Survive (2022) Poster


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forced L
SnoopyStyle27 May 2022
Jane (Sophie Turner) is suicidal and leaving treatment despite still spiraling out of control. Her plane crashes in the freezing mountains. She and fellow passenger Paul Hart (Corey Hawkins) are the only survivors.

The movie needs to get to the plane crash sooner. The treatment center opening section is unnecessary and unnecessarily artsy. All that can be revealed later with flashbacks and conversations. When she actually reveals her story, it's underwhelming. The opening is not adding much anyways. Her freak-out at the airport is more informative and more compelling. The plane crash could be better. It would be more logical if the plane crash happens when they are sitting side by side at the back of the plane. The logic is so false that I do wonder if he's a ghost. There is a lot that could be better. Their survival skills are trash although she has one great excuse. One would expect her character to be annoying but he's the annoying one. The locations are cool as long as they use the real locations. There is plenty of survival action but they are generally not filmed well. I don't know much about Mark Pellington but he doesn't seem to be a big action guy. This probably needs to be an action-packed survival film and they definitely need to get rid of the L word. They struggle to get that central premise through and that is what ultimately sinks this movie. I don't buy their connection and the L feels forced.
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This was a television series?
Top_Dawg_Critic23 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You'd think they would take bits and pieces from the ten episode series (which I never saw or knew existed) to fill in the 108 min runtime, but instead, you get 80% NatGeo repetitive scenic shots of mountains and landscapes, and 20% story that was riddled with plot and technical issues, and melodramatics with sappy dialogue and just as sappy score.

For that matter, with all the negative feedback for the series, why did the writers and producers feel the need to punish audiences with the same boring story? This may have worked as a short film, but the ridiculously repetitive scenes full of filler and lack of any real interesting and suspenseful substance, made the 108 min runtime feel endless. Why even have the entire Life House portion at the beginning, when it was irrelevant to the rest of the story? If it was to portray her mental health issues, there was plenty of time during the long boring survival treks to bring that conversation up. Clearly terrible writing and poor directing is what failed this film, and that's too bad, because in the right hands, the concept actually had potential.

To make matters worse, there were so many parts that were lazily written and dumb, it became cringeworthy quickly. For example, even a professional mountain/cliff climber would barely attempt the unbelievable treks that conveniently ended on the edges of all these cliffs and the climbs downwards. And no matter how dumb you are, why would anyone leave a crash site? So what if a storm is coming, the fuselage is still the best protection, with supplies right there to use and the best chance for survival, let alone the best chance for a rescue. To not know where you are and start walking without rhyme or reason, is just lazy and dumb writing.

Don't waste your time with this sloth, even if you've seen the series and are the few who enjoyed it, I promise you this film will bore you. It's a very generous 5/10 from me, all going to the excellent cinematography and fairly decent performances by Turner and Hawkins.
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I survived
jasace506 November 2022
I survived watching it...but none of the characters really deserved too.... Not really an enjoyable story to watch. They've tried to paste a backstory onto it which doesn't fit the movie, the acting is pretty awful, and the characters make the stupidest errors every step along the way. The sentimental emotional story is probably not what fans of this genre of movie are really after. They could have invested that effort into a more engrossing and exciting survival experience. Both the cringe factor and the smh factor are high with this one I'm afraid. Scenery was OK and some effects were decent enough though.
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Even the stupid survive
russelldresearch9 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sophie Turner and Corey Hawkins both perform fairly well and are very watchable, but I can't be bothered to give a broader review because their characters are so stupid and the script and dialogue are daft. This story isn't credible in several places, and the two main characters seem oblivious to the most obvious things to do - like stay at the crash site (given the location) rather than wander off across miles of mountain peaks and snow. Then there's the part at the start where Jane (ST) breaks into the pharmacy at the mental health agency she is in - if it was that easy, there would be no drugs left in the pharmacy! But the most annoying part of all is when Jane and Paul haul themselves into a cave after an avalanche. They are very hungry, cold and fatigued; they're battered and bruised from the plane crash; and Paul has broken ribs, and then gets a panic attack. Yet they have oxycodone and fentanyl tablets with them, which would reduce much of the pain caused by all of the above problems, and allow them to move on - but they don't consider these pills as having any use other than suicide if things get really bad for them! If they both popped a few of those opioid tabs, they could probably have skipped and danced down the rest of the mountain to the nearest town, and we could have ended with a nice sex scene or something. But no. Unless you like laughing in disbelief and shouting at the screen, avoid this movie.
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Poor script
chnzntky6 October 2023
Acting was good but the script really sucked. Stupid from beginning to end. I had to watch it just to validate how truly bad this movie was lol. No mention of food, water or any obvious survival strategies. Just off-the-wall stupid. Someone else had mentioned they needed to get to the crash earlier and I agree, although after the crash the film deteriorated quickly. In all fairness there were some good moments but not enough to validate more than a two star rating. I don't want to drag out this review but it's requiring at least another 160 characters lol. So I will say once again this was a waste of the talented actors in this film. A lot of these survival type films are pretty stupid to begin with and this one certainly fits the pattern.
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Not_Silent_Bob29 April 2023
Oh come on. The basic idea of the movie isn't so bad - classic road to redemption. Buh-huh I wanna die, uh no now I want to live! Why not.

Anyway. As an Austrian I feel compelled to contribute in terms of alpinism. I live in the flallands and I dislike mountains but still, it's in my DNA. Soooo you pretty, troubled kids. WHY on $deity's name are you running UP every mountain you see? I know, because it looks good from a cinematic POV. Why are the running up mountains that end abruptly in veeeery dangerous cliffs? Because it makes for good action when they climb down impossible, steep, slippery walls without skill, equipment and in street clothes just to happily walk up the next mountain?

Kids, REALLY! You wanna walk *down* the mountain, find a river and follow it. Easy, huh!

I'm also well aware that without those stupid decisions by characters we're supposed to take seriously, this would be a very short movie. Making dumb decisions carries it to 110 minutes. There is also a wolf attack out of nothing to add some time. Single wolf, mind you. And here I thought they hunt in packs. But it's nice to see an injured human can outrun and beat him in a fistfight. OK, suspension of disbelief NOW. And sure, after that Marvelous feat, finally find your river and your senses and just jump into the icy water. What could go wrong?

All in all, this movie provides some nice landscape shots from the Italian Dolomites. Which is all I can say about it. Some advice to Ms Turner maybe - find a new agent.
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I barely survived ...
mjaxdes13 September 2023
What a dump! Everything that could go wrong with this did happen.

What child wrote and directed this? These two mains had no connection at all! It's all make believe in the shallowest way... they are just 'stuck together' to fill a narrative.

All the injuries and frostbite are completely imagined and the Wolves!

Wolves do not attack humans! There have been between 2-6 attacks on humans in the USA since 1883 and 1 has been a rabid wolf and the other made up or a cornered wolf. Wolfs are afraid of human beings and just like this review of this movie, do everything to avoid contact with the source..
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Really, really bad
RanknVile-6401321 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film is incompetently made. The direction is disjointed. If the intent is to make a nutjob movie them the airport, the plane, the crash and everything past that is entirely unnecessary and irrelevant.

He could have been delivering a pizza for all the value his character added to the story. Why did they leave the plane? Their best chance at rescue was in staying with the plane. There was shelter there. Why not search for baggage, search the hold? They only found a handful of packets of peanuts? Total bs if you ask me. The trek "down" the mountain nothing more than a distraction to keep people watching. First they're going down, then up, then down and below snowline, then they're back atop a snow covered peak. The tree was obvious enough, but the filming of it was a total hack job. It was so uninformative there was no point in watching it. Then they just leave Paul up on the mountainside, writing notes as he dies, no effort made to go get him. The whole thing, total crap by a total hack director.
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Confusing ending
trailblazers-3514630 November 2023
I'd like most that reviewed this thought it was an OK movie. But my one question is at the very end it shows them together. Does that mean that she committed suicide and now they're both in heaven? I'm confused. But other than that it was a decent movie a little phony on some aspects as far as how can anybody get down mountain without at least a rope come on is that Rambo and Rambo's wife. It looks like this won't post unless I use 600 words which seems like an awful lot to have to do just to be able to post a review so I'm just explaining this so I can waste my extra words so that I can post this this is ridiculous.
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Great beginning, very poor end
reza_s_nobari17 May 2022
The film begins with what seems like a psychological thriller where the psyche of the nail character is explored. After the plane crash, which was done very poorly, the whole story turns into a very unplanned story of survival. In this part, both characters are shown doing things that are unimaginable in reality, contrary to what the whole purpose of survival should be (the jump from the cliff to the tree was so so so cheap and amateur).

Overall, it may be entertaining to watch but not much else.
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Very inspirational
mkotz24 July 2023
I actually really loved it. It made me cry, and I NEVER cry. I found it inspiring for anyone struggling with depression or other types of illness that causes them to lose hope. There can be real beauty in this world when you can find someone to open up to.

I'm sorry some other reviewers couldn't see the message of forgiveness and loving others. It can really make a difference in the dark. I encourage everyone to see this movie and take away the message of understanding mental illness and the devastating effects it can have on a person.

Sophie Turner and Corey Hawkins are truly amazing actors.
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Won't watch a second time, but Loved it
gukingofheart24 June 2023
If I like the plot/idea, as long as the characters are interesting, I'll usually enjoy the movie. I teared up, so the movie didn't suck.

Not a movie that I was hyped, but was happy the entire time.

I'm writing my review like this, because I love bad movies as well.. if you're not picky, then it's enjoyable.

If you want action & excitement.. and picky, then pass I'd say.

I keep this part vague, but this is the plot I find interesting.

The IRONY. A woman wants to end her life, and something happens to stops her (if you watched the trailer, you'll know what stops her). That part was very enjoyable.
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A Movie For Sadistics!
barryfoxworth17 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Survive starts out slow and rather hard to see a plot forming. Fast forward to start of plane crash, we learn Jane is a troublemaker. After plane crashed, the two survivors trek down very steep, jagged terrain and end up on a nowhere to go cliff! From that place on, it's total downhill of two who can't get along and end up, where nobody has a clue. Take a nap! The two continue for days but not once do they stop to look or hunt for food. Not once do you see them melt the snow to drink nor does anyone talk about food, where they're going to find it! The main plot should be to either find help or a clue to the story s end.
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Very unrealistic
jon-105193 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Sophie Turner looks like she got out of a hotel room at almost every point. I don't feel like they're struggling at all. She survived a plane crash in the toilet - barely a scratch on her.

They are traversing mountain ranges, and climbing down really insane cliffs, with no equipment at all. I'm just questioning the reality of this at every moment. Did they consult a professional survivalist or mountaineer at any point? Like they should have made some sort of attempt at making it as realistic as possible, right?

This whole movie was poorly written.

I still finished watched it because I really enjoy survival movies, but it's a let-down.
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If only their was a better movie with better actors, oh wait! There is!
rlsins23 December 2023
Watching this movie all I could think about was rewatching The Mountain Between Us. Much better actors, better story, better everything. I love the queen of the North but this script didn't do her justice. Don't try to make a movie which had already been made better, it couldn't stand to either The Mountain Between Us or The Grey. Good luck choosing better scripts from now on.

And by the way the beginning was dumb and so were those deep reflection sequences. Also no real chemistry between them unlike Idris and Kate, now those two I loved. It did have some awesome views which is why it got 3 stars.
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Why bother?
hanseichenlaub16 November 2023
This movie was absolute nonsense. While the visuals were quite stunning, and the acting was good, but significantly melodramatic; the writing and directing was absolutely baffling. It may have made more sense when it was a 12 part mini-series but the idea of sitting through 12 hours when I was already bored out of my mind by a 2 hour movie was simply torturous.

The logical holes in this movie were egregious also. If they had just stayed put when the plane crashed they would have been fine. I guess that wouldnt have made much of a movie, but the decision defied logic. The whole movie seemed like it was rushing itself and I kept asking myself why are they in such a hurry. Movie gotta movie, I guess.
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So Realistic........Not!
millordrak14 June 2022
In the real world this blonde girl would be saying 'Get away from me!' 'Don't come near me!'. She'd rather freeze to death than cozy up to that guy to stay warm. It's also so obvious that it wasn't even cold. You couldn't even see their breaths. The mountain climbing shots were ridiculous & impossible. Overall this movie comes across as a lame music video for the lifetime network.
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I did NOT survive this pos
mcginleydamien3 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Wow- just when I thought I'd seen the worst, this awful film is released. So predictable. Poorly written. Just bad. Do not waste your time... you won't survive. Terrible acting, CGI looked like it was done in a high school computer class. Even the score made me want to throw up. Unrealistic in every way. Just fyi, you never leave the site, should you survive a plane crash. Especially if there is SHELTER AND SUPPLIES! Omg! The stupidity of every single scene actually trumps the scene before it. This turd of a film seems to go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on... and on and on and, well you get the idea.
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I liked it..until they portrayed a "wolf" as a killer
kcallred091714 October 2023
Beautiful story, scenery and good acting. However, it bothers me when writers (this is based on a book) and directors take liberties with wolves.

Wolves are more afraid of humans than most people would think. They are pack animals that shy away from humans and are NOT solitary blood thirsty human hunting beings.

If it were not for the "wolf" scenes, I would have given this a 9 or maybe a 10 because I liked the two main character's development and storyline.

The "wolf" looks like a husky or maybe a hybrid. Well trained canine, none the less and a gorgeous animal.

When will "Hollywood " stop with the demonization of a species???
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Completely unbelievable
tslegers1 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The writers and director should be banned from making any more films after producing this garbage. The first 25 minutes is useless and the rest is 2 people making one stupid decision after another yet inexplicably getting through. They should have stayed at the crash site where they have shelter and people will come looking for them. They did absolutely nothing to survive, just continually put themselves in more danger. No food, no water, no fire. They just happened to find a cave or mine opening in the side of a hill for one night. That was the only shelter. And let's not forget getting buried in an avalanche, but the guy knows exactly where to didg to expose her face. This was clearly done by people who have never been outdoors. If you're going to make a survival film, maybe hire some survivalists as consultants and listen to them.
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Rare Jewel (reviewed January 2024)
mircxmirc14 January 2024
I didn't come here to talk about the film's story. At the end I saw that it was based on a book. I came here to congratulate everyone involved in its production. Actors, actresses, landscape, music, and plot. Films that make us cry, move us, give meaning to life, are rare. And this is one of them. If you haven't seen it yet, you don't need to know the story beforehand, the film's message appears throughout. The greatest reward a film can have, and this is the case with this film, is the emotion it causes in its audience. Thanks. (I used the words that I thought were sufficient to evaluate the film. I am adding these final words for it to be accepted.)
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wrdcwrdcg15 May 2022
K:they could have skiped the house part.

And the survival part got me excited speacilly that trick she used to protect herself.

They could but more work on the plane fall.. it was good but not amazing.

But still its good to change the mood every now and then.

A: the start was sick.. there somethings sycology ology nobody have to see so they wont be affected.

But after first 20 minutes the movie got me very excited as a drama.
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Do not watch, it's a trap!
orestespaz7 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'd be surprised if Sophie and Corey even got decent pay or this Tier Z movie. I'm more surprised of the amount of 10 star reviews and people who struggle with mental health relating to this garbage that apparently was based on a book.

I've never seen such big amount of b-roll in a movie before and those were the only good moments of the movie.

When you think a main character can't make bad decisions, you just wait and see. Leaving the crash site, climbing down unreal alpine peaks with no gear, jumping cliffs onto a tree, etc.

A survival movie with no survival and a mental health movie without a decent mental health message as you'll probably feel more suicidal after watching it. It doesn't help the last scene depicts the two main characters reunited, Jane wearing a white dress with no voiceover or anything so to the viewer's it seems to be the afterlife meaning she committed suicide after learning Paul died on the mountain.

The author of the book should be banned from even talking about mental health issues and whoever produced this as well.
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dejavuicutooo-1637511 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The review is simply for the acting and the filmography. The story.....stupid, unrealistic and I could go on... She's annoying with her constant suicidal ideation, period. And to be in pain and not use the pain meds--come on. And no one would attempt to make that mountain climb, and jump a tree?! No. This was imaginary. The beginning part could've been left out, like it was pointless. It could've been relayed with flashbacks or the constant whining she does of trying to kill herself. And like another person said, had they taken the pain pills they could've hopped, danced, skipped and jumped their way home! Nothing is realistic in the movie. I mean it's something to watch if you're bored, that's about it.
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These people are not in the USA but that's obvious
marklwoolsey12 September 2023
OK, she is really cute and he is both black and a mountain naturalist. The mountains were never on the North American continent and the avalanche could not have been more poorly depicted. They don't eat and I never saw them drink anything. On a positive note, her scars looked real but that's about where the reality ends. I'm not sure why the film industry makes this kind of junk . If you want to make a movie about suicide do so honestly, no need to bury it in a bunch of fantasy particularly if you want the viewer to believe it and gain something from the movie. What a waste of time and money and effort! And they want us to pay attention to Hollywood...Fat Chance!!
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