"1899" The Key (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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01x08 - The Key: 8/10 (Great)
mahdypersonal20 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
1899's shocking finale brings everything around to several monumental exposures. It turns out Maura's brother is the one in charge of the construct, whilst it appears Maura is a far significant part of all of this than we actually realized.

Witnessing how the vessel operates and what all of this means is a nice way to pay off the big mysteries this year, although certain elements - like Mrs Wilson picking up her cup of tea in episode 1 contemporaneously to everyone else - does n't quite make sense given what we know now.

Nonetheless, it remains to be seen whether the reality Maura has " woken up in " is actually true or just another bigger part of an sophisticated mouse trap, designed to keep Maura busy while her brother does something far more menacing.

Either way though, everything here's left on a tantalizing cliffhanger, leaving the door wide open for where this one may go next.
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Can't believe this show was cancelled
jotafracchia6 January 2023
Honestly i don't know why and how Netflix shut down this project after delivering a rich and complex story filled with powerful characters well delivered.

I do understand that the first episodes may be hard to follow because a lot is happening at the time and we don't have a clue of what is going on, but that changes later and it's very fun trip, you go from an historical set to a horror mood and end up in a sci-fi genre. It's mind blowing how the story change.

I was watching episode 5 when i heard the show was canceled, and at the time i was already engaged and full fan of the serie, it was so upsetting but either way i was settled to watched the remains episodes and i'm glad i did. It's a masterpiece in many terms: The production, the photography, the character's arc, the story, the art... Netflix just deprived us one of the best original shows going now.

Congratulations to the team behind and the creators.
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Around of applause to everyone involved in developing this show.
ahmadz83918 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"What we know is a drop. What we don't know is an ocean"

Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese have created another excellent science fiction show, although "1899" differs greatly from their past efforts. The big reveal at the end was precisely what I suspected and the most logical explanation. Although the mystery has been revealed to some extent, I have no doubt that Season 2 will also surprise us in many more ways. Akin to Inception's dream within a dream, I suspect the spaceship is only another simulation. While I can understand why some people may be disappointed by the finale, anybody familiar with this duo would know that they are saving their biggest reveal for later. All the pieces are in place for an epic season two, so a round of applause to everyone involved in developing this show; I, for one, cannot wait for what is next.

Rating: 8/10 (Great)
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We need more!!!
Kudokun28 November 2022
I've never had a feeling like this about a series since the first few seasons of Game of Thrones, a lot of people, putting the show side-by-side with dark, well, I love dark, but I love this show even more. I really looking forward to anything these directors and writers gonna come up with, especially, especially the season two of 1899.

I really miss, watching a show like this. Where you have to think with many speculations in your head , alot of thing that are not make any sense and they put it together, various different background, this show has so many levels and dimensions in it, the one when you're watching it you will not fall asleep when you're really have to get some.

Frankly a lot of shows I've watched recently are kind of boring and doesn't have an interesting story in it, but this shows really takes me back to those years when TV shows are great to watch.
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Season 2 Is Going to Be Way Different
MamadNobari9717 November 2022
If I'm being honest, this show doesn't really have the same weight and effect as Dark, as it is not as unpredictable and novel as Dark, nor is it as emotional as Dark, but that's not to say the show is bad or anything, it has a top-notch production and everything from the direction, the acting, music, and pretty much everything else except the writing which needed to be more worked on and polished, is pretty much near perfect.

The way the show tells its story it's like the complete opposite of Dark (I hope I'm not spoiling this 1899's narrative and twists), it's as they told the story of Dark from the end to beginning and we started at season 3, which I don't have a problem with, to be honest. They have already done that type of storytelling and keeping us in the 'dark', and honestly this story especially doesn't have the capacity of being told through multiple seasons with the big reveals. Especially when the twists and the reveals are much more predictable than Dark's.

And you might be getting sick of me comparing this show to Dark, but I really can't not compare this to that show since the only reason I'm watching this and know it exists, is because it's from the same creators.

So about the "emotional" aspect of the show; while watching Dark, you feel for most of the characters, if they're sad you're sad, if they're crying you might be crying too, you're invested in their relationships and they feel authentic with real chemistry, but unfortunately in here, most of the relationships happen out of nowhere and there's no chemistry between those characters. And even though they've done a good job of establishing these characters and making you know most of their names by the end of the show, you don't really feel that attached to care or get sad if one of them dies, so you're basically watching them from a little bit of a distance and you're not that emotionally attached to them yet. This is probably my biggest gripe with this season.

And the fact that all of these characters are from different countries and speak in different languages might be one of the reasons why the emotional parts and the chemistry don't work since no one understands what the other is saying and it's kind of a weird choice for the show that the writers have decided to make, but I guess that's probably how ships were back in the 1900s and wanted to be more historically accurate, or mayhaps they have bigger plans about it and the diverse set of characters have a more significant role than we're seeing now.

Without trying to spoil the ending and the twists and the reveals, I will only say that the ending didn't really surprise me and most of the twists are predictable because the show might be frustratingly mysterious all throughout and not giving you answers, but at the same time, it gives you the right amount of flashing images and scenes and clues to make you guess what actually is happening before they even reveal it. And the big reveal at the end is honestly nothing new, I've seen this done in a movie from the late 90s and even in that movie I saw that ending coming, and that's not to say it's a bad reveal or they shouldn't do it because it's obvious or predictable or it's been done for, but I guess I might have expected a little bit more than this route they decided to take the story.

Obviously, there is much more to this twist and reveal and it's not this simple and it's gonna get more complicated in the next season, and this might not even be the actual "big reveal of the story" for lack of a better word since I'm trying not to even hint at what the reveal is so I won't spoil anything.

And this is actually an interesting choice the showrunners have made to go with the explanation of the world because as long as I can remember, I've seen most people hating this particular reveal in most movies and shows, although this show didn't go the route the other ones go and revealing it at the very end and instead sprinkled it throughout the show so you won't get frustrated when the actual twist is revealed, and I think that's why most of those movies get hate because they do it out of nowhere and it feels like a cop-out, but this show didn't do it that way. But I can already see many people hating the twist and reveal because of what it is.

And the show moves really slowly, which I had no problems with since I binged all of it today, I felt the slowness at some points but it wasn't that much but I can see people not liking the show because of its pacing which is understandable I guess. I think Dark was a slow burn too but maybe this one might feel slower even though a lot of intense stuff happen in here.

All in all, I really enjoyed this season as a whole and this episode was great but not perfect and leaves a little to be desired, but good nonetheless for what it is. Hopefully in the next season the plot thickens more and gets more complicated and becomes bigger than this fairly clichéd twist and becomes at least on par with Dark's level of complex story and characters.
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What a show!
sergefreeman29 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Lost x Dark x Matrix x Inception x Titanic = 1899 What a formula!!!

And even though I expected more from the season finale, I still think it's a brilliant show, and I hope that creators will not drop the unanswered questions regarding how the simulation works and that it's all saved for us for seasons 2-3...

I also watched The Peripheral in parallel, and oh dear it just looks so bad, boring and uninteresting compared to 1899. With a similar simulation idea in a core plot one is a slow dull futuristic TV show where even the visual effects are outdated as if it was produced in early 00s and the other is exciting dark drama transforming the historical mystery into pure sci-fi in the style of "new 80s" which is very trendy these years. So kudos to Baran and the team!
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not a sit ,relax and watch! it is engage,analyze and find
Rajit_thebingewatcher24 November 2022
Imagine "Titanic" and "Inception" are having an affair and they have a baby. Well, that must be "1899". A ship lost in the middle of the sea , A story told before. The layers of dreams ,simulation A story told before. But the ship created from the fake memory and operating a simulation where all characters are feeling Dejavu is unique premise. A perfect blending.

Its done smoothly, puzzles fit slowly but when the whole picture is seen it is awesome. There are few scenes where the viewers feel its too complex, confusing but again I guess this is "Dark" signature where the creators are asking the viewers "Engage your brain, think ,analyse!" Its not a sit ,relax and watch, its engage,analyze and find kind of series. A lovely end.
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I like this better than Dark
raj-bhullar19 November 2022
I liked Dark but it was very confusing. Darks season 1 and 2 were awesome but I didn't like season 3 that much. The show was already very confusing and they added extra layers of confusion on top of it in season 3 rather than providing for answers, it being the final season which needed proper closure.

This on the other hand is confusing like dark but it does provide answers as it goes. By the end of the finale everything was clear to me and my mind was blown unlike dark season 3 which was convoluted and left me with more questions than answers. Not saying that dark is not a great show, it is. Infact it is a masterpiece. And so is this show. What a finale. Thank you Netflix for this great show. Can't wait for the next season.
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One of the best season finale
synysteraryan20 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am just lost for word, i didn't think this is how the finale would turn out. We were hinted about being un simulation throughout the season but where is the simulation taking hold that part we were unaware of and wow the finale finally gave the answer.

I almost dropped the show in episode 2 cause god it was boring as hell. But i just kept watching because the storyline was good and it kept me interested as what was about to happen in next episode. There are some unanswered question which i guess will be answered in season 2 i guess.

The show is confusing at times so i guess i need watch it one more time just for fun. Anyway this episode is worthy of the 10 star for me.
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Change the code
AvionPrince169 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So things get pretty fast and we have some revelations: that is Maura who is the creator and she did this to forget the pain. Eliott will learn the truth from his father and the father is in fact trapped like the others. Maura will finally wake up from the simulation and will learn that the real boss is her brother who control everything. So she will wake up but from what i saw it was better in the simulation. They were all in a sort of a spaceship and all in the simulation process.

Yeah that was pretty interesting but really the whole developpment and structure was a little bit slow and finally give an end pretty flat. Even if we are interesting about what will happened ( maybe in season 2?) About how Maura will get out of that and learn the truth. But things was not really that interesting and the end when the husband changed the code it look pretty forced and rushed. I meant it make sense but really feel not natural. Its just my feeling but im a little bit disappointed and it dont answer all the questions that i have but maybe in the next season. It was ok.
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Season 1 Review: An intriguing puzzle of a series.... wonderful stuff!
joebloggscity13 December 2022
This is a refreshing change to watch after all the countless zombie shows and teen angst shows, we have finally got a thoughtful and cerebral series which admittedly I'm going to struggle to explain. Part fantasy, part-Victorian, part sci-fi and part thriller, we have a lusciously put together production that crosses many boundaries.

The show centres around a shipload of people from across many countries on a cross Atlantic trip in the 19th century who find themselves in the middle of a mystery when the ship is diverted to help another one stranded and lost. From there on in it gets too bizarre and convoluted to explain!

Anyhow what we do have is a well put together series that keeps you intrigued and questioning all the way through, although there are obvious pointers too left around the place. The ensemble is remarkably apt for the show with no weak points as they portray the hidden stories behind their reasons to be on this journey.

I don't want to reveal anything but rather just say that I really recommend this show! I'll admit it does get a bit ridiculous at times, but it all pays off with it's wonderful writing. Existential themes abound. So good to have something so intelligent on the box after so long. By far the most original show on television this year.

Apparently this is made by the same guys behind the German TV series Dark which I gave up on after a few episodes so maybe I need to revisit that one.

I look forward to the next season which will take a while to be made, going by the obvious expense to make this one. Enjoy this show, it's a fine debut season. The best thing on the streaming box sets this year.
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Don't mean to be a Debbie Downer...
W011y4m523 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As much as I'm inclined to be lenient with my review (because of my existing adoration for the creator's previous show, "Dark") for this finale, I don't think there's any way to really excuse the age old, clichéd "& then they woke up & it was all just a dream" trope, no matter how inspired or creative the unoriginal idea is in its execution on screen.

Hence, despite my willingness to accept the illogical nature of the ridiculous premise (due to its intentional absurdity - showing how anything is arguably possible in a sea of simulation) & the oddly paced plotting (which again, I'm assuming is deliberate, to mirror the protagonist's own sense of growing disorientation), I feel as though writer Jantje Friese takes the unreliable narrator concept a bit too far - until the narrative begins to essentially break basic rules of storytelling & unintentionally renders itself rather meaningless, in the melee of all the madness.

Of course, the philosophical questions it raises amongst the chaos are extremely fascinating to ruminate upon & I understand what the intentions were... But it's almost as if the production got lost within its own ramblings & forgot that in order to effectively communicate a point, one must first structure an arc / discernible journey until it's at least even mildly cohesive. Consequently, I'd personally conclude that this is certainly not; though admirably ambitious & brimming with interesting ideas... "1889" ironically drowns in the oceans of thought it summons & although it attempts to develop, I hardly feel as though any of the characters progress at all - by the time the credits start rolling. Quite the contrary - the final scene is ironically an introduction.
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Season 1: Fulfilled My Sky High Expectations
zkonedog21 December 2022
I consider "Dark" to be my favorite episodic TV series of all time. So when show runners Baran bo Odar & Jantje Friese announced their next project--1899--I knew I'd be giving it a look. My expectations for the new product were impossibly high--yet somehow bo Odar & Friese matched them admirably with another rousing mystery!

For a very basic overview, 1899 tells the story of the Kerberos--a passenger ship crossing the Atlantic from UK to US in the titular year. Everyone on board seems to be running from something in their past and looking for a fresh start. While en route, the Kerberos receives a transmission from the Prometheus--their sister ship long-presumed missing. Deciding to check the situation out, the Kerberos and her crew stumble upon a discovery that will shake their foundation--perhaps the world's itself--to its very core.

Without delving into major spoilers, I can say this about 1899--it is not the show you'll think it is after 3 or 4 episodes--and in the best possible way! In the early goings, one could watch the series as a piece of historical fiction and character drama. But about halfway through this first season, it makes a pivot to the type of mystery/sci-fi/paranormal material (with more than a touch of philosophy thrown in!) that "Dark" fans will remember. A masterful approach, as it allows the characters to be built and savored before the plot machinations kick in.

In terms of that plot, bo Adar & Friese again prove themselves as the greatest creators of in-depth mysteries that have perhaps ever lived. Though the material seems "out there" at times, it always comes back to sense in the end or connects to some tangible theme. Between the pacing, fantastical elements, music, and visuals (again here showcasing the pair's almost steam-punk sensibilities), this is the holy grail for fans of plot-driven mystery.

As much as I have to say it, any bo Adar & Friese show must also come with a bit of a disclaimer: this isn't a show you can multi-task or second-screen. It will require your full, undivided attention to even begin putting the pieces together. I don't say that to scare people off, but rather as a baseline necessary for enjoyment. The more you put into this show, the more you'll take from it--and it is a worthy endeavor.

While I can't necessarily say that 1899 is "as good as Dark" seeing how they cover such different material, it doesn't lag far behind by any reckoning. This is mystery, sci-fi, and thriller of the highest order. The ending may be a little "out there" for some folks, but as long as they get renewed for more seasons, the Dark track record says these two masterminds have a plan and know how to execute it to perfection.
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dannylee-7808228 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
1. Ship falls apart 2. Henry talks to Elliot 3. Maura wakes up

It's become extremely unclear what this show is about. I've read many theories and discussions but it's clear not a lot of people have a clue about what's going on, myself included. Even though this was the season finale, there are still many unanswered questions. The biggest question for myself was if what Henry says to Elliot is true, why would the simulation be so grim and Maura doesn't even realize Elliot is her son? This is why I believe that's not the case and there must be a bigger reason. There are lots of loose ends that were not tied up in this season but hopefully will be in the next one.

I sort of regret watching this so early because this seems like a type of series that needs to be binged all in one go. By the next season comes out, I would have most likely forgot a lot of the details in season 1.

1899 Season 1 has been a confusing, but entertaining ride. I am not even mad that many of the questions were left unanswered and the answers that were given to us have some uncertainty attached to them. The only reason is because it was a good show in all the other elements of the show. Character building was super solid. Music was phenomenal and I also appreciated the look they have gone for. Writing wise, I think we have just finished introduction so how the next seasons pan out will determine the overall quality of this series.
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A lot like dark. But I Still loved it.
garabedian12329 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The one problem with Dark is the ending. But this ending did surprisingly better. They had me going thinking this was all some fantasy for parents to escape the pain of losing of a child. Isn't that where it seemed like it was going? But no. Even the people who thought they knew what was going on, were wrong. They had just been in the simulation for so long they had all forgotten.

It makes sense. Im sure the captain of the ship would be the best person for a key to escape a simulation through a long term space mission. But her brother or someone else erased their memories for some unknown reason, perhaps a power play as suggested?
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Slow burner 22. But it pays off
richardrc-1859616 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is the 3rd show I've watched fully recently with house of the dragon and the watcher before this. All 3 are slow shows. But I will admit this one, like all of them, paid off. Way better than watcher but same level, maybe a tier below, GOT.

The problem is, this one asks more answers. Why is the ship even a thing when their on a "boat"? Space vs ocean? Why create the simulation to travel in space? Did something happen that caused an infinite loop of it or was the person in charge (red head) the cause? No connection was made between the passengers. At least as far as I can see. Maybe they all have killed or witnessed a love one close died. Idk. It turns out they aren't really "passengers" but crew members. Maybe that's the key. Made up backstories to keep them mingling and being a "crew" even in dreams . I actually pegged the whole computer simulation aka the matrix a few episodes ago. Good to see I was right. Just not on the level as this. Someone said next season will be completely different. I'd think so. Who knows though.

Overall, compared to other shows, it's an asked more questions show than answered. I get it, you gotta setup for more seasons. More seasons means more money etc... but it's just annoying for the viewers.
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