Tokyo Gore Police (2008) Poster

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The Gore Police, They Are Inside of My Head
masercot31 October 2009
This movie is proof positive that the Japanese are the craziest people on the face of the earth. It bears a striking resemblance to Robocop, while, at the same time, putting the gory effects of the Peter Weller film to shame. Commercials let us know that this epoch of Tokyo is one where self mutilation and violent death are not only the norm, they are entertainment. Where Robocop addresses the privatization of law enforcement, this film starts after the privatization occurred.

The woman who plays Ruka is an attractive stoic sort, believable as a tough woman seeking vengeance for her father's death. Ruka is an "engineer" killer. An engineer, in this movie, is kind of like a Guyver if the movie were done by the effects people from Videodrome. If you don't like gore, avoid this flick like the plague; although, if you bought or rented a movie called "Tokyo Gore Police" and didn't expect gore, there isn't much hope for you.

I gave this movie a seven out of ten because they did try to make a real movie out of this. The concept was a little dumb; but, the world that the movie was set in was interesting...
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Actually, It's "Pick Your Own Rating"
drprod22 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I found the entire exercise in endless over-the-top gore, seriously twisted sex and (as has been pointed out elsewhere) ROBOCOP/STARSHIP TROOPERS-style satire to be too confusing, too nihilistic, and too...much, ultimately. But I won't deny that there's definitely an audience for this movie, even if the graphic violence effects range from astonishingly good to patently obvious.

Briefly, the story involves a near-future Tokyo where the police force has been privatized, fighting homicidal maniacs called "Engineers" who, upon being seriously injured, sprout Cronenberg-like "flesh weapons" to seriously ramp up the death and destruction before they are killed. A young policewoman with serious personal issues, having seen her policeman father assassinated as a girl, is tasked with hunting down these Engineers with the aid of her katana (Japanese longsword) - only what the Engineers are, and how they relate to both the father's death and the privatizing of the Tokyo PD, is all part of the same deep, dark conspiracy....

In the end, whether you love it or hate it is completely a personal call. I'd recommend renting before buying, unless you absolutely are a gorehound.
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If Paul Verhoeven was even crazier … and Japanese
Coventry5 April 2017
There's one particular fun fact in the trivia section that I'm easily willing to believe. It states that the film was fully completed in approximately only two weeks… Well yes, that about explains why most of the events in "Tokyo Gore Police" are so damn random and why the entire screenplay appears to be improvised as they went along. Admittedly I'm not the biggest fan of this type of extremely chaotic and Manga-like Japanese fantasy/splatter, and it actually took me around 8 years before I had the courage to finally unwrap the DVD I picked up at a bargain price, but still this remained a very tiring and difficult viewing for me. I don't know about most people, but I just like a minimum of structure, logic and sense and, if that's also for you the case, then Tokyo Gore Police (and by extension the entire repertoire of weirdo Yoshihiro Nishimura) probably isn't the best choice to watch. Still, large parts of it are undeniably terrific, imaginative and truly entertaining! I'm not necessarily referring to the grotesque gore and excessive bloodshed, but rather towards the sick black humor and totally deranged little details (like eccentric supportive characters, decors, make-up designs, etc…)

I was actually lying when I implied that "Tokyo Gore Police" doesn't feature any structure whatsoever. The overall structure is that many of this film's story lines are seemingly homages to the great Sci- Fi/action classics of director Paul Verhoeven! Surely it cannot be a coincidence there are so many similarities with at least three of Verhoeven's most successful movies? The basic plot concept of the police restructuring/privatizing is clearly borrowed from "Robocop", and the sudden interludes to show fake futuristic TV-commercials are even blatantly stolen from that same 1987 classic. Lead heroine Ruca is on a mission to battle a bizarrely evil breed of super villains known as "engineers", and when they get hurt they inexplicably transform into disgusting mutant creatures. Perhaps this is just me, but many of these mutants instantly reminded me of the mutant community members on Mars in Verhoeven's "Total Recall"; especially the ones in the sex bar. I didn't spot a woman with three breasts here, but definitely a lot of other and similarly freaky stuff! And then, of course, there's the ultimate cult classic "Starship Troopers", from which "Tokyo Gore Police" imitates the satirical and unscrupulous propaganda to join the army (or, in this case, the private police force) and supposedly protect mankind by waving around massive guns and shoot people.

Yoshihiro Nishimura certainly deserves praise and applause for being able to mix all these Paul Verhoeven formulas and still insert a lot of his own demented ideas, that's for sure. Many sequences are also genuinely hilarious, like the tongue-in-cheek commercials that attempt to sell colorful self-mutilation knives or the anti-Harakiri campaign). But the truth remains also that "Tokyo Gore Police" is dreadfully overlong and too quickly become repetitive and tedious. 118 minutes is unacceptably long for nonsensical splatter, so after a short while it becomes rather boring to witness the umpteenth anatomically incorrect blood shower that gushes out of someone's body hole where their head or leg or arm used to be. In horror terms, there's nothing as painful as a boring gore flick!
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Talk about Gore ...
kosmasp11 October 2008
The title is not just saying that, but you will indeed get a lot of gore when you watch this movie. Depending on your taste, you will be either delighted or disgusted by that very fact. I'll assume that you are more excited, if you keep on reading.

While I'm not fully aware of some of the Japanese gore movies of the recent years (mainly because they have too many "machines" in them or people turning into machines ... too weird to describe ... maybe "Cronenberg meets Miike on Speed" would be the most appropriate?), I still thought that this movie was kinda fun. Well "fun" might not be the right word, but the movie seemed to be over fast, which always is a good sign in my book (unless it's a short, but that's whole different story). If you don't mind the ridiculous plot and the "bad" (e.g. comedic) acting and enjoy the Gore, than you're given a treat here ...
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The gore is great the exposition is slow and dull in this wildly overlong blood fest
dbborroughs21 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Two hours? This film is two hours long? Dark brooding tale of a world where self mutilation is the norm, where psychos have to be killed out right, and some mutants called engineers can re-sculpt their bodies in gruesome ways. Into the mix is a woman who's job is to go out and kill the engineers and who is looking for the man who killed her father.

One of the genre of gore films from Japan that exist purely to watch the blood and body parts fly. Its all over the top and many of these films work in a wonderfully disgusting sort of way. Most of the films I've seen tend to run under 90 minutes, do what they do and get off. They are amusing time killers for people who like things sprayed with fake blood.

As the gore films go this is one of the best looking and one of the dullest I've seen. The visuals of spraying blood and flying body parts are first rate. If you like this sort of thing odds are the visual compositions will make you smile, as will the cleverness, say the geisha girl who chops up subway molesters carrying an umbrella so as not to get covered in the red stuff. Equally good are some of the character designs which sometimes run toward the dark fetish (leather bound girl on all fours anyone?) The problem is that the films sense of story (okay yes I know the story isn't the point here) and pacing is way way off.The film just drones on, through terrible exposition scenes. yes the commercials are funny, but the story of the brooding heroine who saw her father die is really boring. Even more so when you consider that the girl never changes her expression. I was bored by the end of the first hour.

Far be it for me to suggest some one go at this film with a pair of shears and cut a half hour or more our of it, but in my humble opinion I think thats what this film needs. For me I'm glad I saw this on video where zapping to the next blood soaked sequence was easy.

Those loving ultra gory cleverness and a finger on the remote are directed to this film. Anyone else, especially those with an ounce of good taste, are directed elsewhere.
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Make No Mistake: This Film's Title Is Not Misleading
gavin69422 March 2010
In a near future, chaotic Japan, a mad scientist known as "Key Man" (Itsuji Itao) has created a virus that mutates humans into monstrous creatures called "Engineers" that sprout bizarre weapons from any injury. The Tokyo Police Force has been privatized to deal with this new threat of engineers, so a special squad of officers called "Engineer Hunters" are created to deal with them. However, unlike the average police force, the Engineer Hunters are a private quasi-military force that utilize violence, sadism, and streetside executions to maintain law and order.

Eihi Shiina from "Audition" stars as Ruka, an anti-social, self-harming loner, who is very skilled in dispatching the engineers. And this comes to us from the creators of "Machine Girl", "Meatball Machine" and "Suicide Club"... so if you've seen those, you kind of get the idea.

Director Yoshihiro Nishimura has been described as "a legendary director and effects artist" and "the Tom Savini of Japan" with "talent to burn". Okay, so comparing anyone to Savini is a bit of a stretch... but when you see what Nishimura is capable of doing, it's not a bad description: these creations are something outrageous.

The effects, the plot, the characters... they are all beyond bizarre. Some guy named Brian Chen reviewed the film and comments, "It's not a horrible film; it's not a great film; it's just everything it tries to be -- perverse, grotesque, bizarre -- and a little more." That's a fine summary. It is most certainly those things... it cannot be a great film with its over-the-top nature, but as far as Japanese gore films go, it's the new standard to beat...

If you liked "Machine Girl" and liked the excessive blood, gore, twisted sexuality... you'll enjoy this. You may not understand it all, because it's screwed up beyond belief, but if you're renting or buying a film called "Tokyo Gore Police", I think you have a good sense of what you're getting into.
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Tokyo Gore Police
Scarecrow-8815 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Ruka(..scrawny and sullen Eihi Shiina)watched an assassin blow her father's head apart and bears this burden as an "engineer hunter"(..humans with hideous mutations genetically created)working for a "privatized police faction" known as the Tokyo Police Corporation who destroy criminals on the spot, wearing heavy armour and equipped with state-of-the-art machine guns under the control of a Police chief(Yukihide Benny)whose vocal cords are severed and speaks through a special magnified intercom system attacked to his uniform. Ruka is on the prowl for the mastermind behind the engineers, a madman who actually injected himself with the genes of notorious serial killers, his method for being able to create this race he claims derived from the devil after attempting to kill himself. The Mastermind wishes to join forces with Ruka, both have something in common, concerning her father's murder and how the assassin relates to him. Ultimately, The Mastermind will inflict Ruka with a genetic mutation(..inserting a hunk of flesh, in the form of a key, duplicated from a sample found in the Mastermind's body after awakening from a coma which derived from his attempted suicidal leap from a building, leaving his face scarred)that will turn her into the very thing she hunts, with complicated results. The Mastermind will also infiltrate the Tokyo Police Corporation, using one of their own men, after turning him into an engineer when he visited an underground freak show containing mutants. This sets off a chain events which will expose the corruption of an organization which was built, supposedly, to protect citizens, with Ruka forced into fighting against the very ones she's worked for her entire adult life.

Outrageous, cartoonish, over-the-top, extremely graphic action-horror hybrid featuring every possible violent act that can happen to the human body. Body parts are ripped away or chopped from victim's bodies and blood sprays all over the place. Faces are stabbed and mutilated, even removed from the head. Hideously grotesque body mutations are a constant(..clearly Cronenberg's Videodrome has had a profound impact on the filmmakers)such as a crocodile mouth forming from the arm or legs of humans effected by The Mastermind's mutations, chomping down on limbs and faces, jerking them from victims' bodies. Faces are often deformed with icky make-up effects. Ruka uses a Kitana sword and many a victim are split apart with blood squirting, whether it be someone's head parted down the center or bodies cut in half and hacked to pieces. This kind of film is not for the squeamish, that's for sure. The mutations are liable to get under the skin of those who have a hard time dealing with fleshly deformities and abnormalities. I think the film goes a little overboard with it's excess of gore..a woman is torn to shreds after the Tokyo police pull her apart using four separate vehicles, her hands and legs all pulled in individual directions. Multiple heads are severed and a kooky coroner has a missile launcher he uses to blast human arms(..they even give poor Ruka the finger!)! One poor soul gets his penis bitten off with a large mutation growing in it's place shooting flesh-bullets at the police! The film, as it continues, just gets more ridiculous, surreal and's hard to ever take serious even when the story unfolds a grim fact involving Ruka's father, an advocate against a privatized police force, and her boss, the man who raised her. Features commercial bits representing a hostile future embracing the violent nature of a culture spiraling out of control and the dark humor on display will not appeal to everyone, some would find it unpleasant and sick. But, this film is a no-holds-barred, go-for-broke type of entertainment that is audacious and repulsive in equal measure. Spirited camera-work, colorful visual style, and energy to spare, Yoshihiro Nishimura aims to please gorehounds with a penchant for ultra-violence. The visual effects are, at times, so bizarre, revolting, and shocking(..while also, at times, looking rather unconvincing as if it was the director's intent to make the violence seem unrealistic and cheesy)that it elicits awe and surprise. Rarely does the director let you catch a breath, either, and there's hardly ever a moment where the film is civilized or humane. Enter at your own risk.
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the title says it all, and it lives up to its title
Quinoa19849 October 2008
Wow. That's one word to say after this master's class in splatter-fest ends. But there's more, lots more. This is classic modern exploitation fare, not exactly a very good movie, no, but absolutely spectacular in everything that it sets out to accomplish. Which is, basically, to try and out-do whatever's come before it in terms of outrageous splendor of body parts, dismemberment, be-headings, sword-cuts, arm cuts, and blood flying out like it's a dam exploded. And on top of this the filmmakers have an incredible design conceit that allows for limbs, once torn off or exploded or shredded or whatever, to spring back crazy appendages that range from heat-seeking missiles to crocodile jaws to genital "restructuring." There is no other movie quite like it.

It's also, not so oddly enough, a rip-off in part of the Paul Verhoven RoboCop/Starship Troopers style of putting in advertisements and PSA's in honor and exquisite mockery of the police-state the movie is set in (thankfully, the director, Noshihiro Nishimura, is just as brilliant at these as Verhoven, especially when doing bits like "Cutting yourself is cute!" and "Don't commit Harakiri!"), not to mention the bubbly little Japanese girl ala Battle Royale communicating to the public. But the concept itself, however ripped-off, is not exactly what's important (it's police/revenge saga mixed with wacko sci-fi bits like splicing genes from various serial killers to create the perfect psycho). What's important with Tokyo Gore Police is the daring to just go and do whatever the f*** is possible within this scope of total abhorrent violence and death and blood and guts and limbs sometimes stacked in piles ("No, no, the *right* hand!" is a great throwaway line).

Basically, if there's any other movie aside from possible Dead-Alive that can contend with it, this is the goriest movie ever made outside of the US. Even for Japan, who have produced some of the craziest action/horror/sci-fi stuff anywhere ever (Miike especially can lay claim to some of it), it's extreme and it's certainly not for the faint of heart or easily offended or yada yada. It's for the fans, the die-hard group that just can't seem to, on the contrary of most, be offended by anything. In fact, that's the joy of watching Tokyo Gore Police, which with a few scenes as exceptions where they get into real "Dramatic" moments, being that so much goes on, one thing tops the next, that it's impossible to keep a straight face. Eihi Shiina (of Audition) as the hero of the story comes across so much craziness with the "Engineers" as they're called, who face off against the militant police in a dire battle, that by the time the end credits roll we can't keep up with the final body count.

In short, this is the kind of movie that Patrick Bateman or Alexander De Large would rent about 300 times. If you know who you are in the audience, and you love insane horror that is laced with bristling, so-over-the-top-it-reaches-the-moon comedy, seek it out. You won't be disappointed as far as after-midnight/gross-out-your-girlfriend flicks go.
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If Hellraiser had been a police action flick
Tender-Flesh26 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The producers get an A for effort for this one. I wasn't expecting much when I started watching, and I wasn't even really paying attention to the subtitles for a while as I thought this was pretty run of the mill. But then the weirdness gets ratcheted and some supreme body horror comes into play.

Being a big fan of, well, gore, and body horror, I was digging this movie after about 30 minutes. It didn't grab me right away, but I'm glad I stuck with it. For the price of admission, you get some pretty good stuff. Some of the important scenes could have been better with a bigger budget, but even the ideas they had were great, if the execution occasionally lacked.

Seriously, when was the last time you saw a girl get ripped in half by a Mac-10, only to have a crocodile mouth grow out of her lower torso, compete with a gnarly vagina waiting at the end of that gruesome gullet? Or a the bigger payoff---a quadruple amputee bondage slave girl(for some reason referred to as He) who was 4 samurai swords for limbs? Some trick shooting and CGI kept that scene from being totally wasted, and it's one of the highlights of the movie.

And, for the squeamish, be warned. There is a pretty graphic groin-biting scene. Again, we have some Japanese bleeder that ignores how the body really works, even beyond showers of blood. But that's sort of the point here: the plot revolves around genetically modified killers who can grow monstrous new limbs fighting a corrupt privatized police force with a hot little mama wielding a sword against both factions.

I was pleasantly surprised for a change that not only does the title say it all, but the film actually lives up to the name. Gorier and better produced than The Machine Girl, but you should probably knock both of these out together over beer and pizza. There are worse ways to kill a weekend and brain cells.
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knuckles_and_sonic31 December 2008
I thought I would like this movie,it had everything that I was expecting and more but really after watching it I was a bit like...huh? The movie isn't bad, it isn't good, it's kind of just there, if you want to see bucket loads of gore and really bizarre creature people then by all means watch. I just wasn't grossed out by much of the movie, the uh club part was kinda sick though. I guess I was just expecting a bit more from this movie and it didn't deliver everything that I thought it would with such a high score on this website.

Gore fans will probably like it but in comparison to other Japanese horror or splatter films such as Koroshiya 1, it just didn't deliver.
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Disgusting, depraved and endlessly inventive
zetes18 January 2009
Wowza! Along the lines of Evil Dead and Dead Alive, this splatterfest is sure to be a cult classic. Eihi Shiina, famous for playing the crazy girl in Takashi Miike's Audition, stars as a member of Tokyo's police force. Her specialty is hunting "engineers", genetically modified humans who can reconstitute their flesh wounds as weapons. I think 90% of this film's budget was spent on red Kool-Ade and fire hoses. Every severed limb produces approximately 30 gallons of fake blood. A movie like this can easily become repetitive and thus boring, but the true worth of Tokyo Gore Police comes from its endless inventiveness. Yoshihiro Nishimura, who has spent his career up to now as a makeup artist, keeps upping the ante, showing us some horrible new thing we've never seen previously in every sequence. It's all extraordinarily disgusting and depraved, but it's the best film of this type I've seen in a while.
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Gloriously warped gorefest
HaemovoreRex1 February 2009
Set in the apparent near future, this deranged, blood drenched flick highlights a world in which the police force of Tokyo have been privatised, resulting in a far more brutal approach to crime fighting. But it's not only regular criminals who are on the receiving end of this new brand of justice, for there exists a new breed of mutant called Engineers, who when wounded, sprout grotesque weaponry (sometimes purely biological based, other times bio-mechanical) with which to fight (gruesomely!) back. Throw into the mix a beautiful heroine with a nasty proclivity for self mutilation, a mysterious killer with a predilection for poking his victims with what appear to be giant piercing needles(!) and more police perpetrated violence than you can shake a stick at and you have this frequently bizarre modern splatter classic. Unfortunately, it is perhaps a little bit too weird for it's own good but if it's the red stuff that you desire then you will probably happily overlook the distractingly surreal aspects.

Best of all though, are the hilarious public information adverts that appear at intervals throughout which include advertising a particularly gory spin on a Wii like games system, a fashionable new tool specifically designed for cutting ones own wrists(!) and a police recruitment ad in which our boys are shown blowing the hell out of a serial killer(!) Splendid stuff indeed!
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Just. Plain. Stupid.
beelzebub_azazel12 February 2009
I liked the Evil Dead series. I can say that I didn't mind Zombie Strippers. I don't mind gore or violence or movies that are pointless. Frequently I like movies that get rated 4.5/10 or something like that...but this is easily the stupidest movie I've ever watched from start to finish.

Those familiar with the Infinite Monkey Theorem ( know that "The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare." If this is the case then it took 2 retarded monkeys about 5 minutes to finish this script.

It's almost like a 12 year old with an extensive knowledge of fetish society wrote a comic book (dialogue and all) and it was magically made into a movie.

The humor isn't humorous. The story weak. The gore is over the top but not even in a funny way. Just...stupid.

I wish I could say that something was lost in translation but I just don't think that's the case.

This could have been a cool video game or something but it's really just a waste of time.
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Engineers. We have to kill them by any means. They are humanity's new enemy.
lastliberal20 February 2009
Yoshihiro Nishimura, who did the makeup and special effects on The Machine Girl, seeks to raise the gore level in Japanese films beyond Takashi Miike (Ichi the Killer, Graveyard of Honor, Bodyguard Kiba).

Forget the Texas Chainsaw massacre. In the first few minutes of this gore-fest, there is not only a chainsaw decapitation, but a chainsaw in the mouth and a chainsaw battle between Ruka (Eihi Shiina) and an engineer. Blood flowed more freely than a water-main break.

The Tokyo police are privatized, just like the force in Robocop. They do not spare bullets when apprehending criminals, much like the 1928 LAPD in Changeling.

Ruka, who is into self-mutilation, chases engineers. While she chases them, they are killing prostitutes, removing their blood, cutting them up and putting them in a box. This is complete with cartoonish newscasts about the killings, and ads about seppuku and self-mutilation aids for teen girls.

The bar/whorehouse scene is indescribable. It has to be seen to be believed. The characters, the gore, the imaginative battle is just far beyond anything I have seen. One of the customers was a cap. He ended up becoming an engineer and attacks the local police station. That was also beyond my imagination.

Ruka continues her investigation into the engineers amidst all this madness and blood until she finds the answers she is looking for. Then she acts.

The ending was as garish and colorful as the entire film. It was over the top in all respects. This film is definitely reserved for gore hounds.
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I'm missing a storyline here....
johnslegers19 May 2009
Dismembered body parts. Fountains of blood. Weird mutations that grow out of wounds. Psychotic sexual fantasies. Some girl who tries to do sword fights with a katana. A deranged privatised police force. etc.

That's pretty much what's you'll get to see throughout the movie. If you're expecting a story that even remotely makes sense, you overestimate this film. It just...... lacks some of the basic elements of storytelling.

The whole film seems like the vision of a psychopath having a bad LSD trip. Because some of the scenes are so completely surreal you've got to give the creators some credit, I believe this film deserves a 2. But for lack of a basic storyline, it would not feel right to give it any higher vote.
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Ruka's Revenge...
azathothpwiggins3 January 2022
TOKYO GORE POLICE is the Japanese splatter classic starring Eihi Shiina as Ruka, a member of the titular police force. Ruka is specially trained to hunt down and kill genetically-engineered mutants known as "Engineers" that are threatening humankind. It's also personal for Ruka, since these creatures killed her father.

During her mission, Ruka uncovers the truth behind the Engineers and the TGP.

Overflowing with spraying blood and flying, severed limbs, this movie is for those of us who find great mirth in such outrageous displays. There's also a solid story of betrayal, conspiracy, and ultimate vengeance. In addition, TGP includes healthy doses of biting social satire. This is all wrapped in a wonderfully bleak atmosphere that Cronenberg himself would enjoy...
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Paul Verhoeven pastiche meets gory power ranger knockoff and Japanese total crazyness
TooKakkoiiforYou_32119 March 2021
The first half hour is a bit of a drag on, but when it clicks you can't stop being amused and entertained by the sheer amount of crazyness and over-the top violence in this anime-like movie. The female leads are also really hot, which doesn't hurt. A recommended 7,5.
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A great family movie
baron-the-wasteland31 May 2013
I would give this movie 100 out of 10 if such a thing were plausible!

The graphics and special effects were nothing if not top-notch and superior to anything I've viewed else-wise.

And the acting... THE ACTING! Wowie!

Don't forget the plot. DO. NOT. FORGET. THE. PLOT.

The interpersonal relationships were so delicately and expertly crafted that I felt that the crafters of this film took a page from my diary! It captured the pure essence of life itself! Devine Excellence in Every Scene. I was simply SHAKING under the force of my sobbing by the end of the film.

I'm sure all can relate to this film, how could anyone not? Bravo Japanese Filmmakers, your determination to produce only the UTMOST in quality cinematic entertainment. I salute thee.
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Starts off extremely gory and doesn't let up for nearly two hours.
BA_Harrison22 January 2009
Combine a Paul Verhoeven-style dystopian vision of the future (of the kind seen in Robocop and Starship Troopers) with the body-shock horror of David Cronenberg, throw in absolutely tons of OTT cartoonish gore ala Peter Jackson and some outrageously twisted horror of the kind that only the Japanese could imagine, and then add every last shred of bizarre Anime-inspired imagery that you can think of, and the result may look something like Tokyo Gore Police, a completely bonkers, gore-drenched epic from director Yoshihiro Nishimura.

Since it would take me forever and a day to try and catalogue every last moment of gore and depravity in this film, and even longer to try and describe the plot (beyond mentioning the fact that the story sees a young woman seeking revenge for her father's death), I'm not going to bother; suffice to say that gore-hounds who seek out this freaky film will be treated to continuous stomach churning images of bodily dismemberment, S & M themed grotesquery, and scenes of complete random violence from start to finish, and the fact that the story makes very little sense (at least until the very end, when plot threads finally start to come together) should not matter in the least.

Ironically, though, it is this relentless approach that stops me from giving Tokyo Gore Police a perfect 10/10. When a film begins with the gore and weirdness levels stuck firmly at ten, then there is nowhere left for the film to go. For nearly two hours, the blood sprays, limbs are ripped off, heads roll, and bodies are torn asunder; whilst this is admittedly lots of fun, it leaves little room for progression and zero chance of a genuinely satisfying climax (Oooer missus!).
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More than gore
kluseba1 July 2016
It shouldn't be a surprise to you that this movie is bizarre, gory and perverse and for adults and genre-fans only. The title is obvious enough and anybody who disliked this movie can't tell me that he didn't know what to expect from this weird b-movie.

''Tokyo Gore Police'' takes places in a dystopian future where the Tokyo Police Force has been privatized and recalls elements of a radical paramilitary organization. The organization fights so-called ''Engineers'' which are monstrous humans that sprout bizarre weapons from an injury. A superb Eihi Shiina, most known for her stunning debut in Takashi Miike's ''Audition'', incarnates a lonesome police officer with Borderline personality disorder who fights these creatures and tries to identify the crazy scientist that first created the ''Engineers''.

While the story seems to be simplistic at first sight, it's not as shallow as it seems. Over the course of the movie, we get to know the background story of the police officer who had a mentally deranged mother and whose father was a proud police officer who was killed by a hit-man. The background story of the crazy scientist as well as the reasons for the existence of the radical paramilitary organization are also explained step by step and lead to a brutal showdown.

This movie is filled with hilarious ideas and memorable scenes. Among the transformed monsters, we can see female sex slaves whose arms and legs have been replaced by swords or machine guns for example. The most deranging scene is probably the part that takes place in a decadent strip club where a police officer gets tortured by a prostitute whose lower body parts change into the upper body part of an alligator.

We also get to see some social criticism in this movie. The main plot is sometimes interrupted with short television advertisements that promote self-harm and similar decadent behaviours in a humorous way. These clips criticize dangerous and weird trends in our society.

You can enjoy this movie as the abnormally nasty horror flick that it is or as some bitter social criticism in a most dystopian world. It's your choice whether you simply want to be emotionally entertained or intellectually instructed by this film while a mixture of both is probably the most recommended manner to approach this unusual production. No matter what your choice is, please be aware that the content of this film is highly disturbing for those who aren't familiar with the gore genre or experimental Japanese cinema.
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An acquired taste....
okpilak16 July 2023
The Tokyo Police were privatized, and the new force was facing 'engineers'. Those are criminals who are implanted with a certain device that makes them almost impossible to kill, as each severed part then is turned into some type of weapon. And there is plenty of gore, but mainly in a very cartoonish fashion. More like a garden sprinkler shooting streams of blood, although at one point some of the violence was pixilated, which didn't make sense in context of the rest of the movie. Ruka is one of their best killers of 'engineers'. There is a thread that is developed, but it really makes little sense considering the rest of the movie is so over the top with spewing blood and fake body parts. For those fans who want to see non-stop spattering blood, they will probably like it. It gets tiresome after awhile. They did have several very unique guns that were used. But the movie really is non-stop gore.
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Over-the-top, insane, whacked, screwed, etc
LoneWolfAndCub9 April 2009
Ever since that epic 4 minute trailer was released last year, Tokyo Gore Police has been my most sought out movie for the last few months. The trailer was quite simply a glorious showcase of screwed up gore with a cool score to back. I was slightly worried that the trailer showed all the gory parts, leaving the movie with nothing interesting (which happens all too often). Fortunately I was wrong, Tokyo Gore Police is nothing short of one of the goriest, most insanely f#cked up movies ever made. Now, I will get this out of the way now, this is technically not a "good" movie: the plot is flimsy at best, the SFX are low-grade and there is no character development; however, this movie is entertaining and fun.

There is a story, which is set in the future, where criminals called "engineers" mutilate their bodies and transform into half-machine half-human monstrosities to wreck havoc. Ruka (Eihi Shiina, from Audition fame) is an "engineer" hunter who uncovers some hidden secrets involving her past from an engineer which reveal a corrupted police force.

Really, that is the extent of the story, with the rest of the movie the director's way of showcasing some serious messed up mutations and plenty of arteriole spray. This is the only movie I think you will ever see something like a chair made of human flesh which urinates on a group of people into S&M, a man with a penis gun, a woman with a snail shell and a crocodile/vagina fusion. This is all OTT and played for laughs, and I think it works that way. In no way should this be taken seriously, much like The Machine Girl, this is a ridiculous movie that really accomplishes what it sets out to. Although it runs for a good 110 minutes, it feels like its over before it starts (due to its unrelenting pace).

Already I think this is a candidate for one of the best movies of the year, and I believe its guaranteed to be a cult classic! If you enjoy Cronenberg style biological horror and enjoyed Tetsuo: Iron Man then this is right up your alley.

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Tokyo Gore Police
phubbs30 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Well its certainly gory that's for damn sure, I've never seen so much fake watery looking blood. It literately explodes from the screen into your face! fountains and streams of gushing blood at every turn.

The films instantly conjures thoughts of 'Robocop' and 'Starship Troopers' as we are introduced to little news flashes or adverts showing thick dark humour laced with heavy doses of satire. A privatised police force that 'protects' Tokyo against the threat of engineers (self mutated insane berserker criminals).

There's such a colourful blend of genres here its hard to pin down really, think 'Kill Bill' with quirky fantasy and horror. The plot is bizarre and chock full of fetish and kink, rubber bound ladies and femme fatales, a real pleasure for all alternatives out there. Add a crazy mix of down right blatant B-movie effects alongside some pretty good gore effects combined with ingenious camera angles and surreal visions.

I liked the futuristic Japanese police with their black samurai suits and many of the nightmarish mutant engineers are fun to see in action. Lots of katana face splitting and body popping with a man who shoots eyeballs from little cannon extensions in his eye sockets to a girl who's lower half becomes a gaping alligator-esque maw.

Visually and artistically its all completely comicbook/graphic novel or manga in style with so much blood it becomes comical rather than scary, but that's the idea really. Not really vicious, but more of a farcical screwball fury of violence with some nice slick visuals at times, highly bizarre imagination and many memorable cult moments. I think I can see where Tarantino looks too for inspiration or is it vice versa? loved the limbless pet gimp.

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Mildly distracting, but I've seen better
Leofwine_draca19 February 2016
TOKYO GORE POLICE is one of the earliest and most famous of the Japanese wave of independent, low budget, cheap, gore/bad taste movies of which other titles include MEATBALL MACHINE and MACHINE GIRL. Having just watched it, I thought it was mildly enjoyable but somehow lacking at the same time. The plotting is simplistic stuff indeed and just a bare skeleton on which to hang a handful of action sequences, none of which are particularly amazing.

I'd seen other films in the same genre first, such as VAMPIRE GIRL VS. FRANKENSTEIN GIRL and HARD REVENGE MILLY, and thought that they were more entertaining. Still, TOKYO GORE POLICE has its moments with some truly outlandish special effects work typically involving body modification and extreme blood sprays. The main character is an offbeat policewoman played by AUDITION's Eihi Shiina who goes around killing 'engineers', who are genetically modified killers.

There are flying samurai killers, chainsaw deaths, a half woman/half crocodile, plus lots of sniggering, bad taste shots. The acting is over the top but not as frenzied as the directorial style. I can't help but think that the people who make this stuff try a little too hard with their limited resources; Ryuhei Kitamura handled low budget genre fare much better with the likes of VERSUS, which concentrated on style over cheesy effects. Still, it does remain enjoyable - albeit just about.
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A surreal blood-soaked cult film
thommickel5 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Recently, I popped this film into my DVD player, not really expecting much. From the box, it appeared to be yet another Japanese film based on an anime (which I generally don't find that entertaining). In any case, I watch loads of Japanese films, as I'm learning the language. (Incidentally, the original Japanese language title for this film is: "Tokyo Cruel Police.")

Five minutes into the movie, "Tokyo Gore Police" had my complete and full attention. I was stunned at what I was seeing. I've seen a lot of Japanese horror films and a lot of blood-soaked movies. But this film takes it to another level. "Tokyo Gore Police" has the ability to shock even those who are jaded and think they've "seen it all." "Tokyo Gore Police" is incredibly bloody and violent---maybe the most gory movie ever made. It makes the films of Takashi Miike seem tame by comparison.

And it reminded me, once again, why I am a huge fan of Japanese cinema. Whereas today's Hollywood movies are dull, predictable and follow tiresome rules, you never know what to expect with a Japanese movie.

This is particularly true with the horror genre. Hollywood-style predictability has ruined many a horror film for me. That's why many of the best horror films these days originate outside the Hollywood system.

Do you think Quentin Tarantino is radical, cutting-edge and dangerous? If so, watch "Tokyo Gore Police." It makes Tarantino look like the over-rated, predictable bore that he really is.

"Tokyo Gore Police" stars the dazzlingly beautiful Eihi Shiina, who also appeared in Miike's classic, "Audition." She plays a ruthless cop who goes after bizarre, murdering monsters called "Engineers." There's a bit of "Blade Runner" in this film, as well as some Paul Verhoeven-style social commentary. In fact, I'm sure Verhoeven would approve of the over-the-top violence.

And there is blood. Lots and lots of blood.

If you like horror, blood & guts and bizarre cult films, be sure to check this film out.

I give this film 9 out of 10 stars.
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