The Last Seven (2011) Poster

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3.6 about right.
Gubby-Allen1 October 2010
I actually thought the opening scenes were brilliant and fascinating to watch, albeit he was wandering streets around Bank which are deserted for much of any weekend, but enough to reel you in & put yourself in the position, particularly on Tower Bridge.

But the film then achieves a feat, surely never done before but going rapidly downhill the moment other characters & words are introduced into the plot.

It never really goes anywhere after that, the opening 50 minutes felt more like the opening episode of The Last Train, Survivor, or a relatively low budget TV mini series, when you realise there's only 30 minutes left and the film hasn't really started.

It then all gets even sillier, even more unrealistic and uninterested characters, you've never cared one iota for disappear with the help of over the top editing and flashbacks.

You can't help wondering why not one of them, ever got into a car or on a bike and rode off somewhere, instead of walking for 10 minutes, then stopping to rest for a few hours.

Worth watching for the first 15 minutes, then you're better off making up your own film from then - with the likelihood it'll end up better.
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Just doesn't quite cut it
hendry-robert5 September 2010
Reading the synopsis I had quite high hopes for this movie which was rapidly vanishing after the first 15 minutes which consisted of a bloke walking around the deserted streets of London's financial district. The long drawn out fifteen minutes of nothingness may impress someone who has never walked those same central London streets at Dawn on a Sunday morning but it doesn't really work for someone who has. I got the distinct impression the makers were trying to force a point here which went way past its premise of a deserted major City. The obviousness of it had me concerned for the rest of the movie.

Eventually our lone walker meets up with a trio, and they meet up with another trio and from there on in there's a lot of long drawn out scenes with intermittent quick flash editing that was intended to scare or intrigue. Im not really sure which but it didn't work.

While I have no doubt most of the seven cast have decent acting abilities, their performances were wooden. Mind you its not as if they had anything meaty to really bounce off so those performances were really down to the directors vision. You cant just put some people in front of a camera, give them some lines and hope for magic, particularly with a movie like this which should provoke the audiences senses. Then again a number of lines in the script are quite appalling, as if they were written by a secondary school drama club. But surely the director must have known those lines were just plain bad and could have done something about them.

For me the movie just plodded along until it came to a point where I was jeering for it to end. I had twigged on quite early their particular circumstance but how it lead to that I didn't know until the very end, so I do give the makers some points for that. In general though it was a rather garbled affair. Yes, it has a sense of continuity but it wasn't glued together very well. Its a movie that may very well have looked just smashing on paper, but hasn't translated so well to the screen.

As indie movies go it is by no means the worst, far from it. Its shot quite well, does have some atmosphere, and can keep you interested. If you haven't seen something in this genre before it may well keep you very interested. But I've seen a lot of these psychological horrors flicks and this one falls short of the mark. Compared to another one I reviewed 'The Broken' now there's a movie that really gets to you on a psychological level. One of the death scenes in that movie still makes me feel uncomfortable a year after watching it. There no gore, its just incredibly moving? or disturbing? I cant really describe what it is. If The Broken cant scare you nothing will.

I cant recommend the movie and I cant not recommend it. As I said, if you haven't seen this type of flick before you may very well enjoy it.
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Oh dear.
sharpjohn21 December 2018
The movie is pretty easy to work out, having said that if your attention span isn't that good you will soon be turning it off. I was hoping it would be better But it isn't.
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audio-visual cyanide
ta-833-6962681 September 2010
Lets cut to the chase here, this is quite a bad film; in much the same way that Hitler was quite a naughty boy.

Its sole redeeming features are the initially interesting shots of London. After 10 minutes of nothing but however i found myself desperate for some actual drama and character interaction.

Not in this film you don't! Armed with a woefully clumpy and clichéd script, the actors manage the impressive task of actually worsening it in the delivery.

Philips chooses to adopt random unconvincing shouting as his tactic of choice, often cunningly contrasted with whispers, presumably to try and shake any remaining audience from the inevitable coma they will have slipped in to.

Meanwhile the usually dependable Hassan vainly tries to rough it and gritty up the tension a bit, only to realise he's inexplicably trapped in a film thats so soporific, it not only couldn't fight its way out of a paper bag, it would shatter every bone in its frail lifeless body upon the slightest hint of contact.

The only thing that actually piqued my interest (sadly for all the wrong reasons) was Mawson's turn as Henry. His ridiculous ham-fisted sloshing and bizarre facial extremes were only enhanced by his delivery of every line as if he were shortsighted and reading it off a cue card for the first (and hopefully last) time.

This is tripe that gives stomach lining a bad name. As a nation we supposedly produce the finest actors and writers in the world, so what are these gormless half-wits doing on the big screen gleefully kicking this festering equine corpse? Avoid this film, unless you are either related to someone associated with it, or suffering from insomnia.

Cynical maybe, but then so is a C- grade short stretched to a feature, with Danny Dyer hired to front it, whilst playing less of a prominent role than the girlfriend of its creator.

Lord have mercy.
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No, no, no. No.
Jadn31 August 2010
I do not review as often as I should, but sometimes I feel like not doing so would mean a sleepless night. This is one of those nights.

The Last Seven is arguably the most poorly constructed, ill-fated, and hopeless attempt at making a movie I have ever seen outside those who recognize the feebleness of their movie and attempt to at least derive some kind of humor out of the film. It is so difficult for me to decide where to begin, because everything is wrong.

If that does not satisfy your curiosity, then let me hit the big three as I see them.

Number 1: Character development. Throughout the entire film, I was never given any reason to care about any of the characters outside of a boo-hoo flashback for someones missed birthday. I didn't care if they lived, if they died, or if they were forced to sit through their own horrible acting. I just didn't care about anything that was happening to them in the slightest, and it destroyed what little bit of plot development there was. And when I say little, I mean LITTLE.

Number 2: Wannabe artistic filming and editing. Out of place flashbacks, requiem-for-a-dream shortcut film sequences, long, drawn out scenes flip-flopping with super short, shaky camera snapshot progressions, third grade special effects, the "hitchcock" scare (attempt) and the list goes on, and on, and on, and on, and on. And. On.

Number 3: Worse than a M. Night Shyamalan twist ending. Nuff said.

The only thing decent about this movie was the scenery, abandoned cities always look awesome.

Don't waste your time, and don't make me tell you I told you so.
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not good, not good at all
famousmrthomas1 September 2010
this is by far one of the worst films i have ever see in the history of films. i once bought a £1 Kung Fu film from HMV that was of a better standard than this film. i actually felt bad for the actors and kept wanting to correct the incredibly poor acting! if you watch this you've only yourself to blame as i do for ignoring the previous bad comments from other reviewers.

to put it bluntly, this film is so bad that i had to join IMDb as a member just so i could warn people off from wasting there time... shame on the director for this one and for the script writers SHAME ON YOU!

i really need to get into story writing, because if this is the best these guys could do and it actually managed to make it even to DVD let alone the pictures, then anyone can call themselves a director/actor/script writer!
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A poor man's 28 Days Later
wellthatswhatithinkanyway10 November 2010
STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning

I could go to great pains to write a long, in depth review of The Last Seven, but it's hard to write much more about it other than my summary above. Right from the opening sequence, with one of the lead characters wondering around a deserted London shouting out for 'anybody!', just like in the aforementioned film, it just feels like such a pale imitation of it that it hurts. In fact, it's almost as if the director knew he was practically copying it scene for scene and just gave up bothering to tell any sort of decent story of his own. As such, it just goes through the motions of the post apocalyptic thriller genre, with the usual stereo-typical set up and characters, without firmly establishing the back story behind the majority of humanity being wiped out and making no sense. Most baffling is Danny Dyer's role as some sort of blood crazed zombie type character, probably the most mysterious thing about the whole uninspired mess. *
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Can't we Brits make good horror films anymore?
id2472 April 2011
I despair for the British horror film genre. I really do.

In the space of just a few weeks I've watched this and Dead Cert, two prime examples of films that had promising premises but totally ballsed it up with inept direction and editing, lousy dialogue and rounded off with some truly pathetic acting.

I grew up in the 60's and 70's watching delights such as The Abominable Dr Phibes, Dr Terror's House of Horrors, Asylum, From Beyond The Grave, Tales From The Crypt, Frightmare, House of Whipcord, Scream and Scream Again, Theatre of Blood and many more.

These films had real actors, decent scripts, filmmakers who knew and understood the genre, not fly-by-nights trying to make a quick buck by dolling out any old rubbish.

Apart from Severance I haven't seen a decent British horror film in ages, and if today's filmmakers keep serving up crap like The Last Seven then my despair looks set to continue.

The Last Seven is amateur night crap, avoid!
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Where was the acting? I am not amused
Carlnivirous20 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This film started similar to that of 28 days later, and tries to recreate the atmos of a deserted London, the line 7 million people until today...did have some intrigue, but this was soon dispersed....a guy(William) wakes up in the middle of the road in the financial district of London, and he wanders around in silence for about 15 minutes...vandalises a car in the vain attempt to see someone. He eventually meets up with a Drunk Henry, a young girl named Chloe,a military Sargent armed with a rifle called Mason. They too have no memory, and aimlessly wander the streets.

The tension is poorly attempted by having a first person camera angle watch this trio, given the impression that they are being followed. This does not add any suspense and frankly destroys the atmosphere it tries to create, also the quiet whispering and blue lights which only adds to the confusion of why these characters are all alone in London.

A few bizarre flash backs trying to keep the suspense, which in turn fails to add intrigue. and the four link up with a further trio Issac, Isabelle and soon realise that they are all linked to one another. Big surprise. Chloe is Henry's daughter, Robert is Masons Captin, William is a reporter on the story of the young girl, but Henry forces a cover up, Isabelle is linked to Issacs wife....but Issac appears to be the loner, quoting from the bible and is oddly silent most of the time, the seven aimlessly wander the streets trying to find a reason. One unconvincing theory is a dirty bomb was detonated and everyone was evacuated. would have been more believable if the actors were not so stiff in front of the camera, and the lines were delivered with some skill, they all seemed to lack a sense of direction, no real vibe was felt with these actors, they all just waited their turn to deliver their lines and didn't react well together. Danny Dyer plays a small cameo role, black hoody, bandaged and blood coming from his eyes, He hunts each of the seven and succeeds in taking a few out. This character should have had more time on the screen, but i assume that this to add that air of mystery.

The occurrence of the young girl who appears on a few occasions tries to give you some diretcion to the plot, along with the flashbacks, which is frankly weak. A girl is kidnapped and two armed men who you can possibly guess are special forces go to rescue her (Robert and Mason), but she is killed. Which then leads to the father, Issac, wanting to act his revenge on those involved and covering it up.

Which leads you to the final conclusion all the characters were in a restaurant and Issac blows him self up with a nail bomb killing everyone, but Chloe who for some reason gets a second chance, and has starred the "grim reaper" (Danny Dyer) in the eye.

The plot was weak, the acting poor i would have thought that Issac played by Ronan Vibert would have added some class, but it lacked any sense of direction, this film with the proper director and someone that could actually write a suspenseful script would have been so much better, if this was filmed by Hideo Nakata it would have been awesome.

I had some hopes that this would be a good UK film but I am left thinking why the hell was this created.
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searchanddestroy-110 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I won't say it's a bad movie. No. I did not get anything in this offbeat story. But unfortunately, it's too sophisticated to be properly followed . Maybe I am not clever enough. And there are many of this kind of features these days. A sort of new fashion in the movie industry. The film makers want you to think in a very intense way, they want to show us stories that are unusual. That's not bad, but if only half the audience can understand them, it's worthless...

I know it's in the new topics around here to talk about zombies in a sort of post apocalyptic world, so the film can be more easily sold to the distributors. After 28 DAYS - and WEEKS - later, how many features have we seen about zombies? Hundreds of them.

LAST SEVEN is an interesting feature, well made, but for intellectuals only.
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My neighbours' dog started barking across the street at the car siren.
newbeetlecup30 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It was bad enough with the windows open to vent the summer heat and share this "Hello!" madness with my neighbours, but then I realized 'Wow, the neighbours are actually gonna think glass is breaking and a car being vandalized. I'll be lucky if nobody called the police.' My neighbours' dog started barking across the street. I love horror, but not this kind of horror. It left a foul taste in my mouth, the "shock" cut scenes are more an annoyance than of actual shock value. The film is so silent throughout and then suddenly I'm rushing for the volume control. I tastes of orange juice after brushing ones teeth. I turned it off shortly into it and cannot comment fully. Therefore, I leave one final word BEWARE. And I sleep with a compunctious yet clean conscience.
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Think about it !!!!!
marc-dewick12 October 2010
Seen some reviews that criticise the locations used or how easy it would be to use the locations due to weekend filming etc - what the hell does that have to do with the film ? Yes some of the actors are wooden and poor, however the story and plot is excellent - i'd compare this to the brilliant early 2000's John Cusack film 'Identity' - rather than the usual mindless violence (& yep I love that as much as the next guy) this movie makes you think - you have to think about previous scenes etc but the excellent use of flashbacks (& later realised 'flashforwards') it all fits into place. Occasionally movies should be about making you think and not just being dumb spit dribblers - I love the all action movies but occasionally some thought provoking movies don't go amiss. As for Danny Dyer - he's had his critics for generally portraying a mindless football hooligan etc, however his brief involvement in this does show more to his ability. Guys if you're going to grab a DVD for a night in with the other half, give it a try - but make sure you do a little homework first, it's not a zombie / action / horror / etc etc film - it requires some thought and raises some discussion points - be prepared !!!! All in all I'd watch it again (and have done so) - if you want other thought provoking movies grab 'Moon' as well - another well under rated movie that deserves more.
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London's geezer theology thriller
jvivian-431 August 2010
I'm amazed that some of the criticism here is so trenchant. An interesting film that is very thought provoking, the director does not appear to have many films already in the can, so this is a very encouraging start. As a Londoner I found the footage fascinating and kept thinking when did they shoot that? How did they manage to get all those empty shots of the city? It must have been very early. It is a theological film that has some Cloverdale like moments of horror and reflecting on the end it probably owes a lot to Jean Paul Sartre's Huis Clos (instead of 3 you have 7) and Dante. It's not easy to understand, and I am still left afterwards somewhat bemused- I think this reflects on the naivety of the scriptwriting and a conception of a "Horror" Christianity that seems to be a complete rejection of the New Testament. - love, forgiveness?

The plot cannot be told or even slightly intimated at but the release blurb and newspapers are all calling it, confusingly, a "post- apocalyptic geezer thriller". Unfortunately, it's precisely the "geezer" quality about it in the acting of Tamer Hassan and Danny Dyer that spoils it for me. That said the fact that a Romanian woman, who actually gets to speak Romanian, is one of the 7 is also a strange choice. Not sure what this says about multicultural London. Still I found it a very stimulating film, a very unusual idea and for a low budget quite amazing, and if the director Imran Naqvi decides to do something very similar again, perhaps examining and exploring the same theme with the precepts of another religion it could be even better and maybe even more topical? Last Seven II anybody?
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Bored me to tears
Leofwine_draca11 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Another appalling London-set movie featuring Simon Phillips, whose presence seems to be the kiss of death for many similar productions. This fantastical drama has about ten minutes of genuine plotting, but somehow manages to stretch them out to feature length. There are endless scenes of repetition and flashbacks included over and over again which are trite and boring, and a mute Danny Dyer appearing for name value alone. The only impressive thing about this is that they managed to clear London for some of the early shots, which copy 28 DAYS LATER quite extensively. The cast do their best with the dull dialogue, but this is a film that goes nowhere and says nothing, and it bored me to tears.
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curious film - artistically great
gwyn127 December 2018
Artistically fantastic - a wow take of the streets of London post-weirdness not so sure it continues to engage every viewer beyond the first 5 minutes watch, but don't expect a Hollywood Blockbuster
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shepardinio22 May 2011
I signed up to IMDb just to leave a comment about this film...

it was so bad i borrowed a friends hammer to smash my eyes in...

the lack of the usual hassan/dyer phrases and words such as tit, slag and caaaant was an even greater disappointment.

it was so bad that i'd rather drag my balls through a mile of broken glass in order to press the button that napalms a vietnamese orphanage.

If i am forced to watch this again...

I will...

Hunt you down...

And kick u in the nuts!!!

That is all
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Money Laundering movie I think?
dilsonbelper21 December 2016
Give me £200 and a Polaroid and I could do better than this garbage. This is meant to be a feature length thriller/horror set in post-apocalyptic London starring Danny Dyer, Tamer Hassan, Simon Phillips, Ronan Vibert, Sebastian Street, Daisy Head, Rita Ramnani and John Mawson....LOOOL.... The film tells the story of a cataclysmic event that leaves only 7 remaining people on earth and their desperate struggle tounderstand the events as they are hunted one by one by a demonic power. Horror is the wrong genre for this movie it should be "COMEDY" possibly in the worst 10 of all crappy movies ever made, not movies but a sub genre "CRAPPY MOVIES" Go with the thought if Mr Dyer can do it ...act that is and get paid for it ...ANYONE CAN !
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The Last Movie (I hope) for all the crew of this movie
drklabs1 September 2010
Yes Definitely all people worked for this movie must retired and go home ,i hope this was the last movie of them ,no more please thank you its enough , everything and i mean everything it was awful , stupid clichés , stupid plot , cast for a "last of the vampires" movie not for this one musical score for dummies and a sirens of a car alarm what a surprise and we got a movie here.Also the worst of all an army officer in cameo suit peeing for at least 20 min of the movie into a garbage box and then he is hearing some voices "Buhuuuuuuuuu" and " wuaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh"

brrrrr so scary and while all people believed that it was a virus or something like "28 days later" then director said "noooo this was in another movie it reminds me something" lets make it different we ll say this was the underworld London or the paradise or heaven London or whatever but this will not convince no one , because GOD DOES NOT TAKING SOULS INTO TAVERNS OR RESTAURANTS this was the most ridiculous part of the movie.Yes this movie really S U C K S. Watch it at your risk.
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Worst film ever?
peacock-9717827 August 2019
I also created an account just to say how awful this film was. No plot, terrible acting, insulting script, execrable direction. People disappeared for no reason, said and did things without any logic behind them, and singularily failed to convey any sense of character or coherence. The film I made as a student was the worst ever until this risible waste of 84 minutes came along. I'll never get those minutes back, and I feel cheated.
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Post-apocalyptic horror/thriller as un-horrific and un-thrilling as one can get
TheLittleSongbird26 March 2018
Despite being pretty derivative of '28 Days Later', the idea for 'The Last Seven' was not bad. Post-apocalyptic films have been a very mixed bag, but there are decent and more ones out there so it was not as if there was any pre-viewing bias.

Unfortunately, 'The Last Seven' was another one of those "reasonable at least ideas terribly executed" films, true of a lot of films seen recently where it sounds intriguing on paper but turns out to be a waste of potential. 'The Last Seven' gets minor plus points for some slick location shots at the beginning and some atmospheric scenery. For me though, they were the only things that were halfway decent, and they managed to be wasted on the rest of the film looking like it was made not on a low budget but a Z-grade budget.

The rest of the production values looked haphazard and dreary and the make-up, effects etc. were as cheap as one can get. After starting off tolerably, it honestly felt in all senses that 'The Last Seven' just gave up and was in lazy mode for a vast majority of the film. Cannot remember the music at all and thought it didn't fit and was discordant with the atmosphere.

None of the performances are good, all round poor at best actually. John Mawson's dreadful over-acting is the biggest dishonourable mention and the less said about the truly bizarre and pretty pointless short appearance of Danny Dyer the better.

In fairness, a lot works against them. The dialogue does make one cringe, with a lot of cheese, intentional and unintentional and is incredibly awkward. There is nothing interesting or investable about the stereotypical and generally annoying characters.

Regarding the story, that it's derivative with very little original touches of its own is the least of its problems. The complete lack of atmosphere and the inability to make sense are what dooms it. It tends to be confused, and furthermore too obvious to be scary, too dull to be tense or suspenseful, too cheesy to be fun and too ridiculous to be thrilling. The direction is barely competent.

At the end of the day, there was nothing horrific or thrilling at all with 'The Last Seven', it was cheap, nonsensical, barely comprehensible, devoid of any tension or suspense and life and fun are completely sucked out of it. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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The end....
craigjpay-146-37924422 November 2011
Film tastes vary greatly, I am aware of this. Films that I love have been described to me as "boring" many times over the years. 'Rushmore' , 'The chaser', 'Halloween', all apparently "too slow", or I'm told that "noyhing happens". Well THIS is a movie where absolutely nothing happens for the entirety of it's excruciating running time (anything between 85 mins and a couple of months, depending on how you quantify time). I really have never been so bored in my life, it's as if Uwe Boll found a discarded script by Terence Malick and didn't really get it. Flashbacks featuring Danny Dyer crop up to piece together the supposed plot and it's final twist, and in the hope that all would be revealed and I could switch this piece of garbage off, I welcomed every scene that Dyer appeared in. And I never, ever thought I'd say that. It was not very good.
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Wanted to see it cause of Danny Dyer, too bad he wasn't actually in it
Seth_Rogue_One13 August 2013
Well okay that's sort of a lie, he is in it for one whole scene + random clips of him popping up for a second or two spread out through the movie.

He doesn't have any actual dialogue though, but he does some vocal narrating with some "words of wisdom" in the beginning and the end.

So yeah if you're expecting a Danny Dyer movie you will be in for a letdown.

But tbh you'll be in for a letdown no matter what cause this simply is a crap piece of a movie.

The trailer made it look like a action postapocalyptic movie like The Book Of Eli or whatever, but there's really no action in this movie at all.

And the characters are onedimensional and annoying even.

It's not even funny bad it's just depressing bad and boring and just bleh.
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Cleverly Constructed Brit Horror - See It!!
Fourstrawberries23 September 2011
I've read some of the reviews and would like to say "watch the film BEFORE you write your crap". OK, yet another zombie (or zomb-ish)Brit Flick, with the traditional "you might as well give up and shoot yourself" ending! I liked the way detail was revealed, which explained how the characters came to be there. Assembling the story in chronological order kept me amused through the film. Understanding the whole thing will take another viewing. The characters were complex, plausible and well thought out and the acting was excellent. How did the director manage to empty London, or create the illusion of an empty London? Anyway, yet another example of a British director making a brilliant film on a shoestring budget.
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A very enjoyable film with great atmosphere, twists and turns.
brianhimdb3 September 2010
I'm puzzled at some of the previous reviews which gave this film 1 out of 10. I watched this yesterday with my partner on DVD and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. All the characters are interesting and realistic. The film has great atmosphere and I loved how the plot unfolds to the climax and the understanding of why London is deserted apart from the seven. Like 28 days later the film presents a deserted London so its fascinating trying to figure out where in London each scene was shot and how they managed it. Although the film is low budget and can't be compared to the typical US blockbusters the producers have been careful to spend the funds available where it really matters. I can't say, do yourself a favour and ignore the previous reviews, since those reviewers obviously did not like the film. All I can say is that I enjoyed it and that you may enjoy it too.
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Worth watching
JDtheBigGuy30 December 2010
First off all Danny Dyer fans might be disappointed as his character has very little time on the screen.

You can ignore the claim by Ty Power that the film tells the story of a cataclysmic event that leaves only 7 remaining people on earth and their desperate struggle to understand the events as they are hunted one by one by a demonic power.

All we know right up until the end is that the 7 people find themselves in one small part of London that is completely deserted and they don't know why they are alone or how they got there. It's true that some of them are hunted by Danny Dyer as "the Angel of Death" but the clue is in the name "Angel" not demon.

Mostly the acting is good and Ronan Vibert deserves a mention as he stood out from the others, but the Henry Chambers character just doesn't cut it and I cannot tell if that's because the acting is below par or he had a poor script. Whilst on the subject of the script why is it that every film Dyer is in, the F**K word has to be repeated so many times. It is sometimes needed because Gosh or Blast is not enough but all too often it appears as nothing more than a filler to be used whenever the writer cannot be bothered to write. Perhaps Dyer has a clause that says any film he is in "must have a F**king F**K word every F**king three or four F**king words" There are a couple of twists at the end which add to the film and I would happily watch this again one quiet afternoon when nothing else was on.
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