Trump Card (2020) Poster


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The truth is a hard pill for the left to swallow!
kebryson-7886718 September 2022
Excellent production !!!! I'm sure those that were told to hate President Trump were paid to give negative reviews. President Trump was/is and will be the best President that this country has ever had. To expose the swamp and pure evil that has been in control of the world will sicken even the most non-godly liberal.

The lies, the pure evilness that's been forced on the citizens of the USA and around the world will all come to light. People need to ready their hearts and minds to the truths they're soon going to hear and see. You must understand that 80% of everything you've been told is a lie.
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Alt right propaganda at its best
Marynewcomb201322 October 2020
This "filmmaker" is an alt right, conspiracy theories who plead guilty in 2014 to a felony charge of making an illegal contribution in the name of others for a republican candidate in NY!! He is one of many criminals trump has pardoned!! So, you think you are going to get truth & facts out of this guy, NO!! He only pushes the pro trump narrative that WILL destroy the US!! He wants you to believe the nut job Qanon & other alt right wackos!! Don't believe anything about democrats being socialist or any other nonsense these Nazis want you to believe!!
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Exposed the truth and evil of Socialism
higginsvision12 December 2020
Well written and directs He documents the dangers and evil of Socialism.
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Seriously this is propaganda at best
bguidot10 October 2020
As with most historical "facts" interpretation is up to the reader. This movie is no different. What Disouza attempts to claim as fact is many times opinion not based or backed by facts.
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peopletrump24 December 2020
Wake up America! This movie will definitely open your eyes to the corruption!
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Best comedy of the year; worst documentary ever
TheSeaLion22 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If Dinesh D'Souza hadn't solidified his place in cinematic history--cinematic doing a lot of leg work here--as the worst documentary filmmaker of all time, this surely pushed his whatever remaining distance he needed to claim that title.

I have forced myself to watch three other of D'Souza's films: "Hillary's America," "2016: Obama's America," and "Death of a Nation." These films relate to "Trump Card" by their propaganda like quality and immense failure from a filmmaking perspective, but this sets it apart by just how embarrassing it is.

The film opens up with Dinesh D'Souza walking around America with the red flag of communism poorly photoshopped everywhere. Here, D'Souza makes the pitch of his film: that Trump needs to win reelection, otherwise socialism will take over America. What does D'Souza think democratic socialism is? Well, he thinks it's what democratic socialist George Orwell was warning people about when he wrote "1984."

After that, we get what can only be described as fan-cam footage of Trump and then a reenactment of Trump calling D'Souza to offer him a pardon. For some reason, the voice actor for Trump sounds like a Trump impersonation from someone trying to mock him would sound like.

When it finally delves into the documentary aspects of the film, just how lacking in credibility D'Souza is becomes incredibly apparent. He can't find a singular expert on anything; just a couple prominent conservative figures, some Twitter-famous conservative, his daughter, and a woman who claimed her organization True the Vote was investigated and harassed by the Obama Administration for being right-leaning (in truth, it was investigated for alleged voter suppression and fraud). The most bizarre interviewee being someone who claims to have information regarding Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar being connected to terrorists, yet instead of turning this information over to authorities he's elected to just tell Dinesh D'Souza about it.

With no understanding of what he's talking about and relying on conservatives who are clearly unlearned in what they're talking about or just lying, Dinesh D'Souza has made his worst documentary to date. Possibly even the worst documentary ever made. I mean, in "Death of a Nation," D'Souza at least got an actual historian to interview: D'Souza allegedly edited the clips to make the historian sound like he agreed with him, but at least it was an actual expert.
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highly observant and insightful but shocking and disturbing at times
nyobatusa9 October 2020
Another great documentary. It didnt disappoint but it was shocking at times. Certain revelation about previous President I admit never heard of. Dinesh is a very talented teacher and story-teller. It takes an immigrant who gets to appreciate the country for its forgotten values by many who are born in it and take its freedoms for granted.
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juliatlandman28 October 2020
No credible sources and unsubstantiated claims. All evidence is cherry picked. It is full of dog whistles and conspiracy theories. The fact that people believe this is unsettling and proves how weak minded Americans are becoming. It is unfortunate that Trump republicans think that Joe Biden, a watered down republican, is a socialist. A better title for this film would be 'red scare 2'. I would urge anyone who takes this seriously to look into what socialism is and what the policies of democratic politicians are. Orwell, who was an outspoken democratic socialist, would be disgusted by how his words have been twisted to fit the far right's agenda. It's interesting how adamant the right are that the left are destroying the country when it is controlled by far right politicians. (the senate, the presidency, and scotus). This documentary missed any opportunity to move people to the right by not including any facts or credible sources.
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Waited two months for it; would walk through broken glass to see Dinesh's projects
veronica_cortes10 October 2020
I've followed Dinesh's work since he was in college. Loved Death of a Nation. Haven't seen the others. Knew most of the things in the movie, but there were a couple of insidious items that I wasn't aware of. Truth is power.
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Terrible piece of fiction.
dxyswwhi11 October 2020
This works as a propaganda fiction piece at best. It was uninspired and filled with too much false and misleading information to be considered a documentary.
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ajblues-1933321 October 2020
Dinesh D'Souza distorts and fulfills George Orwell's warnings in his worthless Trump Card.

I suggest going and watching Dinesh D'Souza debate Matt Dillihunty. You can find the debate on YouTube.
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A sign of the times
norahconlin13 October 2020
Historical journals are a study-able and a written documentary of our times. History is repeating itself as we live and breathe. Mr. D'Souza has encapsulated the "why and how" as to why we are in the most troubling times in AMERICAN History. Those with less than traditional lifestyles (LGBTQ), those who are fighting to keep their constituencies voting for them (Politicians), those who are un-American in work ethic and nature (Gen Z-ers who have been given participation medals for underperformance), the Media, the religion-less many, and those who are complainants in their own unsuccessful lives (Antifa, BLM, and etc.) embrace the Democratic Party. Much like the way The Mainspring of Human Progress documented the "why and how" as to America is the greatest country, Trump Card is the most concise narrative of "what and why" is wrong with the country and many of her citizens today. Watch to understand. But, from my standpoint, this is the "why and how" to these troubling times. Thanks Mr. D'Souza for your contribution and perspective.
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Silly propaganda film
ItalianGreyhound17 November 2020
This is nothing more than a communist-style propaganda film to glorify "dear leader" Donald Trump. If you love it, you will still love him when the film is over. If you hate him, it won't make you change your opinion of him (as hard as Dinesh tries to do so). Trump will definitely go down as the worst US president of all time, so I'd say this propaganda film will become a bit of a cultural artifact, sort of like the films of Leni Riefenstahl.
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America is an amazing place!!!
tdadkins-1603411 October 2020
This is so well done and a must watch! There are insidious forces in this country spreading lies and misinformation about America. The truth is that America is an amazing place blessed with many fortunes by God and is worth fighting for!
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Really boring and kind of badly done
lbdad18 October 2020
Doesn't matter where you are politically. This is just so badly done. It is hard to watch. Terrible acting and stuff is almost laughable. He really isn't very good at making a film.
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Eye opener for USA
infotogbr10 October 2020
Best documentary from Dinesh till date. Every American should watch and vote without fail. Democrats want to destroy America, time to wake up and reject career politicians.
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Preaching to the facebook informed choir
carlostighe10 November 2020
Documentary? Pure nonsense masquerading as an expose pushing further partisanship. D'Souza is just a right wing shill manipulating facts to suit his agenda. Confirmation bias for those who agree with him, misinformation for those unsure, and laughable propaganda for everyone else.
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My two cents
zorininc-387-17566910 October 2020
If you look at the score for this documentary (actually all of Dinesh's documentaries), you'll see they're always somewhere in the middle, between 4 and 6. And that's because everyone either gave it a 1, or a 10. Facts vs feelings. Conservatives vs Liberals, Red vs Blue. It's the same old story. And everyone has already made up their mind. Truth is, as good as this film is, it's probably not going to change anyone's mind. It holds to the old saying, if you're under 30 and don't vote Democrat, you don't have a heart. If you're over 30 and don't vote Republican, you don't have a brain. The outliers from either group are explained by the fact that "some people grow up fast, some people never grow up".
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Scary, but will be ignored by most.
flicklover17 October 2020
To say that Dinesh D Souza is an objective documentary filmmaker would be insane. He is the Republican version of Michael Moore. Whether you agree with his politics or not will determine if you like his films. Michael Moore sis alot more celebrated because he has the left wing view. His movies are entertaining and even funny but his claims hace been debunked over and over but the left loves him ao they ignore that.

D' Souza gets either ignored or ridiculed. But rarely do the facts he presents get challenged. Mostnof hus claims you can verify yourself. Obviously, we are in an election year and millions will not even give this film the time of day. It is called Trump Card and it makes the case for him to get reelected but ut us more about how the media comtrols wjat peopke see as an important story and doesn't give the public the full story because of a particular narrative they want to push. That is what is scary. The media is free and should be a watch dog for everyone in power. Not just to protect who they agree with and destroy who they don't. Anyone with any sort of intellectual honesty can see the media is nowhere near objective now.

This problem is bigger than Trump or any other candidate. And people who don't like him may not care that the medua and the government itself was trying to frame and sabotage him, but one day it could be done to someone they do care about.

This film does preach to the choir a little too much, but it has points that should worry anyone, no matter what your politics are. You shouldn't be ok with media corruption just because you don't like someone's politics. Or ignore it because you agree with them.

Grade: B-
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Another Piece of Trash
cortdylankoss12 October 2020
Yea this dude is a fraud. The movie is a love letter to his favorite 45. Wouldn't recommend unless you need something to burn in a fire.
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Ridiculous nonsense
paulkane98-118 October 2020
Director is off his nut. Ridiculous and full of nonsense.
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Trump Card Aces Socialist Joker
jhi-9518910 October 2020
Those of us that prefer to skim the headlines and trust the government, may be shocked to find a siege is underway. The course of American history may be changed forever. If your a moderate, this movie is a must see. If your a conservative, this movie will confirm what you know. If your a liberal, you'll run to your safe space, waiving the race card. Dinesh plays a mean hand of political poker. Trump is Ace to the Socialist Joker.
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Documentary.. not really
jhha-6943710 November 2020
The editing look like it was slapped together over the weekend just in time for presidential elections.. the propaganda is high in this one and the mood at times feels like your watching something that came out of a communist country. Really no fact check based and over dramatization, opinion based dramatization. He should of have just done a biography to show appreciation rather then making a fictional based "documentary". The review scores (1 or 10) pretty much says it all this film stank.
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texas53-693489 October 2020
Incredible movie highlighting the sick truth infecting our beautiful country. A must see for the entire family in order to ensure our children understand where we are and where we could end up if we decide to not pay attention and listen to the truth.
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fabriciourizar13 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly boring, I was expecting hardcode true and realizations, to be shock or at least controversy but nothing, is just 1 hour and a half of him guiding the people on the interviews to acommodate what he is trying to say
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