Shadow (2009) Poster

(II) (2009)

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This is Why I Don't go Biking
gavin69421 October 2012
When a young soldier leaves for a mountain biking excursion he meets the girl of his dreams as well a group of violent locals who want to see them dead at any cost.

What really attracted me to this film was seeing Fabrizio Bava as assistant director. Bava, as you may guess, is the son of Lamberto Bava and the grandson of Mario Bava. To see a third generation of horror films directed by the Bava clan is quite a treat. Not saying this is a great film (it really is just so-so), but I am still happy to see the tradition continue.

The best part of this film is the villain, a toad-licking Lord Voldemort. He looks as if Doug Jones played Buffalo Bill playing Ingmar Bergman's Death. Throw some Nazi symbolism in there for good measure. A great villain, both creepy and mysterious, not to mention senselessly vicious.

The sad thing is that while the film is alright once it gets going, it just cannot keep the momentum. As always, I cannot talk about spoilers, but I will say the twist and I did not get along. Maybe you will be thrilled. I was let down.
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It's OK but falls apart at the end
preppy-326 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
David (Jake Muxworthy) is biking through a beautiful and huge mountain range. He meets Angeline (Karina Testa) who is doing the same as him. They bike together but soon have two psychotic hunters chasing them. But there's someone chasing the hunters and them! It starts off pretty good. The cinematography is beautiful, the music unsettling and Muxworthy is very good in his role. Then, halfway through (40 minutes in), it slows down and becomes incredibly boring. Then, at the very end, it throws in a twist that was so stupid and old that I ended up hating the movie. Want to know what the "twist" was?

ENDING REVEALED IN THIS PARAGRAPH!!!! David was in combat in Iraq. He was injured by a bomb...and the whole movie was a dream he had while unconscious!!!! That is a cheat and just annoys people. That was totally inexcusable and ruins the movie. SPOILERS END

Also if you're looking for graphic gore forget it. You HEAR things happening but you never actually see it. No nudity or sex either. It is only 77 minutes and it IS well-made but that ending...I can only give it a 5.
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Shadow - good first time effort but not great
tmdavies6722 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
OK lets see Shadow - saw this at Frightfest too = overall I found it OK


"Future of Italian Horror"? - a tag like this floating around before I see the movie always makes me somewhat wary but the plot interested me and I wanted to see how it played out. Love Italian horror so a I'm a bit of a sucker for anything new.

It did seem a bit clichéd in the "man meets pretty girlie, man defends honour of girlie when red-necks (what nationality they were meant to be I still have no clue) bother her, man and girlie hit it off and bond over their shared passion of mountain-biking, man and girlie annoy the red necks they met earlier whilst red-necks are trying to slaughter cute woodland fauna resulting in the inevitable chase through the woods". Didn't really get all the camera-love of mountain biking until another reviewer mentioned it was a passion of the Director's and given that my idea of a fun time time certainly isn't mountain biking in the back end of nowhere I was a little bored with the plot at first. However the discovery of the red-necks snarling gun dog reduced to crispy critter status hiked my attention up to a new level.

Shadow has some very nicely shot creepily effective moments and that was largely down to the strange cadaverous character played by Nuot Arquint. The roasting of red-neck no 1 on the hotplate was very effective and the "peeling" when a brief escape attempt was stage was wince-making.

I was intrigued as to who the heck this tally, bald, skinny frog-licking torturer (Arquint) was and why (other than being a complete nut) he was doing this. The shots of his "lair" gave viewers some clues but was jarred a little by the almost cheap laugh (and it seemed to get a good laugh) of including a portrait of "Dubya" amongst all the other dictators. At this point I was really looking forward to seeing what head Zampaglione would bring this all to - and came down to earth with a real thud at the Jacobs Ladder-like finale - huh??

So kids what did we learn from this movie? 1) Future of Italian Horror - I hope not as I'll switch over to Spanish 2) War is BAD ... but has the interesting side effect of giving you a very vivid strange dream in which you find the Girlie of your Dreams who shares your Mountain Biking passion AND you get to rescue her from red-necks and a very strange frog-licking weirdo who hangs in the creepy woods. 3) Rock Star Directors like their soundtracks REALLY VERY LOUD

Overall a reasonable effort from Zampaglione for his first movie (except its let-down ending ....) atmospheric and well constructed. For me he's one to watch out for in the future.
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A whirlwind of a ride!
jennifer-25-96523130 July 2011
I found this movie surprisingly amazing! It was a total fluke that we watched this as we settled in to watch a movie way too late and wanted to pick one quickly. To our luck we ended up picking this one based on the cover (Netflix).

Two people alone in the woods anger two crazy hillbillies. Sounds like your typical slasher film right? Half way through the movie they add a little bit of a twist and add some ghosts stalking everyone in the woods. Sounds like a ghost movie now? Well now add in some crazy looking guy that could be the long lost Uncle of the monsters from the movie "The Descent" who is obsessed with the holocaust and Dr. Mengele's human experiments. What do you have now? With all mentioned above it may sound confusing but it isn't when at the end the Directors message packs a hard punch with an incredible twist.

I love when I watched a movie expecting nothing too special and end up watching a great flick like this one. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time in this film, wonderfully made horror film, the type of perfect horror movie that sucks you in. - Discover a new world of horror films, designed just for you.
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A Confused Mess
actually_jesus3 September 2009
Saw this at Frightfest in London a few days ago.

Director Federico Zampaglione comes across as a really nice guy, the film seemed like a bit of a labour of love for him (he even got his old dad who helped with the script up on stage for the Q&A which was quite sweet) and he's obviously a real genre fan. That's the good news...

However, on the bad side... the story is horribly confused, the direction is all over the place - but the music isn't too bad (Zampaglione is the singer of an Italian pop-rock band) There are a few fairly gruesome moments, but there's all too much boring, nonsensical build up, with badly drawn characters running around in the woods before the "horror" bits kick in. There's also a good deal of needless mountain biking (a passion of the director) which makes the film feel like someone's switched onto an extreme sports channel for 5 mins before we can get back to the film! As I say, there are moments of promise but as an overall film it just doesn't work. I don't think that Zampaglione is really ready to be writing and helming his own films at this stage... it's a far cry from a 3 minute music promo.

Hopefully for his sake he'll maybe try and work with an outside influence who might be able to give his next project a little bit more focus. In a way you have to salute Zampaglione for making exactly the kind of film he wanted to make - but unfortunately that doesn't make it something that other people will want to watch.

One to avoid.
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Could have been better, but fun to watch it!
I got to say that I'm not big fan of Italian horror movies, but seeing trailer for this movie, got me interested.

Great beginning of the movie, intense (usually love outdoor horror movies) and fun. But, when started "bloody part" of film, I was disappointed. As I love to see blood, cutting, torturing and things like that on horror, I was not so satisfied with "killing scenes", 'cause they were not showed (camera would go up in the air or would be filming from distance). I was expecting a little bit more gory scenes in movie. Plot was good, main actor was good, not great, but at least good looking (watched with my friends, so we liked to see him on screen :)), the killer was creepy and convincing and for the first director's horror movie it was really good.

Watchable movie, definitely didn't waste my time, but could have been a lot better.
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A Creepy Version of Jacob's Ladder
claudio_carvalho27 August 2011
The soldier and biker David (Jake Muxworthy) is serving in Iraq and misses biking. He rides his bicycle in Europe heading to Shadow and when he stops in a bar, he meets the beautiful Angeline (Karina Testa). The troublemaker hunters Fred (Ottaviano Blitch) and Buck (Chris Coppola) bother Angeline and David and the bar owner defend her.

When David camps in the woods, the wind carries his tent and Angeline invites him to share her tent with him. On the next morning, they ride their bicycles together and enjoy the wilderness. When Angeline sees that Fred will shot an animal, she cries and he misses his shot. Fred and Buck chase the couple with their truck and the quartet have accidents and need to walk through the woods. Sooner they are captured by a weird man that lives in an isolated house and are tortured in the basement. David manages to escape and helps the hunters to leave the place, but they are hunted down by the freak. When David wakes up, he learns that the reality is worst than his nightmare.

"Shadow" is a creepy version of Adrian Lyne's "Jacob's Ladder", which is inspired in Claude Chabrol's "Alice ou la Dernière Fugue"; later, "The Jacket" used the same storyline again. "Shadow" has a promising beginning but the story is not original – the writer used not only the foregoing idea, but also a rip-off of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" or any other sub-product - and the conclusion is very disappointing. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "Shadow – Na Escuridão" ("Shadow – In the Darkness")
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Decent horror similar to Wolf Creek
robertemerald30 March 2019
If you liked Wolf Creek, then this funny little movie (and it is short for a movie) will probably please. It manages to remain serious enough throughout to genuinely scare, although at the beginning, to my mind, there is a slight caricature issue. I may be wrong about that, as this is an American movie made by Italians, so I'm not sure what was the intended audience. There is some beautiful forest to be ridden through, though the cameras used could have had better colour, and there was no artistic cinematography which would have been nice, although the shots of the deer were OK. Is it scary though? The first half is action, light on the dread, the second half is dripping with dread, and light on the action. It is frightening, absolutely, but I feel, in my humble opinion, that there was much more scope to develop more creepiness and tension, and I certainly wouldn't have minded the movie going a bit longer so as to enjoy that. It's like a painting that's only 80% and needs some art direction in any case. Shadow has great ideas that are slightly undernourished. Similarly the soundtrack was really original and modern, until the final frantic stages leading to the credits, when it devolved into something off-kilter and slightly distracting. Again, an unfinished painting. The flashbacks needed work, I thought, and to be more convincing. OK, I'm being really picky. Basically, Shadow is a good horror movie with plenty of skin to crawl and seat to edge onto, with excellent acting, good looking leads, and a profoundly devilish evil that's worthy of a minor award. Yea!
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Shadow: Gradually gets worse from start to finish
Platypuschow3 December 2017
This Italian horror initially looked like it might be going somewhere but quickly spirals out of control.

It tells the story of a soldier returning from Iraq who decides to clear his head by going to a stunning forest to cycle. There he runs into both trouble and romance in a tale that loses its footing early.

Though the idea behind the movie isn't terrible the execution is, the weak cast do not help matters and neither does the finale which defies logic.

Some movie endings can turn a bad film around, some can kill a great film outright. But when you have a film which is already pretty damn bad and end it with a twist which is beyond dumb it doesn't leave much of an impression.

This award winning Italian effort is truly pitiful and I'd recommend it to no man, woman nor bovine.

The Good:

Showed early promise

The Bad:

Beyond bad finale

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Hunters who mourn the death of a pet are cherry picking idiots

So licking toads might actually be a thing
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kosmasp29 October 2009
An Italian movie that dares to be different. Even if at first it doesn't seem to go any other way, than some recent (gory) horror movies, this one actually has another layer to it. I won't say more, because that would be spoiling, but one thing is for sure, the director is one to look out for.

Even if he has a fable of over-cranking the volume (he did that at the Frightfest, I'm happy there were no ear related injuries/miss-happenings. Apart from that the movie is pretty sleek and gets away with some ridiculous plot ... well not entirely, but the ending does give it all a bit of a tweak. If you like your movie to be a bit of a brainer (as well as bloody), than you should definitely watch this.
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Lurch in his spare time
This was... most certainly indi to say the least haha it was a little all over the place but still had some positives.

Conceptually I found this decently interesting and in a big way was saved from being unredeemable by the twist in the end. Nothing all too interesting happened until about half way through and I think a lot of the beginning filler could have been cut. In all honesty, keeping it as close to its original form, I think it could have been most successful as a 30 minute short.

They had some really neat filming locations and set dressing so props for that. Also main guy and girl did a decent job, the two bad guys... not so much. And the bad bad guy, while he didn't say anything he was super creepy. Honestly, could have done with more of him all around.

You have to have a true appreciation for indi for this one. Also I think the concept could inspire something really interesting to work with. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't recommend.
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Was happily intrigued until the surprise ending
athveg34f21 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Right up until a few minutes to the ending I was pretty happy with Shadow. This followed my favorite genre of someone getting abducted and having to find their way out, and the additional surprise abductions of the others also got me thinking this one was going to be nice and different from the usual.

Early on it was thrilling with the hunters' chase through the woods. When the odd things started happening I was wondering who was doing it, the missing girl? The guy? The other hunter? And when the abductees woke up and saw who had brought them there it was super-creepy, just the way I like.

This played out like a standard/good horror flick and for some reason my cable guide put it at two hours long, so when this ended at an hour and a half with that (unsatisfying) ending, I was really, really let down. I'll just say I never cared for those movies who lead you along, only to be ridiculous ending which negates everything you just saw.
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Incredibly flawed at times but still decent enough
kannibalcorpsegrinder24 September 2012
Taking a biking tour through Europe, a former soldier accidentally angers a troupe of hunters poaching in the nearby forest, but soon find themselves tormented by a far more deadly threat that has no intentions of letting them leave the area alive.

A very troubling effort, as this entry really could've been great but does have a problem with introducing a few too many flaws at times. Basically two movies in one, the first half is a cliché-but-enjoyable romp in a forest as two people fight to escape from the hunters, which includes some thrilling chases through the forest roads on bikes as the hunters chase in an armored car shooting at them, confrontations with their vicious dog and more, all done under the cover of a heavy fog in a woodland setting to give a perfect chilling atmosphere to everything, despite it being routine and far from believable as there's really no motive for the hunters to turn as vicious as they do as quickly as shown here. The last half is pretty lame as the gang is captured by a maniacal killer in the forest and are tortured by the madman, with on reason offered for the scenario. The tortures don't make sense, and are interjected at random, but there's some good stuff to come from the compound escape and the chilling nature of the set-up, only for the ridiculous twist ending to come along and ruin it all. That hurts it almost as much as the length, so this is really flawed but still has some good stuff about it.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Extreme Graphic Language and drug use.
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If you have 75 minutes to waste...
tomtc20 January 2011
Another one slasher movie - one of thousands. Even if there are some violent scenes - it's not a splatter.

The story is absolutely nothing new. It has no kick, it has no thrill and you will not be surprised by the next scene. Adding some war elements will also not save the movie. There are also many confusing scenes, i.e. if you're chased by a car: would you run on the road or into woods?

Actors are quite a low average however I watched the German version.

Also the budget of this movie was quite surprising for me: 1 million euro. I guess they spent 900.000 for the camera rental. I couldn't see the money elsewhere.

This movie was a pure waste of time for me - I'm very disappointed. Watch it if you have really nothing better to do.
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Avoid at all cost
cinecephale14 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I am very very very patient with horror movies, but this one was just unbearable. It is a big mess of ideas stolen from many films : a survivalist twist from Deliverance, the monster from Creep, a bit of torture porn from, well, anywhere. And, ho! a reference to our troubled times of wars and fears - which is just plain shocking because it exploits a real tragedy to pretend the film has a meaning. Add disposable actors, ridiculous hunters-with-big-trucks-and-dog, maybe haunted forest lost very far from civilization and you have a headache. The end doesn't explain anything, it just justify the lack of coherence and originality of the scenario.

That kind of films give to the horror genre its bad reputation!
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Have I missed the point of this story?
lancer1658 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have recently watched this story and have now read the reviews. My take on the ending seems to have missed the point if the other reviewers are accurate.

I am reminded vaguely of a movie made many years ago with Timothy Bottoms and Donald Sutherland. Yes I had to look it up to get this right. It in my misty memory is a tale about a very seriously injured WW 1 soldier. We are here also treated to the many MENTAL visions with dialogue.

While I don't think that we as viewers were deliberately given real clues. The tale just goes along with our hero and the potential love interest having a bad time with the stereotypical bad and hard people.

The end tells me the THICKO that our story teller like in so many tales is either dead or in a seriously injured condidtion. In this case I feel that he like our man Joe in 'Johnny Got His Gun' mentioned earlier is living an unreal life due to memories imagined but we are privy at the end of the movie to a reality remembered as opposed to a reality created within an injured mind.

Dreams tend to have a staggered unrelated sequence of events.

The 'bad' tough men were his military colleagues, perhaps now dead, the operating theatre nurse his love interest the surgeons his torturers. I do not know about illegal drug affects but I was on legal serious medication for a few months post hospitalization and I remember having many seemingly realistic dreams. Some may call them out of body experiences.

With my feeling that this is what was being told then the poor acting seen by so many is irrelevant. I am being told probably an all too typical in this age of young men being sent for slaughter in a difficult to understand the reasons why conflict area. Waking up periodically in a situation they cannot recognise. For that reason alone I feel that the film story is a little better than middling.

I am not anti USA as such but at times it does take a lot to completely feel good towards them when certain combat reports are broadcast considering we in the UK are not only tarred with the same brush but have so many wishing to emulate perceived behaviour as in the movies. That was just to let anyone reading know that I have no political axe to grind. I served my own country for many many years both as military and latterly as part of the correction services.

I do hope my take on the intended storyline is accurate.
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A great beginning, then the final ruins everything
azzoladaniel13 July 2021
I loved this movie at first, all of it. The final made my balls fall off, forgive my metaphor. It could have ended in 100 different ways better than this. I see this movie as a well cooked dish, made with the best ingredients and well seasoned. It only needs to be served, and 1 meter from the table the waiter loses balance and drops the whole thing. I have to say I hate nonsense finals like this one, so annoying and frustrating.
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Lots of promise, but...
ss22cb2 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers delivery. The potential was there for a good story, but it simply didn't happen.

This was really just the story of a hippie soldier with no fighting ability who meets the girl of his dreams while on leave from the war in Iraq. While there, he runs into two very stereotypical rednecks with Aussie accents, a rebel flag and guns galore. Mayhem ensues.

The acting ranged from mediocre to horrible. The story was so jam packed with naked liberal stereotypes it was almost amusing to watch. If this was supposed to be a comedy, it might have been worth up to five stars. But, it was nothing more than a smear job against the American military and George W. Bush. (you'll know what I mean when you watch the movie) If you're a cheerleader for liberalism, you'll probably enjoy this movie. Otherwise, save your time & money and avoid this unintelligent propaganda flick.
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Be VERY SUSPICIOUS of 10/10 ratings when the average is below 6/10
FountainPen1 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Excellent movie!" so says "makevuoidame" who adds that he/she is "a big fan of horror movies". That person has only ever reviewed TWO movies on IMDb. Yes, it pays to be suspicious of maximum ratings when the overall IMDb score is below 6/10. Anyway, this film 'Shadow' is fairly good with a reasonable amount of action and suspense, plus it has two likable victims. I rated it 6/10, the most I felt possible, all aspects considered. Cinematography should have been a LOT better. It becomes rather nasty, violent and grisly after 35 minutes ! 6/10
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nogodnomasters30 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A man gets out of the military and goes riding bike in the Alps (?). Along the way he meets a French woman and two hunters with British accents who have a rebel flag on the dash of their vehicle. They get into a scuffle with these hooligans who hunt them down in a battle of life and death on a mountain that has haunted legends. They end up captured by a strange guy who looks like he came straight from an 80's Metallica video. While the captor is isolated he has 8mm films from wars and prison camps throughout the 20th century, including Iraq, which in all honesty never made it to actual "film." The forest around the house has all kind of "Rambo" booby traps. Note the scene by the lake when the good guys are in a hurry to get away on their bikes, they take the extra time to put on their helmets. Safety first.

The movie has 6 people in it. No nudity. No sex. The gore is not extremely graphic as we have been used to. Don't pay too much for it.
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Great movie except for the subliminal BS
gloribeago27 June 2021
Enjoyed the movie but how sick is this director to have to put in his political views even if they make absolutely no sense in a movie filmed outside of the US? The hunters have a rebel flag on their dashboard? Really? In Europe? Then in the cave next to the pictures of Hitler and his henchmen they have a picture of President George W. Bush. What the heck was Bush's pic doing there? Also, there were films of Nazi atrocities piled up and then there was a 9/11 label on a film can. Why? So the subliminal political BS in this movie ruined it for me. It was a good movie but I don't give a hoot about this directors politics. Nor do I care to be treated as an idiot too stupid to realize what this director was trying to do. Plus, isn't subliminals illegal to use in public films without a warning label?
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A great way to spend an hour
XxBabyKillerxX6 September 2012
I was sort of iffy about watching this due to the rating and such and I try not to watch trailers or read reviews so I don't get my hopes up but decided to watch the trailer and was surprised. The beginning of the movie is slow but is done excellently. The story line was a great idea and was also done great. The kill scenes were not gory or gruesome but I let it slide. I for once didn't expect the ending or the killer in a foreign horror movie and was glad I didn't. To cut it short this was a great way to spend some time and I would love to watch it again. I give "Shadow" an 8 out of 10.

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all cruelty is done off-screen, sad but true
trashgang11 January 2012
Weird, this came out here as a new Italian horror with references toward Deodato and Argento. Can someone tell me were the references are? remember Deodato's notorious Cannibal Holocaust, straight in your face cruelty. Well, here it's all a bit dull. It didn't deliver me the shivers or anything just a few yawns.

It's clearly that Federico Zampaglione faced some money problems. This is surely a low budget. Why, because when the gore should comes in it's all done off-screen. And weren't those old Italian horrors known for their gore (Fulci, anyone?).

The acting was mediocre, nobody could really convince me. Maybe it's the story that did that. The first part it's all about two mountain bikers being hunted by some, sigh, hunters. But after 30 minutes suddenly a killer appears. The only good thing was the killer (Nuot Arquint) itself, what a body and what a face. The actors themselves are normal to do this stuff, Jake Muxworthy was in the beautiful Borderland (2007). Karina Testa came out of the gory Frontiere(s) (2007). For example, when Fred is burned by torturing he stands up were his skin do stay at the table he was bound but a few minutes later he's running like nothing happened.

I was really disappointed due the lack on gore. The ending saved the movie a bit. This could have been a really gory flick but why o why did they do it all off-screen?

Gore 1/5 Nudity 0/5 Story 2/5 Effects 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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Did somebody order a container full of horror clichés?
Coventry29 August 2017
I certainly don't intend to say that "Shadow" is a bad film, and I don't even want to discourage anyone from watching it; the only thing that is simply undeniable is that it contributes almost nothing to the horror genre. The story, written by director Frederico Zampaglione , shamelessly cashes in on the biggest and most profitable horror trends of the new millennium, namely vicious torture porn situations (eerie devices in dark and sinister cellars) and silent & nameless creeps that mercilessly ambush ignorant tourists to feast their perverted torture fetishes upon. During "Shadow", I spotted elements and ideas that were previously used in films such as "Saw", "Hostel", "Frontière(s)", "Blood Trails", "Timber Falls" and possibly a few other titles I already forgot about. Relieved that he's finally back from serving in the Iraq war, avid bike rider David goes on an adventurous trip that was recommended to him by a friend. The area, known as "The Shadow", is breath-taking and David even meets the girl of his dream. She's a French beauty called Angelique and she's also obsessed with bike riding; what are the odds on that? Their freshly found happiness rudely gets interrupted when they run into a couple of redneck hunters and are forced to abandon their bikes to hide into the thick woods. Little does David know that this only the beginning of the nightmare, as the Shadow also homes a cruel and psychopathic creep who likes to torture people. The thing that surprised (or is it annoyed?) me the most is the severe lack of sick and nasty violence depicted on screen. All the shocking stuff, as well as most of the killings, occurs off-screen, which is quite unusual for a torture porn flick. The movie does manage to be reasonably suspenseful, especially because David and Angelique are nice and amiable persons, whereas the hunters are loathsome bastards, so during the cat-and- mouse games you automatically cheer for the biker couple. Experienced horror fans can also entertain themselves by spotting all the clichés, for example the soldier flashbacks or the "decorations" inside the maniac's lair. The whole ending is sort of like a mixed bag. I certainly admire Zampaglione's courage and ambition to try something completely different, but the result is principally unsatisfying and leaves quite a lot of questions unanswered. At least you cannot claim that the climax is obvious or even remotely predictable, so that's already an accomplishment on itself. Still, considering we're already in familiar terrain, I personally would have preferred more gore and bloodshed rather than a surreal twist- ending.
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Scope for improvement
emmelleff-15 December 2016
The end is what redeems this movie, not just because it's finally over but because it helps make some sense out of what hitherto was nonsense. Tough as it is, you do need to watch it all the way through for the Jacob's Ladder-esque revelation to give it any kind of context.

That said, it's not a patch on Jacob's Ladder, it's laden with clichés and burdened with cartoon characters delivering dreadful dialogue and glaring holes in the plot, not all of which can be dismissed by the final revelation. Soundtrack jarred too.

To me, it was like the director had watched Jacob's Ladder and maybe Deliverance or Southern Comfort and thought he could create an homage to all three in one movie, maybe with an element of Freddie Kruger thrown in for good measure. And failed.
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