Jesus (2020) Poster


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Yeah new way I guess
pdreamer18 May 2020
Well its pretty but don't like music that much. Wish they can at least Read the bible and Repeat the words in the Bible! Yet they use the new age bibles that have lots of problems. it creates bad people that think the bible is wrong. Nope People are wrong. There's only One Jesus, One Bible, One God and Plenty of proof that He Created all this we see in this world. it is a different story for the fool that thinks we came from a rock with random luck, reverse thinking, and dumb luck. We have problems with morals and if you watch CNN, you will see every fool says, what is truth? Yeah that what happens when you break the 9th commandment. They don't have any moral compass. Don't worry It will be coming soon, what God will bring to this world to make sure his people get the freedom to worship him! Instead of a communist agenda that the world wants. he is dividing us and will make his agenda clear again. Hope is not the last time. This movie does have nice stories but they don't have God preserved words, that are very important to stop the evil at the other side of the gate until Jesus comes.
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A good movie to watch
flokianni16 May 2020
In today's world, everyone are allowed to express their opinions ... unless the words they used are offensive, vulgar or abusive. IMDB is a portal to review movies, not to give personal religious opinions. If you see that some movies has a religious theme and you hate religion, just move on, no need to trash religion and religious people and call them names like some of the reviewers did here. Now about the movie. It is a good watch for everyone and comparing to many movies today, it has 0 nudity and 0 swearing. I personally liked it, enjoyed it and will recommend it to anyone without any predjudices and hate in their hearts.
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a_lee-116 May 2020
Seem that folks find it necessary to rate this on the basis of their belief in the supernatural. Is this the case with Harry Potter, Freddy Krueger and other tales of myth and magic? My rating is on the basis of the plot, its cinematic value and the acting. Appalling in all respects and I don't need to be either an atheist or a fundamentalist christian to give this assessment. It's just dross!
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Same old make believe, give me Darwin anyday
If you believe in it they you'll enjoy it. If not then, well there you go.
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Biblically inaccurate
samson-466642 August 2020
This movie is highly inaccurate. Its seems as if the people who made it have never read the bible or has read it only partially.
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Incredible achievement for a stage play
nIGHTmAYOR19 May 2020
Lets be honest now regardless of what faith you may be believing (which should not be the base of your judgment towards this work of art) , these people managed to perfectly time everything , to go to the extreme to what's possible on stage and then pushing it a little further leaving you with the thought what is happening is impossible for a live audience stage play . The lights and colors were an experience of their own , and the camera work despite this being a stage play and those had to be done one shot was phenomenal . Bottom line they couldn't have done it any better .
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Terrible movie. Or should I say: terrible fundamentalist propaganda.
spartanswillbrazil4 October 2020
It is not a matter of believe or not, it is a matter of be honest with yourself and admit that all of this is a non-sense fundamentalist propaganda. Not a movie at all.
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Most beautiful stage performance I've ever seen
lexyfirenze10 June 2020
At first i was like this movie is gonna be boring having in mind of what i already know. Like I've seen movies about Jesus countless times but minutes into the movie i began to see it's awesomeness. I actually cried. Had this real life feeling. The musical was on point. Never had i seen stage play this good. I'm in love. God bless you all.
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Maskinen18 June 2020
As an atheist - I rate this as I would any supernatural myth film; be it Jesus, Allah, harry Potter or Lord of the Rings.. and belive me.. it sucks.
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This was so good
evert-williams17 May 2020
I loved every minute of it. It deserves a rating much higher. It is a movie of a stage play but the sets and the special effects are amazing and even live animals are incorporated in the show. Also, the singing and acting was excellent. Some amazing voices
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It's a recorded live action play
moviewatcher-9990816 May 2020
Many have reviewed this as activists; citing their lack of belief as a reason for a bad review. First, it is invalid to write a review of a movie you have never watched; second, it is invalid to give a bad rating of a movie simply because your personal beliefs are in contrast to the subject of the movie. This "movie" is actually a video of an obviously well produced live-action play. The play itself seems that it would be enjoyable to see in person. I gave it a 7/10 because I was not expecting to watch a recording of a play, I was expecting to watch an actual movie. From the perspective of a believer in the Bible; it appears to follow the scriptures, in spirit, quite well. If you are not a believer in the Bible; this movie may either come across as a fun way to learn about the Bible, or you might see it as a sneaky way to get you to church. At the beginning, I was hoping that this was only starting as a live-action play, and that it would morph into a full cinema-type feature with unnoticable special effects. Instead; this seems more likely to have been designed to be shown in a church. For those who give a low rating, and claim the plot as a part of it; this story/plot is based on a book that has over 5 Billion Copies in print. No matter what your personal beliefs are; it is the most published book in the world. Unless you write a story/plot/book that gets over 5 Billion copies in print; perhaps your opinion just doesn't matter.
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burtondonna24 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Hi , My name is Donna Burton and im writing about when jesus said about RESTORATION IN THE BIBLE thats a SET UP the reason why i said that because im telling you that from experience when you give your life to god with faith in him after he restore you he going to DISOWN YOU REOWN YOU FORSAKE YOU FOREVER and formed another person with your SOUL AND put you into satan soul than cast you out and burn
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Wonderful production not to be missed.
cshepparduk23 August 2020
Some have claimed this does not follow the bible but that is rubbish. True it is a film of a stage production and it is just not possible to include everything recorded in the gospels but no where is it other than reflecting the Deity of Jesus as revealed in the gospels, indeed it is fully in the spirit of the gospel and any unbeliever could watch and be convicted of his need of the Saviour from watching it - and that is the telling point. The mobile stage sets were amazing, the acting believable, the story precis'd of course but nothing important omitted. This is of more value to both believers and unbelievers than 100 dry and dusty main-line church services could ever be.The story and persona of Jesus shone through clearly and that is what makes it inspired. In fact I'd say it was inspired by He who makes the wrath of man to praise Him.
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stormelightcreations29 December 2021
This was so wonderful! And as mentioned in other reviews, the cinematography of the play is outstanding! Charming and funny can be found in this retelling of such a serious and profound story. Heartwarming and wonderful, it really brings this story to life <3.
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Most powerful production I've ever experienced!
joshbeaudin27 April 2020
Should be no surprise, but as a follower of the Biblical Jesus, this production invoked more emotion than anything I've ever seen on a screen. It so powerfully embodied the essence of the scriptures as declared in Hebrews 4:12 that "The Word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It pierces to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

As I sat before a screen, eyes drenched with tears and choking back sobs on several occasions, my heart sang a silent chorus as the pages of scripture came to life yet again in a fresh new way.

It is already the greatest honor of my life to identify with the message declared by this production and to serve the historical figure after Whom it is named. He is my closest friend. By His words and works (some shown in this production), I am compelled to believe that Jesus of Nazareth is nothing short of Who exactly He claimed to be, the Christ, the Promised Redeemer of humanity.

In 2 Corinthians 5:20-21, followers of Jesus are told that "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." It will be my privilege to share this production with everyone I can as one of the most relevant tangible gifts I could ever give to a fellow human being.
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An Actual MOVIE Review
diogiman17 May 2020
I have limited experience watching "Stage Plays" that have been filmed, preferring to attend the play in person. However, I have watched literally thousands of movies in my 65 trips around the sun. The cinematography was outstanding, considering the challenges of working with live stage lighting. The stage sets were a bit outlandish at times, but that is to be expected when trying to compete with the Marvel Cinamatic Universe (though I noticed that NONE of the other reviewers made ANY adverse comments about the "existance" of the God of Thunder, or slammed Marvel for including Thor or Zues, GODs, when clearly everyone knows there are no Gods...) As for the actors, they were all adept at their craft, but being mostly previously unknown in film, one could sometimes sense they were "over-acting" in an effort to get noticed by Hollywood.

As for the script... I really can't fault the screenwriters, because they were working with material that has been in print and unchanged for over 2000 years, and the origial writer was unavailable for comment, or rewrites.

Did I enjoy this movie? Yes, yes I did. Probably more so because I went in hoping for a movie that entertained, not a religious Revelation. What I came away with.....

Well, that would be telling wouldn't it.
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mariajohn-7134815 May 2020
What a Piece Of Work Is Man How Noble In Reason , How Infinite In Faculty In Form And Moving How Express And Admirable In Action How Like An Angel In Apprehension How Like a God If We Speak Thus Of Man Of Any True And Worthy Representative Of The Race What Pen Shall Worthily Portray The Greatness Of Jesus Christ Great Production .
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Really good
samuelmadimiacc21 February 2021
It is musical. Very good acting + wonderful sets. I don't know why many gave low ratings. You can watch with your family.

My mom just sat watching till the end 😄..
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Great stage production
ikennabede13 August 2020
It's was seamless, it almost felt like an actual film. Also, I like how they rendered the tale in a relatable fashion. It's a good watch.
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lalinda9021011 June 2020
I have watched few stage dramas like this. this is so different from the others what i have watched. The Jesus character is so natural & other characters also. the drama was so attractive & meaningful. This is Outstanding!!!
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adolfopd7 July 2020
A new way to tell the story of Jesus! Musical and Projection.
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A must see.
xthpowertv10 May 2021
I read all of the reviews, both good and bad. I scored this "movie/play" the way I did because I honestly enjoyed the sights, sounds, and acting.

I am not a Christian, nor am I religious. But the story does yield a much larger metaphor, as it is basically telling anyone that watches, that it is never Ever too late to stop killing that part of yourself, which you deny daily in pursuit of daily survival... I feel that anyone who does not like the play, does not understand the material, and the fact that it is obvious that the budgets are not the same as a Hollywood production, and for good reason.

The acting is wonderful, and relatable, the camera work is excellent, and if I have to ding it for anything, I wish it was film, and it's that I can't watch it again. It is a hard watch, because in the end, you will realize that Peter is our proxy. Always was.

Watch it with loved ones. Eat your heart out Disney.
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Really Powerful And Amazing
thepeven9 July 2020
I'm a believer but I was sceptical for this movie, I've seen a few movies about Christ and if it wasnt directed by Mel I don't think I'd enjoy it. But this was so good and my daughter loved it.
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Engaging stage production with SPECTACULAR visuals!
paulvdrand19 May 2021
I'll start by admitting I'm completely non-religious, and also have zero experience with reviewing movies (which the following long-winded ramble will make clear beyond a doubt). It's fine if you have a different opinion, don't take my review for gospel (ha!).

After watching this on a whim around Easter and then seeing the ridiculously low rating on this site (4.0 at the time of writing - completely undeserved!), I felt compelled to share some impressions of my own.

First of all, it must be made very clear that this is not a proper movie, but rather a recording of a stage play! This is not conveyed very well on the IMDB page, so it's understandable how some viewers might leave a low rating when this turns out to be something completely different from what they expected to watch.

That said, most of the scathing negative reviews on here just make me cringe! Tearing apart a religious movie just because you're an edgy atheist, or because you're too much of a hardcore Christian to accept some artistic liberties makes it quite hard to take your review seriously. On the other hand, I also see a few Christians leaving perfect 10 reviews just because it's a Jesus movie, so eh...

Anyway, on to my actual review of this movie.

  • for a live stage play, it looks GORGEOUS - cannot overstate this! The set design, stage layout, props and decorations, costumes, background visuals, special effects... everything is just top notch. Very ambitious production, and very impressive how well they pull it off! It must be really fantastic to see it all in person, from the audience.

  • the actor playing Jesus is very good. While I was personally not impressed with most of the cast, the lead actor (sorry, I couldn't find his name anywhere) fortunately does a very good job. He has a good range, is natural and imposing when appropriate, looks the part (at least, going by typical Christian depictions), and generally gives a convincing and likeable performance. I especially enjoyed the more lightheaded scenes of hanging out with the disciples or preaching to the common folk, where Jesus comes across as genuinely a genuinely warm, kind, friendly man, who can also joke around - rather than simply a stoic, ethereal prophet figure.

  • while more of a background character for most of the play, Mother Mary gets a very powerful, emotional scene towards the end. I didn't expect any big surprises in the story at that point, but the actress blew me away!

  • apart from Jesus, the quality of the acting from the rest of the cast is quite uneven. Most do an ok job, some are quite good but don't get a lot of time in the spotlight (e.g. The Virgin Mary, Judas), but unfortunately, the delivery from a lot of the cast often feels wooden or forced.

This could just be a downside of zooming in the camera on performances that were intended for a large stage, in front of a live audience. The acting could very well be perfectly passable when you see the show in person.

  • Characters in this adaptation use a very casual, modern style of speech. The play also employs some blatant modern-day fiction tropes, e.g. The sassy, black woman who don't talks about smacking her naughty kids... which can seem quite out of place. Personally, I was able to enjoy this as an attempt to make the Gospel story more relatable and accessible to a wide audience of all ages. On the other hand, I can also imagine how it could be seen as too dumbed-down, cartoonish or distasteful, especially to the more religious viewers (it was clearly a sore spot for some of the more Bible-thumping reviewers on this site!)

  • it might be just a matter of taste, but the musical segments left me completely unimpressed. Some of the actors are clearly very talented singers and everybody does a good job, but the songs themselves just seemed uninspired and completely forgettable to me, almost like they were tacked on to turn the play into a musical. The music here doesn't hold a candle to other biblical adaptations such as "Jesus Christ Superstar" or even the animated "The Prince of Egypt". Again, something that probably works better when you see the show in person.

  • weak ending; now obviously everybody knows how the Gospel story ends, so it's not like I expected some big twist. However, after reaching a climax during the crucifixion-burial of Jesus scenes, the story just seems to lose all momentum, and kinda devolves into a straight-up sermon (with characters literally looking straight at the viewer and urging them to come to Jesus...). Even the consistently fantastic visuals and special effects get super cheesy at this point, like a cross between a Vegas magic show and a megachurch worship service. Religious viewers might find it more satisfying.

CONCLUSION: Grandiose, spectacular, very well produced stage adaptation of the biblical Gospel story. Engaging and accessible to a wide audience. Not perfect, but not deserving all the vicious reviews and really low ratings.

There is a lot here to admire and enjoy, even for non-religious viewers!
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So any religious film is simply not ok?
babangidakunhiyop24 July 2020
I wonder how in the world this film got anything less than 8.... Well I guess anything religious will always be rated poorly for the simple reason that it's religious..... and most especially Christian... For what it's worth, I think it's an amazing film, the stage work, the effects just outta this world. If you're a Christian, religious, or spiritually curious.. I think it's totally worth your time. If not.... Well.... Then.... Don't
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