Autumn (2009) Poster

(I) (2009)

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If you want to fall asleep, this may be the movie for you...
paul_haakonsen19 November 2011
It was with some expectation that I bought this movie - yeah I actually paid money for this garbage. I had heard nothing buy praise for Moody's novel, which I also bought, but haven't read yet. And truth be told, now that I have seen the movie, I dread opening the book in fear that it will be equally worthless.

I had expected somewhat more of an ordinary zombie movie from this, I didn't really buy into the thing that was going on with the re-animated dead and how they were treated by the survivors. That was just a tad too unconventional for me.

Storywise, it seemed a bit too jumpy, and there wasn't much of a structured linear storyline going on. I actually fell asleep during the movie and ended up turning it off, as it was just that uneventful and uninteresting.

As for the cast and their acting, well most of the people were doing adequately, though the dialogue was somewhat crippling at times, and there were some performances of acting that was quite bad to look at. However, I will say that there was a very every-day-feel to the cast and the way that they talked.

"Autumn" didn't sell its goods to me on any level, it was uninteresting already from just a few minutes into it, and then it was an uphill struggle for it to get any ground and win me over. In the end, the movie lost and I gave up on it. For a zombie aficionado like myself, "Autumn" was a huge disappointment.

There are far better zombie movies available on the market, even a good handful of the low-budget movies fared better than "Autumn". It was a shame, because Moody was so praised for his novels.
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Not one of the best!
ohmbladon8 June 2009
I am a fan of zombie movies but honestly, it's been a while since i got to see a good one. This one's pretty OK but could have been a lot better:

  • story evolves pretty slow, and is predictable at most points; also, the main events in the movie are poorly connected to form a smooth storyline; Also, most of the stuff seems to be happening towards the end of the film.

  • acting is decent

  • makeup is OK - zombies look real

  • special effects are disastrous - the most advanced special effect is made by "fast-forwarding through the scene"

  • Horrible SOUND!!!! it has scenes where the actors are talking but you can't hear what they are saying because of the background music that is too loud (and i'm not talking about the scenes where it is obvious that the voices have been intentionally covered by the background music).
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Not as bad as all that, but still bad
Heislegend4 August 2009
Sometimes I watch movies with David Carradine and think it's a shame that this will be part of his legacy. This is one of those films. Not that I was ever a huge Carradine fan, but it gives you an idea of how I feel about this film. I feel bad for an actor known for largely being in mediocre-at-best films because he was in it. And even then, not for very long. Also, while I'm thinking about it, I think it's great to more away from the traditional zombie story every now and then but can we please stop pretending like this whole "everyone has a virus except for a few people" thing is new and fresh? The end result is the same as any old zombie movie so knock it off.

What you essentially have here is the old small group of survivors who band together and dig in whilst under constant zombie attack. Well...not so much attack as constant zombie presence. I will give the movie props for one thing...I liked the way the zombies sort of evolve from just being corpses to rudimentary movement to being able to actually comprehend things. Of course, that doesn't excuse a plot line that has virtually everyone in the country dropping dead simultaneously. I'm not sure what disease model they were working off of, but that would have to be one hell of a virus. And I don't normally pick on technical aspects of movies, but the audio in this was terrible. Maybe it was just the copy I had, but everything that wasn't speech sounded loaded up with reverb. It was downright distracting and, let's face it, this movie didn't need any more strikes against it.

All said and done, you've seen this same type of film done better with less. It's not awful, it just fails to really do much of anything. All of the characters pretty much fail to make you concerned about their well-being and the story itself just sort of drags along without for almost 2 hours...much longer than it needs to be. I won't say you should avoid it...that's your call...but I'm certainly not going to endorse it.
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Absolute Garbage!
RoidDroidVoid8 June 2009
I am generally a fan of zombie flicks, many of which are low budget and most of which will not be regarded as cinematic masterpieces. This film, however, is the worst piece of garbage that I have ever seen. I know that phrases like this are used too liberally on IMDb, so believe me that I am using the phrase as appropriately as possible.

The sound engineer must be deaf. The director (if there was truly a director) should permanently resign himself from film-making. The actors although terrible should probably not be blamed because the sense is that the script and directing sealed their fate before the first line of dialogue was spoken.

The editing is horrendous. It's so bad that in many parts of the movie, you can't really tell what's going on because of the atrocious scattering of clips.

There really is no excuse for this piece of rotting manure. Budget is not the issue. I could make a better movie than this for the price of a used lawnmower.

Skill and talent are the ingredients that are missing from the start. Money can't buy those and unfortunately for those involved in this film, they will never possess either.
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The ZERO was invented for this movie
Yahya_Adada18 June 2009
There is absolutely nothing, and I mean nothing worth more than zero, except a 7/10 for 7 minutes of David Carradine. I waited with my son for even one scene that might redeem our pitiful time that was stolen from us minute by minute. All the ingredients of the movie are rotten including acting, location, scenery, script, music, direction. I wish I can say the special effects were awful, but there is none. I even couldn't tell in which country the events took place. No matter how low the budget was, I believe it is too much. I do tolerate many lame movies sometimes out of curiosity, but this one was intolerable. DO NOT EVEN THING ABOUT IT, if you value your time and self esteem.
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The worst movie ever made?
stevecasey12 June 2009
I would have given this movie -10 out of 10 if possible. Every aspect of this movie is pitiful. The Direction, Acting, Soundtrack, Cinematography, Make up, Special Effects, Screenplay, Editing etc etc etc are the worst examples I have ever seen. Even the titles look like something from a 1970's kids TV programme. It looks like something an 8 year old child would produce for a class project and receive a D- for. Avoid at all costs - it really is quite possibly the worst movie I have ever seen, and I've seen a few in my time. I can't think of a single moment of the movie that was entertaining, interesting, or anything other than absolutely awful. It really is that bad.
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Absolutely terrible.
get_wild9 June 2009
I just watched this movie and I thought it was so bad it was almost good... Almost. I appreciate that it's an independent production and filmed on a tight budget but this was truly awful.

Let's face it, zombie films are a done deal now. There are so many awesome zombie films in existence today that you would have to do something pretty amazing to add to the genre and this is no where near. Most of it is just unintentionally hilarious, the zombies are so lame they make Michael Jackson's Thriller look scary and the acting is so bad it's like watching porn but without the sex.

I have never read the book (I didn't even know of it's existence till a few hours ago) but if any of the comments I've read about it on IMDb are anything to go by then I'm willing to bet that this pile of garbage wont live up to it.

Save yourself the trouble.
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I want the last two hours of my life back
JarfGartz9 June 2009
This movie was utter crap from start to finish - no exaggeration.

There were at least a dozen prolonged scenes where I had little idea what was happening (I mean it, I couldn't even guess what the director was trying to show). There were disjoint images or sounds thrown into some scenes, seemingly to lend some emotion or atmosphere to the story, but it confused the heck out of me.

I LOVE this kind of story - global disaster strikes mankind, and a handful of survivors are left to pick up the pieces. I really dig the philosophical questions that get raised (and sometimes answered), and the strategies that the survivors come up with to continue living.

However, this movie had little of that - the story line, the characters, the script, the cinematography, the sound (seemingly recorded on one of those toy Mickey Mouse microphones) ... all of it was so glaringly cheap or badly done as to cause actual embarrassment in anyone watching it.

What can I say that is good about this movie? Well, there were a few moments when I thought it was actually going to pull through for me - the monster effects were really good in some scenes, and ... well, that's it really.

Don't watch this movie. Honestly, it really ISN'T one of those low budget movies that a minority appreciates in spite of the majority. It's just a waste of time.
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Really low budget seen-it-all-before zombie apocalyptic horror.
poolandrews4 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Autumn starts as dead leaf fall from a tree, as it gently & slowly spirals to the ground billions of people worldwide suddenly & unexpectedly just collapse & die, as the leaf lands only a handful of human beings are left alive on Earth. In an American city Michael (Dexter Fletcher) saw his class of school-kids die before his very eyes but is one of the few survivors, after hearing some music on the radio he heads for the radio station where several other people are gathered drawn there by the music. Not knowing what happened everyone is scared & in a state of panic & at first decide to stick together but as the millions of dead bodies begin to rise & come back to life the fear of disease convinces several of them to head for the most isolated place they can find, Michael, Carl (Dickon Tolson) & Emma (Lana Kamenov) decide to live in a farmhouse in the country but more & more zombie gravitate there as they seem to regain their intelligence & soon the survivors realise they are after them...

This Canadian production was co-edited, co-written, co-produced & directed by Steve Rumbelow & don't be fooled by the glowing comments that tell you not to be fooled by the negative comments (that sort of makes sense) as Autumn really does deserve all the bad press & bad reviews that it is getting & will undoubtedly continue to get as more & more people are unlucky enough to endure it's near two hour duration. Based on the novel by David Moody who co-wrote the screenplay Autumn feels like so many much better apocalyptic end of the world type zombie films but without any of the horror or threat or budget. Autumn most closely resembles 28 Days Later... (2002), it's sequel 28 Weeks Later (2007) & the Will Smith flick I Am Legend (2007) in the sense that the world population has been all but wiped out by some sort of virus or disease & a handful of survivors must fight hordes of zombies as well as figure out how to find food & secure shelter although there are bits of Night of the Living Dead (1968) as well with it's isolated farmhouse setting. Overall Autumn is a poor effort from supposedly good source material with poor character's who make stupid decisions & are just plain idiotic at times (have none of them ever seen a zombie film before?) & a plot which is never really explained & some poor scripting like the fence that keeps all the zombies out is only a flimsy wooden one that is only waist high so you could probably fall over it, they don't seem to stock up on much food, they don't seem bothered in getting any protection like guns & there are inconsistencies like these zombies are supposedly flesh eaters yet at the end one moment Michael can walk past them to turn the generator on yet seconds later they attack & kill Carl. At almost two hours in length it's really boring, virtually nothing happens with a small number of people living in a farmhouse for the majority of the running time doing nothing in particular & a very sudden & abrupt climax which is always very frustrating unless it's some cool twist which this ain't. While the basic plot is alright it's nothing we haven't seen before & because the zombies don't become any sort of threat until the last third there's no tension & the film just plods along until a pointless David Carradine cameo & a crap ending.

There are posts on the Autumn message board asking if this was filmed on a mobile phone & while I wouldn't be that cruel I can see where people are coming from as it looks really cheap & like it was shot on a camcorder with jerky hand-held shakiness & bad colour & lighting. Personally I hate the look of video when it's this cheap & wish filmmakers would go back to using good old film. There's virtually no gore whatsoever since the zombie don't become killers until the second half of the film & even then they kill a poodle & that's about it apart from some scenes of people coughing up blood at the start & some poorly made-up zombies. Autumn tries to create a sense of apocalypse at the start & it show's one whole street wrecked which they keep showing throughout the film when the makers need to show some carnage & you can tell it's the same street because that bloody school bus parked across the train tracks is always there. There are no scares, no tension, no atmosphere & there's no sense of global disaster since we see so little of anything.

Shot in Ontario in Canada the film looks bland & is badly made throughout as the zombie extras try desperately not to break the flimsy fence down merely by leaning on it! The acting is OK, I can't believe Dexter Fletcher got involved with this although maybe he just wanted to see Canada & get paid for it but whats even more baffling is how the filmmakers persuaded the late David Carradine to appear in a bad cameo.

Autumn is a apocalyptic end of the world seen it all before zombie flick that makes the fatal mistake of not having any killer zombies in it right up until the end, at almost two hours most people will have a hard time staying awake through this one be it zombie, horror or post apocalyptic fans.
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Very low budget horror, been seen and done before
phunkysquirrel-114 November 2009
It has to be said, this movie is extremely low budget that has many plot holes and there isn't anything really consistent. Where the movie shines is having characters who you don't want to die. In many few against many horror movies there are some characters you just want to die. At least within this movie you empathize with the characters. The lighting in the movie is pretty dark, giving it a home movie feel. Sometimes this works to good effect, other times less so. Still there are a few scenes where you think something might happen and doesn't and others vice versa! From the Omega Man onwards there have been movies with trained personnel taking on the living dead to individuals. Again it was refreshing not to see a movie that everyone had to be tooled up to the nines and like Shaun of the Dead you could walk among them and not always been seen as a quick snack (if you walked around slowly and quietly).

The movie is very slow paced and doesn't use montages of what is on TV or a radio to learn how to kill or not, the zombies. Additionally rather than having immediate flesh eating zombies the zombies seem to be passive at first and then violent later on in the movie. This gives this movie a different tact.

Okay, I've gone over the parts which I think it's different from others. Still, I'd say there's nothing really new within the movie. We know the story: Virus kills off billions, a few people survive and get into the country and try and live in peace. But, the zombies can find you and slowly they come in their masses! David Carodine, I have NO idea why they got him into this low budget piece. They could have got anyone to play his part and in fact it'd probably have been better if they had. Like other comments here, I thought it was painful to see him act. His role was kinda a fill-in, madman keeps zombies at bay and he's hiding a secret.

There's some very good points raised in the movie about how to survive a holocaust and what next. Still, the worst parts are found in the big plot holes. For example, sometimes the zombies move super-fast early in their development and then seem to forget that they had this ability! Next their development to eating flesh in live animals seems to again come earlier in the movie and then forgotten again.

If you'd like to see a more dynamic take on humans in zombie-land and have not seen the other likely suspects I'd give this one a try. But, if you've seen 28 days later, Romero's latest movies and maybe haven't seen this years best zombie flick Dead Snow, I'd save your money on this and rent Dead Snow!
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A very original, Low budget, post apocalyptic Gem
arcticgirl3631 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I must say I am deeply concerned about the credibility of many of the reviewers of this film. (Please don't review movies if you haven't watched them, or watched a pirated version, or have only seen the trailer). To call this movie one of the worst movies ever made is a grave injustice. In fact, if I wanted to waste my time with your insufferable reviews, I would go through and give all of you an unhelpful marks, for your comments about this film. Many of you clearly didn't even watch the film, based on the things you said, and I can only guess that many of the reviewers used pirated versions rather than the version that I saw. Another problem is that many of you are commenting about this film who dislike the genre in the first place.

They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. That is usually what happens with zombie movies nowadays. This film was creative and original. It tried some new things, and didn't just follow the typical formula.

Sure it didn't have a huge budget, the lighting was off at times, but it was overall a very original well done film. In fact, some of the cinematography was downright haunting and beautiful. This movie is right up there with Colin as one of the best lower budget and most original zombie movies.

I should also let all the haters know that I watch every zombie and infected movie. I consider myself as close to an expert as they come. This is my favorite Genre. From Night of the living dead to Colin, Ponty Pool, Day of the dead (1985), 28 days later, Rec2, Cemetery man, White zombie, Dead Snow, Tokyo Zombie, Fido, Zombie, Deadgirl, Return of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, and on and on, I have seen virtually all of them and for any serious zombie fan, this deserves to be given your attention.

I must apologize to the actors and filmmakers, that there are so many actual zombies out there in the real world reviewing this film. I will give this film a 9 out of 10.
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Movie is more for David Moody fans
j_fblake2 April 2010
If you've read any of the David Moody books the "Autumn" series, then you'll most likely appreciate this movie.

The movie is based on David Moody's first book "Autumn" (total of four books to date) and it did a great job of staying true to the main characters and the storyline. Most movies I've seen that were based on books end up being a hack job; the director gives their interpretation and loses the essence of what the book was really about (any fan of Stephen King would agree).

Yes, the acting could have been much better and the editing was quite choppy, but the story itself remained intact. The movie was slow because the first book "Autumn" was slow.

The "Autumn" series is another approach to the zombie culture and the books are much more plot and character driven than they are at delivering blood, gore and the end of the world apocalypse scenarios.

Bottom line, if you've read and enjoyed any of the David Moody books, then this movie is worth the rental. If you haven't read any of his books, then maybe 28 Days Later or any George Romero movie would be more up your alley.
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Why The Hate?
infomage27 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
If this movie had come out in the day of Evil Dead, I'm willing to bet a lot of horror fans would have forgiven its obviously substandard technical aspects. The almost uniform loathing of this little indie is no doubt a sign of how low a tolerance audiences have for truly independent films. Independent does not mean pre-sold to lionsgate, who agreed to fund a huge share of the budget therefore allowing the filmmakers to hire experienced DPs to shoot on brandy new Oakley Red packages. No, no. Often, this is what independent looks like, requiring us viewers to look beyond the technical and into the heart of the story.

On that note, Autumn has an interesting approach to the Zombie genre in that the zombies start out very benign and not much of a threat at all, becoming more and more of a danger as the movie marches on.

The "Live together or die alone" theme isn't so awfully new to this genre, but Autumn carries it well. Aside from the threesome we spend most of our screen-time with, the other characters quickly become foot-notes. It's almost jarring when they show up again just to illustrate that they ultimately died horribly. It made me wish the screenwriter had employed the good sense to trimming those characters and devote more time to fleshing out the core.

For me, that was where the true failings of Autumn came into focus. There was almost enough character development to elevate the movie above typical entries into the zombie genre, but not quite. It's clear that there is a great story with some really interesting character work laying beneath the veneer, but ultimately the A.D.D. inspired beat choices win out.

Still, I would watch Autumn if zombie flicks are your thing. There are enough twangs of originality to make it worthwhile.
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Such a pity...
Jaarus9 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was going to write a full plot with critiques etc within this review but who wants to read that? So instead I will just summarise why I have only awarded this film a lowly 4 out of 10.

Now I LOVE zombie movies, my favourite genre. The desperation, the isolation, the inevitable. However, this film, whilst showing some degree of promise sadly tries just a bit too hard and reaches a little too far to attempt to make it an introspective look at blah, blah, blah and ends up just missing the mark completely. Worse still, it misses the mark in numerous areas.

IT IS PUT SIMPLY, A ZOMBIE FILM - but for most of the film the 'zombies' aren't violent, aren't 'out to get you/your flesh' etc, they are just walking around aimlessly.... er, OK. Eventually they become attracted by sound and then start to become aggressive at the source of that sound, but they fail to ever be scary.... which a hundred corpses stood outside your house should be! And the make-up is very VERY amateur.

CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT - Nothing. None of the characters actually talks about themselves with each other - we have a few scenes before the virus hits of Dexter Fletcher as a teacher etc... but after the event we learn nothing about any of the survivors - no real development of anyone. One case in point (out of MANY I could have chosen!) is that there a two English guys there and not even the simplest of questions along the lines of where are you from, what are you doing over here etc... nothing.

ACTING - Badly delivered. No chemistry. People just reeling off line after line. Almost painful.

Camera WORK / DIRECTION / EDITING - Is absolutely and utterly abysmal. Attempts to be far to arty with poorly written and delivered monologues over stills etc. Camera shaking a la NYPD Blue for no reason. Attempts at Sin City-esquire 'neo-noir' again for no reason. Its just a complete mess of unrelated styles, none of which work. I don't want to watch footage of people learning what each button does which was hastily cobbled together with fades / freeze-frames and even a wipe transition!

OK, I think that pretty much sums it up in my eyes. I still like Dexter Fletcher - always have, ever since 'Press Gang'!, but the film was poorly scripted, poorly directed, too arty with a cast of low rate actors (and no, for future reference, David Carradine CANNOT save a film by having little more than a cameo!)

So I give it a 4 - and feel I am being generous. I am sure it would be a good book, but as it stands, with direction this bad.. its definitely not a good film.
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Oh dear
ehartland112 January 2014
The only thing that saves this film is David Carradine (such a loss). Although I do like Dexter Fletcher (cos I'm that old I remember him from Press Gang - Sorry Dexter). I was so disappointed. Loved all the books but this film seems to have been produced without any thought. There was so much that could have been done with this series of books but it seems to have been rushed too much. It feels like they only had so much money and wanted to squeeze too much of the plot into too little space. The story moves too quickly and doesn't care about the characters, unlike the book. I don't feel that the screenplay gives this story the credit it deserves. I have seen many low budget films that are much better. Shame on you Steven Rumbelow. However, one of the saves is the cheap camera-work that makes it feel somewhat like a documentary. Biggest bugbear though is not being able to get 'Knocking at your door' on download or CD.
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A regrettably bad zombie movie
brentcox-830-47138429 October 2017
We watched Autumn years ago and still use it as the yardstick by which we measure other bad movies. For us, "Autumn" has basically become shorthand for"a very, very bad film".

I can't muster the psychic energy to care enough to review this stinker, but I'll give one quick example of the bad writing and low budget that plague the movie. At one point the characters build a fence to keep out the zombies. The characters even say any fence built for that purpose would have to be really strong. When we then see the fence with hordes of zombies pushing against it, the fence is just a cheap, waist-high thing, what appears to be a sand fence, those little fences used to keep sand on beaches in place, and definitely not strong enough to stop a single person, much less a horde of shambling zombies.
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Painful to watch
duanekimball18 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
To start off, I really like end-of-the world type movies. You think to yourself what you would do in that situation and you can play them out in your head as the movie progresses.

Here, we have something "killing" people. No one knows what it is. No one who survives really cares why they are still living. No one is asking each other what common denominators they have that might make them immune to whatever is killing everyone else. That's when you need a scientist cast into one of the roles. However, the reason why everyone is dead is totally ignored throughout the film.

OK, so you are one of the survivors. What to do? Well, according to some of them (and by the way, we don't know how many there are...but a dozen or so seem to show up pretty quickly in the first few minutes and none after that...go figure) they need to get out of the city and go someplace safe. According to the logic, they should pick a fairly secure area where the awakening dead, general bad guys, and disease can't get to them easily. What do they do? They pick a farm out in the middle of no where that is easily breached..even by mindless corpses. I don't really care for Zombie type movies, but these zombies are worthless. They are like wind up toys who run into buildings...ooohhh, real scary.

The main characters themselves are just stupid people. You constantly want to tell them they are doing it all wrong. I think an obvious solution to the zombies would be to setup a noise making device far away from where you live so they are attracted to it...but no, that would be too easy. Why not make noises where you live and attract them. I'm sure they smell great and that's one reason to keep them around.

One thing that was great was to see the same road shot over and over again with the same cars on it. It's even in the trailer. Since the audience is assumed to be so dumb, why not just re-shoot the same road; no one will notice.

I was half expecting there to be at least some competition for the lone female...that didn't happen. I guess she was not attractive enough to fight for.

We are told the zombies have no pulse and I'm thinking how they are suppose to have locomotion. I would think that after about 2 months, their corpses would have fallen off the bone or at least the animals/bugs would have taken care of them.

I could go on and on, but if you want to be annoyed beyond comprehension, feel free to watch this movie. Oh, and whatever you do...if this happens in real life, make sure you ride around in a piece of junk van instead of a fully loaded luxury SUV. I would...because we all know we would want to make our lives as miserable as possible since we could do anything we want.
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Worst movie Ever!
divit_king12 February 2013
When I read the summary to this movie I thought that it would be a descent SciFy, but after watching it, I don't think a 1 is a low enough rating for it. They didn't explain anything, and it was just everywhere.

Only watch this movie if it is to torture someone, because honestly, it is worse than the Chinese dripping torture. I don't think I can write ten lines about this movie so here I go on talking about absolutely nothing that has to do with anything. Maybe if you stare hard enough at the screen, it will distract you from the fact that I am blabbing on about nothing.
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The most boring Zombie movie of all time!
mxidiroglou8 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Οh my God, i just finished seeing this movie, run directly to the PC to finally register at IMDb just to warn people from this neverending absolutely boring zombie flick.... It didn't bother me that it was totally cheap-homemade quality, because many good zombie movies i have seen had cheap production values, but because it made absolutely no sense. They give no answers at all, the beginning was totally rushed just to get to the 80 minutes middle section in witch we see the same old stuff we saw 100's of times. The ending is as bad and even worse as the beginning of the movie. I want spend any more time to this, just if you want an honest opinion of an ordinary viewer, don't waste your time on this.
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Why this movie sucks
epoc300015 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie sells itself as a zombie movie. It's listed under the genres Horror/Thriller and its tagline is "Silence is your savior".

The whole problem is that they are NEVER in danger. The zombies are not real zombies as we would expect them to be. There are several scenes with the main characters just walking past crowds of Walking Corpses that do them no harm.

During the whole movie, a movie that sells itself as a Horror/thriller zombie movie, there is only ONE kill. A dog. Other than that, only one of the main characters and only ONCE gets *attacked* and gets nothing but scracthes. And very superficial ones. Not one drop of blood. I've gotten more injured playing with my cat than the main character got being attacked by dozens of ZOMBIES.

So, where exactly is the Thrill? Where exactly is the Horror? Why silence is your savior? Savior from what, if the corpses are not attacking? They are only drawn by sound, but once they are at your door, all they do is annoy you. They didn't manage to break a single glass, or a door, or anything. They are the weakest, most harmless zombies ever! All they do is bark and walk around! I'm sorry, but those main characters wouldn't have survived 10 minutes if those Walking Corpses were any real threat to them.

Now, if this movie had tried instead to sell itself as a drama, or a vision of what life would be if you and handful of other people were the only survivors in a world with walking rotten corpses that posed no danger to you at all, THEN it would have been an AVERAGE movie. Because even that wasn't explored to its potential.

So, this is most horrible attempt to make a zombie movie ever. Unless you don't call it a zombie movie and remove it from the horror/thriller genres since there is none of that in it(except for the poor dog, that is).
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Laughing at all those Who Stole To View the Uncomplete Version!
zombi6926 June 2009
Ya gotta love most of the reviews here trashing the hell out of AUTUMN. Question, what was your prime viewing source? Leak version via the torrents etc? Thought so! Too bad those reviews wouldn't hold water in the real world or legit world of reviewing! Not to add that you were all scammed off viewing the real, completed version which is yet to be released! Too bad most of you opted to take the cheap easy way, not to mention stealing from those who worked their butts off to bring what will be a very vital piece to the zombie genre! Steven Rumbelow, who directed AUTUMN has brought us a very beautifully stagnate film reminiscent of Bergman's works. Of course, you wouldn't know that until you see the complete version! AUTUMN, showcases some very impressive and some very compelling scenes on several different levels. From some very rare Carradine driven acting, to some Fletcher-Tolson action! Folks, throw away that torrent rip you wasted so long to download, open a fresh mind and wait until the real dead walk the screen when AUTUMN finally gets it's due! There is no room for couch potatoes trying to review something that isn't complete, cause then your review is incomplete!
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A tad TOO restrained...
poe4267 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
AUTUMN isn't a badly crafted movie (although several scenes ARE badly underlit), nor badly acted (the performances are probably what make it worth watching), but the WRITING and the DIRECTION- especially during the first few scenes- leave more than a little to be desired. Sure, confusion WOULD ensue once a zombiepocalypse got under way, but confusing the viewer doesn't help the filmmaker's cause. There are some very striking shots throughout (the burning automobiles that form an obstacle course for survivors to wend their way through, the shoulder-to-shoulder zombies pressing against the windshield as supplies are scavenged, etc.) and the makeup fx are good, but the pacifist-zombie approach goes just a little too much against the grain. (Yes, the undead finally wake up to the fact that meat is readily available, but by then the movie's winding down.) It's not badly thought out for the most part, but nonetheless reminds me of the black and white zombie comic THE WALKING DEAD: early on in that series, a pair of characters hurry off to a gun shop in search of weapons. They reason that no one would have bothered to rob a gun shop with an army of walking dead on the streets. By what logic...? (Having survived race riots, I can personally attest to one thing: pawn shops and any other business that sold guns were hit VERY hard...) The building of a waist-high fence to keep the zombies out in AUTUMN was a likewise WTF moment. Still, David Carradine's cameo is memorable.
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An unfortunate choice by a couple of well known actors...
merrydown18 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Autumn fails on so many levels that it is hard to know where to begin, so let's start with the successes: The zombies are fairly believable. The decay and blood splattering isn't overdone, I suppose the zombies haven't had long to decay. The first 20 or 30 minutes of the movie made me feel slightly nervous. I won't speculate as to why but it may not have been because the scene was set well...

The film as released has so many failings. It is like a very poor workprint. The editing is badly timed, not at all sharp. Sometimes scenes hang like something is about to happen and nothing does. This doesn't build tension, it just makes you raise an eyebrow.

Dream sequences are so badly signposted that you are not sure if you missed something or if the sequence is a dream or a bit of unassociated cutaway. The quality of the cinematography and lighting is very patchy. It's almost like they are trying to add comic book effect to some scenes, although no other elements enhance or correlate with this and so it just looks badly done.

The plot is so overdone now that it is a genre all of its own. 'Plague hits world, people turn to zombies, a few don't, zombies chase and try to eat them.' The only variation in the genre really is if the people being chased survive or die. I've already forgotten what happened at the end and even at the time it wasn't too clear what the motivations were and what occurred. Really you need to tell a story within a genre, not just sketch the genre out badly.

The movie is unpacey, unoriginal and uninteresting. There's nothing original. The movies really doesn't even make a point in the absence of a story. If someone told me that the writer had read 'I am Legend' and watched a few zombie flicks then made this film in the following two days I wouldn't be surprised. It is derivative in a very mundane way.

There's not really even a main character to flesh out, just 3 or 4 characters that come in and out of scenes and shots looking numb. There is no passion about the film, no emotion that you can empathise with and very little solid acting.

Why Carradine and Fletcher starred in it I do not know. But I can't believe either of them needed the money that much... Fletcher is the best of the bunch and if he'd have had some good lines to say or some good action to take part in he would no doubt have put in a decent showing. As it is I suspect the direction was lacking and he comes out as transparent rather than actively bad (unlike the terrible 'mockney' second male lead). Carradine isn't very good. It's hard to know whether the director or actor are to blame.

The sound is worse than many student movies I have seen where all the audio was from the on camera mic. Some sentences are barely heard or fade in and out. This sort of thing is only vaguely acceptable when the recording is supposed to be gonzo or at least hand held and effects mask some words. Even then it would be annoying, but understandable.

The whole film is like someone was told zombie flicks could be made well on a budget and didn't realise that they still had to have a selling point and some production values.

I wanted to like this movie but I couldn't.
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This is an awful awful movie
harl3quin9 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Autumn is an awful, pointless, complete and utter disaster of a movie. The pacing is slow, the plot virtually non-existent, the editing is atrocious, the acting is mediocre at best (I think the 'zombies' stole the show, and they were terrible), the 'special effects' are laughable, and the ending is sudden and completely unrewarding.

I decided to give this movie 2/10, because I believe that even though it deserves less, a 1/10 should perhaps be saved for movies so bad that they are actually funny. But not this one. This was just painful to watch. I think I've summed up my feelings about this movie, but just to elaborate why I think it was so bad - it was adapted from a book (which I've not read), so it's gone through 2 entirely separate stages where someone with an ounce of common sense and judgement should have said "No, this is awful. You aren't getting this published/filmed." And yet somehow it made it through both.

And finally..David Carradine. His inclusion in the movie was brief and extremely pointless as well. His scenes should have been edited out so as to not (further) tarnish his career posthumously.

As a 'zombie' film, a thriller and a horror movie this fails on every level. It truly looks like a half-baked student film, and not the work of a supposed seasoned professional (take a look at Mr Rumbelow's biography to see what I mean.) Avoid this at all costs, unless you feel like wasting an hour or 2 of your life.
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Fresh and interesting approach to the zombie genre
Blue_Martian10 September 2009
First, if you're a fan of zombie flicks don't be fooled by some of the other comments claiming this is the worst movie ever. This was an excellent attempt to break away from the traditional zombie holocaust movie where we are bombarded with gore and a predictable plot.

I say attempt because while the storyline in this movie is quite strong the directing was lacking, the screenplay needed to be further refined and the acting was not bad in spots but was also not so good in spots.

All in all this was more of a suspenseful movie, not the gore-fest us zombie fans are used to. A welcome addition to the genre and a nice break from some of the teen horror garbage that is put out there (think House of the Dead, forest of the dead type of thing)
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