Rid of Me (2011) Poster


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I was touched by this movie, and it left a mark
johnnyhightest24 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I have had some bad luck lately with quirky indie movies, so I was only half-heartedly ready to watch this. But, one lonely December afternoon, I was pleasantly surprised to find this little confection and discover that, if you worked with it, it could be delightful and rewarding. At times a morality play, other times a human nature study, it eventually becomes a later-life voyage to self-discovery that delivered the emotional payoff, but not without taking a few odd twists and turns along the way. Much has been said about the major female character, Meris, and her anxiety and depressed states being unnerving and annoying. I have a sister-in-law who is very similar to Meris, and I have to sometimes back pedal in our interactions to bring things down to her contemplative, sheepish level of expression, but I always find the things she says and does worthwhile, so maybe that's why I felt like I could relate to Meris.

Stylistically, and this is what I had to work with the most, the directorial style-at times dizzyingly cartoonish, somber POV, and the subjective static shots added as visual punctuation-was hard to deal with sometimes, as it pulled the action out of the conventional narrative. But if you can stand Gus Van Sant or god forbid Terence Malick, you'll have no problem with this movie and its pacing.

The characters were the true star of this film. Besides Meris, there's her new husband and his socially constipated friends who are obviously too ingrained in their own culture to be a part of the couple's life in a good way. The action picks up as Meris works at the candy store, and really takes off when the lively and luscious Trudy shows up with her rampant sexuality and supermodel/tomboy looks. Be ready for the world's worst sex scene with a hilariously understated real-life '90's rock star, and the appearance of a post-punk stoner dude whose claim to fame and popularity is his ability to "vomit on cue."
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A heart wrenching journey through a schoolyard of cruel grownups.
mtbgtown10 November 2012
The opening scene, as is mentioned in many reviews, is not the "hook" they intended, and you might click your Roku back to Menu, but give it a chance and this film will break your heart. It's so real and true, I've met all these people, I've even been some of them. The directing is subtle and jumps around like a mosaic, but I got it. And the awkwardness is well done. This is a terrible comparison, but think of the silent, awkward moments in The Office. Instead of being funny, these situations are so cruel but so real and familiar that you believe them. We've all encountered these things at some point, but here, no one steps in for the downtrodden protagonist. She's left out in the cold over and over again. It's one of those films you stay with until the end of the credits.
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A bleak character study encompassing the best and discomfort of a dark comedy
napierslogs8 April 2012
Advertised as a black comedy, and that's all, "Rid of Me" suggests that there is an event or plot twist that should not be revealed. And indeed it does open with an obscene, aberrant action which most people have the little bit of self-restraint required to never perform such an act. Following that opening sequence, the film reveals two subtle twists which show how unique and independent this is.

After the first scene, our sympathies are forced to suddenly and dramatically shift. That's because they make you realize that we all make character judgements before we even get to know the character. I thought that was very brilliant and kept me watching. Secondly, Meris (Katie O'Grady) is like a normal person and has experienced the same sort of life events that others have. What makes this unique is that we see her thought processes as she tries to balance what has happened with what is "fair" — you know, that pesky thing that kids are taught what life is.

Meris suffers from depression. She tries to be happy, she tries to make friends, but that's hard especially for someone who suffers from depression. "Rid of Me" is a character study fused with dark comedy elements. With everything that she goes through, life finds a way of getting worse for her. But the film managed this by interspersing comic relief with the depression, but also finding new actions and new consequences for her to experience.

The production design is bleak, but that fits with the bleakness of Meris' situation and the low budget they had to work with. I was so intrigued by where they were going with Meris' character that I wasn't distracted by any of the off-putting elements of the film. I'm usually not a fan of jumpy filming and editing, and while I still didn't like it here, at least they used it in relevant places. Some of the supporting acting was weak and lessened the impact of at least one scene in particular.

But this film is not about the supporting actors or characters. This film is about Meris and Katie O'Grady. To me the character of Meris was a revelation —that's how you write depressing character studies. And O'Grady put her all into this character. I loved how you could see Meris change and stay true to herself all at the same time within her eyes.

Some people probably aren't willing to have someone like Meris as a movie heroine, but it was one of the first times I could connect to a depressed woman and have hope for realistic optimism. "Rid of Me" is minimal, bleak and off-putting, but it's also a unique, original dark comedy character study.
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Destined to be a cult classic
indiepixie15 November 2011
Rid of Me is an experience. Be prepared to cringe, laugh and maybe cry, because Katie O'Grady makes this journey devastatingly real. As Meris, she conjures the realization of our worst fears and insecurities and demonstrates the graceless and mortifying path back to redemption. There's no romanticizing the painful detours a life can take in this film and there's really nothing tidy and formulaic about it.

Definitely something different. And me, I love this stuff. As gut-wrenching as it was to watch at times, it was also full of quirky characters and well-timed comic relief.

Good stuff!
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Just be open minded, it's very interesting
psaygin4 November 2012
You know what usually happens when you watch an indie movie with divided 1 star/5 star reviews on netflix... 90% of the time you watch it, it's a solid 2 star (rarely a 3) out of 5 and you don't even think about it again. The rest of the time it's something "interesting" - not necessarily great. Last night we watched "Rid of Me" a 2011 indie movie. I can't stop thinking about it all last night and today.

It totally touched me (mostly by creeping me out). The film is about Meris, a socially awkward, shy young woman who is in love and moves with her all American jock boy type husband to his home town in Oregon where a group of his frat bro buddies and their wives await. The friends are annoying and crass, and she has some mental conditions (depression, social anxiety). Things don't go well in terms of Meris fitting in. When an old flame of the husband moves back to town, the marriage is soon on the rocks. She goes through some difficult stuff and then the movie is about "finding yourself". Cheap movie and production is pretty bad and throughout the first half at least I felt incredibly uncomfortable, but this is the intention and possibly even the point of the film.

First it was interesting that the movie was about a woman and her journey. This woman was not presented as classically attractive, nor is she the life of the party by any means. It's rare to have this kind of character focused on. At the same time, the focus on this character is what makes the movie both uncomfortable and poignant.

Personally, I could not relate to the title character, the meek Meris. How can someone be so hapless and direction-less? It seemed she had no autonomy as she was being carried into further and further horrific situations that gave her no respite from herself or from the mean people she dealt with. I realise she was not meant to be a realistic character but the way the film is shot you are following her all the time and you feel like shaking her up throughout the first half of the movie. Meris, how can you not protect yourself from going to those places? Don't you grow a backbone girl?? I just found my mind in a logical bind that a person would let themselves get into situations like that. Perhaps I am forgetting how you can be so naive when you're in stupid young love and at that point in life when you have not yet understood that people are weak and disappointing and you should always protect your back.

And the backbone, she does indeed grow in her own way and with a lot of mess on the way, as we all do - well maybe a bit messier than average. We see Meris develop all the way to the act of extreme defiance she carries out in the opening scene of the movie, which where she walks up to a plastic blonde woman in a supermarket and does something shocking and defiant. (Side note: This act is probably one that is extremely feminine in some ways, but it struck me as a very male scene to write - I don't know if I am going to be able to explain this, it's just a subtle thing, almost like a man envisioned what Meris would do).

The finding yourself part, the main theme of the film, is not all blood. There is comic relief, plus some high school regression, friendship, 90s style girl power, smoking, aging goth characters ; and all that stuff works in the end and you have weird friends and you laugh and you learn to accept yourself and not to let a man have control over who you can and cannot be.

I find it a hard movie to recommend in an unqualified way because the movie is uncomfortable but if you want to try something different, it's worth checking this out.
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Excellent film - don't listen to the naysayers
griselorama16 August 2012
I can be a bit squeamish about this or that, so the first 10 minutes or so of this film made me wonder what I was getting into, but I was soon deeply involved in poor Maris' sheltered life. It is a journey and I loved watching every darkly funny moment of it. Yes, the film is low- budget but the writing - the three acts, the dramatic arc - is all there. There is actually falling action and a full resolution after the horrifying climax. I was giggling at Maris, sad for Maris, laughing with Maris, cheering for Maris, fearing for Maris...and I won't spoil the ending, which I loved. I also loved her sugar-addicted friend. Please take this film to be very much like the very early days of independent film, where locals could be found in the background and local artists made cameos. If you liked "Scumrock" or other films like that, then you'll like this film.

Honestly, I'm troubled by the poor reviews of this film because I think it handles the very important subject of how we treat people who don't fall in what we consider the mainstream - from women, to artists, to people of color. Perhaps it takes on some parts of this subject on more than others, but it's only one movie. I also really liked some of the humor with ominous sound, when cutting to shots that showed the small town/pre-fab housing tableaux, for example. Lots of fun moments in this film.

Again, I do not understand why people are giving this film a bad review. As someone who is a life-long film watcher (films from all over the world, both big and small budget) and as someone with many friends who work in film, I see this film as nothing but a success. Perhaps the people reviewing the work have some other motives in mind.
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Living in Portlandia is the best revenge
The_late_Buddy_Ryan22 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There are good bad movies (as favored by the likes of Juno and Quentin Tarantino) and bad good movies like this one. I won't spoil the opening scene, a flashforward, except to say that we see two young women with their carts in a grocery store, one kind of punky, the other kind of preppy; the punky one accosts the preppy and does something pretty creepy that makes the preppy scream. The punky one walks away with a satisfied smile, and you may find it hard to stop watching after that. (Full disclosure: my wife found it all too easy…) Katie O'Grady does just fine as Meris, a sweet, self-contained young woman (though we recognize her as the punky girl from the opening scene), nervous as a whippet, who can't catch a break from her husband's high-school buds and their mean-girl wives when they relocate from California to his hometown in Oregon. When husband Mitch's old girlfriend (played, in a bit of overdetermined casting, by busty 6' cabaret singer Storm Large) turns up, the die is cast. "I hate alternative lifestyle people," says one of the film's minor characters, a prissy clerk in a candy store, but surely such people are the only conceivable audience for this film. After Mitch does what's expected, Meris tries out a new bizarro-world identity as an over-age riot grrrl, then slowly gropes her way back to where she once belonged. Writer-director James Westby seems more comfortable writing dialogue for the manager of an all-vinyl record store, say, than for a biker or a freak grrrl or an IT guy with a wife, a lawn and a dog, and the script gets very shaky at times. There's a flimsy subplot, for example, in which Meris makes friends with a Middle Eastern–looking couple with a cute baby, then shuns them after Mitch's dufus posse starts jabbering about "sand (N words)" with "Al Qaeda connections." You'd think that at that point Meris would be delighted to find a few friends of her own who weren't hostile jackasses. (And till then, btw, I'd assumed the woman with the baby was supposed to be Israeli.) To sum up, then, it's not "A Letter from Three Wives" or "Annie Hall," but "Rid of Me" is still good, harmless streaming Netflix fun, and there's a fine soundtrack; the cultist South Asian rock (Cambodian in this case) from the 60s seemed like a bit of a rip from "Ghost World" but at least that's stealing from the best.
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Hollywood Reporter "offers little joy"
petersf2118 November 2011
A grungy tale of post-divorce rebirth in which the cure looks about as unpleasant as the illness, James Westby's Rid of Me offers an acting showcase for "desperate" co-producer Katie O'Grady but sets her character in a thinly painted world with straw-man antagonists. Commercial potential is dim for its single-screen NYC booking. The pic's meant as a black comedy, but you'd have to read the press notes to know that. Most viewers will read it as a morose character study whose aspirations are closer to psychological horror than comedy, even if gestures in that direction -- portentous closeups, ominous musical cues -- aren't matched by other production values, like its flatly undramatic lighting and set design. O'Grady plays Meris, a devoted wife whose husband Mitch must return to his old hometown when a business venture fails. There he reconnects with a tight-knit circle of fratboyish bros and their Stepford wives, none of whom show any empathy for Maris's shyness -- and why would they, with Westby's scenario such a cartoon illustration of social anxiety disorder, littered with unbelievable gaffes? Maris travels through a goth-y heart of darkness after her divorce, acting out in some revolting ways best not described here. Though set in the Pacific Northwest and sporting a musician in the cast (Everclear's Art Alexakis shouldn't quit his day job), Rid of Me's take on riot-grrrl punk isn't nearly potent enough to justify the title's appropriation of PJ Harvey's landmark record: Neither its depiction of the world of squares nor its embrace of rule-flouting self-affirmation rings true, so the inevitable happy ending offers little joy.
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Those who don't "get" this movie have, fortunately for them, never seen that dark hole of depression.
bvtart-348-68604919 April 2012
This film was not perfect. Neither was yours. It was, however, tender and enlightening if viewers would allow themselves to really see the story being told. The film was "all over the place" and the protagonist, that's the main character to you and me, was "gratingly child-like" as some professional critics have said because that's what your life is like when you have lost yourself and your heart aches and you wonder if you will ever be o.k. That's it. The acting doesn't have to be great, the story is. This movie will touch you and give you hope if you just let it. I think more people would be more adjusted if they let themselves go to the brink of existence, go a little crazy and open their eyes to who they can become.
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This is just an hour & a half of endless pile of awkward
GeorgeI42805 May 2013
Honestly its entertaining enough with a few big laughs but if you can handle humor based on making you the viewer undeniably uncomfortable you'll love this film. So prepare to be ultimately uncomfortable , and absolutely violated, because no other film can do this. This isn't exactly something for just about anybody because some people either just wont get it or wont be able to appreciate it. I will say this honestly be somewhat a little rough to watch for some people and or will it just flat out boring but, if you can put all of those aside you may be in for one hell of a treat. So I can simple say prepare for the best and prepare for the worst because this is going to be mind blowing in either a positive or negative fashion
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Doesn't measure up to the hype
jsykeseyes4 August 2011
First of all, let me be clear, we absolutely love indie films and saw this one at a little festival in Michigan about a week ago where we saw some wonderful films. This film wasn't one of them. Our biggest complaint is that this story is just all over the place and the director didn't seem to have a clear handle on the type of film he wanted us to see; a comedy, drama, thriller, who knows. His indecision lead to weak and uneven performances throughout, with a few disgusting elements thrown (and I do mean thrown) in for good measure and only to attract weirdo attention it seems. The tickets were given to us to fill the theater; otherwise we would have asked for our money back after the first ten minutes even though the film actually won an award as did almost all the films at the festival. If the producers have become delusional about the quality of their movie, it isn't entirely their fault because they have been spurred on by a few underground movie reviewers that I think see movie making and promotion as some kind of weirdo game that can be won with enough pranks and buzz. We won't give up on indie films, but this one doesn't measure up to the hype.
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Wow this was great!
echozdog12 July 2012
How can this movie have a 3.x rating? It's intense. Meris is a woman that is really in love with her husband. She moves with him to his home town. His friends are mean to her and really rude. The town is full of uptight a**holes. Meris is in love with Mitch and we see her tortured by this life. All is not lost until see meets Trudy. Trudy shows her the light and Meris starts to kick ass. Eyeliner, attitude, living life! Sure she makes mistakes, but survives to find something special just down the road. I love redemption movies. The characters are great and so real. Why is this a 3.x?? This makes no sense!!!! A+++! More people need to see this awesome flick.
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valhecht8 January 2013
Awww, too bad! The characters, both protagonist and secondary are very forced. By this, I mean, I think the writers (?) director (?) are trying too hard. Ex-girlfriend named Brianne?! I didn't feel as much sympathy for Meris as I should have nor did I hate the group or Mitch's friends as much as the writers as the writers (?) director (?) probably hoped the audience would. Maybe they're all supposed to be all stilted like that. And maybe I just don't get it. The acting just isn't that great, I was not convinced by many of them. Opening scene quite heavy-handed. Turn off. I'm 15 minutes in to this film. I might give it the air...
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Hollywood dot com reviewer got it right!
jtaylorjt13 August 2011
I couldn't agree more with Sam Morgan's review of this dog of a movie and thank God someone has the guts to say it! This is the kind of movie that gives indie movies a bad reputation and drives audiences back to big box Hollywood movies where there's at least some real acting and talent on display. If the filmmakers had spent half as much time working on their feeble story and lame cast as they seem to be doing in promoting this drab excuse for a movie, it might have been worthwhile, at least indie worthwhile. These guys are just too old to be making movies that look like the work of film school dropouts. Certainly not worth ten bucks in this sick economy.
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One of the best indie's I have seen yet
peachcrk13 October 2012
This is bound to become a cult hit! At first, it does warn you in a small way that it is going to be dark but when that first awkward moment comes, it is a bit of a shocker.

Then as the movies moves along, you realize that there is a part of you and probably everyone that has been in the protagonist's position of feeling uncomfortable when you realize the person you love is now presenting themselves through the friends they have and the yoke is NOT even.

I will probably watch this flick more than 3 or 4 times as I can already tell that it has a charm, though awkward, that keeps one drawn to seeing it more than once.
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Darkly funny
ciner-130-17576710 August 2011
I loved this movie. The movie starts with a scene that is so gross and disgusting… you immediately feel sympathy for the "victim" and wonder how someone could be so horrible to another human being. But then you are taken back to the beginning… way before the previous scene… to a time when everything was going well. It doesn't take long before you begin to like Maris and your feelings get all twisted inside. Who hasn't met the family or friends of a loved one and wonder if you could ever fit in… if they will like you? The music in this movie puts you on the edge of your seat, bracing you for the worst. You begin to realize that you are sympathizing for Maris and not her "victim." You are cheering for Maris. This movie plays on every emotion. Katie O'Grady is wonderful and James Westby has truly created some interesting characters and a great film.
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The truth about "Rid of Me"
aparkspdx17 November 2011
Andrew Schenker of Slant Magazine says it best, and finally the plain truth. "In In his latest film, Rid of Me, writer/director/editor/producer James Westby trades in a lot of false assumptions: that by constantly zooming into a character's eyes, he can somehow get at essential truths about their nature; that showing the same object from three different angles in quick succession gives us a more complete picture of a given situation; and that almost everyone in the world (or at least everyone in small-town Oregon) is either a racist, narrow-minded, overgrown frat boy/sorority girl/rules-beholden or booze-soaked, vomit-prone goth. At once hopelessly amateurish and given to desperate assertions of "virtuosity," Westby's film seems as lost as its perpetually confused and gratingly childlike protagonist. Moving from Irvine, California to her husband's Pacific Northwest hometown, Meris Canfield (Katie O'Grady) finds life in her new community to be instantly and wholly oppressive. Although she tries to be a dutiful wife, her husband's friends, with whom she's constantly forced to socialize, are unbearably obnoxious; the men are given to boorish antics, the women to crude condescension. When her hubby ditches her for an old flame, Meris takes a job at a local candy store where she befriends goth-chick coworker Trudy (Orianna Herrman). Before long, she's attending punk shows (goth/punk, what's the difference?), guzzling whiskey straight out the bottle, and getting screwed by sleazy men. Will our heroine ever right the ship and find balance in her life? Of course she will, and apparently all it takes is the love of a good man, in this case a geeky record-shop clerk, a narrative device that becomes necessary because Meris is so childlike and barely there that she scarcely seems capable of any independent action. (Or when she does, it feels like the whim of the director rather than anything that arises organically from her amorphous character.) With both the straights and the Goths reduced to gross caricature, there's little for Meris to choose between. And yet, for all the ridicule heaped on the latter group, it's the black-clad crew that allows our girl to find herself, the excesses of their behavior (along with all the film's other problems) papered over and resolved in one neat tying-it-all-up montage. If there's one thing Westby loves to do it's to cut quickly and often (whether between past and present, between different views of a various object, or between ever closer glimpses of a character's face), so it's no surprise that he calls on his signature montage technique to bring together the messy, incoherent strands of his movie, though when he does, it's with no more purpose than any of his previous bouts of brain-exploding Final Cut Pro manipulations.
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I felt it
callmequirky4 November 2012
I enjoyed the movie. The filmography, with long close-ups of faces and eyes, fantasies, and flashbacks or forwards depicted the emotions someone in a similar situation might feel. Watching the film I had, "Oh honey! No! Don't do that!" moments, or, "Oh crap that's awful, I hate it when that happens," and "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps," and "Oh, now that's just degrading, but you probably needed to live through it to get past it," moments. People everywhere have acted out after disappointments and this is a great depiction of someone searching for something both during, and after, an epic loss. The soundtrack was great. I don't know what it cost, but it made me *feel* as much as Titanic ever could, and I assume on a fraction of the budget.
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Bad Movie with a shameless promotional effort
jennifer_reed_118 November 2011
"Rid of Me" is a bad movie. The story is boring, the acting poor, cinematography looks more like local news footage, and it displays the emptiest and most tasteless production design I have ever seen. After "Rid of Me" I think I have seen enough zooms and jumpy cuts for the rest of my movie watching life. It is almost like the filmmakers involved tried to define what a bad movie should be.

The film does not know what it is about or what genre it wants to settle into and it seems to be more of failed attempt at an extended acting reel for Ms O' Grady than any kind of movie. O' Grady's performance is so self aware that it is painful to watch and makes her already unlikeable presence unbearable. That said one look at O' Grady's acting reel here on IMDb does show that she can act well when cast in comedic, superficial and bitchy roles but when she goes for the "look at my suffering, my frail humanity" type of roles she quite simply lacks the depth and likabilty to deliver. So in this regard it is Mr Westby's fault in the casting of O' Grady.

Westby himself has found an esoteric niche as an against the grain, scrappy, DIY filmmaker who showed a few sparks of B movie talent in "Film Geek" and "Auteur" largely due to the strong performance of his usual lead Melkhasian. He also has to be respected for sticking in the biz for over 20 years with no success at all. Now however with "Rid of Me" a stagnant ride into the niche may now also be wedged out.

To their credit O' Grady and Westby are relentless and shameless marketers of their bad movie. They hire the best publicity teams to extract a few good reviews through obligations and relationships, and through who knows what else (because any positive review on this film is very suspect), and bombard the waves of FaceBook with these rare reviews and other completely unnecessary, but somehow titillating to some, information.

They truly are the FaceBook online cheap reality show that no network created and they do have a small electronic audience that enjoys swimming in their sea of fakery, exaggeration and delusion; only as long as it is free, I suspect. I want my money back from being conned into watching this terrible film but writing this review has made me feel better and hope it saves some others from the same scam.
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My New Favorite Film
krista-santos3018 March 2013
I can honestly say that this is my favorite now because I relate to it so much.

I think that anyone that suffers from social anxiety/awkwardness, lack of social awareness, depression, has gone through a recent personal growth, rebellious phase, or relationship troubles should probably watch this film. I also honestly think that females will relate to this more... and to be frank, females that have experience being an outcast.

I personally think this film helps the viewer to relate to a character that suffers from being out of place and naive through a difficult journey of starting over and finding an inner strength and independence.

I related to this film so much and anyone that doesn't... well to be frank... is probably a preppy spoiled brat that had a life that just came easy to them, or is just a heartless bastard, or defensive about an insecurity their in denial about.

I know that was an emphatic statement about the film, but it was a very touching film, and I think the "darkness" in it kind of reflects the fury of outcasts in a very relate able way. I think it also may teach women to not mother their men so much either.

So many themes in the movie and messages that are so powerful. I love this movie! Anybody that doesn't take anything from this movie is very narrow minded and shallow.
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Poor excuse for a movie
shawnacombs4816 July 2011
The days are long gone when it was considered some kind of small miracle or trendy hip to produce movies for under 100 thousand dollars with consumer cameras and have them shown at festivals. "Rid of Me" did just that but has nothing original to offer to the tired chick-flick theme of female emancipation. Performances are barely average and the director, who I guess thinks he's the Seattle version of Baltimore's John Waters, doesn't have any of Waters' unique charm, style or humor. In fact, some of the moments, one in particular, are obviously there just to shock, because the script itself doesn't motivate the embarrassing extremes and transformations he puts his wannabe actress through. Making movies is not easy. Unfortunately, this one is best proof of that.
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This movie is a MASTERPIECE !!! AAAAA+++++ Warning: Spoilers
I love this movie...best movie I have seen ... last 5 years... just brilliant... epic black comedy masterpiece... highly recommend.... There are so many things I like about this movie... a young woman possible having Aspergers trying to figure out who she is... thinking she could find herself in her new marriage... realizing that marrying a beer drinking sports guy ... who hangs out with football playing friends he has had since childhood... along with the cheerleader girls...

then she gets divorced and goes punk...and the contrast between going punk and the yuppies...just brilliant.... Go Punk USA !!! and how healing that is. If ever have major heartbreak from any relationship..the best medicine is to heal with music... best yet "Punk Music" !! Where everyone is just rebellious and having fun in the process. Music is the magic that heals ones broken heart to heal again... listening... singing... dancing... partying ... celebrating... to the music... be the music... be free....
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marciamorales5622 July 2011
First of all, the filmmaker is from Portland, Oregon, not Seattle as mentioned previously, and maybe that is a part of the problem. I lived in Portland before moving to NYC, and Portland just loves trash, not that we don't have our share here, but there are nuances here and many more talented and skilled directors in NYC giving greater balance to the film scene. Otherwise I'd have to agree with almost everything said before with the exception of one of the performances. The lead character's sidekick stood out as a natural talent and was a refreshing balance to the lead actress O'Grady who just wasn't that sympathetic or interesting to watch. I've seen many student films that deserve to be seen and were better acted and directed than this one.
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very cool
babylulu_nn12 August 2011
The characterization is VERY entertaining. Dawn is hilarious! My favorite line, 'I don't like people who are alternative,". Meris makes you pitiful...its such an amazing range, no other film has ever had such amazing characters. Katie O'Grady did a beautiful job, she's a natural actress. James Westby, a popular local filmmaker, took an extra step ahead to create this film. No other film competes on this level. Its very unique and portrays a different style of filmmaking. It makes me feel the way Meris is feeling, awkward, sad...angry. Thats how great it is, watching it is like a roller-coaster of emotions.

IT WAS A LEGIT RIDE! Taking my friends when it comes out... Is it coming out..? thanks for having me to the screening.
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DVD release?
aronnie4631 January 2012
Okay, so here it comes in all its stupid glory, from the master filmmaker's own blow-hard announcement: "here is the epic behind-the-scenes video of RID OF ME, which comes out this March on DVD". Well we can't wait. Now maybe we'll get a mini-masterclass glimpse into why this absolute "dog of movie", to coin the words of a responsible critic, is as woefully awful as it is. Rid of Me, together with the inanely amateur films of Todd E. Freeman, (where do they get the money for all this junk?) are all that Portland has to offer? We think not. Absolutely in love with Portland, Oregon, but not her filmmakers. But then I'm not alone judging by the reviews. Okay, maybe I just want my money back from the Living Room Theater for being duped into buying a ticket.
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