Hot Chocolate Holiday (TV Movie 2021) Poster

(2021 TV Movie)

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Slow start but it works
Avidviewer-0284728 December 2021
The actors and actresses are not regulars in this genre, but they give a decent performance. The script is not bad, it's not full of sickly sweet dialog and boring talk of traditions. The leads have chemistry and the plot isn't full of supernatural twists. In the end it's believable, not full of fake contrivances.
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Watch it just to see Jonny Swenson's smile
katykw-212 December 2022
Ho-hum movie about a hot chocolate shop owner who is accusing another hot chocolate shop owner of stealing her grandma's special recipe. The writers of these shows must be all utilizing the same brain cell. They certainly are NOT using the one about new, inventive ideas. I do not care for Aubrey Reynolds in anything. Her acting is wooden and stiff. I get the idea that she is just "playing herself" in each role. The only thing that salvages this film is Jonny Swenson's megawatt smile. It lights up any space he is in. On the bright spot, to help you plod through this slow-moving quagmire, turn it into a drinking game and every time they say "hot chocolate" take a drink. You will be snockered by the end of the film. Talk about hammering something home.

Also, what is it with these Hallmark/Lifetime/GAC movies and the hot drinks? The cups are obviously ALWAYS EMPTY. You don't take a hot cocoa from someone, throw your head back and gulp it down. Not unless you want a scalded throat. Even THAT you can't make believable? A hint: it's the little minutiae that drives viewers nuts.
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Charming and cute:
adamjohns-4257528 November 2022
Hot Chocolate Christmas/Holiday (2020) -

My opinion of this film was probably skewed by the fact that Jonny Swenson in the lead male role of Marcus was absolutely adorable. The face, those eyes and that smile - Swoon! With a bit of work he might even be able to learn to act too. He wasn't the worst by a mile, but he needed a better director, bless him.

The character of Frank Banner was very odd though, as if they had dubbed his voice afterwards and not considered how weird it was and Colette's Mother was a tad special too, like something from a cartoon rather than reality, which this film mostly seemed to be otherwise.

I liked the slightly different storyline and the friend dynamics. Sometimes having too many other characters can take away from the main romance, but they really bolstered things in this film.

I could see the appeal in Marcus from the off, but I needed her to calm down before I started to think that Colette might be worthy of him and when she realised that she had been a crazy lady it definitely got easier to believe that they might be falling for each other.

The film was full of Christmas and mostly cheerful. Jonny's smile really was so charming that you couldn't help but want him to succeed, even with the occasional bad line delivery and in the end, even she wasn't so obnoxious that I wanted her to fall flat on her face.

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Not quite hot, also not cold
TheLittleSongbird22 December 2022
Christmas films can go either way, which has been my experience watching overtime the festive output of Lifetime, UPTV and Hallmark etc. They can either be well-meaning, charming, warm-hearted and don't feel too heavy. Or they can be too over-sentimental, cheesy, contrived and bland. There have been many films of theirs that have fallen in both camps and in the camp where there is a bit of both. And 'Hot Chocolate Holiday' did have the sort of premise where the execution could have gone either way.

Mostly, the execution fares reasonably well in 'Hot Chocolate Holiday'. It is a long way from great, even when judging it for what it was trying and aiming to be and taking it for what it was, and it is easy to see where those that didn't care for it are coming from. It is a hot chocolate that could have done with some warming up, but it is hardly stone cold. Which actually was pretty much what was expected. There are a lot of good things here and there is a good deal to be charmed by.

By all means it isn't perfect. It is another film where it did take time for me to warm to the female lead character and the story. The female lead character could have done with more personality to start with and her character traits are not too endearing, her competitiveness seeing her combative attitude towards others being overdone and she seemed too uptight. Aubrey Reynolds is a bit too stiff to begin with.

Story-wise, 'Hot Chocolate Holiday' is a slow starter, with it taking too much time to get anywhere in terms of story development. The hostility is somewhat too overwritten and has a bit too much of a mean spirited edge, while the tension is too lukewarm which does make the final quarter fall flat.

That sounds like 'Hot Chocolate Holiday' is bad. Have already said it isn't and there was a lot that works. When her character softens later and eases, Reynolds looks and sounds a lot more comfortable and is charming. Jonny Swenson, as the more consistently written and likeable character, is very easy going and liked that he was charismatic but in an understated way. He and Reynolds do have some nice natural chemistry together, even if it doesn't fire completely on all cylinders. The supporting cast are fine and of the characters there were only issues with Reynolds' one early on.

Furthermore, the festive atmosphere is very well done and there are a fair share of sweet though thankfully not sickly scenes. Was not crazy about the script early on, but it did have a nice mix of funny and poignant lines. The story may be thin but has a warm heart and charm and doesn't take itself too seriously. The scenery is typically lovely and the music is overdone in tone or placement.

In summary, decent but not great and inconsistent. 6/10.
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War then peace
Jackbv12328 December 2021
Until 30 minutes of the movie is past, Collete is picking a fight with her new neighbor Marcus because she thinks he stole her Grandma's hot chocolate recipe. Then like so many of these movies, her animosity just goes away and for the rest of the movie she is bending over backwards for him in several ways. It's true that at about the halfway point something unexpected happens which would explain some of her change in attitude if she hadn't already started softening. Actually, one unexpected thing and then soon after a twist which some viewers might have seen coming.

It looks like one of the most common sources of conflict in these movies is about to happen, but it doesn't, so after the initial animosity, there is almost no tension between the leads. The chemistry is so-so. As a result of all this, the last part of the movie is flat, both the story and the romance.

Realism is not expected in Christmas rom/coms so I won't even go into the myriads of ridiculous things that happen but just a hint on some - health codes.
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Slow boiling point
tomsview25 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"Hot Chocolate Holiday" is a Christmas movie with a difference - nothing much happens.

It could be the blandest entry in the Christmas movie canon ever. However it is saved from total ennui by an unusually arresting star.

Colette (Aubrey Reynolds) owns a café in a picturesque, snow-dusted town up north (cafes and cake shops are a staple of Christmas movies). Colette has a secret recipe for hot chocolate handed down from her grandmother. This stuff is so addictive you wonder how it could be legal. A big food manufacturer wants Colette to develop it to become a mass supermarket line and she's trying to recreate it in powdered form.

About then, good-looking Marcus (Jonny Swenson) opens a shop right next door selling desserts. He starts doing boom business, but also sells hot chocolate that tastes exactly like Colette's.

Most Christmas movies need a point of conflict to move the drama along. Competing hot chocolate shops was that opportunity. In my suburb, two shops in competition invariably leads to one of them burning down, usually with CCTV footage capturing an amateur arsonist running from the scene with a leg on fire.

Although "Hot Chocolate Holiday" does deliver a fire in Marcus' shop, it's just an accident. Collette even lets Marcus sell his desserts from her shop. The movie is at pains to avoid conflict. The whole thing is a series of very polite conversations between nice, inoffensive people; it's bizarre.

The redeeming feature of "Hot Chocolate Holiday" is actually Aubrey Reynolds who draws the eye whenever she is in a scene. She has that indefinable stillness that the camera loves, but not all actors possess. I've only seen her in one other film, "Frenzy" (2018), a fairly crazy, adrift at sea movie where she was surrounded by sharks; about as far from "Hot Chocolate Holiday" as you could get.

Christmas movies are a detox from all the mayhem, body counts and hyper-activity rampant on the rest of television. With that said however, a graph of the drama in "Hot Chocolate Holiday" would pretty much be a flat line all the way.
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Save yourself the time, watch another movie
Cookiebaker10125 December 2021
Slow moving, no spark between the leads, some good acting, but does contain a few scenes in which the acting is bad enough your eyes will roll into the back of your head. The story line is rediculous, the script needed a rewrite, and the acting was uninspired.

Even for someone who has low acceptability threshhold for holiday movies, this is not worth the time.
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Didn't expect much, but enjoyed it. Male lead is gorgeous.
rg7991228 December 2021
I went into this figuring I'd shut it off after 15 minutes. I've found myself doing that with several Hallmark movies this holiday season, much to my dismay. They did a good job casting the male lead. He's gorgeous and his acting wasn't awful. I'm surprised at the negative reviews on here. The female lead was a bit stiff but not awful. I sensed more attraction on her character's end than on his, which shouldn't have been the case. There was chemistry just not as much as there should've been. My goodness when the male lead smiles though, I can forgive a lot. Hallmark needs to cast better looking actors tbh and give their male characters better personalities, because I haven't been able to enjoy most of their movies this season. Their male leads are either unattractive or their characters personalities come off almost toxic to me. That's why I have been giving other networks a chance this holiday season and have been pleasantly surprised. Anways, I enjoyed this movie. I didn't love it, but I haven't loved any movies this season. Still, it was an enjoyable watch.
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How many times did they say "hot chocolate"?
cujorocky3 January 2022
I lost count. They must have said Hot Chocolate 60 or 70 times in this lame movie. Very irritating. Absurd premise. The usual empty cup syndrome. The cups are clearly empty and every time, they tilt the cup 2/3 of the way back for their 1st sip of a very hot drink. Do none of these people have common sense??? Didn't care for for the lead actress.

A harmless movie but an absurd one.
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Interestingly different, safe for you and Grandma to watch!
innerlooper9617 January 2022
To set the expectation, this is a Lifetime movie that strikes me of more of a Hallmark movie. It's pure innocence, nothing that would raise a brow or create even an iota of scandal.

This story focuses on two young entrepreneurs who both have started their own cafe businesses. Technically, one is a cafe (hers) and the other is a pastry shop (his). They are neighbors on a cute Hallmark-y street, and have just met at the start of the movie. They have no chemistry, because they are both somehow a little reserved.

Colette is adorable but extremely suspicious that Marcus is trying to steal her business when she discovers that his hot chocolate recipe is identical in taste to her own.

I won't give away the rest, but basically, the story writes itself. Except: there are some little twists that create more interest than the usual Christmas movie.

1. There is a twist mid-movie that is not expected, at least not to me.

2. The situations are realistic; money is not overflowing magically, and there are potential hardships.

3. The supporting characters (his partner and that person's wife) are very likeable, real, and contained by the limitations most of us would face.

4. The mom of Colette is probably my least favorite character, mainly because she has an inexplicable hard side. However, I think the movie resolves (or at least explains) that fairly well.

My only concern is the resolution; I thought that should have been more of a dual decision, but you can watch and see for yourself.
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Not original, but that's not the problem.
Sergiodave25 December 2021
There are very few really original ideas that come from the Romance TV movie genre and that's fine, don't feed us the same plot every movie and we're okay; but chemistry is quite important in romance, and the ability to act would help.
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Stupid script
kitenasuttles1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Okay so yes, the guy is hot and the girl is beautiful but the script was terrible. First of all, the management company would have never allowed two businesses of similar sales to be side by side. He was a complete jerk to even open his shop right next door to hers knowing he was opening a bakery and would be stealing her business. Everyone was harping on her for being "crazy" but she was right and he WAS using HER family recipe. He should have apologized the second he realized and agreed to stop selling it. She should have gotten a lawyer if he did not agree to do so. Instead, she did a complete 180 as soon as he was the least bit nice to her and she bent over backwards to please him. It kind of gave me whiplash to be honest. She wasn't being paranoid, she was right but in the end it didn't really matter. I didn't really feel any chemistry between the two leads. She seemed almost desperate for him to like her and he seemed indifferent to her but accepted everything she offered. I didn't care for the mother character either. She didn't really seem interested in Collette. A mother who was self absorbed and stuck in her own childhood trauma that she wasn't very attentive to her child. Okay, that's enough. This is the standard meet, hate, insta love that leaves you cold and confused.
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