, which comes in the form of the hunters walking around a cluttered forest to the point of excess; West essentially traps himself within the confines of his own suspense that any form of payoff inevitably becomes a "too little, too late" circumstance.

West does it all with Trigger Man, from being the film's writer, producer, director, editor, and cinematographer, and the film gives off the impression it was shot amongst pals during a weekend getaway. The continuity is all over the place, the camera-work is frequently unsteady, the editing feels sloppy, and the sense of dread is shockingly minimal. The film's glaring error, alongside the fact that the suspense comes in excess, is that West doesn't allow any sort of spacial element to take fold. We never really get the sense of, despite the vast open spaces around them, how trapped these characters are. We don't get the idea of the environment because we're so busy lingering on our empty characters with medium-length, unsteady shots, and with a film that takes place almost entirely in a woodsy setting, the environment is a key aspect. The forest is a lifeless character, complimented by the three leads, absent of any and all personality.

There's a brilliant horror film fighting to reveal itself in Trigger Man, but as it stands, the film is too slight to recommend and too unremarkable to commend on the same level as other West films. This is an interesting effort, combining the most minimalistic levels of storytelling devices, narrative progression, and payoff to create a horror film stripped down to its bare basics of operation, but it's all too shaky and uniformly messy to praise when there are other efforts of the like that do so much better at conveying dread and suspense (the underrated Open Water, anyone?). The good thing is with West's strong filmography, this one will live on as a footnote and its long term impact clearly hasn't worked to stall what looks to be a long, fruitful career.

Starring: Riley Cunningham, Ray Sullivan, and Sean Reid. Directed by: Ti West.
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The most boring movie I've ever seen
jgack12 July 2008
"Trigger Man" is definitely the most boring and silliest movie I've ever seen in my life. My aunt's holiday videos are more fascinating.

The actors seem to be recruited at They do not have any talent to act in a convincing manner.

They walk and walk and walk through the forest. There's more walking-around than in all three parts of "The Lord of the Rings" together. After the first hour, I began to read a Porsche brochure while watching "Trigger Man" along the way. Awful.

A total waste of time and money. I'd give that movie 0 stars out of 10, since this is not possible, I have to give 1 star.
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Minimal - maximum thoughts on "Trigger Man".............
merklekranz29 January 2010
Minimal script, minimal character development, minimal steady camera. Maximum stretched scenes, maximum headache inducing jerky zooms, maximum characters walking around in the woods doing nothing. Up until the time flashes on the screen of 12:01pm, you can fast forward and miss nothing, since there are three hunters who we know nothing about doing nothing. To be fair, the movie does have some string music that was interesting, so perhaps a music video would have been the way to go with this. Unfortunately that was not to be, and what should have been a twenty minute short is stretched beyond belief. Forget about "Trigger Man", I know I am trying to. - MERK
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The bad reviews are not exaggerating!
dpetty012 September 2011
When people say there is nothing but walking around for a good hour, this is not an exaggeration. In fact, it may be too generous, because for about five whole minutes the three hunters sit and do absolutely nothing. I thought the screen had frozen and so did the person I was watching it with. But no, they just weren't moving. And this is LONG before there is any "action" so it's not like the film is building tension.

Unfortunately, when the action finally begins the viewer may have been literally lulled to sleep and it's blink-and-you-miss.

The movie takes much too long to get going and when it does the characters just make stupid choices. It's an Idiot Plot. There is a lot of shaky cam and inexplicable cuts that make it impossible to know what is going on. I know this is going for the Blair Witch kind of feel, but the movie takes too long to do anything or build any tension so rather than feeling nervous at the shaky parts, you just tune out.

The characters are non-entities. It felt like the actors weren't even giving an effort, and I can't really blame them. I remarked to my companion that this seemed like a first year film school student thing. An "A" for effort kind of thing for whoever made this. Nice try buddy, I'm sure you'll make a good movie next time.
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Tense horror in minimalist fashion
fathersonholygore11 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Ti West went for a different approach than his other works here, though early on in his still young career; this is a film shot on video, while most of what he does is on film, and it's done with a minimalist style which really goes slow. However, I think it works. Even West himself saws he wanted to present things in a "realistic, almost boring" way- a factor I actually think came through, only it came through well, and effectively. Not a lot happens in the movie, we don't get much in the way of 'seeing through the villain's eyes' like a lot of these types of films go for, but it's the drawn out, slow burn West employs in his other films that does the trick for me here- you wait, you wait, you wait some more, and when something finally goes bad, when someone is finally hurt, it's shocking, gripping. It happens in the middle of sentences, just how life would.

There are minimal effects here. I really enjoyed it, and one particular scene turned out not only a bit bloody, it was also heart wrenching for one of the characters. The acting, as opposed to a lot of low budget "B-grade" stuff, is actually pretty solid. I believed everyone, and it felt genuine.

Over all, I highly suggest everyone watch this- especially West fans, like myself. I finally got hold of a copy to view, and it did not disappoint. It wasn't as great as his other outings, but here I can see the growing auteur in West, who isn't afraid to try a different approach, and who isn't scared of going slow instead of balls-to-the-wall horror; his slow burns are really the epitome of the words. If you can handle waiting for a bit of action, riding a wave of tension, definitely seek this out. 8 stars out of 10. My least favourite of West's films, but still a great little indie horror flick. PLUS: an always delightful cameo treat with Larry Fessenden, one of the producers and West's own mentor in the horror world.
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harinam20 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Contains spoilers The movie plot can be summarized in a few sentences: Three guys go hunting in the forest. Two of them along other people get shot in the head without explanation. The last guy can stand in the clear, shout and do anything without getting shot. He gets to walk through an old factory and has the evil people walk right into his scope without a struggle. The villains are conveniently dressed in black and look like villains.

That is the whole story, not summarized but in detail. Everything is drawn out with a guy standing ringing a door bell. We wait with him. Long shot of guys being bored in the woods and sleeping. We can take a nap with them. The one drawn out shot of following a female jogger could have been redeeming, if we could see her butt or boobs bouncing.

There dialog is less then Terminator and it is not because there is so much action. The characters just don't talk. And, then they don't even have something corny to say like 'I'll be back.' If my buddy shot this on the weekend, I'd cheer for him, because it is quite a feat to figure out the camera controls. To pay money to rent this as a DVD is totally inappropriate.

The one thing that is a little funny is the extra with the director telling, how they local police didn't realize that they were shooting and treated them like a random guy walking around with a gun. If they'd have filmed that, I'd be sure it would be more fun to watch then the movie.
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Pretty Good Suspense Once It Gets Going
Spideyy74-130 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I will admit, this would have been a better film, had it been a short film. The first 25 to 30 minutes are pretty pointless. However, once the trigger man comes into play, the movie becomes a pretty good suspense movie. For those of you who are slamming this movie, you do realize this was only Ti West's second movie, and the first he had written and directed. So, let's give him a bit of a break here. He went on to write and direct House of the Devil, a great horror/suspense movie, and The Innkeepers, which I just watched the other night. I really recommend those two movies to see how much better he has become. Now, none of the aforementioned movies are for anyone who wants to see a cheesy slasher film with a high body count. These films are more for people who appreciate some suspense. I'm really looking forward to seeing his new one coming out soon, VHS.
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Please God don't bother!
superprincevince25 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen poor movies in my time, but this really takes the biscuit! Why oh why has this film been made? There just is nothing here whatsoever. Please put your trust in me, flick the off switch and destroy your copy of this film. There is a plot... that could take about 5 minutes to show on camera. This is the key problem, the story 'based on a true story' (mmm... whatever) just in no way lends itself to be padded out for 80 minutes. And so we therefore have to sit through over an hour of watching people walk around. That is it! In the whole first half an hour absolutely nothing happens, apart from watching someone walk to a shop... and then 3 guys walking through a wood. This time could perhaps have been spent on developing character... but no. And so there is absolutely no connection to the people on screen, and so when they start to get shot, we couldn't care less! In fact I was in the end vouching for the baddie so that the film would end! On top of this the camera work is truly horrific! This director/editor/writer/producer, Ti West is rubbish. I hate to hit a guy, but really, his work is pants! These dull close ups continuously, and then long single takes following people as they walk - I'm sure he thinks he's clever, but the results are so dull I just wanted to stop the film and slit my wrists! How this man has been brought on to direct the next cabin fever movie is beyond me! To finish, the acting is also woeful,... which goes for the film as a whole. Preserve your sanity, stick clear of this heap of total excrement!
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Really good
horrorshowmovie20 March 2012
It's always interesting to see a movie with 90% on rottentomatoes, but 4.3/10 and all negative user reviews on IMDb. Who's right, the viewers or the critics?

My vote is with the critics on this one. "Trigger Man" is simple, intense, and well-made. People seem dissatisfied with the first half of the film, which is just three guys looking for deer to shoot in broad daylight. I don't hunt, but I'm pretty sure deer aren't active at noon. Regardless, the movie isn't about deer being hunted, it's about the three guys being hunted by an unseen hunter (or hunters).

If you're smart enough to realize that suspense is a lot more fun than action, you'll probably get something out of "Trigger Man." If not, you'll definitely want to skip it. There are plenty of dumb action movies for you anyway.
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Unusual but interesting
middleaustralia18 August 2017
A simple story line but not gimmicky and indeed its ordinariness is what made the film interesting. Some scenes where there was no movement of any kind were too long. No doubt this was to create the sense of "ordinariness" but in actuality the situation was anything but ordinary because there were two killers lurking. The scenery was idyllic which, as with the ordinariness of the hunting trip generally, masked the evil hidden in this placid setting.
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don't make the same mistake I did
Josh2000-228 April 2011
available on Netflix Instant, with a 90% RT rating, 80-minute runtime, fun premise, what have you got to lose? too much, more than a straight-to-internet genre curiosity has any right to take. I guess the big thing about this movie is that it BUILDS TENSION. and it does, for 30 seconds or so. then it spends another 30 seconds killing that tension, and then several minutes beating its corpse. It's shot 'documentary-style' - except they've chosen to mimic the raw footage used to make a documentary, rather than an actual film. so it's more youtube-style, really. even the beginning of the film, before there's any conflict, there are endless sequences of characters doing nothing. sometimes the time pops up on the screen, not in the corner like a crime serial, but the screen goes black and displays the time of day for us. who the ---- cares? we're following one character around in a forest! why remind us of how long we've spent watching it? there are a few occasions where something actually happens in the film, none of them notable. this was the longest 80 minutes of my life.
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uskifia77722 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Situation where you can not drop weapons. Death and time of death around. Movie starts and ends with shots. Shots producing camera shake - that feeling. The history of escape in the dark with a gun. Very nice long sentence for unknown enemy. Streams of bullets replaced streams of peace and one man remains. What is the use of bullets if the enemy is invisible? Where are you running - in an ambush or shelters? The film shows the problem of survival and self-defense in a new light. Who can be a person around such as he. After all, no one buys a ticket to death. Intransigence and lawlessness in a collision with power. Steps of death beyond.
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Trigger Man ... you can sleep and watch it at the same time
enigmatrix-13 April 2009
This movie is very very very poor. I have seen better movies.

There was a bit of tension but not much to make you jump out of your chair. It begins slowly with the building of tension. Which is not a success. At least if you ask me. Though at some points or moments I must say it was a bit funny when people got shot and how they went down.

They should had made it something like Scary Movie, then it might be a better movie. Because I watched only pieces of the movie by skipping scenes and it got to boring through out the movie. I must say that i felt sleepy watching this movie so I sure can say it is not worth it.

Don't waste time on even thinking to do something with this movie besides leaving it where it already is. Somewhere very dusty..
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I gave it a try and....
ardimon23 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The story is seen before, but that does'n matter if you can figure out to make a proper storyboard. It is clear that the director haven't spent his work on the storyboard. Alongside this, the cameraman spent far too much time leaning angles that do not match the message of the movie. The funniest is, however, if you take a look at the movie's website, you can read that it was on purpose that the director has chosen to make the film with bad camera angles. Because it remind us about hunting. But I have never heard of hunting with poor camera angles ;-) It will have 1 stars because the story is OK. It is a pity that Ti West, has not spent more time to review his story. It is as if the movie was more important than the planning. Because you have a camera does not mean you should make a movie right away... come. Everyone can make a movie, but not all will be just as good. So a word of advice to Ti West are: stop and labeling what you want. Use your time to start planning and not filming until everything has come down on a storyboard. You certainly have the ability and desire - so don't abuse your talent.
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early Ti West
SnoopyStyle23 October 2023
Reggie, Ray, and Sean are New York City friends on a hunting trip in the woods. It's a long day of disappointment. There are no bucks to be found. Out of the blue, bullets suddenly start flying at them.

This is a no budget indie film. The most notable name here is Ti West. It's really early in his career. This is supposed to be inspired by true events and the writing isn't much more than that. This starts with a tour of a bodega and then it's a walk in the woods. It's not the most compelling filmmaking. The actors are nobodies. Maybe they're Ti's school friends. The first half is a student film. The action picks up for the last half especially the last ten minutes in the abandoned buildings. It's bloody and it has some tension.
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Another mediocre moviby Ti West
jared-2533131 May 2024
For the second time in a round, I was underwhelmed by a Ti West Movie. Now, there are things that I liked, but there's a lot that I didn't like.

Positives for Trigger Man (2007): The movie is well shot for the most part. Much like The Roost (2005), I appreciate that Ti West gave this movie a grindhouse feeling.

Negatives for Trigger Man (2007): I didn't really care about the characters in this movie much like in The Roost (2005). There's a long stretch of the movie where I was kinda boring up until the ending. The ending was underwhelming because I was hoping for something more brutal, but then again the movie had a small budget and I'll give Ti West some credit for doing his best.

Overall, Trigger Man (2007) is a movie that I appreciate more than I enjoyed.
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