Bermuda Island (2023) Poster

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People Rated This a 7 ?!?! Terrible!
alrc2007-847-85472930 January 2023
I had to PAY to watch this rubbish!

Normally I trust IMDB ratings but not again. I've seen better films rated 4.3! This most assuredly is NOT a film deserving of a 7 rating.

7 ratings are normally for high budget films with decent or good actors, not this lineup of amateurs.

Poor dialogue and acting, campy crappy special effects and WTH happened to Tome Sizemore?? He's definitely a few sizes more than he used to be and his "acting" is worse than a 5th grade school play.

The airport and plane scenes were almost amusing but the film is laughable, if you could actually find anything funny about this film, it would be the rave teviews.

Sorry...don't waste your time or $ on this one.
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Sad End to a Career
arfdawg-119 June 2023
I watched this because I thought it was Tom Sizemore's last movie. Turns out he has another 31 films coming out this year!

The guy was taking any role at the end of his life that required no effort on his part. He's nearly unrecognizable in this film. Grossly overweight and his palor is sheet-white. He actually looks like that ghoul guy from Carnival of Souls. No kidding.

The movie was actually pretty decent for the first third or so but once they crash on the island the monster enters -- which harkend back to the look of Corman or AIP horror flicks of the 60's and 70's.

That's when I bailed. It took a sharp left hand turn into garbage.
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Left me with mixed feelings
emwee6093 September 2023
My experience with Bermuda Island left me somewhat perplexed. Let me be clear, it's evident from the outset that this is a production constrained by a modest budget. The performances are lackluster, the characters lack depth, and the storyline feels somewhat disorganized.

Regrettably, Tom Sizemore's presence in the film is fleeting, and his role appears disconnected from the main plot, seemingly interchangeable with any actor, which was disappointing, considering he's the lone renowned actor in the cast.

On a more positive note, the classic-style monsters featured in the movie pleasantly surprised me. While not of top-tier quality, the monster costumes were surprisingly passable, especially given the constraints of a small budget production like this.

Furthermore, the film's conclusion held an element of unpredictability, adding a layer of intrigue. While it didn't personally resonate with me, it undeniably introduced a plot twist. In my assessment, Bermuda Island comfortably fits within the 3-4 star range; I've certainly seen worse films.
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davetfilmguy31 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I understand that films need to work to a budget, but you should spend what you have where it counts. Within the first two minutes and I am including company logos, I saw 2 movie lights in shop windows reflected and a crew member, this tells you how much effort has been put into this film.

The camera work is terrible, the lighting is flat, the acting is appalling and the script is awful, far too many characters. The film opens, we go from gun fight, to stock image of airport, to office doubling as airport for interior shots.

Tom Sizemore is hardily in it, just turned up for the day and cashed the cheque, and mumbles his way through it, obviously didn't learn the lines, that is how much effort has been put into this film from all concerned.

How films like these get financed is beyond me, Do not waste your time.
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Best Damn Movie Ever
zorro124 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
No spoilers here. Starts as a cop flick, then an Airplane accident flick, then a monster flick.....wait, there's a love story along with some gratuitous nudity, back to monsters, then the FBI goes rogue. Keeping up? Now, a lot of people shot by the FBI guy for no apparent reason.

Ok, Tom Sizemore in maybe his last role. Or possibly he was already dead gets shot along with 14 FBI agents on the airplane. Airplane flies into a non-existent storm and crashes. Multiple creatures from the Black Lagoon. Bad FBI. Love scene, wait fight scene, back to love scene. Middle aged love....wonderful. More monsters, more bad FBI, a guy with red eyes who never ages. Death, destruction, it's over. Maybe the best movie ever!
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Wow... just... wow...
tmccull524 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
To rate this movie as simply "bad" would be an insult to "bad" movies. Virtually everything about this farce is atrocious on a galactic scale, most particularly the acting. I'd read in another review that this had been Tom Sizemore's last film. If this is true, it was an awful way to end his career. The man looked like he could barely stand upright, and mumble-rushed his way through every one of his lines. He had to have been truly, truly desperate to have agreed to appear in this flop for even five minutes.

The characters are more like caricatures of characters, and the actors "fulfilling" their respective roles were incredibly bad. Whomever cast this turd should never be allowed to cast another movie, ever. Where was the casting call held, at an unemployment office? The plot is basically like an episode of "Lost" combined with "The Island of Dr. Moreau", and as bad as the acting was, the scripted dialogue was even worse.

Do yourself a favor and pass on this rancid turd. I wish that I had.
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unwatchable garbage
andyofne-758134 September 2023
There is literally nothing redeemable in this movie. Perhaps I can't actually make this claim because I doubt I'll be able to make it through to the end.

The first 10 minutes are so bad, I can only see this going down hill fast.

I honestly can't believe someone paid money to make this movie.

Here's a delicious piece of dialog from this fim:

(we're on an airplane. The pilot comes out of the cabin.)

An young adult woman says to the flight attendant (who just got hit on by the captain)

"excuse me" she says. "was that t he pilot?"

Flight attendant: "yeah"

Young woman: "are we going to die?"

Flight attendant: "... it's just that he probably had to use the restroom, or get a drink or something"

I mean, who writes this garbage?

Every bit of dialog is just like this.

It's like getting hit in the face with a hammer.

No subtlty... just blurting out one unrealistic line after another.

I guess people have to start somewhere with their acting career. I just have to imagine putting this on your acting credits might end up backfiring...
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Has to be seen to be believed
terrylarosa11 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I only continued to see this for a good laugh and to see how bad it could get. Never would I have thought that a movie like this could possibly exist. Second whoever gave this anything above a one either worked on the movie and is outright lying or not living in the real World. Comparing this to Lost is the most ludicrous thing I've ever read; literally. The only recognizable actors are Sizemore ( who is so pasty he looks like Uncle Fester with a toupee and whose job is apparently a plane Maitre D ) and the criminal. They're both offed within 20 minutes. The rest act like they just wandered on the set and were hired on the spot. There's a Boy George freak offed early on too. One idiot drinks water from the Ocean. The pilots first priority is to play poker with the passengers instead of you know trying to survive. One woman gets a massive sunburn and instead of seeking shade then decides to take a walk on the beach. Two idiots argue about survival not mentioning water as first priority. Two more idiots decide to have a sexual romp in a lagoon the day after dozens of creatures slaughtered half the survivors. Instead of working together the idiots divide into two parties. The best actors are the creatures because all they have to do is growl and not have to speak the dialogue of one of the worst scripts ever written. As I said before it has to be seen to be believed.
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Was it meant to be a comedy?
Christopher37017 July 2023
It says Action/Adventure as the genre here on IMDB, but it played out as a Horror/Comedy instead. The acting is abysmal and the creatures are hysterical, especially how they place a towel over their private parts while the actors are clearly wearing green rubber suits.

The blood looked laughably like spaghetti sauce and one thing I couldn't figure out was why most of the cast was noticeably overweight. Were they supposed to be a Weight Watchers group or something?

It was distracting because most of them were so large that I wondered if it was just a coincidence or if it had something to do with the story. In any case, I knew this was a mindless, mediocre film going in and just wanted something on to pass the time while doing other things. If you're looking to be scared or even for some suspense, you'll be sorely disappointed.

If you're looking for something to pass the time and laugh at while watching, this is a good choice. And there's some adequate boobies too. 2 stars for the unintentional comedy.
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So Many Plot Holes You Could Have Flown the Plane Through Them
rebeltaz-1870530 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't even know where to start with this.

When the plane goes down, apparently, the first order of business is for the pilots and the FBI agent to start a game of poker with the passengers. Instead of... you know... trying to figure out how to survive on a deserted island? Then, once they do finally figure out that they need to actually DO something, they want to argue over what's more important. The pilots ad the agent - you know... the ones who should know best - think building a shelter is more important... than food or water. Sure. So they do what any good survival team does... splits up and each team goes their own way. One to build shelter and one to look for food and water. Which would be fine if they were going to pool their resources, but no... it's each team for themselves. While the agent is spying on the sustenance group (because he has no idea what he's doing), two of the main characters decide to do what any rational person does in their situation - they slip off to a waterfall and get it on. Instead of... you know... actively trying to survive!? I mean, I know that people thrown together in survival situations often fall for one another, but good grief, Charlie Brown! They've been here for all of a day! Add to all of that, nobody seems to think anything of the man-made structure on this "deserted island."

The characters... oo boy howdy. They ARE characters. Just for boxes, you've got one of everything. And I DO mean EVERYTHING. But, as is usual with this type of casting, they are one dimensional caricatures of their representation just for the sake of representation. Not a single one of these people are likeable and from the very start of the movie, you will find yourself just hoping that each one is next in line to be offed.

I'm not going to reveal the ending, but suffice it to say, nothing about it makes a lick of sense.

There are SO many good movies centered around the Bermuda Triangle you are not going to miss anything by skipping this atrocity. Anyone who gives this more than a 5 (and that is being generous) is in cahoots with, or involved in, this film in some way.
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Fans of Lost are going to love this one!
skinnerramone21 January 2023
Fans of Lost are going to love this one! An action adventure movie that is also a horror mystery with a twist. Fantastic screenplay by Robert Thompson, based on a story by Michael and Sonny Mahal, that starts off as a classic deserted island adventure but quickly becomes so much more. Filmed in Puerto Rico and in beautiful Vieques, an island East of Puerto Rico, cinematographer Michael Su made the most of the tropical surroundings, this is a gorgeous movie that really takes advantage of the location.

With appearances by Noel Gugliemi (Training Day, The Fast and the Furious) and Hollywood legend Tom Sizemore (Saving Private Ryan, and one of my favorite movies, Black Hawk Down), this movie is well acted throughout. John Wells and Sarah French, from previous Mahal Empire movies, shine in their roles. In fact you'll see many familiar faces from earlier Mahal movies, and as always the acting is solid and believable.

The practical effects by SFX horror icon Tom Devlin are outstanding, and there is lots of action throughout the movie, with plenty of gore. The creatures look great and the gory scenes are fantastic.

With a perfect runtime of 85 minutes, this movie is a quick and easy watch. Director Adam Werth is a master at pacing and this movie moves fast, it never drags. Mahal Empire movies have a higher budget than a lot of indie movies, and it shows. Production quality is high, and they really outdid themselves with Bermuda Island, you'll think they spent a lot more than they did. It looks and sounds great. I give it 8/10 stars, we'll definitely be watching it again.
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Suddenly it's Creature-Feature Time All Over Again!
bronxtko-7000826 January 2023
Looking back at my "informative horror movie years" as a little kid, I always would tune into the Creature Double-Feature on my local TV station on Saturday afternoons, and if it crawled, flew, slithered and generally terrorized the masses in force, then I was riveted. Now over the years many have come and gone with a plethora of mutated monster movies that have somewhat fit the bill and satiated the genre faithful, but nothing (to me anyway) really managed to scratch the itch. I know that everyone's taste is different and the subjective mind can be fickle at many costs, but the latest film from director Adam Werth struck the bullseye for this reviewer, without a doubt.

With credits under his belt such as "Scream 4" & the upcoming "Devil's Knight", Werth takes the approach of the "who's hunting us?" plot-pathway and strands a downed plane full of vacationers (and a few less-than-desirables) on a secluded island to fend for themselves and try to save their skin from a menacing presence that hides in the greenery of the isle itself. The notion that this film begins with an FBI shootout and subsequent arrest of a notorious arms dealer (Noel Guglielmi in a fun role), then turns into something completely wayward from the original direction is a credit to the writing - hey, there's nothing wrong with a little trickery & misdirection in filmmaking! In all actuality a good chunk of the first half of the film is used to set up many of the characters involved...many of which are intended to be despised and thrown down on a scorecard as to whom will get sliced & diced first. Tom Sizemore (in a far-too-short exhibit) plays a grizzled flight steward, accompanying a slightly sleazy FBI agent (Wesley Cannon), a goth named Midnight (Greg Tally) who excels in the art of dramaticism, and absolutely the shining-star of this entire production, the beautiful Sarah French as Carolyn, the heroine-deluxe. If I were to list everyone that chewed screen-time in this one I'd be here til the sun went down, but trust me when I tell you that it's chock-full of personalities & a line-up that keeps the movie rolling along.

Our rag-tag band of fuselage-leftovers is classed in the art of survival by Bruce (John Wells) a combat-infused remnant who claims to have sustained on the island for MANY years, and he offers to assist with the preservation of the group - while some catch on, others are left to fend for themselves, with disastrous results. The threat behind the weeds is reminiscent of those old creature flicks, with men in monster suits - complete with luminescent eyes, sharp fangs & tearing talons - it's not meant to re-invent the wheel but it's nice to see the practical use of FX over what has become a CGI-saturated market (there is a share of that here, but not enough to detract from the main product). As the movie trucks on, it's becoming apparent that there's more than meets the eye, and the only questions that remain are who is behind all of this ferocity and will anyone make it off the island alive? Performances can be a bit hokey at times with some performances, but come on...were you expecting "On Golden Pond" here?

All in all, "Bermuda Island" has the guts, the gore, the scenery and the carnivorous activity of some seriously pissed-off mutants - it's absolutely a popcorn film and is best served up with a group of pals, some cold ones and a serious suspension of disbelief - make sure to check this one out if you get the chance.
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Fundamentally bad...
paul_haakonsen18 November 2023
Right, well I have to say that the movie's cover was actually interesting enough to make me stop and take the time to sit down and watch the movie. Sure, I had never heard about it, prior to watching it.

The storyline in "Bermuda Island" was pretty straightforward. In fact, it was a rather simplistic and generic storyline actually. So writers Sonny Mahal, Michael Mahal, Robert Thompson and Adrian Milnes didn't exactly deliver anything grand or overly innovative here. And truth be told, the narrative in the movie was predictable, generic and bland.

The acting performances in "Bermuda Island" was okay enough for what the movie offered. You're not in for anything grand, mind you. And the only familiar faces on the cast list were Tom Sizemore and Noel Gugliemi, whom both were killed off very quickly in the movie. Yeah, go figure.

The creature design in "Bermuda Island" was laughably bad. It was nothing more than people in obvious body-suits. And it didn't even look good. It was like something taken out of a poor man's Live Action Role-Playing event. It looked so fundamentally bad, that it took away my desire to keep watching the movie.

Do yourself a favor and don't waste your time on the movie. I just really isn't worth the effort. I managed to endure a staggering 45 minutes of the 86 minute runtime before I tossed the towel in the ring out of sheer and utter boredom. And trust me, this is definitely not a movie that I will ever return to finish watching.

My rating of director Adam Werth's 2023 movie "Bermuda Island" lands on a two out of ten stars.
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Strange Movie
pbenen20 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The reviews here are all over the place as is this film. It's definitely not a 1 due to the bizarreness of it-is it really a serious movie? Tom Sizemore plays a fat, pasty sky maitre de who mumbles. There are subplots such as WW1 veterans being satan and goofy mean FBI agents. The production seems to be intentionally amateurisic -which adds to the overall experience of this film. The creatures are fake looking "black lagoon" types that also seem to be charicatures of themselves (if that is possible). My rating is based on the viewing experience, not story or acting or especially special effects.
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This is no fantasy island
crazyferret-0342115 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was hesitant about watching this movie, thinking it would be a predictable lost on an island movie , Bermuda island was just that but with a twist ending. The main star in the film Tom Sizemore is only on for the first 20 or do minutes. The plane goes down near the Bermuda Triangle during an unpredictable storm on an island, the several survivors that wash up are picked off one by one by these cannibalistic creatures, it's extremely bloody and gory. It really seems like a few other movies I have seen before, the ending was extremely downbeat .and the acting is so so . It's like part disaster movie and part monster movie.
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Worst Movie Ever
bakeelobyan5 May 2024
This film is the worst I've ever seen in my life. The story, the plot, the cinematography, and the acting all indicate a director and writer with psychological issues. I've now confirmed that I won't watch any film unless it stars a respected actor who doesn't accept any scenario just for a handful of dirty dollars.

"This film is the worst I've ever seen in my life. The story, the plot, the cinematography, and the acting all indicate a director and writer with psychological issues. I've now confirmed that I won't watch any film unless it stars a respected actor who doesn't accept any scenario just for a handful of dirty dollars."
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Terrible Film
daverutland21 March 2024
Watched this because it had Tom Sizemore in it but wow absolutely awful acting and terrible'special' effects. I thought being a 2023 film it may have been better but shoulda known from the start it was going to be bad! The gunfight at the start of the movie was something else, shooting their guns like Prinary school kids would and the plot was not good! Someone else said if u like Lost you would love this, how wrong they are I would probably rate this a Z movie and do not understand, apart from the money, which could not have been much why Tom Sizemore was on it luckily for him he was killed off at the start and did not have to see the film through. Oh well you live and learn!
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Monsters in the tropics...need I say more.
shagee797723 January 2023
The Mahal Brothers bring us another very ambitious fun monster movie called "Bermuda Island ". Shot on location in Puerto Rico this beautifully directed movie by Adam Werth will help you escape the winter blues.

The movie opens up with an excited arrest of a dangerous ruthless arms dealer. Diego (Noel Gugliemi) Is being extradited to Puerto Rico along with a plane full of excited vacationers. What is a set up of a modern day Airport movie crossed with The Island of Dr. Moreau but with so much more.

After a delay at the airport and a cool likable well written and amusing introduction to our cast, we are in the air. Not long into flight our travelers are plunged into a freak storm. Diego doesn't want to be jailed and has a cool gunfight onboard leading to the beginning of carnage that just gets more involved as we continue.

The plane goes down in the ocean killing all but a few lucky survivors. They make there way to the island that first appears to be a paradise.

Our main characters Carolyn (Sarah French), Damon (Victor V. Gelsomino) and psycho FBI agent Victor Sweden (Wesley Cannon) quickly take charge.

An unrecognizable Greg Tally plays Midnight. He is truly hilarious in his deliveries and is a part very different than anything he has done. Very memorable and so enjoyable. Great job.

After getting to know who is left and exploring the island the action picks up quickly and doesn't stop. Again great actors and direction take over for the carnage that is thrown at us. Our monsters who roam and rule the island are out to kill on site. A bloody encounter leaves more than half the group that survived the crash ripped, slashed, disemboweled and every imaginable act of ferociousness from a monster you can imagine. The blood is poured out and good ole splatter FX are presented along with cool scary monsters. These have to be some of the best looking creatures in a long time. Shot perfectly in the dark you see enough to fear and enough to keep you guessing what the heck is happening.

As the chaos has broke out and everyone is trying to either figure out or survive a mysterious guy comes out of the woods to help. We learn his name is Bruce (John Wells). Bruce is a surviving soldier that saw his whole group slaughtered by these monsters. He is part of this group now and explains how to build shelters and how they only come out at night. They are scared of fire so they also build torches.

FBI agent Sweden quickly doesn't like that Carolyn and Damon are getting all the attention split the group up and takes out on there own.

Each group start practicing and learning survival skills but they also keep losing members. Dwindling their numbers and ability to fight back and survive.

Meanwhile to step away from the blood and carnage and feelings of doom. Our hero's Carolyn and Damon sneak off and come across a utopia of sorts snuggled in the woods. A beautiful waterfall and swimming hole invite a lil skinny dipping to ease off some pressure. But like everything else it too is interrupted and more death occurs in the Process.

These 2 groups seem to be getting a hold on things and fighting back but things in these type of movies always take a bad turn. Not everything is as we would like and things turn quickly for the worse. A Bloody finally will leave you exhausted and totally surprised at the outcome.

Be on the lookout for horror icon Kimberly Lynn Cole in another kick ass bloody moment.

Another win here for the Mahal brothers. I mean how can you go wrong shooting in paradise and with such a fun cast and story. Everyone here did so well and was a joy to watch Sherry Davis as Peggy is memorable and had me laughing. Shooting on location is always a task but this movie seems to have had no issues and pulled it off. A special cheers to the whole cast & crew. How hard is it to light a night scene and it was pulled off here perfectly. The monsters were perfectly captured and all the action played out well. You have a little of everything and more that fans of this genre are looking for.

I was blown away by Night of the Tommyknockers and said how can they do better? Well here it is. Highly recommended and worth a look or 2.
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Great indie horror in the style of "Lost" falters at finish line
cartrektccom4 March 2023
This is another crowdfunded indie movie from the Mahal Brothers and directed by Adam Werth. Being crowdfunded, it was filmed on a tiny budget compared with what is typically coming out of Hollywood these days. That being said, the production value was surprisingly good. They were able to film it mostly on location in, I believe, Puerto Rico. Thus, there is some beautiful camera work and a great background environment for the actors to work within.

In brief, without spoilers, there were several plots threads that led the audience into the movie. First, we get a solid action sequence where a sting operation leads to the capture of a high value drug lord (played to the hilt by Noel Gugliemi). We are introduced to most of the cast at the airport as they are waiting to board a flight. Other than a few bits of acting that felt a bit forced, the interactions between the various groups, couples, family units etc were all pretty believable and worked well to invest us in the different personalities and characters in play. Naturally, this is the flight where the FBI is also transporting the drug lord so it is no surprize to the audience that no good can come of that later...

The movie very much feels inspired by the TV show "Lost". A weird storm comes out of nowhere, downing the plane. This was probably the weakest point of the movie with Tom Sizemore really underutilized as one of the flight attendants and also some uninspiring CGI work that could have used a bit more time on it as the plane crashed.

Naturally, the survivors have to try to work together with personality clashes and drama before the horror elements take over and we learn that there is more afoot than it just being a deserted island. The acting was surprisingly solid and there were several standout performances. Greg Tally plays an over the top thespian who is absolutely hilarious and steals every scene. Wesley Cannon does a phenomenal job in his role as an FBI agent as he descends into madness. Sarah French also shines as a kick ass, take charge, heroine who is not going to take crap from anyone.

Now, the movie does have a big twist ending. This ending was well played out but in context with the rest of the movie, it made zero sense and appeared completely out of left field. Don't get me wrong, I generally love a good twist ending in most movies. However, the character interactions that led up to this twist ending made no sense and appeared to have no motivation. Essentially, with the twist ending in mind, it would have made sense to simplify many of the earlier plot elements to lead to that point. The final antagonist made life considerably more complex for themselves with no apparent reason or strategy. Obviously, my review is intentionally vague here to avoid spoilers.

In summary, a great low budget movie in the style of "Lost" that feels to be quite a high production value. The acting was mostly solid as were the practical effects. What could have been an A+ movie was reduced to a still enjoyable C+ / B- due to a final plot twist intended to be clever but not well conceived.
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A highly enjoyable if slightly flawed genre effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder28 January 2023
After taking a special flight, a group of passengers and a dangerous criminal under police escort find their plane forced down on a strange island near the Bermuda Triangle where they find themselves hunted by a race of deformed humanoid creatures living on the island and must find a way to survive.

This was a pretty solid and overall enjoyable effort. One of the better elements of this one is the rather strong means of this one introducing life on the island offering the varying divisions within the group. As the whole concept of the group being stranded on the island and turning them into a differing set of ideals with the viewpoint of the camps essentially creating a type of survival competition between them, this comes off quite nicely here. That moves the second half along with some decent characterization work as the various teams getting split up offer a fine counterpoint as the first group stays together being the rational thinkers trying to keep themselves alive through cooperation against the other group who's more aggressive and determined. That is brought to bear quite a bit over the finale where it offers a couple of solid twists on everything to make for a generally fun setup. That provides the film with a great series of attacks involving the creatures that have quite a bit to like here. Featuring highly impressive designs for the race of creatures with a spectacular humanoid look that goes well with a reptilian design and interface that comes with living on an island, this is a great setup that provides the launching point for the fun encounters here. Getting more of a fine swarming quality that shows the creatures coming out of the jungle to essentially rip out their intestines and dine on the remains with gruesome impact has a lot to like with the setup involved here which gets several fun encounters with them in the waterfall, the group attack on the beach or the big confrontation in the end that gets some rather fun with all the action mixed together. These factors all come together to give this one quite a lot to like although there are some issues to be had with this one. One of the biggest flaws here is the inherent stupidity of taking a criminal onboard a flight like this which just screams as means of enticing chaos unnecessarily. The process is glossed over so hazily that there's not much in the way of logical reasoning for it to be included and is exposed even moreso when the plotline is dropped twenty minutes in before the storm hits so this whole point is incredibly underwhelming and unnecessary. As well, it's also quite hard to care about many of the characters here who are either annoying or stupid which makes it somewhat of a struggle to get behind them, either through obnoxious behavior or just plain bad decision-making that puts everyone in danger. A lot of that ends up causing the film to run longer than it should which is a bit distressing, and end up being the main drawbacks to this one.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, and Brief Nudity.
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Low Budget Creature Feature
Reviews_of_the_Dead21 August 2023
This is a movie that I saw thanks to Sonny Mahal. He helped come up with the story and is a producer on this one. He sent over a screener and since I enjoy getting the word out about independent cinema, I agreed to watch and review. Seeing the title intrigued. The Bermuda Triangle fascinated me growing up so I wanted to see what we did here.

Synopsis: passengers on their way to a tropical paradise crash at sea and find themselves on a deserted island. Desperate to survive the elements and infighting between the survivors, they find that the island has more in store for them than they could ever imagine.

We start this off with a sting operation. The goal is to catch Diego Montalban (Noel Gugliemi). He is a high up criminal and the deal involves guns. It ends in a shoot-out, but Diego is taken into custody. The agent in charge is Victor Sweden (Wesley Cannon). He is taken to the airport where they're sending him to somewhere in the Caribbean. This is something that confused me if I'm honest.

The movie then shifts to the airport. It is there that we meet the rest of the cast. We get a lot of characters so I'll just introduce some of the more important ones. There is Carolyn (Sarah French) with a group of her friends. There is Damon (Victor V Gelsomino) who is going with his brother. There is also Peggy (Sheri Davis) who is memory serves is a 'Karen'. She is upset as the flight is delayed. There is bad weather so they're making sure that it won't affect them. She is irate since when she looks outside, it is clear. Jonas (Tom Sizemore) works for the airline. Agent Sweden and a couple other agents commandeer first class for Diego.

The flight then takes off. Things get a bit bumpy. This includes Diego getting free and shoot-out occurring. There are bigger issues though. A storm comes out of nowhere. The weather report has it being clear, but this freak storm makes the flight rough. So much so that they crash.

Survivors make it to the island and try to do what they can to get their bearings. There is something horrible here and it is hunting them. They meet Bruce (John Wells) who has been living on this island for some time. He crashed here. Damon and Carolyn learn that in the grand scheme of time, he's been here so long that it isn't possible. Can the survivors get to the bottom of what happened and how they can get rescued before it is too late?

That is where I'm going to leave my recap and introduction to the characters. Now coming into this when we get our set up, I realized that they have a bunch of characters for cannon fodder. I'll come back to this shortly. Where I want to start is with a positive. I like the basic concept that we get here. Having the plane crash due to a freak storm by the Bermuda triangle is great. It takes me back as I said to things I feared as a child and the mystery of that area. There is a reveal while there that was also good, but I'm not going to spoil what it is. What I will say is one that ticks boxes for me when done right. It also could explain things as well.

To stick with another positive, I love the idea of Bruce being trapped on this island and knowing the score. He tries to help these new survivors. We learn that he was in the military so that is part of it. I will give something to you that could be considered a spoiler. There are these humanoid creatures on the island. They attack at night. I love this idea. This is going to take me to a negative though, I want them to flesh out a bit more with them. Now I get part of this is that the characters don't know so we can't get it explained. Learning more of the history of these entities has my attention more than what we got. This instead focuses more on the bickering between the survivors in an almost 'Lord of the Flies' way. The acting isn't strong enough and the writing doesn't capture enough for me to be on board. Our creatures are much better looking and interesting.

Since I've brought them up, I'll go to the filmmaking and start with the effects. The look of the monsters is great. I'd guess that they were done practical. Going along with this, the blood and gore was also good. That seemed to be done without computers as well. I do have to say that we get some CGI that doesn't look great. It doesn't ruin things for me since it is a smaller part. Other than that, I'd say that the cinematography was fine. I love the setting of stranding our group on a deserted island. The soundtrack also works for what was needed without standing out.

Then the last thing to go into would be with the acting. Wells was fine as Bruce. There is a reveal to his character that I enjoyed. We also get another, but I'll be honest, when that happened I already checked out. French and Gelsomino are solid as our two leads. I'd say the rest of the group stranded are as well. Cannon does well at being this jerk FBI agent. The performance of the creatures were solid as well. Cameos by Sizemore and Gugliemi are here to pull in viewers. Can't fault the filmmaking team for that. The acting is amateur for the most part. I do need to say that, but it also fits the movie in my opinion.

In conclusion, I think there are good things here. We get the isolated location and elements to the story that I'm fan of. I even like the survivors being hunted by these creatures. The practical effects we get are good. The CGI isn't great, but it also doesn't rely on it either. Acting is fine. No one is going to win awards here, but this is also a lower budget movie. I just think there are things this focuses on that aren't as interesting so it lost me later into this. If you're a fan of independent, low budget cinema, I think you'll enjoy this enough.

My Rating: 6 out of 10.
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A Fun Creature Feature of Terror!
arck-867833 November 2023
Here's my review on Bermuda Island directed by Adam Werth

Knowing being a huge fan of the Mahal brothers for awhile and being apart of two of there films and supporting there films this is for now my favorite of there films!

One of the things I really liked about this fim was definitely the characters in this film, each of them either your gonna love or hate, I'm happy for everyone in this you all did a amazing job and can't wait to see you in future Mahal movies and other films you guys part of 😊

After watching the movie I forgot that Tom Devlin has done the effects/creature design of this film and knowing his work he's done amazing job on this film. The creatures in this film were nasty as hell and kills we're actually pretty good they're times the deaths are similar but everytime there's a death scene with it's different angles and lighting it's still effective

Seeing this is Adam's first film I gotta say he's done a fantastic job with this film gets me excited to see his next upcoming movies 😁 Michael Su knocks it out with the cinematography I'm excited to see Bloodthrist when I have the chance 😊

Now last thing was without saying much but I definitely love the ending but wish it was bit longer and done different cause the shocking moment came by surprise to quickly but was a really good scene.

Overall I'm happy to see this film cant wait to see a lot of cool stuff from them 😊
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Don't Know What To Think
dinsmoretrevor19 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This picture really confused me. The only actual star is Tom Sizemore and his whole story could of been any dude in the script. Does that make sense??

The actual storyline holds a ton of promise...Plane crashes and survivors have to fend off an island of bloodthirsty monsters. But this was just more of the same old, same old...CRAPOLA!!

Maybe I'm just being harsh but I don't think so. They could have taken this premise places but they didn't.

The monsters were actually quite cool!! Their green color turned out to be quite nice!! LOL I won't waste a lot of your time, I'll just suffice to say that you should give it a shot...maybe you'll really like it.

I gave it a 7 and maybe should of been an 8. As always, Thanks and ENJOY!!!
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