Hannah Takes the Stairs (2007) Poster

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Not for everyone..
KawaiiKiwi21 May 2008
When the movie started, with the amateur filming and uninteresting boobies scene, I almost turned it off right away. I ended up watching more, and really got into it. Of course it's nothing special, it's filmed like a low-budget TV series, but what makes it interesting is that it feels real. The characters are real, the story is real, the problems are real. I felt like I was watching a reality show with people who have relationship issues that I could relate to. Obviously, if you don't like reality shows, chances are you probably won't like this. Hannah was fun to watch, although she's a bit annoying at times. Overall I really enjoyed this simplistic home movie, it was very pleasant and real. The only thing I disliked was how it ended so abruptly, I wanted more!
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makes vapidity interesting
jacky-1225 August 2007
Hannah is so self-absorbed, she doesn't even realize she is. She laments that the world is full of self-absorbed people and that everyday gestures of friendliness are rooted in fear of the dark side of others. And yet she seems to give nothing worthwhile of herself and seems oblivious to the needs of others or the ramifications of her actions. She is drifting aimlessly, momentarily amused by the affections of men with whom she rapidly bores. Nonetheless, she is fascinating to watch. Excellent acting with brilliant unspoken subtext, which is critical, since Hannah is largely inarticulate. If you know any lost 20-somethings, you will recognize them in this. Many scenes go on too long, the dialog is bland and mundane. The men are cute and like to cuddle. The women confused and uninspiring.
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low budget honesty
jwiffy8 March 2010
Hannah Takes The Stairs has poor production values, a slow pace, boring locations, and no actors you have ever heard of, and that's what makes this film so special. This is clearly a film made by a group of friends and artists, exploring their lives and the art of film-making simultaneously. It's simplistic rawness allows for an honest, and at times voyeuristic tone that examines the simple difficulties of young people learning to make grown-up decisions. This film is certainly not for everyone, but if you can forgive the ultra-low budget blemishes it is very worthwhile. In many ways, Hannah Takes the Stairs is the future of film-making that Francis Ford Coppola predicted in Hearts of Darkness.
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Ignore the hyped praise and ignore the scathing criticism – the truth is somewhere in the middle albeit it more towards the critical end of the spectrum
bob the moo28 May 2009
Looking at the comments on this film on this and other websites it is clear that this is a rather polarising affair – it is difficult to find a balanced review as people seem to love it or hate it. I'm not sure why because for me it is an OK piece of cinema vérité that has some strengths but ultimately doesn't work unless your requirements are for it to be "natural". Some have said that the film is unrealistic but I think this is unfair because to me Hannah does ring true – and if you doubt this then I would suggest you go onto Tumblr (the current "trendy" blog platform) and subscribe to any one of the countless blogs maintained by young professionals working their first jobs in the creative sectors. This comes over like a criticism and perhaps it is because for me the film is fairly bang on the money when it comes to Hannah – although I guess she is as representative of her generation as much as any one person can represent a group of millions (ie they can't).

The film follows her through a period of time and many conversations with her partners, colleagues and friends and nails her in how rather self-centred and selfish she is when it comes to her relationships. Some of this is clunkingly obvious to the point of being a bit irritating but mostly it feels natural. It seems this is mostly down to Gerwig, who is utterly convincing in who she is, a feat that is more impressive due to the lack of script (although I suppose she may be this person but I shall assume she is not). The problem is that, given how rather annoying Hannah is, the film seems happy to let the viewer wallow in her life without a lot of interest going on once her character has been established as much as it will be (which is early on). Without much happening we are left with only the characters to hold the viewer in the film – in particular Hannah. The problem is that this is not something that appeals and, even if it does, the lack of any sort of destination (thematically, emotionally, narratively – you name it) means that you get little back from the film.

Ultimately, for all its naturalism and the appeal this offers me, the film goes nowhere and just leaves me with people that I have no reason to have patience with and, although I gave the film the time it wanted, I find myself taking nothing away from it other than a sense of time wasted. As an experiment it is interesting and Gerwig is a big part of the film working at all but it amounts to very little and has the further downside of suggesting that this is somehow the standard for independent little dramas now. Ignore the hyped praise and ignore the scathing criticism – the truth is somewhere in the middle albeit it more towards the critical end of the spectrum.
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I also played the trumpet in band
MattyRich9224 June 2021
The cast shows great chemistry, but the standout among them is definitely Greta Gerwig. Without her charm and energetic personality, this film would have been unbearably hallow.
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i know these people...
framptonhollis23 December 2017
No, "Hannah Takes the Stairs" is NOT a perfect movie, or even a great movie, or even a movie that I feel the desire to ever watch again. But, it still is worthwhile, it still has plenty of entertainment value, humor, heart, sadness, happiness, and so on and so forth. The film takes the typical "mumblecore" approach to things; the cast is made up of quirky, often romantically involved twentysomethings, the budget is extremely low, the dialogue feels improvised, but still clever, the comedy is awkward, the drama is slight, but still impactful. This film in particular embodies all of these characteristics to its own advantage, and felt stunningly realistic. Although the production value is blatantly low, the acting is strong, particularly Greta Gerwig's performance, which is at least somewhat responsible for kickstarting her career, which has obviously developed quite a bit over the past ten years! Her character is flawed, but she is also always likable. She and the rest of those populating the screen feel like real, well developed human beings. These are characters who I feel like I've met before...I've passed by them in life, I may have even befriended them. And now, on an unbiased screen, I can witness their rises, their falls, their good times, and their bad ones.
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Won't anybody push Hannah down the Elevator Shaft?
tigerfish503 January 2011
Being obliged to keep company with a narcissistic airhead is just as enervating in film as it is in real life. Ample proof of this can be found in "Hannah Takes The Stairs", where the annoying affectations of the film's main character and her threadbare story-line seem expressly designed to test an audience's patience. We first meet our irritating heroine picking towel fluff off her body after taking a shower with slacker boyfriend Matt, before she heads off to work at an implausibly laid-back TV production company. Hannah soon rejects Matt in favor of nerdy office colleague Paul, and they embark on a desultory love affair until she starts to fancy yet another charisma-free work-mate. This latest prospect is a pal of Paul, so Hannah feels obliged to make an unconvincing display of inner torment over her romantic dilemma - and after she finally makes a decision, the narrative arc of Hannah's 'mumble-core' odyssey is pretty much concluded.

Hannah is so self-absorbed and inarticulate that she's unable to explain her capriciousness beyond a confession of "chronic dissatisfaction" embroidered with vacuous embellishments along the lines of "like, you know . . um . . whatever". Despite the repetitive drone of the film's banal improvised dialog, the actors always appear to be 'acting' and conscious of the camera's presence, which amplifies the cast's deficiencies with its own wobbly hand-held artifice. When the TV company's manager expresses exasperation about the folly of workplace romance in the penultimate scene, it seems like a rather shallow insight after suffering 83 minutes of excruciating tedium.
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It kind of works.
Jeremy_Urquhart17 March 2024
The amazing thing about the word "mumblecore" is that it tells you exactly what you're getting into, even though it also sounds like nonsense.

I haven't seen many movies that can be characterized as mumblecore movies, but Hannah Takes the Stairs was definitely one of them. The main reason to watch it is Greta Gerwig, who's the best part of this (and was a co-writer... though that could just be because much of it seems improvised, and she was in almost every scene).

The premise is really the main thing to get over, given it revolves around Gerwig's character moving between various dudes whom she seems too good for. It's all uncomfortable and irritating at points, but I guess that's the point; that's the mumble at the core of a film like this, hard at work. There were definitely some funny parts and a couple of scenes that stood out. It left me feeling strange and a bit tired, but at least it wasn't long, either.

Verdict: not good, but also not bad? It might be worth a watch for people who can tolerate this style of filmmaking (which I understand is not too many).
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Talk, talk, talk!
doug1967_127 September 2007
What's the cheapest way to make a movie? Have two actors in a room talk to each other. That seems to be the case with "Hannah Takes the Stairs", an ultra-low budget film making the rounds in the art house theatres.

The film is rather claustrophobic since most of the action takes place in just a few rooms, with what appears to be the occasional "stolen shot" outside. I say stolen because filming permits in a big city are rather expensive and the outdoor set ups have a "quick, get the shot and get out before the cops see us" feel to them (these shots only run a few seconds, which is the main indication).

The characters talk about their lives and work, talk some more, have sex, talk some more, talk, talk, etc. The occasional nude scene keeps the audience awake, but with no real story to propel the film along I found it to be quite a snoozer.

Not too surprisingly, all dialog was improvised—-and it shows. Scenes ramble on for quite some time and even though the film is less than an hour-and-a-half, it seems quite longer.

Filmmakers, please write a script and actually have a plot. Without it, the most attractive actors and locations in the world aren't worth much if you can't keep your audience interested.
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superfizz6 December 2007
Please take the movie camera away from these people. Whenever I have the unfortunate opportunity to watch a "mumblecore" movie I regret it instantly. I want to be engaged in a film that I watch, be it a small independent film or a blockbuster. This film does none of that. I hope that this type of film stays underground where it should remain. It is painfully clear that this was shot without a script. Maybe in a few years those involved in this film can do that when they have more practice. Yuck. Andrew Bujalski does not deserve the accolades he receives for his film-making. Save yourself a couple hours. Do not watch this movie.
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A beautiful movie, and a comment with no rundown
hugh-10723 April 2007
I hadn't seen anything about this film before going in to it at the Atlanta Film Festival. I had read about Andrew Bujalski in Esquire or whatever magazine it was, and his films sound very interesting, and until that interview and today's internet look-up I hadn't heard of mumble-core or whatever it is, but this movie is real. This film shows how the small things that are said or done really can effect a person in how they feel about another person. And with the political stuff, which isn't much, in the film it doesn't matter because what really matters is people. If this film gets a release, which it most definitely should, please go see it. Mumble-core, who cares what critics or whoever calls it, this is good storytelling and film-making. It doesn't matter what label is put it on it.
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Gerwig aside, there is nothing here
bertseymour721 July 2008
Dig through your closet, find old home movies, then splice them together via some editing equipment and you are bound to find something more entertaining than this film. The lead actress Greta Gerwig was really good, and its impressive that someone could come off as good in this mess, just imagine what she would be capable of given an actual script. Yea thats right this film was shot without a script, I gotta say I wasn't surprised to hear that. And if you are unlucky enough to see this film you will understand what I mean by that.

This film has a rightful place alongside the other mumblecore works, its bad, poorly filmed, but does both start and END so there is that, it has that going for it. The basic plot is this, Hannah is confused, what to do? Thats it, I don't have to elaborate at all, thats the entirety of it.

If you come near this film, run in the opposite direction
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Decent attempt at a real, very low-budget film
napierslogs30 July 2008
"Hannah Takes the Stairs" is a really low-budget, independent film. Congrats to the filmmakers for getting it made and out there for anyone to see.

They started out with a great simple boy and girl storyline which fit their means perfectly. They respected the audience by making all of the plot points quickly, and effectively moving through all the scenes. However, they did not seem to show this same respect for the main character Hannah. She was self-absorbed, irritating and completely unrelatable. By the end of the movie (if you make it that far) you just don't care if Hannah finds what she's looking for or not.

Should you see this movie? Probably not. But I do believe that all independent films deserve our support. Here's hoping their next effort is better.
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Does Shot Without A Script Ever Work?
swnthom19 September 2007
Let's be honest. Your movie could have Tom Cruise, Greta Garbo, Robert DeNiro and many other "stars" in it. It could be a collaborative piece co-directed by Martin Scorsese, Howard Hawks, Jean-Luc Godard. Sven Nykist could be doing the camera work. You could bill it as Robert DeNiro having real on screen sex with Greta Garbo and on and on and on. However, if it doesn't have a script or has just a minimal outline, then it will never be what it could be. Shows like Reno 911 are the exception to the rule. They are both no means the norm.

"Hannah Takes The Stairs" suffers from having no script. It is its glaring weakness and what, in the end, makes it wholly unsatisfying. As a whole, the story wanders around way too much and does not give its viewer a reason to really care for any of its characters. It is the kind of film you watch once and then forget about totally. If you were to ask me, should I see "Hannah Takes The Stairs", I would say, "Definitely. Watch it once but you won't ever want to watch it again."
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Hannah Takes a Dump
Mustang927 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is of the so-called "genre" of films referred to as "mumblecore." Which are films made by twenty-somethings dealing with relationships. Thankfully, this appears to have been a very short-lived phenomena, not only because those filmmakers are now in their 30's but perhaps also because those films are inferior.

There are so many problems with this movie, where to begin?

1) It's obvious that this film was entirely improvised, and that is confirmed by the director in interviews he did. The problem with improvising a movie, is that MOST of the time it simply doesn't work. Not as a movie. Mike Leigh is one notable director (from England) who has done this numerous times with his movies; however, most of the time he has, it's not worked well. It did one time (with "Secrets & Lies"), but from what I read, they worked from a storyline. The director and actors here with "Hannah" clearly didn't. Consequently, there's no story arc. There's no arc to the characters, emotionally or otherwise. Nobody is any different at the end than they were at the beginning. At least if you watch paint dry, it's wet at the beginning and dry at the end -- and that's at least something.

The coterie of talent assembled here, by and large, do not have the talent to pull this off successfully. That's not really a slam against them; most people in the world cannot pull this off successfully.

2) The next biggest problem? Actors must be truly talented AT IMPROVISATION, to be able to do this engagingly beyond a couple minutes. These actors aren't. I don't mean to be unkind here, but being able to improvise is a particular skill in the acting arena, and not everyone has it. At least at the point this film was made, these actors -- all of them -- didn't have it. Duplass is a step above all the others, but even he doesn't pull it off as it could/should have been.

How do you know when an actor isn't really good at improvisation? Their performance doesn't grab you or entertain you. It's dull or mediocre. Part of this (but not all) has to do with non-specificity by the actor. Meaning, they're acting "generally" and without drawing upon "real" experiences. Every single performance in "Hannah" is general -- and that's due to the story being improvised, the scenes being improvised, and the actors doing NO homework/study on who they were, their characters or their backgrounds. Maybe it's because they're lazy. Or maybe it's because they don't understand what makes any performance a good or powerful performance. Even Greta Gerwig's emotional breakdown at the end is SO drab & boring & one-note that it simply does not captivate the viewer. Plus, it goes on forever, which detracts even further from the scene. Less is more. (That the director clearly didn't get.)

There's a reason certain actors are vaunted in our culture (or the world), like say, Meryl Streep. When you view any role she's ever done, her work is specific. So specific, it's captivating. Same with De Niro. Two actors, incidentally, who are notorious for studying and working on their roles before filming starts.

The actors in "Hannah" are neither captivating, nor even interesting. Which is mostly their fault, but also that of the director. With all the films the director has now done since this movie, I would hope he's better. He's far from exhibiting the talent of a Scorsese, Tarantino, Nolan, Aronofsky, etc., but perhaps he will in the future (or perhaps has with his later projects).

Lastly, I probably shouldn't be surprised given the nature of this film, but I was at the absolute lack of any make-up being used at all. Not even the use of "erace" or something similar to cover up some of the actors' acne. Two of the actors had issues with this, and it was quite distracting to see Gerwig in close-ups with a full-on pimple on her nose in a couple scenes. This isn't nor should be some "badge of honor" in the no-budget filmmaking world. Frankly, it's stupid. And so easily & cheaply remedied.
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Takes the hard way, not the easy way out
StevePulaski6 November 2012
The mumblecore movement in cinema has had notable ups, a few downs, but has so far been pretty consistent in my book. One of the films elevating it to a level of supreme naturalistic cinema is Joe Swanberg's Hannah Takes the Stairs, a raw and potent look at the title character and how she floats through life from points A to B, living in post-college hell.

Hannah is played by Greta Gerwig; a woman of considerable screen presence who is only elevated by a charming array of supporting characters. During the first act of the film, she is dating Mike (fellow mumblecore filmmaker Mark Duplass), a listless louse whose impulsive decisions make him the worst kind of boyfriend. When he quits his job because at the moment he isn't satisfied, and after much contemplation, Hannah dumps him and becomes interested in her two coworkers at an internship in Chicago.

The men are straight-shooter Matt (Kent Osborne) and offbeat Paul (Andrew Bujalski, another mumblecore filmmaker), who lounge around in their office talking up a real storm of nonsense and watching their lives uncomfortably transcend into adulthood. Hannah also has a close friendship with Rocco (Ry Russo-Young), a woman who is known for helping her through tough times and even content to sit with her in the shower when necessary.

Swanberg's trademarks that appear to be continuous throughout his films are intimacy, sex, human communications, and technology, all of which seem to be shown here in some form. There's a high level of intimacy, mostly because the actors seem fearless in scenes where they casually change clothes and show full frontal nudity to the camera, and the fact that there are many shower sequences in the film where two characters will discuss things with each other bathing right beside them. This is a daring, provocative tactic, used not as a test on the audience's part, but as a way of showing humanity in its rawest possible form. One of mumblecore's main requirements is naturalism and here it is employed fearlessly through performances, events, dialog, and personal complications among the characters.

As I watched the picture, I couldn't help but feel that Swanberg and his band of six writers, most of whom are the cast as well, have an incredible eye for post-college boredom and the uncertainty of it all. This is a picture where events and plot lines act as a gimmick, but are more of a true life-affirming revelation that many, many people experience after college, where you are beginning to discover what you are going to be doing for possibly the rest of your life. If you are facing this sort of life-uncertainty, it's the kind of film that reassures you in the sense that others may have that same problem.

NOTE: Hannah Takes the Stairs is most likely meant as a metaphor, and I believe it symbolizes that she favors to float through life as an unambitious bubble rather than make the snap decision to ultimately pick a career and go from there. Or, "taking the stairs," if you will.

Starring: Greta Gerwig, Kent Osborne, Andrew Bujalski, Mark Duplass, and Ry Russo-Young. Directed by: Joe Swanberg.
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SnoopyStyle18 August 2018
Hannah (Greta Gerwig) is a twenty something starting an internship at a Chicago production office working under writing partners Matt and Paul. Her boyfriend Mike (Mark Duplass) quits his job. She contemplates breaking up and Mike decides to do it himself. She starts to fall for his co-workers which causes friction among the trio.

This is Joe Swanberg, mumblecore, and the indie circuit. Gerwig is starting out her partnership with Swanberg. She definitively has a star quality to her. She is very much the IT girl of the movie. On the other hand, Matt and Paul are not being played by IT guys. It would help to have Duplass play one of the guys. There is real tension happening between Hannah and Mike. It gets really uncomfortable and dark at times. The love triangle needs that kind of tension and darkness. Without it, the film goes limp. They struggle to get to that same level. It doesn't put Hannah in the best of light either. The movie falters to the finish.
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Hannah Takes the Fall
thesar-210 May 2009
I admit I am not a Woody Allen fan, and I'm sure I'm not the only one out there that feels that way. But his movies have been consistently made for decades. Obviously someone has a thing for him to continuously produce and distribute his versions of comedy and life. So be it. Unfortunately, it's happening again with this group of self-proclaimed, non-actor nobodies, Mark Duplass, Joe Swanberg, etc. How anyone continues to release their "thoughts, ideas and everyday life shots" is beyond me. But, I guess, to each his/her own. I've now seen three of them: 'Baghead' seems to be the best of the bunch. Then the soft-porn excuse: 'Kissing on the Mouth.' And now, 'Hannah Takes the Stairs,' the worst of the three. That's saying a lot, considering 'Kissing' wasn't any good either. But, here we have even less acting, less plot, more face-close ups and more unintentionally hilarious scenes (both appear in the closing, yet another break up where the actors themselves seem to have a hard time from cracking up, it was so unreal. And a naked bath/trumpet scene – really?) Once again in these so-called "Mumblecore" films finds reasons to take women's clothes off for full-frontal nudity (along with the occasional full-frontal male shot, I guess for good measure/balance) and film EVERYTHING in sight. What makes me laugh in these movies is the extras – where they actually have deleted scenes. Seriously? Something was left out? The basic, and I mean they (no joke) had no script, synopsis is a terrible person (Hannah) who "doesn't know" herself/path (you'll hear that a lot) so she uses men and crushes them to "find" herself. Unfortunately, the actors' desire to "not act" in these films pays off and you get no emotion or creditability when she consistently breaks up with men. Advice: Show/Don't Tell.
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Horrific Movie
amarr7028 November 2007
This is easily the worst movie of all time. These actors are nowhere near talented enough to pull off a 100% improvised dialog. All of the guys in this movie are really snotty and dorky, the kind of guys that listen to crap like "emo" or "indie rock" and proclaim it to be on the same level as Miles Davis or Stravinsky. The thing that really pisses me off is that the characters in this movie are such self-absorbed elitists! These are the kind of people that talk like their so "compassionate" towards others but then when it comes down to it, would never even attempt to have a conversation with someone that works at a factory in Missouri or someone that grew up in Newark. They never have anything interesting to say, the main character (the blond girl) seems like she's drunk the entire movie. What an ugly mess this movie is!!!

I could find a few of my friends, buy a cheap camera and make a movie 10x better than this is a matter of hours. Any self respecting "critic" that gave this movie a good review should be ashamed. This is total CRAPOLA, and I'm sorry but that's just a fact.
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Too much penis
rationalandpsyched223 October 2007
Hannah takes the stairs... what does that mean exactly? Taking the stairs would constitute doing things "the hard way", and that is exactly what she Hannah does whilst trying to "find herself"/and "relate".

From the beginning we can see that there is no budget here, they don't even try to hide it... not necessarily a bad thing, if it hadn't been so much like a movie I recently saw on youtube called "four eyed monsters", which belonged on youtube. I believe this belongs on youtube as well, for its amateurish almost-there-but-not-quite quality.

The zoom-ins to try to capture Hannah's emotion where all else fails are absolutely played-out and do nothing for the scene...

While it is nice to see "real people" sometimes instead of actors, in this case, it's not. It's nice that the guys in the movie are "cute in their own way", giving them a chance to pull the promiscuous blond-chick, based on their personalities for once. (Matt's hairiness and ass made me almost want to leave right then) Hannah's "I don't knows..." get old really quickly. Also, trying to end a movie on a happy note doesn't always work, in this case there was already a bad pattern established.

The only interesting character was Hannah's roommate, Rachel, and right when she started to develop we got cut off by another one of Hannah's escapades. Rachel seemed to be too mature or too aesexual to get involved with anyone at that point in her life, let alone the three men Hannah paraded around, and smartly so- the best thing Rachel does is just sit back and enjoy the show (or should I say train wreck). And for that, three stars.
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my thoughts
gogisgavrilis18 April 2009
I am from Europe and have been living in US for 2 years. I mostly watch films like this one: low budget, simple camera etc. especially I love films where 'nothing is going on' with one room and 2 people talking about nothing. But still could not connect with this one. I find it shallow, empty. Maybe I am wrong but can not get rid of the feeling that is all Matt Duplass' fault. I have seen also My puffy chair and felt the same (both films on Sundance Channel which is by the way the best thing I get through whatever is provided from my cable company). Also contrary from most other comments I found the main girl interesting… soft and tender
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Abstract and amateur but still really good
baani-3944219 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This seems like a college movie or one made by college going students right from the first scene or the opening credits. It's obviously a festival movie from the way its shot and the budget etc but then I actually really liked it. All the actors are really good, it is shot really well actually, and the dialogues which are probably one of the main parts of a movie like this, feel like someone is just having a conversation in your living room while hanging out. So its really quite easy, in that way. It did leave me with some questions but then I think its not meant to be logical. It does portray the confusions of relationships and jumping from one person to another quite well, and how everyone is flawed at the end of the day. My favourite scenes: 1. Hannah and the last guy discussing about his depression and her telling him that she has been using him to cover up her emotions in as many words 2. The last scene with them playing the trumpet in the bathtub 3. The beach scene when the first guy gives the goggles 4. The scene with Hannah and her friend where she confesses how she wants the limelight and be the funny one 5. The first breakup scene and how the guy takes charge because she cannot

I will admit that the 2nd track seemed the most illogical to me not to do with the guy's looks but just the way it was portrayed - like the pace etc just wasnt right for me. But 1 and 3 were damn good. This movie is far from perfect. Treat it like a festival, college movie and then it's fantastic.
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self-indulgent art film
Buddy-513 October 2010
Joe Swanberg's "Hannah Takes the Stairs" is a low-budget art-film done in a quasi-improvisational style. It centers around a group of self-absorbed twenty-somethings who spend most of their time sitting around discussing life and relationships as if such subjects had never been talked about before. The result is a sometimes insightful but more often tedious look into the mindset of today's younger generation.

Hannah (Greta Gerwig) is a neo-Bohemian playwright with poor instincts when it comes to men, who, upon dumping her ne'er-do-well musician boyfriend, immediately strikes up romances with two fellows at the obviously loosey-goosey TV production company where she works. The movie strives hard to be as extemporaneous as possible both in its performances and its direction, and while that does yield a few moments of truth and honesty along the way (the break-up scene is almost painfully convincing), too much of the movie is simply vapid and self-indulgent, with a trio of perfectly able-bodied young folk puling and mewling and whining about life to the point where we just don't care to listen to them anymore.

With no real plot or storyline to speak of, watching "Hannah Takes the Stairs" is a bit like staring at someone else's random doodlings for an hour-and-a-half and finding no real reason why we should care about them. And, oh yes, unless I missed it, no actual staircase appears in the movie, with or without Hannah going up or down it. I guess it must be metaphorical.
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I couldn't finish this film.
las-trampas20 August 2009
I think the writer / lead actress has potential. This film unfortunately does nothing to support that. She has immense visual and sensual qualities that have yet to be enriched and therefor she should be handily working on self-exploitation in an attempt to embrace her real calling... which i believe to be the lead in an erotic homo-drama genre. Once she matures and realizes her true potential to be the lesbian sex-tress in a film about a love triangle gone awry with other under-glorified female co-stars, she could go far given this is only the beginning of her potential exploits. Her face is capable of displaying very serious emotion - which is a golden talent - she just doesn't know it yet. Darn it if she doesn't need some serious acting work though. If you caught the first 120 seconds of this film you won't be disappointed, if you catch any more of it, you will be.
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Post-Collegiate Doldrums Really Bite
wes-connors12 June 2010
An intermittent wobbly camera catches Greta Gerwig (as Hannah) and her friends talking, mumbling, eating, drinking, and keeping cool in the sweaty Chicago heat. The often glistening Ms. Gerwig goes from boyfriend Mark Duplass (as Mike) to boyfriend Andrew Bujalski (as Paul) to boyfriend Kent Osborne (as Matt). Hearing Gerwig and her rotating appendix chew ice cubes is annoying, but it's not as bad as listening to them blow trumpets. At least, you won't have to wait long for the star's best topless scene.

*** Hannah Takes the Stairs (3/11/07) Joe Swanberg ~ Greta Gerwig, Kent Osborne, Andrew Bujalski, Mark Duplass
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