Elevator (2012) Poster

(V) (2012)

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All build-up, little pay-off
Leofwine_draca7 July 2014
ELEVATOR has a decent set-up: a group of characters are trapped in a stuck lift, and one of them holds a secret that's going to put them into a dangerous situation. It's a clear copy of the recent Shyamalan-produced horror movie DEVIL, except this one's non-supernatural. The box proclaims that it's the film that DEVIL could have been, but that's a downright lie.

Because ELEVATOR is a disappointment. Sure, the set-up is fine and the character mix is okay. You can't really fault the acting, either, even if most of the cast are unrecognisable aside from THE FLY's John Getz playing a typically jerkish character. Everyone puts in solid, if unspectacular performances, and I did like Joey Slotnick as the loud-mouthed comedian despite his character's brash, irritating nature.

The problem with this is the script. It's fair to say that nothing really happens in ELEVATOR, and there's certainly nothing here to make this unmissable viewing. I can think of two good, suspenseful sequences in the entire movie, and the rest of it is just endless build-up leading to a pay-off that never arrives. I actually enjoyed the first half more than the second, purely because of the expectation value. The ending is particularly disappointing and lightweight.

This should have been much better than it is, because Stig Svendsen does a good job of shooting within the claustrophobic confines of his small-scale set and there are all the right ingredients; it's just that they don't amount to much in the end. And the incredibly irritating girl in it should have been killed; it was criminal that she never got punished for her daft actions.
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Has its ups and downs
movieman_kev22 August 2012
Nine diverse people get stranded in an elevator of a corporate building after the head honcho's spoiled daughter hits the emergency button. Soon a person with a makeshift bomb makes his or her devious intentions known.

This movie, while filled with movie clichés, still manages to be somewhat tense and pretty watchable due to fairly competent acting from almost everyone involved (I personally didn't care for either the kid nor Joey Slotnick, the latter I can't recall anything good he's been in). It's not the best movie about people stuck in elevators but it's not the worst either.
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A slow but steady ride
bowmanblue15 September 2014
Take a look at the title: Elevator. What do you think this movie will be about? Well, you're probably right. Pretty much the whole film is set in the elevator. If you think you'll like a film that simply and deliberately stays put, then give it a go.

Many comparisons have been drawn to the film 'Devil,' which is also primarily set inside an elevator (the only major difference is that Elevator is not supernatural).

The story is about nine people, trapped in an elevator with a bomb. When you have a film that writes itself into a corner with its location, you need to establish the characters pretty quickly. Here, we mostly have stereotypes. In some ways it's good because we can basically read each and every one of them straight away. In others ways it smacks of lazy writing.

Elevator can best be described as a 'thriller.' However, some may question how 'thrilling' a film can be set inside a box. It's basically about their attempts at escaping. If you think you can stand the whole ninety minutes in a box with them, it may be for you. It certainly won't be to everyone's tastes, but I didn't feel like I'd completely wasted ninety minutes of my life.
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Surprisingly, I Enjoyed This
sddavis6323 March 2013
"Elevator" in most respects has a pretty simple plot - almost too simple, which made me think it would be rather thoughtless. A bunch of people are stuck on an elevator - and there happens to be a bomb among them. So, the question is, can they get unstuck in time before the bomb goes off.

There's nothing complicated or pretentious here, and the movie is barebones. Except for a few minutes in both the opening and the closing, the entire movie is set on the crowded elevator. At first, they don't know there's a bomb, and you basically just watch the group dynamic among a diverse group of people who deal with being trapped in a variety of ways - from complete calm to claustrophobia. For a while I was thinking that just the story of this diverse group being stuck together could have made for an interesting study of group dynamics without the bomb, and I was wondering if introducing the bomb was necessary. The bomb actually worked surprisingly well. The whole group dynamic study was still there, but the introduction of the added tension worked very well to ratchet this up.

None of the characters were well developed, but we learn enough about them as they interact on the elevator to at least get a sense of who they are. None of the actors are major stars. The best known and most recognizable to me was probably Jerry Slotnick. That lack of a big name created more a of a composite cast and helped us focus on the group rather than on one individual within the group. There are some story points that didn't work all that well for me. The reporter beaming some video out on her cell phone seemed contrived; and the attempt to free the elevator using a small crack through which an arm could be reached had predictable results - why would anyone even try that, given that the result of any success was so obvious? All things considered though I was surprised by how watchable I found this, made even more so by its very short (1:20) run time. (7/10)
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Yeah, nice suspense thriller, well, NO it isn't
tecnogaming28 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
For a moment I think i was going to see a great movie, the first minutes are very well developed and the music and effects are very well put together in the right moments to create tension and panic, but... the movie shortcomings are way bigger than the good points.

Minor spoilers ahead...

For starters, character inconsistencies. The characters turn from heroes to whiners from one second to the other, we have some kind of creepy 13 years old girl who, BY NO MEANS, unless is possessed by the devil itself will laugh at this tragedy or will try to press the buttons of the elevator when SOMEONE is trying to get out!

This, it is simply not credible and in fact, ridiculous, unless of course we're talking with Carrie here.

We have a terrible claustrophobic comedian guy who after the elevator is stopped, suddenly it's decease disappears and then decides to behave like a hero.

We have a coward who sleeps with other women that tries to force the escape in the most possible stupid way because he too decides to behave like a hero.

I could go on and on and then we reach the second biggest flaw of this movie.

Forced situations with no explanations

1 hour stuck in the elevator with the head of the corporation in there and NOBODY respond to this guys when they ask in the alarm button, NOBODY, in fact, they just leave and do not answer, NOBODY TRIED to reach them and try to get them out, even BEFORE there is any sign that there is a bomb in the elevator.

They are basically left stranded with no outside help even when we are supposed to believe that this is getting in the news of the world!

This addition of inconsistencies turns this possible great movie in the first act into a totally insane and dumb movie in the second act.

Last point, decisions. The decisions taken by the passengers are beyond stupid, in one point one of the guys just want to go out of the elevator to press the external button so the elevator can move, he is in the top spot and he just decide to press the "down" button? YEAH RIGHT! I WILL DO THAT TOO, If I wanted to be cut in half!.

If the bomb is not sensitive to movement, why in the name of god doesn't this guys take it out of the passenger and throw it out of the elevator? Later in the movie you will see why and even when the director tried to be dramatic in the setting, its just stupid because you will see a thousand ways more easier to take this bomb out than the solution this guys decides to implement.

End minor spoilers...

The first 30 minutes are very well executed but after that, the movie went downhill, horrible last act, only a nice "sentence" in the conclusion and a totally unnecessary stupid dialog to close the movie... this turned a nice possibility in a total low B-grade movie.

The movie does developed in a way that lead you to believe there is something else and there will leave you hanging up until you see the credits and ask yourself what dafuq did I just saw?

It's like the producers/director had to end the movie somehow and screw themselves in the last 30 minutes just for the sake of it.

Really, it's not worth the effort put into the first act, it's not worth the effort period, if you want to see a more intelligent movie about an elevator please go see DEVIL. Even when that movie was fantasy and this a suspense-thriller, the actions and consequences seem a lot more credible there than in this "elevator" nonsense, this in itself is a nice paradox.

4 out of 10 just because of the nice music.
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A tense and entertaining movie about being stuck in an elevator with a bomb. If you liked "Devil" you will like this. I say B+
cosmo_tiger9 June 2012
"I've been taking this elevator everyday, ten times a day, we all have for six years and it's never once gotten stuck." A group of people on their way to a party for work are starting to pile in an elevator. When the limit is reached they begin the ascent to the top floor. Tensions start almost instantly and when the elevator gets stuck in between floors things get worse. While talking to each other the discover that one of them has a bomb. They now have another reason to try and find a way out, fast. I know not many people do, but I really like these movies that take place in one confined area. There is something tense and terrifying about that. This one is no exception. Much like the movie "Devil" this one takes place in an elevator but instead of being a straight horror movie this one is more dramatic and full of tension. The characters are all interesting and believable. Some of the movie is a little out there, but overall a pretty believable movie. Overall, if you like movies like "Devil" or "Buried" then you will like this one too. I did. I give it a B+.
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Movie full of plot holes and flaws
bsamad-500886 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
People rating this movie 10 ,9 and 8 confirms to me that i shouldn't trust ratings here , i mean seriously you think this movie deserves more than 4 ? Whoever wrote the scenario is either stupid or some 10 years old kid, first of all the characters are not great actors , i didn't feel that these people are actually in a big trouble !! They were acting so cold and there was no consistency between these characters, now let's discuss the plot holes , first the elevator is stuck and after they reported that they are stuck in the elevator no one even bother to come to fix the problem or to rescue them , i mean how long it takes to do that ? Second that guy who tried to push the button from outside with a stick ! I mean seriously?? You barely had enough space to pull ur head and hand out and what do you think it's gonna happen if you push the button down haha ? I am sure whoever was in that situation would know that he wouldn't have enough time to get back to the elevator room before it goes down !! But him, he just pushed the button down and lost his hand , that was the stupidest thing i ever seen, third they knew from the bomb maker that they had at least 10 min for the explosion , why don't they didn't just throw the body out , you really think if you are in that situation you would rather pity the dead body knowing that after 10 min you certainly going to die ? This is absurd !! Forth using that little knife to cut the body !! Seriously!! I would buy it if she was skinny! That lady is so fat ! That knife would even cut a wire hah but in the movie that man was able to cut it in 1 min and then said now all we need is to pull out hah this is hilarious
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I took the stairs after watching it
doublebky15 September 2012
So this gem is now available on Netflix and I recommend it. Well acted and pretty well paced little film about a group of strangers (well a few know each other but I will not say how) that get on an elevator. By interesting means, the elevator gets stuck and from there, the film really takes off as the group is in severe danger.

The cast of characters are perfectly suited for this kind of film. A little something for everyone if you will.

Being slightly claustrophobic myself, I felt the tension in the elevator. The characters really play off each other well (especially the wise-cracking comic and the snotty little girl)and you sense that once you figure out the trouble, that it seems genuine and real. A very short movie (a little over an hour and 15 minutes long), the last 10 minutes really were not needed, I think it was just added to make the length of the movie more industry standard acceptable. A fast catchy beginning sets an early pace that never really dulls.

6.25 out of 10. Good enough for a watch and some popcorn.
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Nixonbrian4224 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I just checked out this movie. You may detect a spoiler here. A group of people enter an office building elevator and get stuck. One of them has a bomb. Pay close attention now, the suspense is definite. Luckily for the audience the bomber was nice enough to announce the presence of said bomb. If the bomber had not mentioned it then there of course would be no movie. It would just be "BOOM", end of story.

Nonetheless, the film is not suspenseful at all, it's also not scary. When the end credits begin to roll you'll feel like you just tuned in to a 90 minute news broadcast. Your reaction will be, "THAT'S IT!?!!?, THAT'S THE ENDING!?!!?"
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Crazy elevator ride
mathiashauglid19 January 2012
I got to see this one on it's world premiere yesterday, at the Tromso International Film Festival. Not knowing what I could expect from this hardly known Norwegian director, Stig Svendsen, I was still hoping to see a nerve wrecking thriller about modern day terrorism. The film started out as expected, but it seemed very unoriginal at first. The main characters seemed too familiar and too smooth. Additionally I found a couple of the actors weren't any good. But as the film got going, it turned out this wasn't at all a dead serious thriller. A couple of really watchable characters showed up, and the scripted turned humorous, in a quite successful way.

The film goes on as a rare mix of comedy and thriller, that actually works brilliantly. The filmmakers have successfully combined a serious situation with humor, and the result is one crazy elevator ride. It owes a lot to traditional action comedy films, but at the same time it really is something of it's own. It's rare to see such entertaining films and especially films about such a relevant topic.
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Up and down
kosmasp8 November 2012
Look at the title. You see that one word title, now tell me, what do you expect from a movie like that? I actually think it provides exactly what it is supposed to. Maybe a bit more. Not a lot more, but I did like the (obvious) characters. It's not amazing or earth shattering, but it is more than decent.

A few things are over the top of course, but still kudos to the actors, they did a good job on this. Things are predictable of course, but that doesn't change the fact, that you can enjoy the movie as it is. The inciting incident is of course something that would drive everyone mad in real life. Try to take the movie in, as it was intended if you can
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If you watch to watch a GREAT Elevator film try DEVIL.
galuwatra28 April 2023
I had really high hopes for this movie, because I loved the movie devil. Which is sit in an elevator, but it is far more dramatic has much better acting in storyline and suspense. This was just meh. Another in a long line of tired, revenge stories that go south. I was bored to tears through most of it. The dialogue was predictable. The characters were very clichéd. It was more like something from a Hallmark movie than a major motion picture I'm going to suggest again That you try to find DEVIL- that movie was full of jump scares, suspense, great writing and great acting. I absolutely loved it. It will not disappoint!
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Not Great but Better Than I Initially Expected
Uriah4312 April 2022
This film begins in New York with a lavish party being held in the penthouse of a high-rise building on Wall Street. To that effect, the CEO of the corporation holding the event, by the name of "Henry Barton" (John Getz), joins several other people in the elevator to take them to the event. In the elevator with him is his young granddaughter "Madeline Barton" (played by both Rachel Pace and Amanda Pace), along with several employees of who work for Henry Barton. Also included in this group is a stand-up comedian by the name of "George Axelrod" (Joey Slotnick) who is extremely claustrophobic and lets everybody know how he feels about the elevator being too crowded. Being quite mischievous, Madeline decides to play a prank on him by pressing the emergency stop button near the 49th floor. What she doesn't realize, however, is that the gears on the elevator are in need of repair and as a result there is no immediate way to get out of their current dilemma. Even worse is the fact that one of the other people in this group has brought a bomb into this elevator which is set to detonate within 2 hours-and this may not be enough time for maintenance to correct the situation. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this turned out to be a fairly entertaining movie which managed to keep my attention pretty much from start-to-finish. Admittedly, the film could have also used a bit more suspense here and there, but even so it was good enough for the time spent and I have rated it accordingly. Average.
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Remember It's Not A Blockbuster Or A Horror Movie
Theo Robertson5 March 2014
A diverse group of people take an elevator to a corporate event . Due to the actions of the spoiled granddaughter of the company boss the lift becomes stuck . What may on the surface seem like a torturous inconvenience ends up becoming mortal peril for the group when it's revealed that one of the guests is carrying a bomb

I'm slightly at a loss why ELEVATOR isn't held in slightly higher regard by my peers on this website . I watched it on the British Horror Channel and may be this is the problem ? If you're coming in to this movie expecting graphic violence , torture porn and the like you're going to be very disappointed because this is not a movie for hardcore gore hounds . Instead ELEVATOR is a low budget minimalist indie type thriller where people find a bad situation turn far worse than they expected . It's almost a very good film . Almost

" Hey Theo you said almost . Out with it . What's on your mind ? "

I don't know if it's down to my recent marathon short film sessions along with seeing the occasional independent film like THE PERFECT HOST but there is an off beat quirky nature to many of the movies I've reviewed recently and ELEVATOR starts off in the exact same vein with the characters being introduced and the pivotal character is George Axelrod , a vulgar smart ass comedian who has the displeasure of both being stuck in a life and being stuck in a lift with a ten year old spoilt brat and other people he doesn't like . He shows signs of misanthropy and despite never being in the same league as Christopher Hitchens when it comes to abrasive put downs George shoots from the lip and you can buy this guy existing in the real world and not just in a movie . I would have liked to have seen more of George becoming more frustrated with the situation and his fellow captives become more frustrated at him

Unfortunately because this film is about a time bomb in a lift and not misanthrope reminds himself why he hates people the film centres around who is the bomber and what can they do to stop the bomb exploding . There is some blood and violence but remember this is not a horror film and perhaps more importantly this isn't a massive blockbuster from a major Hollywood studio so there's no mock heroics from some pretty boys , no stunt work and no CGI which means a lot of people will find it somewhat lacking in excitement . As it stands ELEVATOR is more than adequate but I would have liked it more if had stayed a quirky off beat drama instead moving in to thriller territory
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Unlikeable characters, unnecessary 'suspense', TERRIBLE movie (*spoilers*)
bluerevenge8 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Been watching a bunch of lesser known horror/thriller movies on Netflix recently, some are fairly good, some are "ehhh alright", some are just bad...and then you have this pile of garbage.

Seriously one of the "worst movies evar"! I don't even know where to begin but I beg of you please do NOT watch this movie.

If you do here is a rundown of how it will go: First of all, almost all the characters in the elevator are dislikeable. In fact I hated them all except perhaps the pregnant lady and perhaps, to some degree, the fat guy (whose fate is ironic given that, but I won't give away too much).

Seriously about halfway in I was just *hoping* for the bomb to explode and kill all the a-holes in the elevator. I couldn't have cared less for any of them except again the pregnant character who at least acted more sensibly than anyone else. You hate the little girl for causing the elevator to get stuck and being stupid and whiny, you hate the 'comedian' cause he's a jackwagon, you hate the old dude 'cause of his greed and arrogance, you hate the boyfriend dude because he's also another a-hole, you hate his gf because she's only interested in making a story out of the situation, you hate the security guard because he's totally useless, and you hate the old lady (you'll see why). You couldn't care less about any of them.

Most movies like this have maybe one guy you hate--the guy that acts like a total moron--and the rest of them or at least most of them you are rooting for, to survive. This movie? Nope, you want to see them pretty much all dead. You just want the damn bomb to explode already and kill everyone and end this horrible movie.

Then there are all these weird and stupid pauses and slow-paced attempts at 'suspense' that aren't suspenseful they are just boring and annoying. Like when they search for the bomb ever so carefully instead of just looking for the damn thing. I mean the person with the bomb walked around fine, made regular movements, the elevator jerked around, etc. etc. and the bomb never went off so I'm pretty sure the bomb is not going to "just go off" upon moving the bomb-holder and their clothes/belongings. There's so many moments like this along with pauses and waits for totally pointless reasons.

Instead of waiting for all this nonsense to transpire and agonise watching this fail of a movie, you just jump forward again and again hoping for the point where either the bomb has exploded or someone to break the 4th wall and tell you this movie wasn't meant to be serious and the joke is on you for watching it to begin with.

Then there are so many other things wrong with the thin story it's not funny. Both the attempts to escape the elevator and the rescuers (who are supposed to be experts) attempts to get them out make absolutely no sense. You can tell from a mile away someone is going to get injured, and you can tell the rescuers are totally incompetent as well.

Once you get to the end you just shake your head and realise you wasted however much time you wasted watching this (and hopefully not the actual run time because I pity anyone that actually sat through the whole thing).

The movie is bad. Really...really bad. Do not watch.
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Lift? It's OK I'll take the stairs.
Sleepin_Dragon17 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I guess I expected this to be a carbon copy of Devil, made bigger and brasher, that's not the case, the basic premise is the same, a group of strangers get trapped in a lift, but this time they're threatened by a bomb. We get bigotry, racism, stupidity, jealousy, recriminations, the nine characters each bring a lot to the table.

Production values on the whole are solid, they played safe when making it let's say. The acting too is solid, the main issue is with the characters, none of them are particularly likable, why did everyone let the expectant mother search for the bomb? Shirley Knight a class above.

Hard to define, definitely not a horror like Devil, more a thriller melodrama.. Plenty of tension. The ending is crazy.

My review takes into account that it's a B movie, I'd imagine it didn't have much of a budget, but it's cheap and cheerful, with enough tension to keep you watching. Even after reading the generally negative reviews, I liked it. 7/10
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OK Concept, Just Doesn't Play Out
kyndrazacherl20 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was recommended for me on Netflix after I rated Buried. This movie was a really unique combination of a confined space movie and a revenge plot. I thought the "bomb lady" died too early along in the movie. I also felt like the whole Mohammed-Comedian tension never formed into anything, and was just being used as comic relief. The ending was also left very open, with all we see is Mohammed's wife never picking up the phone. I wish we would have been able to see what happened in the next few weeks, and if Mr. Barton gave them each their share. If he did, it would have been nice to see what happened in their lives. I would also have liked to see what happens when the fiancée finds out her boyfriend knocked up his coworker. I also saw it as a poor choice to include the bomb maker coming forward, that would rarely/never happen if the plot were real. 3/10, due to the diverse cast of characters and their predicament, but has many plot holes and just doesn't seem to be resolved.
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Just an average movie
funnycommentor19 August 2023
First of all, the plot of the movie was very interesting and mysterious. The storyline was kinda well-written, even though some parts of the movie weren't well-explained. The characters were very interesting and well-developed, even though only some of them were kinda likeable. The filming location of the movie was mainly, inside the elevator. The casting was just nice and their acting was descent. Gladly, it was a fast-paced movie, even though it wasn't very intense. Actually, it was more of an emotionally intense movie. In my opinion, the best part of the movie was the 2nd act, when they were trying to escape the elevator. The opening scene wasn't very promising and it was kinda dull, because all the characters were introduced. Sadly, the ending scene wasn't very well-explained and I didn't really enjoyed it. Overall, "Elevator" was an average movie, fast-paced and I would probably recommend it to my friends.
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atinder19 October 2014
I liked the movie Devil (2010) and also liked the movie Blackout (IV) (2008)

All three of these have on thing in common, is that most of movie takes center stage in the Elevator and they all very different in a way

This movie was a lot better then I thought it would, it had some decent cast, some were not likable.

I thought the movie flowed really well from to start to end,even it just one location.

There one really bloody moment in this movie, which wasn't to much.

i Thought the movie was Entertaining
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Well I loved it!
lisajoann881 April 2022
After reading all the rotten reviews on here I was expecting a TERRIBLE film. It's not! It's actually pretty awesome. I won't waste time rehashing the story but I thought it was an incredibly well made, well acted little movie!

It had a brilliant set of characters, all with a lot of depth considering the limited amount of time the had time introduce them all. I thought they were all very believable.

There are a few things that happened that I thought were predictable but that's not a big deal.

The plot moves forward at a constant steady pace and I think a lot people will love the film if they give it chance!

I don't wanna give anything away so all I can say is go into it with an open mind and you will probably enjoy it!!
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This is why you leave the kids at home...
bangel33226 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Good film with really decent acting, good storyline, tense with a good build up but a rather a flat ending.

Hated the little girl, was actually rooting for her death. Playing around with buttons, look what she did....tut tut
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I hate them all
ryanlakomski22 March 2023
If this movie's goal was to create the most unlikable ensemble of characters of all time, they succeeded. I did not care what happened to a single one of them. I honestly can't think of a better group of people to be stuck in an elevator together, they deserve each other. Every one of them is absolutely awful.

This movie is a ripoff of Devil, but devil did it much better. The plot is stupid and predictable, the acting is over the top, and not at all in a good way.

If I can give any tips it would be to not waste your time on this film. Go watch paint dry or something of that sorts instead. It will be much more entertaining.
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Someone needed to rethink this...
AndyVanScoyoc14 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers

The idea was a good one, and as much as I'm not a fan of how most cities deal with emergencies, even in the largest of cities I can't believe 911 would be SO incompetent.

And really...the guy that Barton was talking to, HE can behave like that?

The owner of the building and there's no big "to do" to get him out of the elevator...AND the flunky on the other end of the "help" line is going to talk like that?

Not even close.

The media (with their lust for tragedy) would have been all over the story making certain everyone within 100 miles was getting up-to-the-second info...even if one of their own WAS trapped.

Like I said...good idea... woefully poorly executed.

The build up was the best part.

What a let down...
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cmovies-996747 October 2017
PROS: The whole reason I would recommend even watching this movie is for the ending. Undoubtedly the finale part of this movie was the best part. The weight and tone that the film has was perfectly embodied by the resolution. You got this dark and sad feeling mixed with sheer dread, and I liked how that quality was displayed in both the characters, the plot, and the setting. In such a small location I was surprised how much emotion they evoked from the set alone. You could really tell a lot of time, effort, and thinking was put into this indie horror.

CONS: The cons in this movie aren't really substantial. You could start out by pointing out that the acting was mediocre, the build up of intensity was sub par, or that the music/lighting was used improperly. All these qualities need to be there for a great film, but in this movie they just barely missed the mark. This is a hard movie to critique because nothing was awful, but nothing was great. So you're stuck between a rock and a hard place because should you notice the acting as not being bad, or not being good? I really feel this a movie specific for certain peoples taste and what they find to be best overall in movies.

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Complete Nonsense
ulzzzil4 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The only way to plausibly believe that this movie could have happened is to assume everyone in the elevator and all of the emergency services are complete idiots. It took too long to contact the elevator mechanic on the intercom. When they did, the person responded in such an odd way that I assumed that someone intercepted all communications. Turns out the guys just an a-hole? They started panicking, bonding, and a girl peed in her purse within 10-15 minutes of being stuck, according to the characters. When they eventually call 911, 911 dismisses them for no reason and never shows up? A guy sticks his head out a tiny gap in the elevator to press the outside button? No one considers throwing the body or bomb out until the last few minutes? And even after all of the cutting is done, the last guy ends up dying because.....he's too fat to be saved?

On top of that, everyone's cartoonish. Unrealistic depictions of racism, revenge, and corporate greed. It was seemingly inspired by M. Night's low-budget film, but the difference is the actors in that movie could actually act, for the most part, and the scenarios weren't completely unrealistic, which is funny considering that one was a supernatural film.
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