Live Fast, Die Young (2008) Poster

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A wake up call for Tinsel Town!
hobbs_roland24 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie really hit me between the eyes. I think a lot of us get all caught up with what's going on in the world of entertainment, whether that be movies, sports, music, traveling, whatever. It comes as a shock to the system, but something that was well needed.

I was expecting something a little different when I saw this, although I was expecting some kind of message, but wow! It is an absorbing movie for sure, and makes you really feel for each character, and what they are going through. The thing is, you put yourself in their place, and realize you are not much different.

It does a great job of taking you through a varying degree of emotions, but in the end, a very satisfying ending, although maybe not what a lot of people were expecting from your usual Hollywood ending. You will have to watch it and see for yourself.
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Powerful statement for today!
listing-572723 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Live Fast is probably one of the best Christian message movies I've ever seen, I saw the Thief in the night many years back, and this is similar in terms of impact, at least to me.

However, this one stands out, as it addresses issues that are going on in today's world. It keeps you on the edge of your seat for most of the movie, wondering how things are going to turn out for our hero. Then you find out. The acting is quite good. Some strong performances by relative unknowns. The characters are well-written and credible. I believe some of the extras could have been a little sharper, but that's about it for criticism. Overall, a pretty good thriller, that with more budget could have been a masterpiece. I highly recommend this for your video library. 9/10
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Powerful, moving story
tp47140024 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Live Fast, Die Young" is an accurate title, and was one of the most inspirational movies I will ever see. It had so much heart, emotion, love, and meaning. The movie portrays the life of a star with terrible problems, but also expands to include everyone in the movie as well.

I think that after you see this movie you will want to start praying and believing in God, or at least thinking about it. The movie is extremely sad in many different scenes. It had a ton of emotion that is portrayed well by the cast. The movie is mostly all about second chances at life. I think that everyone who sees this movie will most likely tear in one scene. The movie hits you hard and doesn't stop until the very end. It gets better and better as you keep watching. If you pay close attention you can pick up many different smart things about the movie. For a low-budget film this was a very superb one. This movie was really great for anyone struggling with life. Adults would understand this movie very good. Kids might get a little bit out of it as well. I think all parents should take their kid to go see this movie and have your kids follow the lord at a young age. Overall this was a very excellent movie with a great amount of meaning.
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Leave your prejudices outside the door...
slaveshipfreedom11 February 2009
Went to see this at the theater in LA not expecting too much. I heard it was a tad religious, but that doesn't scare me all that much.

There was not a dry eye in the house when the movie ended. I won't give the ending away, but suffice it to say this is a truly wonderful story, one that you will love and tell your friends to see. If you're looking for one of those great movie experiences that so rarely comes along, you'll not find a better film to see than this.

This film is an excellent example of movie making that does not require elaborate sets to entertain the viewer. The majority of the film takes place in a mansion with the party-goers never leaving the room apart from going upstairs on occasion. The cast and dialogue make this film memorable and the film has some clear moral issues that are addressed.
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Be Prepared to Think About Your Own Life!
spspraul9 March 2009
I went in to see this movie as a Christian, so in some aspects I knew what was coming, but although I had my own preconceived ideas....I found those ideas to be a little off-track. This movie is very well done, it's not a movie that is done to look like a tool for is a very good movie with a great cast, a great storyline, and the production is first-rate. You would not have to be a Christian to enjoy this movie. This is a movie that anyone who viewed it would enjoy. But as I said earlier....the movie does make you think. As the plot goes along, you have an idea of what's to come, and the direction the movie is heading. But when the big moment hits towards the end, (and I won't give it away) you feel as though you get hit in the gut, and it forces you to really think about your life, and the things in life that REALLY matter. I don't get emotional at movies, I don't even go to many movies, but this show really hit me hard, and I was actually drained when the show ended. Yes's just that good! Bottom line....see this movie, and be prepared to view life a little more clear afterward. Great cast, great production, great story, worth every penny you spend to see it...I give it a big thumbs up!!!
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Caught it last night at Alive.
kenathiltoncanton21 June 2009
Man, just saw this at the Alive Fest. Didn't know what was up with the film, but it left me speechless at the end. This thing blows you away. At first, I was like it's just OK, but as these guys keep fessing up to their hidden secrets, it's like everything just hits you emotionally. And the guy who talks about how he came to Christ is so touching. I don't get emotional, but this film really got to me....strange. Guys were like in tears walking away back to our tents and the girls were even more emotional. So glad Alive premiered this film at the fest. They gotta do more films like this. Anyone who doesn't know Alive, it has about 60,000 people come to hear top Christian bands play. Every year it's just music, but this year they got this film to show. Anyway, it's a good film.
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Tragedy and Triumph
golfer1092823 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I really didn't know what to expect, as I did not read an reviews before I watched this on DVD, but I was deeply moved by the storyline.

Typical Hollywood party, where everyone is all about themselves, and their career, until tragedy strikes. People die all the time in film, obviously, and we usually brush it off like so many lives lost in a fast paced video game, but the loss of the young woman's life in this story, and the long lasting impact it has on so many people around her is quite moving, and troubling.

Definitely another movie that will polarize viewers for sure, but will force you to rethink your own priorities in life, as well as your beliefs.
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Not to be missed if you are looking for something original and life changing
kevinwiseman-17 May 2009
'Live Fast Die Young' looks at Hollywood from the eyes of a former 'insider'. Even though I'm not a part of 'Hollywood', I found it totally gripping. It's very much a character driven piece and while many argue that the all of them are self-absorbed, who isn't at least a little self-absorbed in this industry? All ten characters are of distinct personalities and even though they are a little clichéd (Hollywood starlet, agent), they remain real and are well played. The friends include:

-Valerie - who is so desperately trying to win a part in some movie. The actress who plays her is really talented.

-David (who is marvelously played by Gary Poux) is the unforgettable writer who is turning his back on the industry and gave his life to Jesus Christ.

-Alex Embry who is the self-destructive agent trying to get this writer back into Hollywood.

-The Movie producer who is climbing the ladders of success and finding only emptiness

-The Movie mogul who reveals his agenda in controlling the media

-The Marketing VP - who is fired and then forced to confront her future

-The A-list star - who reveals his own emptiness in a profound way

-Big Man - the struggling screenwriter who discovers in the end the true meaning of life.

The actors are brilliantly cast as they fit the parts physically (the right age and looks) and deliver sincere performances. I won't single anyone out as I thought they all did excellent.

These Hollywood parties are known to be a wild and reckless and the film's jazz music wonderfully adds to the feel that this is a major party.

Everyone will recognize at least a couple of the conflicts the characters face. I loved the way it ended. Instead, what is shown is that the characters are aware that Jesus Christ can change people's live and now it is time to grow up and to build our own lives while an uncertain future awaits. It's a great movie.
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Great character development
EricCampbell13 January 2012
What makes this film rise above the rest is the character development. Every character in this film is three-dimensional. They all change, in one way or another, by the end of the film. Whether or not things remain the way they are long after this film ends is unknown, and that adds to the drama. The most important scene in this film is when the characters, as a group, all open up to one-another and describe the hell that their lives in Hollywood bring. Nobody likes the role they must inevitably portray in the Hollywood scene, but the fact is, it is often inescapable. This film gives the viewer some insight into how the other people around them might have felt during that particular time in their lives.
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When I think about how this movie affected me, I kind of feel sorry for those who 'hate' the message
kenjiyamamoto73 March 2009
My theory is you either love it or you hate it. I saw it this weekend with some friends and almost everyone loved the film. There was one lady who grabbed her popcorn and angrily left the theater near the end and I'm sure it wasn't the end of her scorn.

This is just an excellent dramatic film that dives deep inside the human spirit and keeps probing until the tears begin to flow. We live in such a mean-spirited society that it was so refreshing to see this film touch the lost civilization we've become.

Don't get me wrong, this is a serious faith-based, Christian film and it gets more and more about God and Jesus Christ as the movie progresses and this makes people uncomfortable. But this is an essential watch for any movie fan. Like the character said, just give me one other movie that probes so deeply into a discussion of God. Most other attempts are just fluffy chit-chat or light-weight attempts at the 'meaning of life'. I can name several films that do that.

I loved the film despite not being religious. There is someone for everyone in the group that people can relate to or have met. And what person hasn't done something in their past that comes back to haunt them years later? This is not a film for the 'angry people'. And, like the previous poster, you shouldn't see the film if discussions on God make you furious. Or discussions on life make you furious. Or people make you furious.

This is a beautiful film for those who quietly yearn for a society of tranquility, peaceful people (I'm not one to bash Christians despite not fully understanding their religion), and a society where peace and joy reign. I'm glad I invited my friends to watch it.
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awful movie - don't waste your money
lcwoman28 February 2009
This movie is bad in just about every way it can be: awful writing, bad directing, over acting, poor lighting, bad sound, unrealistic 'costume', poor set design, and horrible editing..

Scenes are disconnected and choppy. The 'A list' party goers look and act like a bunch of D list Actors on their first audition. I kept waiting for it to get better and it never did.

The only reason to go to this movie is to 'get the message' and 'be saved' and it's pounded into you again and again with the subtlety of a sledge hammer. The only folks who will want to see this film already know the message, so why bother? If there's any crying upon leaving the theater... its due to the knowledge that you just completely wasted your time and money.
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Beautiful in its own way
joscelyncollins20 March 2009
First word for this film is powerful, but that alone is not enough to describe the feelings i have after watching it.

'Live Fast, Die Young' is a fantastic movie in almost every way, its writing is fantastic with amazing dialogue and well fleshed out characters who you really care about. The acting is fantastic from every actor involved. But what's so surprising is that it's a faith-based film in the end. Who would ever believe a Hollywood movie discussing God at such lengths? Bravo to the producers.

Overall, I thought this movie was believable and touching, without your typical ending. The cast and the filmmakers really have done themselves proud. My advice: Forget the dove awards, the rave reviews, the pretty faces, and sit down to watch this movie with a completely impartial attitude. You will see that it really is beautiful and remarkable.

By the way, I very VERY rarely cry at movies. But if there's any scene that will have me in tears, it's the one where the actor playing the slick agent finally breaks down and starts to cry. That's saying something! This film burns slowly, inside you.
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jacksbernstein12 May 2009
This film put its finger on the reality of how corporate, revenue-driven media influences so much of our lives, and how it's unfortunately controlled by a small number of right-wing corporations and media moguls. Richard Rossi was very strong in giving a naturalistic and realistic portrayal of the A-list film director. The thing I like about Rossi is he makes any lines sound conversational, as if he's ad-libbing and improvising. He never goes over the top. Sean Lawlor also was very strong as the Rupert Murdoch-type studio head. It was well-done given the time and budget constraints. Good Christian film witha redeeming message. Go rent it or see it and learn the truth about Hollywood and about salvation
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Only Christians will overlook all the flaws
recklessron30 April 2011
Bad acting, bad script, bad lighting, bad sound, bad editing... but it does increasingly spout Christian dogma the longer you watch!

The whole movie will leave you wondering "why would anyone do that?" as each character proceeds to say and do things that are completely contrary to their character's nature.

Beside being unbelievable the wooden acting is so common that when someone actually starts doing a good job they immediately highlight the stiffness in all who are around them.

I guess, from a certain point of view, this one is suitable to show at a turkey fest.
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Glorious Film making,
Howardenderman714 January 2012
Live Fast Die Young is a deeply moving film that will touch the heart and mind of anyone who opens themselves to it's messages about life.

This film was very captivating and moving. It does excellent job of showing the universal issue of generational differences and the love that exist between the Hollywood elite and the rest of us. All of the performances in this film were excellent.

I know this sounds silly, but this film made me not only appreciate being an American even more, but it also made me feel better as a Believer.

10 out of 10 stars.
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Incredible, moving movie
americanlit-19 March 2009
A lot of things have been said about this fantastic movie, and I only hope to add a few praises.

The character who plays 'big Mack' is fantastic as David's best friend and deserves at least a Spirit nomination simply for the scene in the end. While the actress who plays the conniving assistant is great as well. However, it's got to be the agent and studio producer who steal the show with their hilarious Hollywood antics (I felt they were really at a Hollywood party and I would be scared to approach them...)

Great message movie from beginning to end. I truly believe it is a terrific film that will change hearts for God.

Another amazing thing about this movie is definitely the acting. Even if the lack of a big- budget set was not terrific, this movie still would have made my top ten list. I was captivated from beginning to end. If your looking for a typical Hollywood movie with a Hollywood ending, then do not bother spending two hours on this movie. This movie is ahead of it's time, and lands an easy 10 out of 10.

This one is a keeper in my movie library.
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Terrific on several points...
atlasmountain6 March 2009
....The movie was terrific from several points. One, it was a serious study into today's mindless culture, the pressures at play, the friends who seem to drag you down, and the sheer emptiness of taking the easier course. Life and relationships take work.

This story shows that with just one person caring enough to help another, and with determination, even repeated failures, that one can overcome our natural tendencies and strive for a God-centered life. Most of us are "I" centered, seeking rationalization why we need something better for ourselves. Only God can change your heart to not love the things of this world. This was beautifully portrayed in the film and is the basis of reality both in the world, and in God's design. It shouldn't surprise us to learn of this truth. This was fundamentally seen throughout the movie, I thought.

Secondly, the film was quite serious, but was also interlaced with comedic moments, which helped to reduce the pressure and tone. Well done! The film kept moving, yet, did not feel rushed. The pace was about spot on.

Thirdly, I loved the ending…not just for the way it turned out, but how the writers and direction took the time to tell the story about each relationship and how the healing came full circle. (I still tremble at one character who tells about his past).

This is the most beautiful movie I've ever seen.
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Unusual theme, unusual relationship, brilliantly done
PeterGreigs3 January 2012
When this movie was bought, I at first wasn't keen on watching it except because of the Hollywood backdrop.

Well when I sat down to watch this movie I was quite surprised to how entertaining and spiritually uplifiting this movie actually was.

There were funny parts that would put a smile on my face and some that made me laugh out loud. There were also great drammatical parts later in the film that just added to the fine touches of making a great film.

Although all the actors showed a new range and talent in various movies, I think it is roles like this one in "Live Fast" where they are at their best.

There are also some good supporting performances. You'll laugh a lot watching this movie. One that might slip under the radar screen but is definitely worth checking out.
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It trounces ensemble movies - really thought-provoking
hasani1-287-64611310 February 2012
The humor was great throughout. The levels of "heart" were set to maximum. The talks of God, although sparse, was memorable. Everything was portrayed swiftly, without padding, The plot was very well thought out. Memorable lines and scenes abound. Overall, the writing was excellent. Some things that I particularly liked were Big Mac's journey from shrimp to super-writer, the actress coming to her senses about leaving. I also liked how actor David was his own boss. It gave him more menace about who he's dying of....cancer and his love for God. Plus, the modern-day bookends detract from the overall atmosphere. Still, the final scenes were poignant, although out-of-place.

Bravo to everyone involved with this!!
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Everything in this film is fantastic.
shara-yilmaz6 February 2012
Live Fast most likely falls into the category of one of the best movies of the past twenty years. The complex story line seemed to burst at the seams with intelligence. I found the complexity of several different sub-plots working together challenged the intellectual part of my brain while the intense action through out the entire movie satisfied the craving of the not-so-intellectual part of my brain that enjoys seeing a good brawl followed by a good shoot-out. Tim Chey did an excellent job of combining many elements of several different kinds of films into one. They seem to have made this movie with several different audiences in mind, including faith-based. I for one, as I have mentioned, enjoyed the intellectual aspect as well as the action, while my wife enjoyed the combination of a love story with drama. It really has something for everyone. Bringing together all of these elements into one film sets it apart from many others. Of course the best aspect of Live Fast die Young is the way that not everything is as it seems, and then, in an instant, all of the plots are sprung like a trap and come together for a grand finale. Overall Live Fast is an exceptional film that contains something for everyone.
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The film's ending really touched me!
melindatoland45718 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I don't cry at movies. No eyes welling up . . as a rule. Okay, I cried during Henry V (the Kenneth Branagh version) when the French army slaughtered all the pages in the English camp. I don't even tend to care for movies that might make me cry. I spend my hard earned big screen cash on movies with big effects or epic vistas (think The Matrix or Dark Knight) Live Fast, Die Young was a glorious exception.

Live Fast is about keeping a promise, about believing, about making a dying dream come true, about pure selfless love. With so much goodness put together with such elegant and heartfelt filming, it is hard to find a dry eye in the cinema when the audience is brought to ending climax, when the lead character is dying of cancer. Some may fault the Christian message as overkill. However, the way to look at this scene is of course as something of a gentle wake up call to atheists and agnostics. It is a link between what the party goers physically experience in watching the final testament of a man who understands what it means to follow Jesus Christ to the end.

Unabashedly uncompromising and a true film with the 'stickiness' to make you think long after the end credits finish.
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Let God Breathe Into Your Life!
estherangel037013 March 2009
This movie is an awakening to those who only knows and cares about themselves and not the things happening in this world. Starting from their homes where hardworking parents leave their children watch the TV or surf the internet. It is as scary as to imagine that they allow an evil stranger in their homes to manipulate the minds of their children.

The writer of this movie is not compromising his belief in God. He is sold out for Christ. A movie that can supernaturally arouse your dead spirit. Be more aware of the things that is influencing your life. Each character in the story shared their meanest behavior, has portrayed everyone of us' experiences in life.

The movie gives hope that we can still do something to make our lives better through believing that there is a One True God who loves us, full of mercy and grace, and can help us transform our lives.

I was crying most of the time, so touched by its message that I feel that this movie must be seen by every soul in the USA. Our country is lured with Hollywood fame because it gives us a temporary comfort zone as we watch their movies. We have the highest percentage of pornography in the world. Our world is getting worse in its moral values.

My friend's 12 years old son comments, "Mommy, I have learned that even if I am the only one who believes in Jesus, I will make a stand for Him!" I applaud the work of the writer because God has breathe life into him that he was able to make an impacting movie like this. He risk his comfort zone to help people realize that each of us can still make a difference in each others life only by getting out of your 'selfish zone'.

As it will make an impact in the American lives, I pray that this movie will be shown internationally as well.

God bless you, Mr.Tim Chey. You are obedient in executing the vision of God for you. Therefore, nothing can stop you making more powerful movies like this! All for the Glory of God!
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blown away...
checkfreenewyork4 March 2009
i know - it's only a 9 out of 10. don't kill me. i'll explain later.

this film left me speechless. i like films that make me want to listen to through the end credits as i sit pondering why i fell so spent. this film caused me to reflect on many things and all i can say is if this film doesn't touch you, nothing will.

wow. very impressive. i think i totally had no idea what to expect.

i realize in a very strange way that we are so disconnected from our creator. i was going to give it a 10, but the beginning was a bit murky. it wasn't until everyone sits in the living room that things start popping at you emotionally.
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Great direction and performances make this an excellent film
lynn-19929 February 2012
For a film like this it is very difficult to make it completely unpredictable, yet while Live Fast is in a way conventional, it is also unpredictable many times. It has great characters to boot, but also a strong cast that is willing to give it their all. This is the best ensemble cast of the year,, many amazing performances. First, I start off with Eric Fellicicano (sp?), who has been the most under the radar, but he is definitely up for this. He is a great lead and I am surprised he was as good as he was. I am also very pleasantly surprised by Tammy Felice - she succeeds is an understatement. She is excellent, and is only made strong when sharing the screen with any other actor.

Chey's direction is part of what makes this film so great, He soars scenes to unbelievable heights and I think that his screenplay in another director's hands would have came out with a merely good film. But here, we have an excellent film, perhaps better than 2006's The Genius Club, and one of the best films of the year.
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Pure poetry on film
reggie-d4 February 2012
My brain tends to turn to mush in the presence of greatness. This makes it difficult when I want to write about something that I thought was truly great. It is so much easier to write about something that is rubbish.

Oh, well. Here goes.

I thought that "Live Fast" was terrific. It is a really great movie. Obviously it is early days yet, and there are a lot of contenders still to appear, but "Live Fast" should have been the winner-in-waiting.

"Live Fast" is pure poetry on film. From the hazy, dreamy, hopeful days of a Hollywood party (how lush a location) to the aftermath of death and a devastating "happy" ending, it is a magnificent and moving film, beautifully directed by Tim Chey.

I have never really rated the actors or understood some of their popularity.

Gary Poux has had a lot of the press over here, but we should not forget to mention the pitch perfect performances from Christopher Showerman and Eric Feliciano (sp?) who were beyond brilliant. They share as much screen time as Poux and are as impressive.

Wonderful film.

Gushing over.
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