Paradox Alice (2012) Poster


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A generic sci-fi with more things wrong than right.
TheSonomaDude15 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Being part native American, human transformations have always been something I've been intrigued by. Almost every native American folk tale (from my tribe, at least) ends in a transformation of some sort; man to animal, man to object, or even man to woman. The ladder was usually the coolest story.

It seems like no films on Earth involve this idea, but it appears I have found one, Eric Dapkewicz's Paradox Alice. However, Paradox Alice is a generic independent film with nearly no redeemable qualities at all.

With better writing, this film could have been worth it, but as it is, the only thing this script is good for is testing to see if your new paper shredder works. The concept of sequential hermaphroditism being a plausible way for a species to survive is compelling enough for me to suspend my disbelief, but the film gets lost in this pretzel a tangled "love" triangle. The two other males, one being a nerdy Christian mama's boy and the other being a rigid old captain, both fall for their friend who has just become a woman in an unsettling and sporadically amount of time. If my best friend turned into a woman overnight, it would be extremely hard for me to forget he was once a dude, thus, it would take years for me to actually fall for him/her, if I even ever did. But these guys forget it instantly and pursue her after just a few days. The captain character is begging for a kiss after what seems like 45 minutes.

The acting is abysmal. Andrew Hernon as the captain character gives such wooden delivery in every scene of the film and he makes me want to throw my remote at the TV screen; every scene he's in is just completely torn to pieces by this guys lack of acting skill. Stewart Calhoun as the nerdy Christian somehow manages to be even worse, but it doesn't help that his character is written unbelievably poorly. The only credible actor in this film is Jeneta St Clair, who actually does a pretty good job and she deserves better work than this.

The overall look of the film is very cheap. The lighting is atrocious; the film takes place in a futuristic space ship, not a damn cave. The ship computer/robot thing looks like a Sony camera with a tin can taped to the side, and I swear the film was shot in a garage. There are wooden bookshelves in the control room and the characters use futuristic visual trans-space communicating devices that look identical to iPads (gee, I wonder why?) But I will partially dismiss this because the budget was, what, $1000? If even?

Most people seem to bring up the rape scene. Honestly, I did not find it that disturbing for two reasons. One: it is extremely brief...I mean, it lasts like three seconds before the male climaxes. The only thing I was thinking was "Wow, this guy finishes really fast." Two: the acting is so horrendous that it made it obvious that the rape was not real, therefore, I was not disturbed by what I was watching.

The most baffling and confusing part in the film is the very ending. As the film begins to wrap up, we see the Xenomorphs (the creatures from the Alien films) aboard the ship while the ship computer spouts gibberish. This is obviously a twist ending...but what the bloody hell was the twist? Was the computer working in cahoots with the aliens the entire time? Was the gender transformation all because of the computer? Were xenomorphs on board the ship the entire film? (How else did they get on the ship at the end, besides just spontaneously appearing on board?) Most importantly, why the hell were there Xenomorphs in this film at all? Was Eric Dapkewicz trying to imply that this film is in the same universe as the Alien franchise?

I've checked out the other works of Eric Dapkewicz, or "MakoDap" as he goes by on YouTube. He is the editor for several major Dreamworks films such as Flushed Away or and Puss In Boots, and those are some of the best edited animations I've ever seen. In the past, I also listened to and reviewed two albums by his band, Imaginarious, and both reviews were pretty positive. However, I have also checked out some of his stuff on YouTube. This man is very into transformations, man-to-woman specifically. He has created online comics depicting male-to-female transformations in graphic detail, most of which are sexual and contain some form of eroticism. Also on his YouTube account are the films he has directed, The Kiss and The Last Piece Standing, with Eleven being uploaded this summer. All three of these films have male-to-female transformations as the main theme. Another reoccurring plot point among nearly all of Dapkewicz's YouTube work is that after a man transforms into a woman, he/she becomes very horny and has sex with another man, usually willingly and very happy to do so. The ladder theme is very peculiar and disturbing, and it seems like this is just a masturbation fantasy for Eric Dapkewicz to get out of his system. That said, most of his YouTube work is actually crafted very well and he has a natural talent for storyboarding, but I don't recommend any of it.

Overall, biggest problem with this film is that its just forgettable. The script is awful, but not so awful to the point of where its memorable. The acting terrible, but none of the actors are among the worsts (except maybe the captain). The effects are just mediocre, the sets are mediocre, the editing is mediocre, everything just blends in. Its the solid definition of a 3/10 - 4/10 film. I honestly don't recommend it even in the slightest, but I do think Eric Dapkewicz can make something good given some money, a good script and actual actors.
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Paradox Alice: Memorable scifi, but mostly for the wrong reasons
Platypuschow15 March 2018
Paradox Alice (Originally titled The Serpent, The Prophet And The Angel) is a very unusual scifi effort.

It tells the story of a world stricken with a lack of clean drinking water to an extent where wars are breaking out globally because of it. A ship manned by 4 people is on a desperate mission to acquire water from space and are on their way back. On route however (No spoilers here) a very unusual event transpires that changes everything and possibly the entire fate of humanity.

The "Thing" in question is very original and quite well thought through, sadly it makes for some very uncomfortable viewing.

Now recently I was debating a very bizzare point in the movie industry. According to statistics around 80% of Americans identify themselves as Christian, so why is it that almost everytime A Christian is shown in a movie they are a dangerous, unhinged and/or "Wacky"? You'd think that wouldn't be the case.

This movie is a perfect example. We have a devout Christian, a young man who begins obnoxious and escalates to highly dangerous and arguably the movies antagonist. He even quotes Leviticus, part of which is "'Anyone who curses their God will be held responsible; anyone who blasphemes the name of the Lord is to be put to death". Now this frustrates me because people instantly slate the Quran claiming its full statements that tell it's followers to be violent and kill unbelievers while wearing lead blinkers that prevent them from acknowledging that the bible does as well.

I've gone off on a tangent, my apologies. Bottom line is religious antagonists are a double edged blade. They are bad guys you want to see defeated but at the same time are far too relatable as you don't need to go far to find one in the real world.

Paradox Alice has some great ideas but too much is badly flawed. Credit to the cast, credit to the filmmakers but it's one of those films that really gets under your skin more than was intended.

The Good:

Some great ideas

Looks good

Has a certain charm to it

Detestable antagonist

The Bad:

That Christian kid needed dropkicking into space from the outset

Premise has some weirdly uncomfortable moments

Finale was a let down

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Christian logic "If I'm a good person then God will protect me" also Christian logic "The entire earth has been destroyed and everyone is dead, god has a plan"

I don't understand why stunt boobs are a thing
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A slow and boring journey in space...
paul_haakonsen14 November 2019
Granted, I am not overly keen on sci-fi movies, if it isn't "Star Wars". But still, I was given the chance to sit down and watch the 2012 movie "Paradox Alice", and since I had the time available, I decided to sit down and watch it.

Sure, I had not even heard of the movie, nor did I know who starred in it, much less knew what the movie was about. I knew it was a sci-fi movie, and that was about it.

Let me just say that "Paradox Alice" was not a movie that tickled me in any right places. I managed to endure 41 minutes of the movie before I called it quits and will never return to finish the movie. Actually, I was ready to quit about 30 minutes into it, but decided to give the movie a second chance, as it might just actually pick up and become interesting.

But it just didn't do so.

The storyline is mundane, bordering on being downright boring actually, and not enough happened in the 41 minutes I endured to make it the least bit interesting. And it didn't help the movie that the characters were flaccid, two dimensional, cardboard cutouts that simply blended into one another and you just didn't really invest anything into them.

As for the acting, then I will say that the actors and actresses were actually doing fair enough jobs with their given roles and characters, but it was a shame that they were held back by a lousy and mundane script.

For a sci-fi movie, then "Paradox Alice" was not an impressive gem. This movie came and went without leaving a mark on the sci-fi genre. And my rating of "Paradox Alice" is a three out of ten stars, solely based on the production level and the effort that they people put into making it.
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A must watch. If there's absolutely nothing else available
MannyInNewYork13 July 2018
Looks cheap, sounds cheap, acting was bad but that could be the cheesy script and poor direction. It's as if the writers were trying to deliver some faith based message but ended up with some lousy soft core space porn. A stupid story and a cringe worthy video.

The other reviews with spoilers pretty much sum it up -it's garbage. I watched it out of curiosity while killing two hours waiting for rotisserie chicken to fully cook.

Chicken got 10 stars, movie got 1.
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Lee Press On Nails For the Win!
metaspencer22 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
All I need to do is rehearse the 5 main steps of the plot line to convince you that this movie is not good:

Step 1: A team of four people flies in a modest sized spaceship to Europa (a watery moon) to gather enough water to save humanity back on Earth. It appears that, in the future, people have gone thirsty and a modest sized spaceship full of water will be enough for everyone to drink. This is just dumb.

Step 2: Earth gets blown up, taking some of our own moon with it. No one really knows why chunks of our moon are missing in the wake of Earth's explosion, but that's the deal.

Step 3: With just three dudes left on the water tank / spaceship (the one woman on board died), one of the dudes turns into a woman. Yeah, and turning into a woman means squirming around on the floor while growing long, blonde hair and long, Lee Press On Nails. In the gender transformation scene, the Lee Press On Nails literally erupt out of the finger tips of the former dude who is now a lady.

Step 4: Then the rest of the movie, roughly half of it, it dedicated to the story of another one of the crew members, a bible-thumping young guy, getting all religiously horny for his now- femme-bot crew member. His biblical horniness makes him crazy.

Step 5: Oh, and the movie ends with the newbie-femme alone in the ship, pregnant, finding a new inhabitable planet to replace Earth, but being chased by a Klingony space ship.

See? Paradox Alice is not good.
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B grade rubbish
brendan-821-65485518 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Um yeah, where to start...

Terrible acting

Horrific script ("the guy's got an ego the size of a pork sausage" - whoever wrote that line does realize that pork sausages are quite small, right?!)

CGI that looks like it came from an early 90's kids TV show

Clichéd concepts stolen from every other sci-fi film you've ever seen

A spaceship on an important earth-saving mission that has less crew than a domestic airline flight (4 in total!)

A comically bad set - there's wooden shelves in the cockpit!

A soundtrack that won't be selling a single track on iTunes

My advice: avoid this B grade mess at all costs, or alternately, get a couple of friends together for a few drinks and then laugh your way through this cringe-worthy debacle.
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grantjcobb18 October 2018
The Amazon Prime synopsis refers to this trash as a "cornerstone in the new paradigm of .. Sci-Fi" then compares itself to a good film "Gravity".

There is absolutely no comparison, this whole movie is garbage, mostly because of the storyline and bad body double editing.

The story is awful, the men are stupid, the morph-woman is weak and THE WORST PART is that the twisted religious content and MYSOGYNISTIC trash was approved and directed by a woman!!

How could anyone produce this crap, I'm angry at myself for watching it.

I will also complain to Amazon. I am offended to my core.
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An insult to independent films
tblake8720 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I came across this "movie" on XBox Live for digital rental and from reading the description I thought it would be a nice escape in a SciFi world. Let me tell you I was horribly wrong. This film is extremely difficult to watch from beginning to end.

Let me start by saying that I keep an open mind when it comes to independent films and I can look past monetary constraints, but the atmosphere from the get-go is a letdown. I will give praise to the lighting inside the protagonists' ship, it is very suitable for the setting, however the ship itself is a real disappointment. I understand that this film takes place in the near future, but there is no reason characters should be using iPads that are dated even by todays standards. The props throughout this "futuristic" setting just don't work. I just couldn't help but feel like the characters were running through someone's poorly decorated house being used as the set. It's just not convincing.

Now that we have that out of the way, let's discuss the acting in the film. It's atrocious. There simply isn't any other way to describe it. It's absolutely atrocious. I just felt absolutely no connection with the characters whatsoever. The acting just felt very forced and didn't flow. Some of the mannerisms are extremely over-exxagerated at times that just destroyed any chance of immersion of the audience into this film.

Next, let's discuss the plot of this movie. After the end of this thing, I truly didn't know whether the writer hates women or loves them a little too much. What I mean by this is the way the main character is treated through this film just seemed like it could be a view of an agenda the writer has against women. This woman is later raped in the film "for the benefit of the human race". Let me tell you, it was truly difficult to sit there and watch this 20-something girl raped(who ends up pregnant). It was just in poor taste. However, at the same time I can't help but feel like this writer is trying to play out some kind personal fantasy throughout the movie. The main protagonist originally is a male, but suddenly and mysteriously becomes a woman. The film then focuses on this character dealing with his new womanhood and his religious fanatic of a Lieutenant trying to get her pants because it's god's will. Remember the rape scene I mentioned earlier? Do the math. What really confuses me about this all is the protagonist goes from being a confident, tom-boyish newly transformed woman to a crying, helpless, girly-girl, that is suddenly madly in lover with her life-long friend, in no time at all. It just doesn't add up. I really thought I was watching the writer's personal, disgusting(rape) fetish come to life in this film. The whole way the film played out just made me feel a mix of pure confusion and frankly, awkward.

Finally, there may or may not be a religious agenda in this film. I personally don't know if this purely for the sake of the plot or if it is the writer trying to push a religious agenda to the audience. I will admit that it seems like the latter several times throughout the movie.

"Paradox Alice" is by far one of the worst and backwards films I have endured in years.

The whole thing is just a mess from beginning to end and I can safely say you are better off spending your evenings enjoying a much more intelligent film or even just having a nice stare with the wall. This film truly is an insult in the independent film industry.

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Just dreadful in almost every way...
ulisses_phoenix16 May 2020
Nearly every aspect of this movie is just plain lousy. The acting performances were some of the worse I've seen. The score, although produced using a full orchestra, simply overpowered the drama -- it went way over the top, especially in the beginning of the film. It was too literal and too much. And the dialogue sounded artificial as if it was not meant to be read out loud.

There were all kinds of plot holes and inconsistencies. Although the story had a somewhat original core plot involving an incredible character "development", it failed to follow through with the story. And the ending was completely indecipherable and incongruent. It had no connection whatsoever with the rest of the film -- it looked as if it was composed of scenes from another movie. The worst ending of a film I've ever seen.

The rest of the elements of the film were equally as bad. The cinematography was poorly executed with most scenes under-lit. And the special effects and sets were barely up to mid 20th-century standards, let alone a film released in 2013.

Definitely not worth the time.

Triggers: strobe effects; gender stereotypes; all-white cast; textual content at ~180 wpm; graphic vomiting; graphic impalement; war; graphic body metamorphosis; torture; rape; gory decapitation; denigration of religion (anti-Catholic/anti-Christian)
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Good idea gone terribly wrong
silent_bren771 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'll try and limit and/or be vague in the details to not spoil too much.

What looked to be a decent premise for a Sci-Fi film at the start quickly turned bizarre and disturbing. The disturbing thing wasn't the "transformation" one of the crew underwent, but the reaction of the 2 other crew members. One gets a messiah complex while the other drifts in & out of madness, both of them almost instantly fall in love, in their own warped ways, with their transformed crew member. This is what basically carries the entire movie as mankind looks to be all but extinct (which would've been a far more interesting part of the story to follow). The only reason I gave it a 2nd star was the only redeeming quality of the movie...the last 30 seconds where we finally realize the on board Computer AI's, Red, part in the whole story aside from being a homicide threatening asshole. Still, aside from getting the gist of what happened in the end, there is absolutely NO foreshadowing that this crazy twist is coming. Furthermore, the ending "X-factor," if you will would've made a FAR better movie had it been woven into the story at some point instead of the "Oooooooo...CREDITS." The acting was OK from the female lead, but the other 2 could've been replaced by horrible soap actors, but that's probably because the writing was absolutely terrible. The rape was certainly hard to stomach. The only redeeming quality was plausible scientific reason a transformation could have occurred based on other animal life.

I just go back to my original statement. The launching premise was a great idea and had tons of potential for something original. However, terrible writing and mediocre acting drove this piece of $h*t straight down the toilet. However, I'd like the writer to give me the agents number who sold this script. Because I want to know exactly who I have to sleep with to get 100 pages of fecal matter green-lit for production.
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buell-brett21 October 2013
Paradox Alice one of the deepest movies I've seen, and the writing is excellent. It reminds me of "No Exit" the Existential literary work of Jean-Paul Sartre. The characters are complex depiction of religious zealotry in a high-tech future is brilliant.

The movie is written and produced by some people who work in Hollywood who decided to get together and just do a movie on their own. It's atypical of Hollywood cookie-cutter formulatic story lines. This movie isn't for everyone. The themes are mature, but well-done in an apocalyptic setting. While it's not chock full of exploding aliens and other such effects, the cinematics are strong and the writing really makes this movie. It kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish.
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Very Original- Great Idea
onlythusfar24 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Other reviewers seem quite confused, seeing this as an advertisement for Christianity. The only Christian in the film is mentally deranged. Not a good advertisement, I'd say. This film is a romantic fairy tale. I found the romance quite powerful, due to the amazing reason for it's existence. I can see, that the film may seem threatening to men, who are homophobic, or religiously dogmatic. I thought, that the acting was fine. The setting/special effects were adequate, as they aren't really the focus of the film. The only part, which I found unfortunate was the ending, which was somewhat incomprehensible, but this only lasted for a minute or two of the running time. I appreciated the nudity/sexuality, as it was realistic and not gratuitous. This is an adult film with very interesting ideas.
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Absolute Rubbish
acionmn7 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is honestly the biggest load of rubbish I have ever watched. Its not even worth watching as one of those movies you put on just to fall asleep to.

First of all the set design for a this "spaceship" looks like it was done by a 5 year old and the special effects would only have been considered good in the 1980's.

The script writing is atrocious and the acting is equally as bad. I've seen better films come from high school students art projects.

The writers, director and actors from this film should all be put on a raft and sent out into the ocean to hopefully never be heard from or seen again.
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What did I just watch?
jhr201213 June 2020
For some unknown reason i watched this movie to the end (I fast fowarded through the last 30 minutes). It had potential but spiraled out of control into a convoluted mess. Don't waste your time with this one. Trust me.
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Misogynistic religious recruitment.
catalyst8-120 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Not just rubbish, offensive, insulting rubbish. It's difficult to give a single reason why this... product is so bad. Calling it a movie would be a disservice to the film industry.

The acting, which is painfully flat & wooden, is perhaps the least awful aspect of 'Paradox Alice'. While the set, effects, lighting & shot composition are bad they aren't as woefully poor as the script, or the director's incompetence.

However it's not the sloppy direction, bad acting, banal plot, truly mindless dialogue & apparent lack of any available stage technicians which really lets it down; Should you make the error of watching this monstrosity the script is probably one of the worst you'll ever have the misfortune to encounter.

This production is essentially an incredibly clumsy recruitment advertisement for Christianity, the sole message it delivers seems to be: "It's acceptable to rape a woman if the voice in your head tells you to." Truly vile.

Be warned & steer clear.
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High concept, low execution
Leofwine_draca26 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
PARADOX ALICE is a typical indie drama with a science fiction backdrop. The main characters are on a spaceship heading into the deepest reaches of space to carry out their mission. The thrust of the film is on human drama at all times which makes this a humdrum exercise in filmmaking. The characters sit around in dingy locations and converse for hours with little else going on. There's no lousy CGI which is a good thing but the setting is only half convincing. Still, it's better than the non-existent story complete with dull characters and their heartache that never really proves all that affecting.
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Offensive, Distasteful.
voicesinthedark19 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The description of this "movie" is very deceptive as it describes itself as being a sci-fi movie. However, other than the location and initial portion of the movie it has very little to actually do with sci-fi. The vast majority of the "movie" is a sermon on how god has a plan for all of us and that you should believe in god and without god there is no salvation and so on.

"spoiler alert" <- Site necessity

Then the movie continues on to depict violence towards the assumed last remaining woman, an attempt to brainwash her, and finally followed up by an equally distasteful and offensive rape scene, all under the premise that it's okay because it's "god's plan" for them.

When there is an absolute necessity for something like a rape scene either because of depiction of true events or because it's absolutely critical then while it may be an overall offensive addition it is there because it's absolutely necessary, and often times film makers will mention it happening and avoid showing it. In this movie is wasn't necessary at all, in fact there were numerous ways that it could have been completely avoided or reworked to be only an attempted rape. The only apparent reason why this scene was added to the movie was to bolster the preaching that god punishes those who don't accept him into their lives.

I think it's important to state that I'm not anti-religious, I personally belief that everyone has the right to belief in whatever they want.
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Awful does not begin to describe how bad this "film" is.
danpetrovic3 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I literally joined IMDb just so I can warn others about this garbage.

I've seen high school projects done better than this video.

It's so bad it's not funny, it's offensive.

1. Laughable CGI: I've seen better work done by film students.

2. Poor storyline: It baffles me that somebody actually followed through and made this into a movie.

3. Weak characters: Actors are OK. But character development is unbelievably weak.

4. No science whatsoever: This is not science fiction. Maybe fantasy. There are absolutely touching points with science. Example: Nukes cause the Earth to completely disappear.

5. Confused religious messages: Unnecessary and pathetic.

6. Ridiculous ending
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Not worth your time.
eddholcombe15 September 2019
The description compared this movie to "Gravity", those two movies are not even in the same Universe! This is a total waste of time. Terrible writing, acting, lighting, editing, story line......I have read most of the other reviews and just can't pile on to the negative comments except to say the American flags on their right sleeve are backwards.

Don't waste your time, go watch the grass grow. One star for the female actors.
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grantjcobb18 October 2018
How does a movie like this get made?!??

Cringe worthy storyline and limp acting.

The men are stupid, the morph woman was weak and the story line shouldn't have been seriously approved. .. EVER!
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Original Low Budget Sci-Fi That Tackles Tough Subjects
siobahn_sienkiewicz19 October 2013
I gave this movie a go cause I had heard about it from a friend. It's clear from the first couple images that this is a low budget movie. That being said, it was really well done and left me wanting more. I won't lie there is some very tough subject matter stuff going on here. And I admire the film makers for taking such a chance. It's more of a character piece than action porn science fiction. The movie's themes and concepts have stuck with me for days now. It's that cool and original. The acting was decent. The cinematography was nice. The space effects were not on a production level you would see in GRAVITY or PROMETHEUS (hence a low budget movie) but they worked. I recommend for those wanting smart and philosophical science fiction. Not as good as something you would see a major studio release but hands down better than anything original I've seen on the SyFy Channel.
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Kinda flimsy story.
pawhite-922996 May 2022
Well acted in parts, one bad actor...I'll let you figure out which one. Story was standard sci-fi space exploration. It kept my attention until the end.
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Weak script cripples this sci-fi movie
dogma-5366820 May 2020
The special effects are passable, the cast is not bad, but the script with its stereotypical characterizations and dialogue really does nothing to help with what could have been a decent sci-fi movie. Some good action scenes but not enough to save the film. ** 1/2
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Perhaps the worst movie ever made!
bdygk17 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Bad plot, bad acting, bad set design. Earth is destroyed. One of the 3 surviving male crew members for unexplained reasons transforms from a misogynistic man into a woman complete with blond highlighted hair, perfectly manicured nails and a big rack. The religious nerd and the rough around the edges captain and former best friend now compete for "her" affection.

This movie is so bad it would never even make it onto "Mystery science theater 3000".
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Earth needs more water
gpantalone10 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Every time I think I've seen the worst movie ever, someone comes along to challenge that honorable spot. In this latest in the long list of worst movies ever they begin with the laughable premise that earth has run low on water and the most logical, affordable solution is to send four people on a spaceship with four tanks to the moons of Jupiter to collect water and bring it back. I guess desalination of seawater would be too costly. To make a difference, they would probably have to make about150,000 trips. But this is insignificant compared to the terrible acting, particularly on the part of the Captain, and the ridiculous plot twist where the second in command spontaneously transforms into a woman for some uncomfortably weird reason. The complete lack of special effects is forgivable considering the obvious lack of a real budget, but at least they could have built a modest set with some flashing lights or something, rather leave the viewer feeling like they're watching a bunch of high school kids playing make believe in their mom's basement. All in all, hard to watch.
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